1 audio band-pass filter
полосовой фильтр звуковых частотБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > audio band-pass filter
2 audio band-pass filter
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > audio band-pass filter
3 audio band pass filter
Техника: полосовой фильтр звуковых частотУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > audio band pass filter
4 audio band-pass filter
Техника: полосовой фильтр звуковых частотУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > audio band-pass filter
5 audio frequency band-pass filter
Музыка: фильтр низких частотУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > audio frequency band-pass filter
6 audio frequency band-pass filter
English-Russian musical dictionary > audio frequency band-pass filter
7 filter
1) фильтр || фильтровать2) светофильтр•-
absorbent-type filter
absorbent filter
absorbing filter
absorption filter
ac line filter
ac supply filter
acoustic filter
acousto-optical filter
activated carbon filter
active filter
active power filter
adaptive filter
adaptive notch filter
additive color filter
additive filter
adjustable density filter
aerolescer pneumatic filter
aerosol filter
agile filter
air filter
air-conditioning filter
air-intake filter
all-dielectric interference filter
all-pass filter
all-pole filter
all-zero filter
ambient-light filter
analog filter
analog postsampling filter
analog presampling filter
anion-exchange filter
antialiasing filter
antialias filter
aperture filter
ash-free filter
attenuator filter
audio band-pass filter
auto filter
automatic drain filter
bacterial filter
bacteriological filter
bag filter
balanced filter
band split filter
band vacuum filter
band-elimination filter
band-exclusion filter
band-limited filter
band-pass filter
band-rejection filter
band-selective filter
band-stop filter
bandwidth filter
bath filter
beacon filter
beat-interference filter
belt filter
bilithic filter
binary filter
biological filter
blanket filter
blue filter
branching filter
bridge filter
broadband filter
Butters filter
Butterworth filter
bypass filter
bypass hydraulic filter
candle filter
canonical recursive filter
capacitive filter
capacitor filter
cartridge filter
cation-exchange filter
Cauer filter
cavity band-pass filter
cavity filter
cavity-coupled filter
centrifugal air filter
centrifugal filter
centrifugal oil filter
ceramic filter
channel bank filter
channel filter
channel separating filter
channel television filter
Chebyshev filter
chirp filter
choke filter
chroma filter
chrominance notch filter
click filter
clogged filter
cloth filter
clutter suppression filter
clutter filter
C-message filter
coalescing filter
coarse filter
coarse fuel filter
coarse-grained filter
coarse-mesh filter
coaxial direct coupled resonator filter
coaxial filter
color filter
color-balancing filter
color-compensating filter
color-correcting filter
color-encoding filter
color-separation filter
color-stripe filter
color-subcarrier notch filter
color-trimming filter
comb filter
combined fuel filter
compensating filter
compensation filter
contact filter
continuously variable filter
convolution filter
correcting filter
correction filter
cross coupling filter
crystal filter
cyan filter
dark-room filter
dechirping filter
decimation filter
decision-feedback filter
decoupling filter
deemphasis filter
deer-skin filter
dehydrator filter
delay-line filter
depth filter
detarring filter
dewatering filter
dielectric filter
dielectric resonator filter
diesel and fuel-oil filter
digital elliptic filter
digital filter
digital matched filter
digitally controlled filter
discrete filter
discrete-time linear filter
discrimination filter
disk filter
disk vacuum filter
dispersion filter
dispersive filter
disposable element filter
disposable hydraulic filter
distributed-constant filter
distributed-element filter
Doppler filter
downward-flow filter
drainage filter
drum filter
drum vacuum filter
dry electrical filter
dry filter
drying filter
dual hydraulic filter
dual-split filter
duplex filter
dust filter
easy-off filter
edge-type disk filter
effects filter
electric filter
electromechanical filter
electronically tunable filter
elimination filter
elliptic filter
enhancement filter
enlarging filter
envelope filter
equalized filter
equiripple filter
externally mounted filter
extraripple filter
fabric filter
fan filter
feedback filter
feedthrough filter
ferrite-tunable filter
fiberglass filter
fibrous filter
film filter
final filter
fine fuel filter
finite-duration impulse-response filter
finite impulse-response filter
fixed target rejection filter
fixed-frequency filter
fixed filter
float drain filter
fog filter
frequency filter
frequency-selective filter
front-end filter
fuel filter
fuel primary filter
full-flow filter
full-flow powdered ion-exchange filter
Gaussian filter
gauze filter
gelatin filter
generating filter
glass filter
glovebox filter
graded filter
gravel filter
gravel packed filter
gravel-sand filter
gravitation filter
gravity filter
gray filter
grease filter
guard filter
gyrator filter
harmonic filter
H-cation filter
heat filter
heavy oil filter
HEPA filter
high-cut filter
high-frequency filter
high-pass filter
high-pressure filter
high-rate filter
high-temperature filter
holographic filter
hose air-jet filter
hose pressure filter
hose suction filter
hot filter
hum-eliminating filter
hum filter
hydraulic filter
I filter
IIR filter
image-deblurring filter
image-reflection filter
impingement filter
inductive filter
infinite-duration impulse-response filter
infinite impulse-response filter
infrared filter
in-line filter
input filter
insert filter
intake filter
in-tank filter
integral oil filter
integrate-and-dump filter
integrating filter
interdigital filter
interference filter
intermediate-frequency filter
interpolation filter
inverse filter
inverted filter
ion-exchange filter
isolation filter
jet filter
Kalman filter
keying filter
ladder-type filter
ladder filter
lag filter
lattice filter
leapfrog filter
light filter
line filter
linear filter
loop filter
low-cut filter
low-frequency filter
low-pass filter
low-pass sampling filter
low-pass zonal filter
low-pressure filter
low-rate filter
L-type hydraulic filter
lubrication filter
lumped-constant filter
lumped-element filter
magnetic filter
mandrel wrap filter
mantle filter
mash filter
mass filter
matched filter
matching filter
maximal ripple filter
maximally-flat filter
mechanical-wave filter
mechanical filter
membrane filter
meshwire filter
mesh filter
metal disk fuel filter
micronic filter
microstrip filter
microwave filter
millipore filter
mineral filter
minimum-delay filter
minimum-phase filter
mirror filter
mismatched filter
mist filter
mode filter
modular hydraulic filter
modulation filter
monopole mass filter
mosaic filter
multibag filter
multiband filter
multicavity microwave filter
multiple resonator filter
multisection filter
multistage filter
narrow-band filter
neutral-density filter
neutral filter
neutralizing filter
never stop filter
night filter
noise filter
nonclogging filter
nonlinear filter
nonminimum phase filter
nonrecursive filter
North matching filter
notch filter
nutsch filter
octave filter
oil bath filter
oil filter
oil-bath air filter
one-pole filter
on-line installable filter
optical filter
output filter
outside-in filter
pack filter
paper filter
partial flow filter
partial flow hydraulic filter
pass-band filter
passive filter
percolating filter
percolation filter
phase filter
pilot filter
pipeless filter
pi-section filter
plate-type filter
plate filter
plugged filter
polarization filter
polarizing filter
polaroid filter
pole-zero filter
porous metal filter
postdigitizing filter
postemphasis filter
postequalization filter
postsampling filter
powder filter
power-line filter
precoat filter
prediction filter
predictive-error filter
predigitizing filter
preliminary filter
presampling filter
pressure filter
pressure line filter
primary filter
prime filter
programmable filter
proportional filter
psophometric filter
pulse-compression filter
pulse-jet filter
purified-helium dust filter
Q filter
quad filter
quadrature mirror filter
quadrupole mass filter
quartz filter
quick removal filter
rapid filter
reconstruction filter
rectifier filter
recursive filter
rejection filter
repulp filter
resonant filter
return filter
return oil filter
reverse filter
RF filter
ripple filter
roll-off filter
rotary filter
safety filter
sampled-data filter
sand filter
SAW filter
scatter filter
screen filter
screw-in filter
scrubber filter
scrubbing filter
second order damped filter
secondary air filter
secondary filter
security filter
selective filter
self-aligning filter
self-blowing drum filter
self-cleaning filter
self-tuning filter
separation filter
sewage filter
shaping filter
sharp-cutoff filter
shunt filter
sideband filter
signal-separation filter
silica gel filter
sintered filter
sintered glass filter
sintered metal filter
smoke filter
smoothing filter
sniffing filter
softening filter
solid-state filter
spatial filter
spatiotemporal filter
sponge filter
standard-rate filter
star filter
state-variable filter
streamline filter
striped-color filter
striped filter
strip-line filter
submersible filter
subtractive color filter
subtractive filter
suction filter
suppression filter
surface-acoustic-wave filter
swept filter
switched-capacitor filter
synchronous filter
synthetic fiber dust filter
tapped-delay line filter
telltale filter
textile filter
Thomson filter
through filter
throw-away filter
time-varying filter
toe filter
total filter
tracking filter
transmission filter
transparency filter
transversal filter
trickling filter
tricolor filters
trimming filter
T-type hydraulic filter
tubular cloth filter
tunable filter
tuned filter
two-stage hydraulic filter
ultraviolet filter
unmatched filter
vacuum filter
variable band-pass filter
variable density filter
variable filter
velocity filter
ventilation filter
vestigial sideband filter
video filter
viscous filter
voice filter
wadding filter
wash hydraulic filter
water filter
wave filter
waveguide direct coupled resonator filter
waveguide filter
wedge interference filter
weighting filter
weight filter
wet electrical filter
wet filter
whitening filter
wide-band filter
Wiener filter
wire mesh filter
wire screen filter
YIG filter
zero-memory filter
zonal filter -
8 band
1. связывать2. диапазон3. полосовой4. полоса; зона5. зона -
9 audio
1) audio amplification — усиление звуковой частоты, усиление низкой частоты;2) audio amplifier — усилитель низкой частоты; 3) audio band — диапазон звуковых частот; 4) audio cable — звуковой кабель, аудиокабель; 5) audio channel — звуковой канал; 6) audio channel assign — выбор звукового канала; 7) audio frequency — звуковая частота; 8) audio frequency band-pass filter — фильтр низких частот; 9) audio generator — генератор звуковой частоты; 10) audio in — звуковой вход; audio input — звуковой вход; 11) audio input jack — гнездо звукового входа; 12) audio input level — входной уровень; 13) audio operator — звукооператор, звукорежиссер; 14) audio oscillator — генератор звуковой частоты; 15) audio out — звуковой выход; audio output — звуковой выход; 16) audio output jack — гнездо звукового выхода; 17) audio output level — выходной уровень; 18) audio restoration — реставрация ( восстановление) аудиозаписи; 19) audio signal — аудиосигнал; 20) audio spectrum — спектр звуковых частот; 21) audio track — звуковая дорожка, аудиотрек -
10 band
2) геод. мерная лента ( обычно металлическая)4) архит. поясок6) метал. бандаж; ленточная связь ( стягивающая шахту доменной печи)7) зона8) диапазон (частот); полоса (частот)10) вчт. группа дорожек ( магнитного барабана)12) бумажная бандероль ( на упаковках)13) бинт ( книжного переплёта)14) швейн. пояс; деталь пояса•band and gudgeon — петля для навески ворот-
absorption band
allocated frequency band
allocated band
amateur band
annealing twin band
antiladder band
armature bands
assigned-frequency band
assigned band
atmospheric transmission band
attenuation band
audio band
baling band
binding bands
Bloch band
body band
brake band
broad band
broadcast band
building band
carrier roller band
chrominance band
citizen band
clamping band
cloud band
collar band
collecting band
communication band
compressor bleed band
conducting band
continuous-tone band
cord band
coupling band
curved band
cushion band
cutting band
dead band
decade band
emission band
empty band
energy band
energy gap band
excitation band
exclusive band
extra band
extremely high-frequency band
extremely low-frequency band
extruded band
far infrared band
fare band
feeder band
filled band
film band
filter attenuation band
filter elimination band
filter exclusion band
filter pass band
filter rejection band
filter stop band
filter suppression band
filter transmission band
flat band
FM broadcast band
forbidden band
frequency band
frequency-modulated broadcast band
garter band
Gaussian band
guard band
ham band
hardenability band
heel scuff band
high-frequency band
hot band
hound band
idler band
impurity band
incorporation band
infralow-frequency band
infrared absorption band
kink band
ladder-stop band
lattice band
liner band
lock-in band
low band
lower side band
low-frequency band
Luder's bands
luminance band
main conduction band
marine band
medium-frequency band
metering band
microwave band
millimeter-wave band
Mobius band
monochrome band
narrow band
neck band
normal band
operating band
optical band
oven band
overlapping bands
partially occupied band
pass band
permitted band
phosphor emission band
pile band
pressure switch dead band
pumping band
quantized band
Raman band
resonance band
reverse band
rotational band
rubbing band
saw band
scruff bands
seal band
service band
shadow band
shared band
shiny bands
short-wave band
side band
slip bands
smeared band
spinning band
spreaded band
spread band
stop band
super-high frequency band
suppression frequency band
surface band
sweep band
synchronization band
tension band
tolerance band
tolerance sitting band
trailing convective band
transition band
transmission band
tread band
ultra-high frequency band
undertread band
unoccupied band
unvoiced band
upper side band
valence band
very-high frequency band
very-low frequency band
video band
voiced band
wave band
wear-resistant band
wide band
yielded band
zodiacal band -
11 band
1) лента; полос(к)а2) пояс(ок); ремень; обруч; бандаж3) полоса; интервал; промежуток; диапазон4) полоса частот; диапазон частот5) область; зона6) фтт (энергетическая) зона7) группа; скопление || группироваться; скапливаться8) вчт группа дорожек (напр. магнитного барабана)9) (небольшой) оркестр; музыкальная группа•- band of excitation levels
- A-band
- absorption band
- allocated frequency band
- allowed band
- allowed energy band
- altimeter band
- amateur band
- amateur frequency band - attenuation band
- audio band
- B-band
- binding band
- black band
- Bloch band
- broad band
- broadcast band
- C-band
- carrier band
- chrominance band
- citizen band
- cloud band
- combined band
- communication band
- conduction band
- conductivity band
- confidence band
- control band
- curved band
- D-band
- dead band
- decade band
- defect absorption band
- degenerate conduction band
- dimer band
- E-band
- emission band
- emission frequency band
- empty energy band
- energy band
- energy gap band
- error band
- excitation band
- extremely high-frequency band
- extremely low-frequency band
- F-band
- facsimile band
- fare band
- filled band
- filter attenuation band
- filter elimination band
- filter exclusion band
- filter pass band
- filter rejection band
- filter stop band
- filter suppression band
- filter transmission band
- flat band
- FM broadcast band
- forbidden energy band
- frequency band
- frequency-modulated broadcast band
- fundamental band
- G-band
- Gaussian band
- guard band
- H-band
- ham band
- heavy-hole band
- high band
- high-frequency band
- high-frequency broadcast band
- hot band
- I-band
- impurity energy band
- industrial, scientific and medical band
- infralow-frequency band
- interference guard band
- ISM band
- J-band
- jammer band
- K-band
- L-band
- lattice absorption band
- light-hole band
- locking band
- low band
- lower band
- low-frequency band
- luminance band
- luminescence band
- M-band
- main conduction band
- marine band
- Mash bands
- medium-frequency band
- message band
- meteorological band
- microwave band
- millimeter-wave band
- monomer band
- Möbius band
- multivalley conduction band
- narrow band
- nominal facsimile band
- non-parabolic band
- normal band
- occupied band
- octave band
- one-third-octave band
- operating band
- optical band
- overlapping bands
- parabolic band
- partially occupied band
- pass band
- periodicity band
- permitted band
- phosphorescence band
- proportional band
- pumping band
- radar bands
- Raman band
- rejection band
- relay band
- resonance absorption band
- rotation band
- rotational band
- service band
- short-wave band
- side band
- slip band
- spreaded band
- standard broadcast band
- stop band
- straddle band
- subcarrier band
- submillirneter-wave band
- superhigh-frequency band
- surface band
- sweep band
- sync band
- synchronization band
- telemeter band
- television broadcast band
- tension band
- transmission band
- transmission system frequency band
- ultrahigh-frequency band
- unvoiced band
- upper band
- valence band
- very high-frequency band
- very low-frequency band
- vibration-rotation band
- video band
- voice band
- water-vapor absorption band
- wave band
- waveguide transmission band
- wide band -
12 band
1) лента; полос(к)а2) пояс(ок); ремень; обруч; бандаж3) полоса; интервал; промежуток; диапазон4) полоса частот; диапазон частот5) область; зона6) фтт. (энергетическая) зона7) группа; скопление || группироваться; скапливаться8) вчт. группа дорожек (напр. магнитного барабана)9) (небольшой) оркестр; музыкальная группа•- A band- absorption band
- allocated frequency band
- allowed band
- allowed energy band
- altimeter band
- amateur band
- amateur frequency band
- assigned frequency band
- atmospheric transmission band
- attenuation band
- audio band
- B band
- band of analiticity
- band of excitation levels
- binding band
- black band
- Bloch band
- broad band
- broadcast band
- C band
- carrier band
- chrominance band
- citizen band
- cloud band
- combined band
- communication band
- conduction band
- conductivity band
- confidence band
- control band
- curved band
- D band
- dead band
- decade band
- defect absorption band
- degenerate conduction band
- dimer band
- E band
- emission band
- emission frequency band
- empty energy band
- energy band
- energy gap band
- error band
- excitation band
- extremely high-frequency band
- extremely low-frequency band
- F band
- facsimile band
- fare band
- filled band
- filter attenuation band
- filter elimination band
- filter exclusion band
- filter pass band
- filter rejection band
- filter stop band
- filter suppression band
- filter transmission band
- flat band
- FM broadcast band
- forbidden energy band
- frequency band
- frequency-modulated broadcast band
- fundamental band
- G band
- Gaussian band
- guard band
- H band
- ham band
- heavy-hole band
- high band
- high-frequency band
- high-frequency broadcast band
- hot band
- I band
- impurity energy band
- industrial, scientific and medical band
- infralow-frequency band
- interference guard band
- ISM band
- J band
- jammer band
- K band
- L band
- lattice absorption band
- light-hole band
- locking band
- low band
- lower band
- low-frequency band
- luminance band
- luminescence band
- M band
- main conduction band
- marine band
- Mash bands
- medium-frequency band
- message band
- meteorological band
- microwave band
- millimeter-wave band
- Möbius band
- monomer band
- multivalley conduction band
- narrow band
- nominal facsimile band
- non-parabolic band
- normal band
- occupied band
- octave band
- one-third-octave band
- operating band
- optical band
- overlapping bands
- parabolic band
- partially occupied band
- pass band
- periodicity band
- permitted band
- phosphorescence band
- proportional band
- pumping band
- radar bands
- Raman band
- rejection band
- relay band
- resonance absorption band
- rotation band
- rotational band
- service band
- short-wave band
- side band
- slip band
- spreaded band
- standard broadcast band
- stop band
- straddle band
- subcarrier band
- submillirneter-wave band
- superhigh-frequency band
- surface band
- sweep band
- sync band
- synchronization band
- telemeter band
- television broadcast band
- tension band
- transmission band
- transmission system frequency band
- ultrahigh-frequency band
- unvoiced band
- upper band
- valence band
- very high-frequency band
- very low-frequency band
- vibration-rotation band
- video band
- voice band
- water-vapor absorption band
- wave band
- waveguide transmission band
- wide bandThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > band
13 band
1) бандаж
2) бандажировать
3) бинт
4) ленточнопильный
5) наружный обод
6) обандероливать
7) поддиапазон
8) ремневой
9) связка
10) компонента
11) полоса
12) полосатый
13) полоска
14) полосовой
15) слой
16) браслетный
17) зона
18) ленточный
19) связывать
– abrasive band
– absorption band
– allowed band
– amateur band
– band a bundle
– band chain
– band clutch
– band compensation
– band edge
– band filter
– band grinding
– band leather
– band model
– band of filter
– band pass
– band scheme
– band sharing
– band sowing
– band spectrum
– band spread
– band stock
– band switch
– band theory
– band viscometer
– band width
– bosh band
– bottom band
– brake band
– bridge band
– broadcast band
– Chappuis band
– coal band
– communication band
– conduction band
– emission band
– forbidden band
– frequency band
– guard band
– HF wave band
– impurity band
– interference band
– mast band
– medium-frequency band
– MF band
– microwave band
– Mobius band
– multiply band
– narrowity of band
– pass band
– pile band
– proportionality band
– rotational band
– rubber band
– search band
– semiconductor band
– service band
– side band
– spectral band
– spread band
– suppressed band
– taut band
– throttling band
– transmission band
– tread band
– UHF band
– valence band
– VHF wave band
– VLF band
– wave band
filter attenuation band — <tech.> зона непрозрачности
filter transmission band — <tech.> зона прозрачности
interference guard band — < radio> полоса межевая, полоса защитная
14 band
2) зона3) бандаж•- allocated band
- assigned band
- assigned -frequency band
- atmospheric-transmission band
- attenuation band
- audio band
- black band
- broad band
- broadcast band
- C band
- carrier band
- chrominance band
- citizen band
- clarity band
- common band
- communication band
- critical auditory band
- dead band
- decade band
- decimeter-wave band
- emission frequency band
- equivalent band
- exclusive band
- extremely high-frequency band
- extremely low-frequency band
- filter rejection band
- filter transmission band
- FM-broadcast band
- frequency band
- frequency-modulated band
- full band
- government-frequency band
- guard band
- ham band
- hectometer band
- HF band
- high-frequency band
- high-frequency broadcast band
- industrial-frequency band
- infralow-frequency band
- international control frequency band
- K band
- Ka band
- Ku band
- land transportation frequency band
- L-band
- LF band
- lock-in band
- locking band
- lower-side band
- low-frequency band
- luminance band
- marine frequency band
- maritime frequency band
- medical frequency band
- medium-frequency band
- meteorological-frequency bands
- millimeter-wave band
- monochrome band
- narrow band
- necessary band
- nominal band
- octave-frequency band
- operating band
- optical band
- overlapping band
- pass band
- public-safety frequency band
- pumping band
- Q-band
- quantized band
- rejection band
- resonance band
- S-band
- shared necessary band
- SHF band
- short-wave band
- side band
- standard broadcast band
- stop band
- super high-frequency band
- super-high frequency band
- suppressed band
- surface band
- SW band
- sweep band
- synchronization band
- television broadcast band
- transition band
- transmission band
- UHF band
- ultra-high frequency band
- unvoiced band
- upper-side band
- very high frequency band
- very low frequency band
- VHF band
- video band
- VLF band
- voiced band
- voltage band
- wave band
- wide bandEnglish-Russian dictionary of telecommunications and their abbreviations > band
15 control band
16 broad band
17 velocity band
18 video-frequency band
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > video-frequency band
19 voltage band
20 control band
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
Band-pass filter — A band pass filter is a device that passes frequencies within a certain range and rejects (attenuates) frequencies outside that range. An example of an analogue electronic band pass filter is an RLC circuit (a resistor–inductor–capacitor circuit) … Wikipedia
Band-stop filter — A generic ideal band stop filter, showing both positive and negative angular frequencies In signal processing, a band stop filter or band rejection filter is a filter that passes most frequencies unaltered, but attenuates those in a specific… … Wikipedia
Low-pass filter — A low pass filter is a filter that passes low frequency signals but attenuates (reduces the amplitude of) signals with frequencies higher than the cutoff frequency. The actual amount of attenuation for each frequency varies from filter to filter … Wikipedia
High-pass filter — A high pass filter is a filter that passes high frequencies well, but attenuates (reduces the amplitude of) frequencies lower than the cutoff frequency. The actual amount of attenuation for each frequency varies from filter to filter. It is… … Wikipedia
Filter design — is the process of designing a filter (in the sense in which the term is used in signal processing, statistics, and applied mathematics), often a linear shift invariant filter, which satisfies a set of requirements, some of which are contradictory … Wikipedia
Audio crossover — A passive 2 way crossover designed to operate at loudspeaker voltages Audio crossovers are a class of electronic filter used in audio applications. Most individual loudspeaker drivers are incapable of covering the entire audio spectrum from low… … Wikipedia
Audio filter — An audio filter is a type of filter used for processing sound signals. Many types of filters exist for applications including graphic equalizers, synthesizers, sound effects, CD players and virtual reality systems.In its simplest form, an audio… … Wikipedia
Electronic filter — Electronic filters are electronic circuits which perform signal processing functions, specifically intended to remove unwanted signal components and/or enhance wanted ones. Electronic filters can be:*passive or active *analog or digital *discrete … Wikipedia
Anti-aliasing filter — An anti aliasing filter is a filter used before a signal sampler, to restrict the bandwidth of a signal to approximately satisfy the sampling theorem. Since the theorem states that unambiguous interpretation of the signal from its samples is… … Wikipedia
Critical band — The term critical band, introduced by Harvey Fletcher in the 1940s, referred to the frequency bandwidth of the then loosely defined auditory filter. Psychophysiologically, beating and auditory roughness sensations can be linked to the inability… … Wikipedia
Filter — may refer to: Chemistry, engineering and materials In chemistry, engineering, or household usage, a device to separate mixtures. See: * Filter (chemistry) * Water filter * Air filter * Oil filter * Pneumatic filter Optics and photography In… … Wikipedia