1 automatic choke
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > automatic choke
2 automatic choke
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > automatic choke
3 automatic choke
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > automatic choke
4 automatic choke
1) Автомобильный термин: автоматическая воздушная заслонка, воздушная заслонка с автоматическим управлением, автомат холодного пуска (в карбюраторе)2) Нефть: автоматический подсос -
5 automatic choke
авто автоматическое пусковое устройствоАнгло-русский универсальный дополнительный практический переводческий словарь И. Мостицкого > automatic choke
6 automatic choke
* * ** * * -
7 automatic choke
автоматический подсос (для пуска и прогрева двигателя).English-Russian dictionary of terms for geological exploration drilling > automatic choke
8 automatic choke
Англо-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > automatic choke
9 automatic choke
автомат холодного пуска (в карбюраторе); автомат холостого пуска; воздушная заслонка (в карбюраторе) с автоматическим управлением -
10 automatic choke valve
11 Automatic choke valve
Установка автоматических приводных задвижекEnglish-Russian oil and gas mini dictionary > Automatic choke valve
12 choke
1) шибер; заслонка2) дроссель || дросселировать3) нефт. штуцер4) питатель ( литниковой системы)5) лесн. чокеровать•to run on choke — регулировать дебит ( скважины) с помощью фонтанного штуцера-
adjustable choke
audio-frequency choke
automatic choke
bottom-hole choke
broadband choke
cable choke
charging choke
decoupling choke
discharging choke
electric-assist choke
filter choke
interference-suppressing choke
low-frequency choke
orifice choke
plug choke
positive choke
protective choke
radio-frequency choke
removable choke
resonant choke
ripple filter choke
short-wave choke
smoothing choke
storm choke
stove choke
supply choke
surface choke
track choke
wave trap choke
wellhead choke -
13 automatic
автоматический аппарат; II автоматический; самодействующий; автоматизированный- automatic acceleration control unit - automatic accumulator charging - automatic action - automatic adjustment - automatic adjustment mechanism - automatic advance control - automatic air regulator - automatic alarm - automatic alarm signal transmitter - automatic alternation - automatic amplitude control - automatic arc welding - automatic arc welding machine - automatic arc-welding machine - automatic assemblage - automatic assembly - automatic assembly machine - automatic backing-up - automatic backlash control - automatic backup - automatic balance control - automatic balancer - automatic balancing - automatic bar fed turning center - automatic bar feed - automatic bias control - automatic block - automatic bonding unit - automatic brake - automatic brake adjuster - automatic brake arrangement - automatic brake controller - automatic braking - automatic braking system - automatic brazing equipment - automatic buffing machine - automatic burette - automatic butt splicer - automatic calibration - automatic cam-controlled machine - automatic cathead - automatic centering - automatic chain-bending machine - automatic change of tools - automatic change-over - automatic change-over switch - automatic check - automatic check-out recording equipment - automatic checking balance - automatic checking machine - automatic checkout equipment - automatic checkout system - automatic checkout-and-readiness equipment - automatic choke - automatic chuck - automatic chuck extractor - automatic chuck-changing system - automatic chuck jaw changing - automatic chucker - automatic circuit - automatic circuit breaker - automatic circuit recloser - automatic climate control system - automatic closing system - automatic clutch - automatic cold upsetter - automatic come-along clamp - automatic compensation option - automatic compensator - automatic consistency checking - automatic constant tension mooring winch - automatic control - automatic control actuator - automatic control channel - automatic control circuit - automatic control engineering - automatic control equipment - automatic control halting instruction - automatic control installation - automatic control loop - automatic control rod - automatic control system - automatic controller - automatic conveying - automatic coupler - automatic coupling - automatic coupling device - automatic coupling screwing unit - automatic crab winch - automatic crimper - automatic crossover - automatic cut-out torque wrench - automatic cutout - automatic cycle - automatic cycle mechanism - automatic cycle working - automatic cycling equipment - automatic data analyzer - automatic data distribution - automatic data entry - automatic data processing - automatic data processing field branch - automatic data unit - automatic datum search - automatic deicing system - automatic device - automatic diagnosis - automatic diagnostic-and-recovery system - automatic discharging device - automatic disk changer - automatic door - automatic door closer - automatic door photoelectric relay - automatic drilling control - automatic drilling rig - automatic drinking bowl - automatic drive - automatic drive detection - automatic drive engagement - automatic dump - automatic-dump truck - automatic dust ejector - automatic dust unloading valve - automatic ejection - automatic electric drive - electrical drive - automatic electrode changer - automatic elevator - automatic emergency valve - automatic end stop - automatic error correction - automatic error detection - automatic exchange of tools - automatic expansion valve - automatic fault detection - automatic fault finding - automatic fault isolation - automatic fault isolation tester - automatic fault reporting - automatic fault signalling - automatic feature - automatic feed - automatic feed drill - automatic feed-off mechanism - automatic feeder - automatic feeding mechanism - automatic feedoff - automatic fire alarm - automatic fire alarm system - automatic fire annunciator - automatic fire detector - automatic fire sprinkler - automatic fixturing system - automatic flanger - automatic float-type pump-out unit - automatic flour meter - automatic flow tank - automatic focus correction servo-system - automatic forging machine - automatic front wheel drive engagement - automatic fuel economizing device - automatic fuel-control unit - automatic fuel saving device - automatic fuel shut-off - automatic fuse - automatic gage - automatic gaging-and-compensating system - automatic gain adjustment - automatic gain control - automatic gas-cutting machine - automatic gas-welding machine - automatic gate - automatic gate closer - automatic gate opener - automatic gauging - automatic gearbox - automatic generating plant - automatic generator - automatic grab - automatic gripper change - automatic gripper control - automatic guided vehicle - automatic half-hose machine - automatic heater - automatic hill holder - automatic hinged trip spider - automatic hitch - automatic holding - automatic holding device - automatic hopper-feed machine - automatic humidity regulator - automatic identification- Auto-ID- AIS - automatic idling control - automatic ignition - automatic ignition system - automatic ignition timing - automatic input - automatic insertion - automatic interlocking - automatic internal diagnosis - automatic jaw changer - automatic jaw shift device - automatic latching - automatic level - automatic level compensation - automatic level control - automatic level control system - automatic level gauge - automatic level setup - automatic leveling control system - automatic light - automatic light control - automatic light regulation - automatic line - automatic line disconnection - automatic line switching - ALS - automatic load control - automatic load sustaining brake - automatic load-gripping device - automatic loader - automatic loading - automatic lock - automatic locking - automatic locking holder - automatic locking hub - automatic locking spindle - automatic lockout - automatic lockout feature - automatic lubrication - automatic lubricator - automatic machine cycle - automatic magazine bar feed - automatic maintenance - automatic manipulator - automatic measurement-and-compensation system - automatic measuring facilities - automatic metal forming machine - automatic mixture control - automatic mode switching - automatic moisture regulator - automatic monitoring - automatic motor control gear - automatic movements starting - automatic multicam machine - automatic noise limiter - automatic noise-reduction system - automatic oil-flow controller - automatic oiling - automatic opening circuit breaker - automatic opening cover - automatic optimization - automatic overload control - automatic overload limiter - automatic overload stop - automatic packing - automatic pallet handler - automatic pallet storage-retrieval system - automatic part gaging - automatic part-loading conveyor - automatic photodetector - automatic pipe handling system - automatic pipe stabber - automatic placement - automatic plant - automatic polishing machine - automatic positioning - automatic power control - automatic power drawbar control - automatic power rotary scraper - automatic power slips - automatic press for cold pressing of nuts - automatic press for stamping electric motor stator and rotor notches - automatic pressure control - automatic pressure regulator - automatic probe changer - automatic probe changing - automatic probing cycle - automatic punch - automatic rack stacker - automatic radiator shutter - automatic ram pile driver - automatic reading - automatic reclosing circuit breaker - automatic recovery - automatic recovery program - automatic regulation - automatic regulation of belt tension - automatic regulation of drive chain tension - automatic regulation rod - automatic regulator - automatic release - automatic releaser - automatic repeat - automatic remote control - automatic reset - automatic reset-data circuit - automatic restart - automatic return - automatic return valve - automatic rotary line - automatic router - automatic routine - automatic rpm changer - automatic safety device - automatic sample changer - automatic sampler - automatic sampling - automatic sampling device - automatic sampling equipment - automatic sand-blasting machine - automatic scales - automatic screen - automatic selective overdrive - automatic sensitivity control - automatic set point - automatic shaft-position data encoder - automatic shaker bag - automatic shank spindle - automatic shift - automatic shut-off valve - automatic shutdown - automatic side-dumping - automatic signaling - automatic signalization - automatic size control tooling - automatic sorting machine - automatic spark advance - automatic spark advance governor - automatic spark advance magneto - automatic spark timer - automatic spectrometer - automatic spectrophotometer - automatic speed compensation - automatic speed control - automatic speed selection device - automatic spider - automatic spindle gear changing - automatic sprinkler fire control system - automatic stability - automatic stability controls - automatic stabilization and control system - automatic stabilizer - automatic stacker crane - automatic start - automatic starting - automatic starting motor - automatic start-up - automatic steel - automatic steering - automatic step selection - automatic stop - automatic stop switch - automatic straightening and cutting machine - automatic strip-straightening machine - automatic submerged-arc welder - automatic submerged-arc welding - automatic sucker rod spanner - automatic suction pump - automatic surveillance - automatic switch - automatic switchable redundance - automatic switchboard - automatic swivel spindle - automatic synchronization - automatic synchronizer - automatic takeup - automatic takeup mechanism - automatic temperature recording controller - automatic temperature regulator - automatic tensioning winch - automatic test analysis system - automatic test equipment - automatic test system - automatic thrust adjustment - automatic time switch - automatic time-delay switch - automatic timed magneto - automatic timer - automatic timing - automatic timing control - automatic timing device - automatic tipper - automatic tool changing apparatus - automatic tool transport mechanism - automatic tool wear-tool broken sensing system - automatic toolsetting - automatic tongs - automatic training idler - automatic transmission - automatic transmission fluid - automatic trip - automatic troubleshooting - automatic tuning - automatic two-speed geared head - automatic update - automatic vacuum deposition system - automatic valve - automatic valve adjustment - automatic viscosity controller - automatic voltage control - automatic voltage regulator - automatic warehousing - automatic warning - automatic washer - automatic water bowl - automatic water spray fire-fighting system - automatic weight controller - automatic weighing machine - automatic weigher - automatic weld - automatic welder - automatic welding - automatic welding machine - automatic wire feed - automatic workhandling - automatic workhandling device - automatic zero adjustment - automatic zero set -
14 choke
1) заглушка; заслонка•- automatic choketo choke up — закупоривать, засорять
- carburetor choke
- manual choke* * *• воздушная заслонка ("подсос")* * * -
15 choke
воздушная заслонка (карбюратора); дроссель; дроссельная катушка; реактивная катушка; сужение (трубы); II глушить; запирать; загромождать- choke valve -
16 choke
1. штуцер, фонтанный штуцер2. дроссельная катушка, дроссель3. воздушная заслонка, дроссель; заглушка || глушить; запирать; дросселировать
* * *
* * *
штуцер; фонтанный регулирующий штуцер; шайба.
* * *
штуцер, шайба
* * *
1) штуцер; фонтанный штуцер3) воздушная заслонка; дроссель; заглушка || глушить; запирать; дросселировать•- adjustable wellhead choke
- automatic wellhead choke
- bottom choke
- bottomhole choke
- fast-change choke
- fixed choke
- flow bean choke
- hydrocyclone choke
- multiple-stage choke
- needle adjustable surface choke
- nonremovable positive bottomhole choke
- orifice choke
- plug choke
- pneumatic choke
- positive choke
- positive bottomhole choke
- positive manual choke
- quick-change choke
- removable choke
- removable positive bottomhole choke
- retrievable choke
- rubber choke
- side-door choke
- storm choke
- surface choke
- top choke
- tubing choke
- wellhead choke* * *• глушить• заглушка• штуцер -
17 automatic wellhead choke
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > automatic wellhead choke
18 automatic wellhead choke
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > automatic wellhead choke
19 automatic wellhead choke
Англо-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > automatic wellhead choke
20 automatic wellhead choke
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > automatic wellhead choke
См. также в других словарях:
automatic choke — noun a choke that automatically controls the flow of air to the carburetor • Hypernyms: ↑choke … Useful english dictionary
automatic choke — A device attached to the carburetor that automatically reduces the amount of air entering the carburetor by sensing changes in engine temperature. It is usually controlled by a coil spring which changes length as the engine is warmed or cooled … Dictionary of automotive terms
automatic — [1] Colloquial term for automatic transmission. [2] Anything that operates without the direct control of the driver. Also see automatic choke automatic gearbox automatic level control automatic temperature control automatic transmission automatic … Dictionary of automotive terms
choke stove — [1]A flapper near the top of the carburetor which regulates the amount of air entering the carburetor. [2]A heating compartment in or on the exhaust manifold from which hot air is drawn to the automatic choke device. Also see choke … Dictionary of automotive terms
choke control — A device or system for operating a non automatic choke. It is usually a cable attached at one end to the choke butterfly and a knob on the dash at the other end … Dictionary of automotive terms
choke index — Automatic chokes have index marks. The factory setting closes the choke when the bimetal is about 70° F. If you want less or more choke at this temperature, move the choke index one mark in the direction indicated by the arrows designating a… … Dictionary of automotive terms
choke — I n. (on a car) 1) to pull out; push in the choke 2) an automatic; manual choke II v. 1) (D; intr.) to choke on (to choke on a bone) 2) (d; intr.) to choke with (to choke with emotion) 3) (misc.) to choke to death * * * [tʃəʊk] manual choke push… … Combinatory dictionary
choke — A butterfly valve or plate located near the top of the carburetor that limits or restricts the amount of air allowed to enter the carburetor, thus enriching the fuel air mixture and enabling the vehicle to start and run more easily when cold.… … Dictionary of automotive terms
manual choke — A linkage system which begins with a knob on the dash which can be pulled to activate and pushed to de activate. The knob is attached to a cable and the other end of the cable is attached to a the butterfly valve on the carburetor. Because many… … Dictionary of automotive terms
Chrysler Slant-6 engine — This article is about the automobile engine. For the punk rock band, see Slant 6. Chrysler Slant Six (G, RG) Engine Manufacturer Chrysler Corporation Production 1959–2000 … Wikipedia
Honda Express — Infobox Motorcycle name = Express aka = manufacturer = Honda parent company = production = 1977 1983 predecessor = successor = class = Scooter engine = 50 cc air cooled two stroke top speed = power = torque = transmission = automatic suspension … Wikipedia