1 automated design engineering system
English-Russian dictionary of Information technology > automated design engineering system
2 automated design engineering system
1) Телекоммуникации: система автоматизированного проектирования2) Электроника: САПР3) Макаров: (ADE system) система автоматического проектированияУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > automated design engineering system
3 automated design engineering system
English-Russian dictionary of modern telecommunications > automated design engineering system
4 automated design engineering system
English-Russian dictionary of electronics > automated design engineering system
5 automated design engineering system (ADE system)
Макаров: система автоматического проектированияУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > automated design engineering system (ADE system)
6 ADE system (automated design engineering system)
Макаров: система автоматического проектированияУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > ADE system (automated design engineering system)
7 system
1) система || системный3) вчт операционная система; программа-супервизор5) вчт большая программа6) метод; способ; алгоритм•system halted — "система остановлена" ( экранное сообщение об остановке компьютера при наличии серьёзной ошибки)
- CPsystem- H-system- h-system- hydrogen-air/lead battery hybrid system- Ksystem- Lsystem- L*a*b* system- master/slave computer system- p-system- y-system- Δ-system -
8 automated
- automated cement-handling air pump - automated concrete-mixing plant - automated control system - automated conveyor system - automated design and optimization of control system - automated design engineering - automated distribution system - automated drive - automated engineering - automated equipment - automated finishing - automated grinding line - automated guided vehicle - AGV - automated guided vehicle system - AGVS - automated hoist transport system - automated lift truck - automated line - automated machine assembly line - automated machinery - automated management system - automated material handling - automated material handling system - AMHS - automated material/part handling device - automated measurement - automated measuring system - automated output - automated palletizer - automated part delivery - automated parts handling - automated parts input-output system - automated pipe handling system - automated process - automated production control system - automated proportioning - automated QC means - quality control means - automated quality checking - automated reliability and maintenance management system - automated rotor-type transfer line - automated router - automated routing - automated storage and retrieval - automated storage and retrieval warehouse - automated storage-and-retrieval system - automated technical control - automated tool setting arm - automated transfer vehicle - automated trolley - automated warehouse - automated workpiece conveyance -
9 engineering
1) техника || технический2) машиностроение || машиностроительный3) конструирование; проектирование; разработка; проработка; инженерия || конструкторский; инженерный4) прикладной (напр. о науке)•- application engineering
- automated design engineering
- automated engineering
- automatic control engineering
- computer engineering
- computer-aided control engineering
- computer-aided production engineering
- computer-aided system engineering
- concurrent engineering
- control engineering
- customized engineering
- cutting tool engineering
- database engineering
- design engineering
- electrical engineering
- foundry engineering
- gear engineering
- general engineering
- heavy engineering
- heavy mechanical engineering
- human engineering
- illuminating engineering
- industrial engineering
- instrument engineering
- knowledge engineering
- light engineering
- lighting engineering
- management engineering
- manufacturing engineering
- material engineering
- mechanical engineering
- methods engineering
- NC engineering
- numerical engineering
- plant engineering
- precision engineering
- preproduction engineering
- process engineering
- product design and production engineering
- product engineering
- production engineering
- project engineering
- quality engineering
- reverse engineering
- safety engineering
- simultaneous engineering
- software engineering
- structural engineering
- surface engineering with a laser
- system engineering
- systems engineering
- value engineering
- vibration engineeringEnglish-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > engineering
10 design
1) конструкция; компоновка; проект || конструировать; компоновать; проектировать || проектный2) конструирование; проектирование3) расчёт || рассчитывать || расчётный4) дизайн, художественное конструирование5) чертёж; эскиз, схема•design for environment — проектирование с учётом экологических требований (напр. с минимальными отходами при обработке)
- 3D designdesigned from scratch — проектируемый по эскизу, проектируемый по грубому эскизу (напр. в САПР)
- actual design
- algorithm design
- alternate design
- armless design
- articulated design of drive
- automated design
- bottom-up design
- building block design
- CAD tooling design
- cantilevered design
- cartridge design
- casting design
- closed box design
- computer-aided control system design
- computer-aided design
- computer-aided optimal design
- computer-aided structural design
- computer-aided system design
- computer-assisted design
- concept design
- conceptual design
- control design
- control process design
- custom design
- data-driven design
- detail design
- deterministic design
- double-column design
- dual-purpose design
- dynamic design
- empirical design
- engineering design
- experimental design
- fail-safe design
- feature-based design
- gantry design
- guidepath design
- hard-wired design
- H-bed design
- image design
- industrial design
- integrated mechatronic design
- kingpost design
- layout design
- long-taper design
- mechanical design
- mechatronic design
- modular design
- modular robotic sensor design
- MRAC design
- NC machine design
- nested design
- object-oriented design
- optimal design
- optimum design
- overlapping tooth design
- pallet-forward design
- PERL design
- preliminary design
- process design
- product design
- production design
- program design
- programmable design
- quill design
- rational design
- release design
- revise design
- revised design
- ring bridge design
- safe design
- safety design
- schematic design
- short-tape design
- sliding-head/fixed-spindle design
- static design
- statistical design
- styling design
- supportive design
- system design
- T-bed design
- thermally symmetric design
- thermally symmetrical design
- through-tool coolant design
- tooling design
- tooth form design
- transient design
- tried-and-true design
- two-board design
- unitized design
- VLSI design
- welding design
- wrap-around way designEnglish-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > design
11 design
1) проект
2) дизайн
3) конструировать
4) конструкторский
5) конструкция
6) оптимальный
7) оформление
8) проектирование
9) проектировать
10) решение конструктивное
11) составлять план
12) планировка
13) рисовать
14) рисунок
15) синтез
16) расчетный
17) исполнение
18) конструирование
19) проектный
20) чертеж
21) конструктивный
– associate design
– automated design
– breadboard design
– circuit design
– civil-engineering design
– computer-aided design
– conceptual design
– contractor design
– cut-and-try design
– design an experiment
– design approach
– design arrangement
– design condition
– design draught
– design elevation
– design features
– design formula
– design load
– design longevity
– design moment
– design of an experiment
– design of experiment
– design of experiments
– design office
– design optimization
– design philosophy
– design pitch
– design power
– design pressure
– design procedure
– design quantity
– design reliability
– design schedule
– design stress
– design team
– design waterline
– design work
– detail design
– develop a design
– double-buttion design
– engineering design
– experimental design
– logical design
– modular design
– physical design
– preliminary design
– process design
– refine a design
– ruggedize the design
– simple in design
– structural design
– system design
– typographic design
– unconventional design
– unit-type design
completely randomized design — полностью рандомизированный план
conception phase of IC design — проработка логической структуры ИС
experimental design office — <engin.> бюро конструкторское опытное
principle of module design — <aeron.> принцип агрегатный
special design office — <engin.> бюро конструкторское особое
12 system
n1) система; комплекс2) система; порядок; классификация3) метод; способ
- accelerated cost recovery system
- accounting system
- actual cost system
- administrative system
- advanced system
- airline system
- appointment system
- assessment system
- automated control system
- automated management system
- automatic conveyor system
- automatic data processing system
- automatic transfer system
- banking system
- batch system
- bidding system
- bilateral clearing system
- bimetallic monetary system
- bonus system
- budgetary control system
- cash system
- centralized control system
- central record system
- chain store system
- checking system
- classification system
- clearing system
- clearing house interbank payment system
- closed system
- closed system of finance
- communication system
- computerised system
- computerised system of payments
- computerised interbank clearing system
- conference system
- constrained system
- constraint system
- container system
- contract system
- contractual vertical marketing system
- control system
- controlled system
- corporate vertical marketing system
- cost accounting system
- cost control system
- cost distribution system
- credit system
- crediting system
- credit scoring system
- credit transfer system
- cropping system
- currency system
- data system
- data acquisition system
- data collection system
- data interchange system
- data processing system
- data transmission system
- decentralized system
- decimal system
- deferred rebate system
- department incentive system
- deposit insurance system
- distribution system
- dual system
- dual-pay system
- dual price system
- dual standard cost system
- dynamic system
- economic system
- educational system
- electronic book-entry system
- electronic fund transfer system
- engineering system
- equilibrium system
- estimate cost system
- European monetary system
- evaluation system
- exchange system
- factory system
- farming system
- farm price system
- Federal Reserve System
- feedback system
- financial system
- fiscal system
- forecasting system
- free enterprise system
- generalized system of preferences
- giro system
- hauling system
- hire purchase system
- historical cost system
- household system
- import quota system
- imprest system
- industrial system
- inefficient tax system
- information system
- information retrieval system
- in-plant system
- inspection system
- integrated accounting system
- integrated record system
- Internet-based system
- inventory control system
- irrigation system
- job order cost system
- judicial system
- justice system
- land tenure system
- land-use system
- legal system
- licence system
- linear system
- lump system
- macroeconomic system
- management system
- management information system
- managerial system
- market system
- marketing system
- master system
- measuring system
- mechanical accounting system
- mercantile system
- metric system
- monetary system
- monitoring system
- multichannel system
- multicomputer system
- multidepot system
- multiitem system
- multilateral system of settlements
- multilevel system
- multiple system
- multiproduct inventory system
- multipurpose system
- multirobot system
- multistage system
- multiuser computer system
- national banking system
- normalized system
- office system
- one-crop system
- one-price system
- open price system
- operating system
- operational system
- order system
- ordering system
- par value system
- patent system
- pay system
- pay-as-you-earn system
- pay-as-you-go system
- payment system
- petty cash system
- piecework system
- planning system
- postal system
- post giro system
- power system
- premium system
- price system
- priority system
- private enterprise system
- process control system
- processing system
- production system
- product testing system
- programme system
- programme development system
- programming system
- protectionist system
- protective system
- public-address system
- quality system
- quality intelligence system
- quality rating system
- queueing system
- quota system
- railroad system
- railway system
- rating system
- rationing system
- real-time system
- recording system
- record keeping system
- reference system
- registration system
- relay system
- remote-control system
- reporting system
- retail trade system
- retrieval system
- risk-management system
- rotation system
- savings bank system
- scoring system
- search system
- selection system
- service system
- settlement system
- sewage system
- shared resource system
- shuttle system
- single system
- single-channel system
- social system
- stable system
- stand-alone system
- standard system
- standard cost system
- standby system
- state system
- static system
- stationary system
- storage system
- storekeeping system
- supply system
- sweating system
- tariff system
- tax system
- taxation system
- telecommunication system
- telephone system
- telephone answering system
- tender system
- tenure system
- testing system
- time-shared system
- timesharing system
- transfer system
- transmission system
- transport system
- transportation system
- trial system
- truck system
- two-shift system
- two-tier banking system
- two-tier gold system
- underwriting system
- uniform system of accounts
- universal time system
- unstable system
- value system
- vertical marketing system
- voucher system
- wage system
- wage labour system
- warehousing system
- waste disposal system
- waste handling system
- waste treatment system
- water system
- weighting system
- working system
- world system
- system of accounts
- system of administration
- system of bookkeeping
- system of classification
- system of control
- system of distribution
- system of information
- system of levies
- system of management
- system of marketing
- system of marking
- system of protective tariffs
- system of sales
- system of settlements
- system of tariffs
- system of taxation
- system of transportation
- system of units
- system of weights and measures
- bypass the banking system
- convert to a metric system
- design a system
- operate a system
- phase out the quota systemEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > system
13 knowledge engineering
English-Russian dictionary on nuclear energy > knowledge engineering
14 ADE system
Макаров: (automated design engineering system) система автоматического проектирования -
15 ADE system
см. automated design engineering system -
16 DCS
1) Компьютерная техника: Data Converting System, Desktop Color System, Digital Command Signal, Distributed Computing Suite, digital cross-connect system2) Авиация: Departure Control System, автоматизированная система контроля отправки пассажиров, Disignated Certification Specialist, double channel simplex, система управления отправками3) Военный термин: Defence Communications System, Defense Communications System, Defense Construction Service, Defense Courier Service, Deputy Chief of Staff, Aviation, Deputy Chief of Staff, Manpower, Digital Cell Site, Director, Comptroller Systems, Division Cavalry Squadron, Dynamic Coordinate System, data collection system, data communications system, data control system, data conversion system, deputy chief of staff, design change summary, destruct command system, digital command system, digital communications system, digital control system, direction center, standby, division clearing station, drone control system, Department of Combat Support (U. S. Army Command and General Staff College)4) Техника: Defense communications service, data conditioning system, data gathering system, deflection coil set, diagnostic control store, differential cross-section, digital access and cross connect system, digital countdown system, direct couple system, direct-current sensor, director comptroller system, document control system, double-channel-simplex, double-cotton single-silk insulation, РСУ (распределенная система управления), АСУ ТП5) Химия: Распределенная система управления, РСУ (Distributed control systems (DCS) are used in industrial and civil engineering applications to monitor and control distributed equipment with remote human intervention.)6) Религия: Divorce Care And Support7) Грубое выражение: Damn Chicken Spies9) Полиграфия: (desktop color separation) формат представления изображения, включающий четыре цветоделенных PostScript-файла в CMYK10) Политика: Democratic Clinton Supporter11) Телекоммуникации: Digital Cellular System, Digital Cross Connect, цифровая сотовая связь12) Сокращение: Data Collection Site (MODS report abbreviation), Defence Communications System (USA), Defense Construction Service (Denmark), Defense Courier Service (USA), Depot Computer System, Digital Camera System, Digital Computer System, Direct Commercial Sales, Direct Connect System (transports letters from the AFCS directly to a DBCS/OSS - planned for year 2004)13) Университет: Department Of Campus Safety14) Электроника: Dichlorosilane, Digitally Controlled Squelch15) Вычислительная техника: desktop color separation, digital color separation, distributed computer system, Digital Colour System (Adobe, Photoshop), Digital Cross-connect System (DEC), Defense Communications System (Mil., USA), Digital Cellular System (Mobile-Systems), Data sharing Control System (NEC), Digital Control System (NEC)17) Связь: Digital Communications Standard/System18) Фирменный знак: Diamond Computer Systems19) Экология: система сбора данных, система сбора информации20) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: РСК (Distributed Control System), распределительная система контроля (Distributed Control System)21) Производство: (Distributed Control System) Распределенная система управления22) Сетевые технологии: Digital Crosspoint Switch, data communication system, distributed computing system, distributed control system, распределённая система управления, сигнал цифровой команды, система передачи данных, устройство передачи данных23) Автоматика: diagnostic communication system, display control system24) Телефония: Data Collaboration Server25) Сахалин Р: Design Contract Specific, Distribution Control System26) Сахалин А: automated drilling process control system, data. collection system27) Химическое оружие: Data Collection Sheet28) Авиационная медицина: decompression sickness29) Макаров: differential cross section30) Безопасность: Device Control String, Disaster Control Squad31) Расширение файла: Desktop Color Separation file, Direct Coupled System, Quark Desktop Color Separation EPS file Bitmap graphics, Datafile (ACT! Activity Files)32) Энергосистемы: (ПТК - программно-технический комплекс), распределенная система контроля33) Нефть и газ: УБТ34) Карачаганак: direct control system35) Общественная организация: Downriver Community Services36) Чат: Database Connection Services37) NYSE. Doncasters, P. L. C.39) Хобби: Doll Collectors Society40) Федеральное бюро расследований: Domestic Contact Service of the CIA -
17 DCs
1) Компьютерная техника: Data Converting System, Desktop Color System, Digital Command Signal, Distributed Computing Suite, digital cross-connect system2) Авиация: Departure Control System, автоматизированная система контроля отправки пассажиров, Disignated Certification Specialist, double channel simplex, система управления отправками3) Военный термин: Defence Communications System, Defense Communications System, Defense Construction Service, Defense Courier Service, Deputy Chief of Staff, Aviation, Deputy Chief of Staff, Manpower, Digital Cell Site, Director, Comptroller Systems, Division Cavalry Squadron, Dynamic Coordinate System, data collection system, data communications system, data control system, data conversion system, deputy chief of staff, design change summary, destruct command system, digital command system, digital communications system, digital control system, direction center, standby, division clearing station, drone control system, Department of Combat Support (U. S. Army Command and General Staff College)4) Техника: Defense communications service, data conditioning system, data gathering system, deflection coil set, diagnostic control store, differential cross-section, digital access and cross connect system, digital countdown system, direct couple system, direct-current sensor, director comptroller system, document control system, double-channel-simplex, double-cotton single-silk insulation, РСУ (распределенная система управления), АСУ ТП5) Химия: Распределенная система управления, РСУ (Distributed control systems (DCS) are used in industrial and civil engineering applications to monitor and control distributed equipment with remote human intervention.)6) Религия: Divorce Care And Support7) Грубое выражение: Damn Chicken Spies9) Полиграфия: (desktop color separation) формат представления изображения, включающий четыре цветоделенных PostScript-файла в CMYK10) Политика: Democratic Clinton Supporter11) Телекоммуникации: Digital Cellular System, Digital Cross Connect, цифровая сотовая связь12) Сокращение: Data Collection Site (MODS report abbreviation), Defence Communications System (USA), Defense Construction Service (Denmark), Defense Courier Service (USA), Depot Computer System, Digital Camera System, Digital Computer System, Direct Commercial Sales, Direct Connect System (transports letters from the AFCS directly to a DBCS/OSS - planned for year 2004)13) Университет: Department Of Campus Safety14) Электроника: Dichlorosilane, Digitally Controlled Squelch15) Вычислительная техника: desktop color separation, digital color separation, distributed computer system, Digital Colour System (Adobe, Photoshop), Digital Cross-connect System (DEC), Defense Communications System (Mil., USA), Digital Cellular System (Mobile-Systems), Data sharing Control System (NEC), Digital Control System (NEC)17) Связь: Digital Communications Standard/System18) Фирменный знак: Diamond Computer Systems19) Экология: система сбора данных, система сбора информации20) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: РСК (Distributed Control System), распределительная система контроля (Distributed Control System)21) Производство: (Distributed Control System) Распределенная система управления22) Сетевые технологии: Digital Crosspoint Switch, data communication system, distributed computing system, distributed control system, распределённая система управления, сигнал цифровой команды, система передачи данных, устройство передачи данных23) Автоматика: diagnostic communication system, display control system24) Телефония: Data Collaboration Server25) Сахалин Р: Design Contract Specific, Distribution Control System26) Сахалин А: automated drilling process control system, data. collection system27) Химическое оружие: Data Collection Sheet28) Авиационная медицина: decompression sickness29) Макаров: differential cross section30) Безопасность: Device Control String, Disaster Control Squad31) Расширение файла: Desktop Color Separation file, Direct Coupled System, Quark Desktop Color Separation EPS file Bitmap graphics, Datafile (ACT! Activity Files)32) Энергосистемы: (ПТК - программно-технический комплекс), распределенная система контроля33) Нефть и газ: УБТ34) Карачаганак: direct control system35) Общественная организация: Downriver Community Services36) Чат: Database Connection Services37) NYSE. Doncasters, P. L. C.39) Хобби: Doll Collectors Society40) Федеральное бюро расследований: Domestic Contact Service of the CIA -
18 center
центр; пункт; пост; узел; середина; научпо-иселсдовагсльскпй центр, НИЦ; выводить на середину; арт. корректировать; центрировать;air C3 center — центр руководства, управления и связи ВВС
general supply (commodity) center — центр [пункт] снабжения предметами общего предназначения
hard launch (operations) control center — ркт. центр [пункт] управления пуском, защищенный от (поражающих факторов) ЯВ
launch (operations) control center — ркт. пункт управления стартового комплекса [пуском ракет]
tactical fighter weapons (employment development) center — центр разработки способов боевого применения оружия истребителей ТА
— all-sources intelligence center— C center— combat control center— educational center— logistical operations center— logistics services center— operational center— secured communications center— skill development center -
19 ASD
1) Компьютерная техника: Apple Service Diagnostic, Application Specific Discretes, Application Structure Description, Automatic Skip Driver3) Медицина: amniotic sac diameter, atrial septal defect, arterial sclerotic disease (атеросклеротическое поражение сосудов), acute stress disorder4) Американизм: (NII) Assistant Secretary of Defense (National Information Infrastructure)5) Военный термин: AWIS Software Development, Advanced Scenario Design, Advanced Systems Department, Air South Europe Directive, Air-worthiness Substantiation Document, Ammunition Storage Depot, Armament Supply Department, Armament Systems Division, Army shipping document, Army supply deport, Assigned Software Developer, Assigned Systems Developer, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Administration, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Atomic Energy, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Civil ASTSECAF, Assistant Secretary of Air Force, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Civil Defense, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Command, Control, Communications and Intelligence, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Comptroller, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Health Affairs, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Health and Environment, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Installations and Logistics, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Intelligence, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Intelligence, Telecommunications, Command and Control, Assistant Secretary of Defense, International Security Affairs, Assistant Secretary of Defense, International Security Policy, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Legislative Affairs, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Management and Finance, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Manpower, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Properties and Installations, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Public Affairs, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Research and Advanced Technology, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Research and Development, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Research and Engineering, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Supply and Logistics, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Systems Analysis, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Telecommunications, Assistant secretary of Defense, Manpower and Reserve Affairs, Assistant secretary of Defense, Manpower, Personnel, and Reserves, Assistant secretary of Defense, Manpower, Reserve Affairs and Logistics, Automatic Shut Down, administrative survey detachment, advanced submarine detection, advanced supply depot, advanced surveillance drone, aerospace defense, air support director, air surveillance drone, aircraft statistical data, ammunition subdepot, ammunition supply depot, antisatellite defense, area support detachment, arm/safe device, artillery spotting division, assignment selection date, audio simulation device, aviation service date, aviation supply depot, ПМО, помощник министра обороны, (C4I) Assistant Secretary of Defense (Command, Control, Communications, Computers and Intelligence), (ISA) Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs, (S&R) Assistant Secretary of Defense for Strategy and Requirements, (SO/LIC) Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Low Intensity Conflict, (HA) Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs, (MRA&L) Assistant Secretary of Defense for Manpower, Reserve Affairs, and Logistics, (NII) Assistant Secretary of Defense, Networks & Information Integration, (PA&E) Assistant Secretary of Defense for Program Analysis and Evaluation6) Техника: Ancient Steel Design, acceleration spectral density, adjustable speed drive, advanced sensor demonstration, air situation display, atmospheric steam dump, automatic synchronized discriminator, конструирование с учётом допускаемых напряжений (Allowable Stress Design)7) Шутливое выражение: Agonizingly Slow and Determined8) Метеорология: Another Sunny Day9) Автомобильный термин: automatic shutdown relay10) Ветеринария: Action for Singapore Dogs11) Телекоммуникации: Alternative Service Delivery12) Сокращение: Advanced System Development, Aeronautical Systems Division (Now known as Aeronautical Systems Center (USAF)), Air Space Devices, Alternative Service Delivery (Canadian Air Command), Assistant Secretary of Defense, Health Affairs (USA; HA), Average Sortie Duration, Assistant Secretary of Defense (USA; C; Comptroller), Assistant Secretary of Defense (USA; PA; Public Affairs), структурная база данных приложения (Application Structure Database (Microsoft)), Нарушения аутистичного спектра (Autistic Spectrum Disorder)13) Физика: Active Surface Definition14) Физиология: Advanced Senility Disease, Anterior Segment Dysgenesis, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Autism Spectrum Disorders, Autistic Spectrum Disorder15) Вычислительная техника: Architecture Summary Design16) Транспорт: Aircraft Situation Display, Azimuth Stern Drive17) Воздухоплавание: Aeronautical Systems Division18) Фирменный знак: Accelerator Systems Division, Advanced Strategy Division19) Деловая лексика: Authorized Solutions Developer20) Образование: After School Detention21) Сетевые технологии: automated software distribution, автоматизированное распространение программного обеспечения22) Программирование: application-specific discretes23) Автоматика: абсолютное снижение содержания серы (absolute sulphur reduction)24) Химическое оружие: Assistant Secretary of Defense (for International Security Policy), (C3I) Assistant Secretary of Defense for Command, Control, Communications, and Intelligence, (ES) Assistant Secretary of Defense for Economic Security, Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Technology, (PA&E) Assistant Secretary of Defense for Program Analysis and Evaluation, (S&TR) Assistant Secretary of Defense for Strategy and Threat Reduction25) Расширение файла: Astound Presentation file, Lotus 1-2-3 Screen Driver, Word for Windows AutoSave file, Application Structure Database (Microsoft), Automatic Skip Driver (Microsoft)26) Имена и фамилии: Albert S Davis28) NYSE. American Standard Companies, Inc., of Delaware29) Хобби: American Society Of Dowsers30) Базы данных: Action Semantic Description -
20 asd
1) Компьютерная техника: Apple Service Diagnostic, Application Specific Discretes, Application Structure Description, Automatic Skip Driver3) Медицина: amniotic sac diameter, atrial septal defect, arterial sclerotic disease (атеросклеротическое поражение сосудов), acute stress disorder4) Американизм: (NII) Assistant Secretary of Defense (National Information Infrastructure)5) Военный термин: AWIS Software Development, Advanced Scenario Design, Advanced Systems Department, Air South Europe Directive, Air-worthiness Substantiation Document, Ammunition Storage Depot, Armament Supply Department, Armament Systems Division, Army shipping document, Army supply deport, Assigned Software Developer, Assigned Systems Developer, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Administration, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Atomic Energy, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Civil ASTSECAF, Assistant Secretary of Air Force, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Civil Defense, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Command, Control, Communications and Intelligence, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Comptroller, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Health Affairs, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Health and Environment, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Installations and Logistics, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Intelligence, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Intelligence, Telecommunications, Command and Control, Assistant Secretary of Defense, International Security Affairs, Assistant Secretary of Defense, International Security Policy, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Legislative Affairs, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Management and Finance, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Manpower, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Properties and Installations, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Public Affairs, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Research and Advanced Technology, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Research and Development, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Research and Engineering, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Supply and Logistics, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Systems Analysis, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Telecommunications, Assistant secretary of Defense, Manpower and Reserve Affairs, Assistant secretary of Defense, Manpower, Personnel, and Reserves, Assistant secretary of Defense, Manpower, Reserve Affairs and Logistics, Automatic Shut Down, administrative survey detachment, advanced submarine detection, advanced supply depot, advanced surveillance drone, aerospace defense, air support director, air surveillance drone, aircraft statistical data, ammunition subdepot, ammunition supply depot, antisatellite defense, area support detachment, arm/safe device, artillery spotting division, assignment selection date, audio simulation device, aviation service date, aviation supply depot, ПМО, помощник министра обороны, (C4I) Assistant Secretary of Defense (Command, Control, Communications, Computers and Intelligence), (ISA) Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs, (S&R) Assistant Secretary of Defense for Strategy and Requirements, (SO/LIC) Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Low Intensity Conflict, (HA) Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs, (MRA&L) Assistant Secretary of Defense for Manpower, Reserve Affairs, and Logistics, (NII) Assistant Secretary of Defense, Networks & Information Integration, (PA&E) Assistant Secretary of Defense for Program Analysis and Evaluation6) Техника: Ancient Steel Design, acceleration spectral density, adjustable speed drive, advanced sensor demonstration, air situation display, atmospheric steam dump, automatic synchronized discriminator, конструирование с учётом допускаемых напряжений (Allowable Stress Design)7) Шутливое выражение: Agonizingly Slow and Determined8) Метеорология: Another Sunny Day9) Автомобильный термин: automatic shutdown relay10) Ветеринария: Action for Singapore Dogs11) Телекоммуникации: Alternative Service Delivery12) Сокращение: Advanced System Development, Aeronautical Systems Division (Now known as Aeronautical Systems Center (USAF)), Air Space Devices, Alternative Service Delivery (Canadian Air Command), Assistant Secretary of Defense, Health Affairs (USA; HA), Average Sortie Duration, Assistant Secretary of Defense (USA; C; Comptroller), Assistant Secretary of Defense (USA; PA; Public Affairs), структурная база данных приложения (Application Structure Database (Microsoft)), Нарушения аутистичного спектра (Autistic Spectrum Disorder)13) Физика: Active Surface Definition14) Физиология: Advanced Senility Disease, Anterior Segment Dysgenesis, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Autism Spectrum Disorders, Autistic Spectrum Disorder15) Вычислительная техника: Architecture Summary Design16) Транспорт: Aircraft Situation Display, Azimuth Stern Drive17) Воздухоплавание: Aeronautical Systems Division18) Фирменный знак: Accelerator Systems Division, Advanced Strategy Division19) Деловая лексика: Authorized Solutions Developer20) Образование: After School Detention21) Сетевые технологии: automated software distribution, автоматизированное распространение программного обеспечения22) Программирование: application-specific discretes23) Автоматика: абсолютное снижение содержания серы (absolute sulphur reduction)24) Химическое оружие: Assistant Secretary of Defense (for International Security Policy), (C3I) Assistant Secretary of Defense for Command, Control, Communications, and Intelligence, (ES) Assistant Secretary of Defense for Economic Security, Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Technology, (PA&E) Assistant Secretary of Defense for Program Analysis and Evaluation, (S&TR) Assistant Secretary of Defense for Strategy and Threat Reduction25) Расширение файла: Astound Presentation file, Lotus 1-2-3 Screen Driver, Word for Windows AutoSave file, Application Structure Database (Microsoft), Automatic Skip Driver (Microsoft)26) Имена и фамилии: Albert S Davis28) NYSE. American Standard Companies, Inc., of Delaware29) Хобби: American Society Of Dowsers30) Базы данных: Action Semantic Description
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