1 auditor firm
см. auditing firmEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > auditor firm
2 auditor firm
см. auditing firm -
3 firm
- accountancy firm
- accounting firm
- accredited brokerage firm
- affiliated firm
- agency firm
- auditing firm
- auditor firm
- banking firm
- bankrupt firm
- blue chip firm
- broker's firm
- brokerage firm
- business firm
- civil engineering firm
- commercial firm
- competing firm
- competitive firm
- competitor firm
- consultancy firm
- consultation firm
- consulting firm
- consulting engineering firm
- contracting firm
- correspondent firm
- dealer firm
- distressed firm
- engineering firm
- entrant firm
- executive search firm
- exempted firm
- export firm
- financial firm
- financially troubled firm
- foreign firm
- forwarding firm
- incorporated firm
- individual firm
- industrial firm
- investment firm
- investment advisory firm
- investment banking firm
- joint firm
- joint commercial firm
- large firm
- law firm
- leading firm
- local firm
- long firm
- loss-making firm
- mail order firm
- major firm
- marketing firm
- member firm
- moderate-sized firm
- nonmember firm
- offshore firm
- outside firm
- over-leveraged firm
- participating firm
- patent law firm
- principal firm
- private firm
- prosperous firm
- public accounting firm
- purchasing firm
- renowned firm
- reputable firm
- retail firm
- rival firm
- search firm
- small firm
- solvent firm
- specialized firm
- start-up firm
- state firm
- state-owned firm
- stockbroker firm
- subsidiary firm
- target firm
- trade firm
- trading firm
- turnaround firm
- universal firm
- wholesale firm
- close down a firm
- cooperate with a firm
- direct a firm
- dissolve a firm
- establish a firm
- found a firm
- handle a firm
- keep a firm afloat
- liquidate a firm
- manage a firm
- operate a firm
- register a firm
- represent a firm
- run a firm
- set up a firm
- turn around a firm
- wind up a firm
- wipe out a firm -
4 firm
•- law firm -
5 auditor
сущ.1)а) ауд. аудитор, контролер отчетности (специалист, который анализирует финансовую отчетность и бухгалтерские записи на предмет соответствия принятым правилам ведения учета и реального отражения хозяйственных операций)See:authorized auditor, Certified Financial Services Auditor, city auditor, company auditor, county auditor, data processing auditor, district auditor, external auditor, field auditor, independent auditor, individual auditor, information auditor, information systems auditor, internal auditor, joint auditor, marketing auditor, personnel quality assurance auditor, predecessor auditor, premium auditor, registered auditor, staff auditor, successor auditor, systems auditor, tax auditor, travelling auditor, auditor's certificate, auditors' certificate, auditor's conclusion, auditors' findings, auditor's opinion, auditors' remuneration, auditor's report, auditors' report, board of auditors, independence of auditors, report of the auditor, report of the auditors, audit 1) The Internal Auditor, Court of Auditors, European Court of Auditors, Institute of Internal Auditors, National Association of State Auditors, Comptrollers and Treasurers, National Association of State Auditors, Comptrollers and Treasurers, National Association of State Auditors, Comptrollers and Treasurers, National Association of State Auditors, Comptrollers and Treasurers, National Association of State Auditors, Comptrollers and Treasurersб) ауд. аудитор, аудиторская компания (независимая компания, удостоверяющая правильность отчетности фирмы)Syn:See:в) гос. фин., ауд. аудитор, (бухгалтер)-ревизор* (официальное лицо, которому поручена проверка правильности расходования государственных средств)Syn:See:2) обр. вольнослушатель* (учащийся, посещающий определенный учебный курс, но не сдающий экзаменов или зачетов по курсу и не получающий учебных баллов)See:credit 1. 8)3) общ. слушатель (напр., лицо, присутствующее в зале и слушающее чью-л. речь)So low was Deems's voice that his auditors had to give it close attention. — Голос Димса был таким тихим, что его слушателям приходилось напрягать слух.
* * *
аудитор, бухгалтер-ревизор: 1) независимая компания или лицосоответствующей квалификации, удостоверяющие правильность отчетностиревизуемой фирмы для акционеров последней; 2) официальное лицо, которому поручена проверка правильности расходования государственных средств; см. external auditor;* * *ревизор; аудитор. . Словарь экономических терминов .* * *лицо, которое проводит аудит -
6 auditing firm
ауд. аудиторская компания [фирма\] (компания, действующая как независимый аудитор, т. е. проводящая аудиторскую проверку компании-клиента и составляющая аудиторское заключение по результатам проверки)Syn:See:accounting firm, independent auditor, independent audit, auditor's opinion, incorporation of audit firms* * * -
7 CPA firm
ауд., амер. аудиторская компания (компания, действующая как независимый аудитор, т. е. проводящая аудиторскую проверку компании-клиента и составляющая аудиторское заключение по результатам проверки)Syn:See: -
8 individual auditor
ауд. индивидуально практикующий аудитор (в отличие от аудитора, который работает в составе аудиторской фирмы)Ant:See: -
9 фирма
жен. firm дистрибьюторная фирма ≈ distributorship издательская фирма ≈ publishing firm, publishing houseфирм|а - ж. firm, company, concern, house;
арендная ~ leasing company, lessor;
аудиторская ~ auditor firm;
внешнеторговая ~ foreign trade company;
государственная ~ state firm;
дочерняя ~ affiliated firm, subsidiary;
страховая ~ insurance company;
строительная ~ civil engineering firm, constructors;
туристическая ~ travel company;
экспортная ~ export firm;
бланк ~ы form of a company;
глава ~ы executive director;
principal of a firm;
senior partner;
деятельность ~ы firm`s/company`s operations/activity;
капитал ~ы capital of a firm;
ликвидация ~ы liquidation/closing down/of a firm/company;
структура ~ы setup/structure of a company;
основывать ~у establish/set up, found a company/ firm;
сотрудничать с ~ой cooperate/do* business with a firm;
~енный the firm`s own;
~енное блюдо specialty of the house;
~енный бланк letterhead;
~енная этикетка proprietary label. -
10 accountant
сущ.1) эк. тр., учет бухгалтер (специалист, который на основании принципов бухгалтерского учета анализирует финансовую информацию и составляет финансовые отчеты)Whether an organisation calls its accountant a management accountant, a financial accountant or just an accountant doesn't matter. — Не имеет значения, как называть бухгалтера компании: бухгалтером по управленческому учету, финансовым бухгалтером или просто бухгалтером.
company’s accountant — бухгалтер компании
Syn:See:chief accountant, general accountant, junior accountant, semisenior, senior accountant а) accountant's department, accounting clerk, book-keeper, accountant-in-charge 2), in-charge accountant2) учет, ауд. специалист по учету (лицо, оказывающее бухгалтерские услуги, такие как составление финансовых отчетов и налоговых деклараций, аудиторская проверка финансовых документов и т. п.; часто специализируется на учете в определенных сферах, напр., налогообложении, производственном учете и т. п.)See:academic accountant, budget accountant, certified accountant, chartered accountant, cost accountant, costs accountant, financial accountant, independent accountant, industrial accountant, management accountant, practicing accountant, private accountant, professional accountant, property accountant, public accountant, senior accountant б), systems accountant, tax accountant, Accountants' index, accountant's liability, accountants professional liability insurance, accountant's lien, accountant's opinion, accountant privilege, accountant's report, accountant's responsibility, accountant-in-charge 1), in-charge accountant, Accountant's Magazine, Taxation for Accountants, The Accountant, The Accountant's Magazine, American Institute of Accountants, American Society of Woman Accountants, Association of Authorised Public Accountants, Association of Certified and Corporate Accountants, Association of Chartered Certified Accountants, Association of Government Accountants, Australian Society of Certified Practicing Accountants, International Congress of Accountants, International Federation of Accountants, National Association of Accountants, National Society of Accountants, accounting 1) а), audit 1) а) accounting firm, financial statement, quality review 2)
* * *
(Acct.) 1) бухгалтер; квалифицированное лицо, имеющее диплом или лицензию на право заниматься бухгалтерским учетом; см. accounting; 2) = auditor.* * *. . Словарь экономических терминов .* * *бухгалтер-ревизор; аудиторлицо, обученное ведению бухгалтерских книг, в которых регистрируются все финансовые трансакции коммерческих или иных организаций, и составлению периодической отчетности -
11 company
сущ.1) общ. общество, компания; гость, гостиin company — в обществе, на людях
in company with smb. — в обществе кого-л.
2) общ. собеседник; партнер по общению3) сокр. Coа) эк. компания; фирма; предприятиеcapital goods company — компания, выпускающая средства производства
company under foreign ownership — компания, являющаяся иностранной собственностью
to set up [form, found\] a company — основать [учредить\] компанию
to float a company [to launch\] a company — учредить компанию и выпустить ее акции на рынок
See:advertising company, barter company, bartering company, cargo-handling company, controlling company, controlled company, domestic company, employee leasing company, export management company, export-import company, factor company, factoring company, foreign company, forfaiting company, forwarding company, freight-handling company, global company, holding company, import-export company, international business company, international company, internationally-based company, leasing company, life settlement company, logistics company, multinational company, offshore company, overseas company, parent company, pension company, sister company, subsidiary company, supranational company, title company, title insurance company, transnational company, wholesale company, affiliated company, agent-owned reinsurance company, captive insurance company, allied company, ancillary company, associate company, related company, auxiliary company, benevolent company, bogus company, captive finance company, captive insurance company, charitable company, chartered company, close company, close investment holding company, closed company, closed end management company, closed-end investment company, close-end investment company, closed-end management company, investment company, commercial company, company agreement, company auditor, company bargaining, company bull, company by-law, company car, company card, company doctor, company formation, company indicia, company law, company limited by guarantee, company limited by shares, company man, company name, company officer, company registrar, company secretary, company statute, company tax, company treasurer, company union, company unionism, company-wide, defunct company, dormant company, established company, exempt private company, farming company, formation of company, incorporated company, independent company, intercompany transaction, investment trust company, joint company, joint stock company, limited company, limited liability company, limited purpose trust company, management company, multiplant company, mutual company, nominee company, non-commercial company, non-for-profit company, not-for-profit company, one man company, open-end company, paper company, plan company, private company, private limited company, private limited liability company, proprietary company, public company, public limited company, public limited liability company, public utility company, publicly held company, publicly owned company, publicly traded company, quasi-public company, registered company, registration of company, regulated company, related company, shell company, sleeping company, small business investment company, small company, statutory company, sub-company, trust company, underlying company, unlimited company, blue chip company, company officer 2) African Management Services Companyб) эк., юр., амер. (собирательное понятие, применяемое, как правило, к формам организации бизнеса, имеющим в основе своей деятельности объединение капиталов: корпорации, товариществу и т. п.; не применяется по отношению к такой форме, как индивидуальное предпринимательство)Syn:See:в) эк., юр., брит. = corporation 2) б),г) ист. (те члены коммерческой организации, чьи фамилии не упоминаются в названии)See:4) общ., разг., амер. контора*, органы* (Центральное разведывательное управление США, ЦРУ; с определенным артиклем, с прописной буквы)See:5) эк. тр. гильдия (организация, действующая в Лондонском Сити, занимающаяся в основном благотворительной деятельностью и образовавшаяся из средневековых профессиональных объединений)6) мор. экипаж, команда7) воен. воинская единица; батальон, рота ( пехотные), батарея ( артиллерийская), эскадрон ( кавалерийский)See:
* * *
company (Co; Coy) компания: юридическое лицо, представляющее собой ассоциацию вкладчиков капитала (акционеров) для осуществления той или иной деятельности (товарищество, акционерная компания); = corporation 2.* * *компания, акционерное общество, фирма. . Словарь экономических терминов .* * *корпоративное предприятие, которое является юридическим лицом, в отличие от его участников; компания оперирует как самостоятельная единица, успеха которой добиваются все ее члены -
12 data processing
комп. обработка данных (процесс превращения данных в информацию посредством классификации, сортировки, объединения, записи и т. п.)Syn:See:data processing administrator, data processing auditor, data processing company, data processing firm, data processing manager* * *. . Словарь экономических терминов . -
13 marketing
сущ.1) эк. торговля, реализация, продажа, сбыт (процесс передачи товаров от производителей промежуточным или конечным потребителям)ATTRIBUTES: cooperative, direct 1. 3), domestic 1. 2) а), global 1. 1) а), local 1. 1) а), mass 3. 1) а), national 1. 1) а), regional
See:cooperative marketing 2), direct marketing 2), domestic marketing 2), global marketing 2), 1), local marketing 2), mass marketing 2), national marketing 2), regional marketing 2) marketing authority, marketing behaviour 2), marketing board, marketing contract, marketing facilities 1), marketing level 2), marketing outlet 2), marketing permit, marketing position 2), marketing potential 2), marketing quota, marketing territory, marketing transaction 2), marketing year, usual marketing requirements, advertising, selling, merchandising2) марк. маркетинг (система методов и средств продвижения товаров или услуг от производителя к потребителю; включает анализ рынка, дизайн, разработку упаковки, разработку системы сбыта, рекламу и т. д.)marketing director — маркетинговый директор, директор по маркетингу
marketing expert — маркетинговый эксперт, эксперт в области маркетинга
marketing expertise — маркетинговая экспертиза, экспертная оценка в области маркетинга
Do we need to improve marketing or simply drop a particular product? — Нужно ли нам улучшить маркетинг или лучше отказаться от какого-л. продукта?
Internet marketing is not as difficult as it sounds. — Маркетинг в интернет не так сложен, как может показаться.
ATTRIBUTES: affinity, agricultural, ambush, back end, bank, bench, brand, business site, business-to-business, buzz, catalogue, cause-related, celebrity, circulation, competitive, concentrated 1) а), consumer goods, consumer, consumer-oriented, convergent, conversion, cooperative, corporate, counter, cross, customized, database, data-driven, developing, differentiated, dimensional, direct mail, direct, direct response, divergent, domestic 2) а), door-to-door, electronic, enlightened, ethnic, event, exponential, export 3. 2) а), farm 1. 1) а), financial 1. 2) а), foreign 1. 1) б), fraudulent, front end, full-scale, generic, geodemographic, global 1. 1) б), grassroots, green, grey, health care, housing, idea, incentive, industrial 1. 1) а), а, innovative, integrated, interactive, international, Internet, joint, knowledge-based, leveraged, list, local 1. 1) а), mass, media, multichannel, multilevel, multisegment, multistep, national 1. 1) а), negative option, network, niche, non-profit, one-step, one-to-one, on-line, operational, opt-in, opt-out, organic, organizational, permission, person, personal, personnel, place, product, product-differentiated, product-oriented, promotion, promotional, referral, regional, request, retail, scientific, segmented, sense-of-mission, service 1. 2) а), shopper, social, societal, sports, stimulating, strategic, structure, supporting, symbiotic, synchro, tactical, target 3. 2) а), targeted, telephone, television, test, trade, undifferentiated, unsegmented, vacation, value, vendor, video, viral, world
See:affinity marketing, agricultural marketing, agrimarketing, ambush marketing, back end marketing, back-end marketing, bank marketing, benchmarketing, brand marketing, business site marketing, business-to-business marketing, buzz marketing, catalogue marketing, cause-related marketing, celebrity marketing, circulation marketing, comarketing, co-marketing, competitive marketing, concentrated marketing, consumer goods marketing, consumer marketing, consumer-oriented marketing, convergent marketing, conversion marketing, cooperative marketing 1), corporate marketing, countermarketing, counter-marketing, cross-marketing, customized marketing, database marketing, data-driven marketing, demarketing, developing marketing, differentiated marketing, dimensional marketing, direct mail marketing, direct marketing 1), direct response marketing, direct-mail marketing, divergent marketing, domestic marketing 1), door-to-door marketing, electronic marketing, e-marketing, enlightened marketing, ethnic marketing, event marketing, events marketing, exponential marketing, export marketing, farm marketing, financial marketing, foreign marketing, fraudulent marketing, front end marketing, front-end marketing, full-scale marketing, generic marketing, geodemographic marketing, global marketing 1), grassroots marketing, green marketing, grey marketing, health care marketing, housing marketing, idea marketing, incentive marketing, industrial marketing, innovative marketing, integrated marketing, interactive marketing, international marketing, 2), joint marketing, knowledge-based marketing, leveraged marketing, list marketing, local marketing 1), macromarketing, mass marketing 1), media marketing, megamarketing, micromarketing, micro-marketing, multilevel marketing, multisegment marketing, multistep marketing, multi-step marketing, national marketing 1), negative option marketing, network marketing, niche marketing, non-profit marketing, one-step marketing, one-to-one marketing, on-line marketing, operational marketing, opt-in marketing, opt-out marketing, organic marketing, organizational marketing, permission marketing, person marketing, personal marketing, personnel marketing, place marketing, political candidate marketing, political marketing, pre-emptive marketing, premarketing, pre-marketing, product marketing, product-differentiated marketing, product-oriented marketing, promotion marketing, promotional marketing, referral marketing, regional marketing 1), remarketing, request marketing, retail marketing, scientific marketing, segmented marketing, sense-of-mission marketing, services marketing, shopper marketing, social marketing, societal marketing, sports marketing, stimulating marketing, strategic marketing, structure marketing, supporting marketing, symbiotic marketing, synchro marketing, synchromarketing, tactical marketing, target marketing, targeted marketing, telemarketing, telephone marketing, television marketing, test marketing, trade marketing, undifferentiated marketing, unsegmented marketing, vacation marketing, value marketing, vendor marketing, video marketing, viral marketing, world marketing, marketing action, marketing administration, marketing agency, marketing agreement, marketing analysis, marketing analyst, marketing appeal, marketing approach, marketing area, marketing arithmetic, marketing audit, marketing auditor, marketing behaviour 1), marketing bill, marketing budget, marketing campaign, marketing capability, marketing career, marketing chain, marketing channel, marketing communications, marketing company, marketing concept, marketing consultant, marketing control, marketing cooperation, marketing cooperative, marketing cost, marketing database, marketing decision, marketing department, marketing editor, marketing effectiveness, marketing efficiency, marketing environment, marketing ethics, marketing evaluation, marketing event, marketing expenditure, marketing expense, marketing expense-to-sales analysis, marketing experiment, marketing facilities 2), marketing feasibility, marketing firm, marketing function, marketing image, marketing implications, marketing information system, marketing instrument, marketing intelligence, marketing intermediary, marketing launch, marketing level 1), marketing logistics, marketing man, marketing management, marketing manager, marketing margin, marketing media, marketing medium, marketing middleman, marketing mix, marketing model, marketing myopia, marketing niche, marketing offer, marketing opportunity, marketing organization, marketing orientation, marketing outlet 1), marketing overkill, marketing performance, marketing plan, marketing planning, marketing position 1), marketing positioning, marketing potential 1), marketing productivity, marketing representative, marketing research, marketing response, marketing risk, marketing science, marketing scientist, marketing segmentation, marketing service, marketing specialist, marketing spread, marketing stimulus, marketing strategy, marketing strength, marketing support, marketing system, marketing tactics, marketing technique, marketing tool, marketing transaction 1), marketing value, marketing warfare, marketing weakness, advertising, pricing, promotion, product line, ICC / ESOMAR International Code of Marketing and Social Research Practice, ICC Guidelines / Code on Advertising and Marketing on the Internet, ICC International Codes of Marketing and Advertising Practices, Journal of Marketing, Marketing Society, American Marketing Association, British Institute of Marketing, Chartered Institute of Marketing, Communication, Advertising and Marketing Education Foundation, Communication, Advertising and Marketing Education Foundation, Communication, Advertising and Marketing Education Foundation, Communication, Advertising and Marketing Education Foundation, Communication, Advertising and Marketing Education Foundation, Communication, Advertising and Marketing Education Foundation, Communication, Advertising and Marketing Education Foundation, Communication, Advertising and Marketing Education Foundation3) торг. покупка продуктов (как правило, на рынке), закупка провизииI could prove that any male could do the weekly marketing at our local Ding Dong faster than any Mom. — Могу сказать с уверенностью, что любой мужчина может закупать провизию в нашем местном "Динг-Донге" быстрее домохозяйки.
See:4) потр., редк. предметы торговли; купленные товары [продукты\]See:
* * *
маркетинг: система методов и средств продвижения товаров от производителя к потребителю; включает анализ рынка, дизайн, разработку упаковки, организацию сбыта, рекламу и т. д.* * *. система организации производственно-сбытовой деятельности предприятия, в основе которой лежит комплексное изучение рынка, оценка и учет всех условий производства и сбыта продукции, товаров, услуг в ближайшее и более отдаленной перспективе. Основными элементами М. выступают: маркетинговые исследования и сбор информации, планирование ассортимента продукции, реализация, реклама и стимулирование сбыта. . Словарь экономических терминов 1 .* * *маркетинг’процесс выявления, максимизации и удовлетворения потребительского спроса на изделия компании
См. также в других словарях:
Auditor independence — refers to the independence of the auditor from parties, that have an interest in the financial statements of an entity. It is essentially an attitude of mind characterized by integrity and an objective approach to the audit process. The concept… … Wikipedia
auditor — au·di·tor / ȯ də tər/ n 1: a person qualified and authorized to examine and verify financial records 2: a referee appointed by a court in a civil action; esp: one designated to prepare an account for the court see also master Merriam Webster’s… … Law dictionary
auditor — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ company, company s ▪ internal ▪ external, independent, outside ▪ county (AmE) … Collocations dictionary
auditor — A person or firm appointed to carry out an audit of an organization. In the UK, since the Companies Act (1989) an external auditor must be a registered auditor or a member of a recognized supervisory body and be eligible for appointment under the … Accounting dictionary
auditor — A person or firm appointed to carry out an audit of an organization. In the UK, since the Companies Act (1989) an external auditor must be a registered auditor or a member of a Recognized Supervisory Body and be eligible for appointment under the … Big dictionary of business and management
tax auditor — tax audit UK US noun [C] TAX ► an official examination of the information that a person or a business provides to the tax authority to check that it is accurate and legal: »The firm handles complex state tax audits for large companies. tax… … Financial and business terms
@Home Network — Infobox Defunct Company company name = @Home Network company fate = Bankruptcy foundation = July 11, 1996 defunct = October 1, 2001 location = United States industry = Telecommunication key people = William Randolph Hearst III, co founder and CEO … Wikipedia
PricewaterhouseCoopers — For other uses, see PWC (disambiguation). PricewaterhouseCoopers (trading as PwC) Type Member firms have different legal structures; both UK and US firms are limited liability partnerships Industry … Wikipedia
Corporate governance — Not to be confused with corporate statism, a corporate approach to government rather than the government of a corporation Corporate governance is a number of processes, customs, policies, laws, and institutions which have impact on the way a… … Wikipedia
Sarbanes-Oxley Act — The Sarbanes Oxley Act of 2002 (USStatute|107|204|116|745|2002|07|30), also known as the Public Company Accounting Reform and Investor Protection Act of 2002 and commonly called SOX or Sarbox; is a United States federal law enacted on July 30,… … Wikipedia
Audit — For other uses, see Audit (disambiguation). Accountancy Key concepts Accountant · Accounting period · Bookkeeping · Cash and accrual basis · Cash flow management … Wikipedia