1 autoinfection
autoinfection аутоинфекцияEnglish-Russian dictionary of biology and biotechnology > autoinfection
2 autoinfection
самозаражение имя существительное:аутоинфекция (autoinfection, self-infection)самозаражение (autoinfection, self-infection) -
3 autoinfection
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > autoinfection
4 autoinfection
[͵ɔ:təʋınʹfekʃ(ə)n] n мед.аутоинфекция, самозаражение -
5 autoinfection
[ˌɔːtəʊɪn'fekʃ(ə)n]Медицина: аутогенная инфекция (эндогенная), аутоинфекция, самозаражение, эндогенная инфекция -
6 autoinfection
мед.сущ. аутоинфекция* * *аутогенная инфекция, аутоинфекция -
7 autoinfection
8 autoinfection
9 autoinfection
мед.аутоинфекция, самозаражение -
10 autoinfection
n мед. аутоинфекция, самозаражение -
11 autoinfection
The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > autoinfection
12 self-infection
13 самозаражение
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > самозаражение
См. также в других словарях:
autoinfection — [ôt΄ōin fek′shən] n. infection from a source within the organism itself, as from harmful bacteria previously present but not in contact with vulnerable areas … English World dictionary
Autoinfection — This term autoinfection refers to the ability of certain parasites, particularly helminths, to establish a life cycle within the host, eliminating the need for an intermediate stage, and secondary hosts. Organisms capable of this Strongyloides… … Wikipedia
autoinfection — autoinfekcija statusas T sritis ekologija ir aplinkotyra apibrėžtis Organizmo apsikrėtimas patogeniniais mikroorganizmais arba parazitais. atitikmenys: angl. autocontagion; autoinfection vok. Autoansteckung, f; Autoinfektion, f rus. автоинфекция … Ekologijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
autoinfection — noun Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary Date: 1903 reinfection with larvae produced by parasitic worms already in the body … New Collegiate Dictionary
autoinfection — n. [Gr. autos, self; L. inficere, to taint] Infection of a host by microorganisms or parasites produced within or upon the body of the same individual host … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
autoinfection — /aw toh in fek sheuhn/, n. Pathol. 1. reinfection by a pathogen that is already in the body. 2. infection caused by transfer of a pathogen from one part of the body to another. [1900 05; AUTO 1 + INFECTION] * * * … Universalium
autoinfection — noun The infection of a primary host with a parasite, particularly a helminth, in such a way that the complete life cycle of the parasite happens in a single organism, without the involvement of another host. See Also: autoinfect … Wiktionary
autoinfection — 1. Reinfection by microbes or parasitic organisms that have already passed through an infective cycle. 2. Self infection by direct contagion as with pinworm (Enterobius vermicularis) eggs passed in the infectious state and transmitted by… … Medical dictionary
autoinfection — n. infection whose source is within the body … English contemporary dictionary
autoinfection — au·to·infection … English syllables
autoinfection — au•to•in•fec•tion [[t]ˌɔ toʊ ɪnˈfɛk ʃən[/t]] n. pat infection caused by a pathogen that is already in one s own body • Etymology: 1900–05 … From formal English to slang