1 Auld Reekie
2 Auld Reekie
шотл."старая коптилка" (шутливое название г. Эдинбурга)...my best service to all my friends at and about Auld Reekie, and a blithe journey to you. (W. Scott, ‘The Heart of Mid-Lothian’, ch. XI) —...передайте привет всем моим друзьям в Эдинбурге - этой старой коптилке - и в его окрестностях, и желаю вам счастливого пути.
3 Auld Reekie
шутл. г. ЭдинбургБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > Auld Reekie
4 Auld Reekie
Общая лексика: "Старый дымокур" (шутливое название Эдинбурга) -
5 Auld Reekie
ЭдинбургАнгло-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > Auld Reekie
6 Auld Reekie
subst. \/ˌɔːldˈriːkɪ\/(skotsk, hverdagslig) kallenavn for Edinburgh -
7 auld reekie
Эдинбург [геогр.] -
8 Auld Reekie
[,ɔːld'riːkɪ]шотл. разг."Ста́рый дымоку́р" (Эдинбург [ Edinburgh])English-Russian Great Britain dictionary (Великобритания. Лингвострановедческий словарь) > Auld Reekie
9 Auld Reekie
[ˌɔːld 'riːkiː]сущ.; шотл.; шутл."старая коптилка" (г. Эдинбург) -
10 Reekie
11 auld
auld [ɔ:ld]Scottish vieux (vieille)►► History the Auld Alliance = l'ancienne alliance (XIIIème-XIVème siècle) unissant l'Écosse et la France contre l'Angleterre, dont le souvenir est encore souvent évoqué aujourd'hui;the Auld Enemy = surnom donné à l'Angleterre par les Écossais;Music Auld Lang Syne = chanson sur l'air de "ce n'est qu'un au revoir" que l'on chante à minuit le soir du 31 décembre en Grande-Bretagne;familiar Auld Reekie = surnom donné à Édimbourg, qui signifie littéralement "la vieille enfumée" -
12 Reekie
Reekie [ˊri:kɪ] n:Auld Reekie шотл. разг. г. Э́динбург
13 Auld
Auld Reekie шотл. разг. г. Эдинбург -
14 Auld
Auld Reekie шотл. разг. г. Эдинбург -
15 reekie
n Auld REEKIE Единбург* * *{'ri:ki} n: Auld Reekie Единбург.* * *n auld reekie Единбург -
16 auld
[ɔːld]ADJ (Scot) = oldauld lang syne — tiempos mpl antiguos, los buenos tiempos de antaño
AULD LANG SYNEAuld Reekie — Edimburgo m
Auld Lang Syne es el título de una canción tradicional escocesa que se canta en todo el Reino Unido y en EE.UU. al final de algunas fiestas y celebraciones sociales, y en especial para dar la bienvenida al Año Nuevo, a las doce de la noche de fin de año. Con la canción se intenta hacernos recordar los tiempos pasados para que se tengan presentes en esos momentos. Los primeros versos son: Should auld acquaintance be forgot, And never brought to mind, We'll tak' a cup o' kindness yet, For the sake of auld lang syne.
See:see cultural note HOGMANAY in Hogmanay -
17 auld
[ɔːld]* * *auld /ˈɔ:ld/a.(scozz.) vecchio● auld lang syne, il (bel) tempo passato; i bei tempi andati □ (fam.) Auld Reekie, «la Vecchia (Città) piena di fumo»; Edimburgo.* * *[ɔːld] -
18 auld
19 Reekie
subst. \/ˈriːkɪ\/ eller Auld Reekie( slang) kallenavn på Edinburgh -
20 Reekie
[rí:ki]nouncolloquially Auld Reekie — Edinburgh
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См. также в других словарях:
Auld Reekie — Edinburgh (literally, old smoky) • • • Main Entry: ↑auld Auld Reekie Edinburgh • • • Main Entry: ↑reek * * * Auld Reekie [Auld Reekie] a popular name for ↑ … Useful english dictionary
Auld Reekie — a popular name for Edinburgh. It means ‘old smoky’ and refers to the smoke from the city’s many chimneys. * * * … Universalium
Auld Reekie — (Scot.) Old Smoky; nickname for Edinburgh … Bryson’s dictionary for writers and editors
Auld Reekie — (Scottish Gaelic Old Smelly) smogbound Edinburgh … Eponyms, nicknames, and geographical games
Auld Reekie — Edinburgh … Scottish slang
Auld — Auld, a. [See {Old}.] Old; as, Auld Reekie (old smoky), i. e., Edinburgh. [Scot. & Prov. Eng.] [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Reekie — This interesting surname is of medieval Scottish origin, and has two distinct possible sources, each with its own history and derivation. Firstly, the name may be locational in origin from Reikie, a place in the parish of Alford, Aberdeenshire,… … Surnames reference
Reekie, Auld (Scot.) — Old Smoky ; nickname for Edinburgh … Bryson’s dictionary for writers and editors
Newcastle Roller Girls — For the Australian league, see Newcastle Roller Derby League. Newcastle Roller Girls Metro area Newcastle upon Tyne Country England Founded 2009 Teams Canny Belters … Wikipedia
Edinburgh Cape Club — The Edinburgh Cape Society is a convivial Edinburgh tavern based society which was first established in the 18th Century. It is one of many Convivial Edinburgh Societies which were extant in the 18th Century, but the only (known) one which… … Wikipedia
Clyde puffer — Steam Lighter VIC32, one of the last two sea going coal fired steam Clyde Puffers. The Clyde puffer is essentially a type of small steamboat which provided a vital supply link around the west coast and Hebrides islands of Scotland, stumpy little… … Wikipedia