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  • 21 computer

    (a usually large electronic machine capable of storing and processing large amounts of information and of performing calculations: The whole process is done by computer; PC means `personal computer'; a computer game; a computer program.) computer
    - computerise

    English-Romanian dictionary > computer

  • 22 fair

    I [feə] adjective
    1) (light-coloured; with light-coloured hair and skin: fair hair; Scandinavian people are often fair.) blond
    2) (just; not favouring one side: a fair test.) corect
    3) ((of weather) fine; without rain: a fair afternoon.) frumos
    4) (quite good; neither bad nor good: Her work is only fair.) acceptabil
    5) (quite big, long etc: a fair size.) destul de mare
    6) (beautiful: a fair maiden.) frumos
    - fairly
    - fair play
    II [feə] noun
    1) (a collection of entertainments that travels from town to town: She won a large doll at the fair.) bâlci
    2) (a large market held at fixed times: A fair is held here every spring.) târg
    3) (an exhibition of goods from different countries, firms etc: a trade fair.) târg

    English-Romanian dictionary > fair

  • 23 fat

    [fæt] 1. noun
    1) (an oily substance made by the bodies of animals and by some plants: This meat has got a lot of fat on it.) grăsime
    2) (a kind of such substance, used especially for cooking: There are several good cooking fats on the market.) grăsime
    2. adjective
    1) (having a lot of fat on one's body; large, heavy and round in shape: He was a very fat child.) gras
    2) (large or abundant: Her business made a fat profit; A fat lot of good that is! (= That is no good at all)) mare
    - fatten
    - fatty
    - fattiness
    - fat-head

    English-Romanian dictionary > fat

  • 24 galaxy

    plural - galaxies; noun
    1) (a very large group of stars.) galaxie
    2) (a large group of famous, impressive etc people, things etc: a galaxy of entertainers; a galaxy of new cars.) constelaţie

    English-Romanian dictionary > galaxy

  • 25 heap

    [hi:p] 1. noun
    1) (a large amount or a large number, in a pile: a heap of sand/apples.) gră­madă
    2) ((usually in plural with of) many, much or plenty: We've got heaps of time; I've done that heaps of times.) mulţime
    2. verb
    1) (to put, throw etc in a heap: I'll heap these stones (up) in a corner of the garden.) a pune unul peste altul
    2) (to fill or cover with a heap: He heaped his plate with vegetables; He heaped insults on his opponent.) a umple, a copleşi cu

    English-Romanian dictionary > heap

  • 26 hearty

    1) (very friendly: a hearty welcome.) călduros
    2) (enthusiastic: a hearty cheer.) entuziast
    3) (very cheerful; too cheerful: a hearty person/laugh.) vesel, deschis
    4) ((of meals) large: He ate a hearty breakfast.) copios
    5) ((of a person's appetite) large.) sănătos

    English-Romanian dictionary > hearty

  • 27 heavy industry

    (industries such as coalmining, ship-building etc which involve the use of large or heavy machines or which produce large or heavy products.) industrie grea

    English-Romanian dictionary > heavy industry

  • 28 locust

    (a type of large insect of the grasshopper family, found in Africa and Asia, which moves in very large groups and destroys growing crops by eating them.) lăcustă

    English-Romanian dictionary > locust

  • 29 mammoth

    ['mæməƟ] 1. noun
    (a large hairy elephant of a kind no longer found living.) mamut
    2. adjective
    (very large (and often very difficult): a mammoth project/task.) gigantic, uriaş

    English-Romanian dictionary > mammoth

  • 30 massacre

    ['mæsəkə] 1. noun
    1) (the killing of a large number of usually people, especially with great cruelty.) masacru
    2) (a very bad defeat: That last game was a complete massacre.) înfrângere umilitoare
    2. verb
    (to kill (large numbers) cruelly.) a ma­sa­­cra, a măcelări

    English-Romanian dictionary > massacre

  • 31 number

    1. noun
    1) ((sometimes abbreviated to no - plural nos - when written in front of a figure) a word or figure showing eg how many of something there are, or the position of something in a series etc: Seven was often considered a magic number; Answer nos 1-10 of exercise 2.) număr
    2) (a (large) quantity or group (of people or things): He has a number of records; There were a large number of people in the room.) mul­ţime (de)
    3) (one issue of a magazine: the autumn number.) număr
    4) (a popular song or piece of music: He sang his most popular number.) cântec
    2. verb
    1) (to put a number on: He numbered the pages in the top corner.) a numerota
    2) (to include: He numbered her among his closest friends.) a număra
    3) (to come to in total: The group numbered ten.) a însuma
    - number-plate
    - his days are numbered
    - without number

    English-Romanian dictionary > number

  • 32 overgrown

    1) (full of plants that have grown too large or thick: Our garden is overgrown with weeds.) năpădit (de buruieni)
    2) (grown too large: an overgrown puppy.) care a crescut prea mult

    English-Romanian dictionary > overgrown

  • 33 pelican

    (a kind of large water-bird with a large beak with a pouch for carrying fish.) pelican

    English-Romanian dictionary > pelican

  • 34 pineapple

    (a type of large tropical fruit shaped like a large pine-cone, or the plant which produces it.) ananas

    English-Romanian dictionary > pineapple

  • 35 quantity

    (the size, weight, number etc of something, especially a large size etc: What quantity of paper do you need?; I buy these goods in quantity; a small quantity of cement; large quantities of tinned food.) can­titate
    - an unknown quantity

    English-Romanian dictionary > quantity

  • 36 respectable

    1) (having a good reputation or character: a respectable family.) res­pec­tabil
    2) (correct; acceptable: respectable behaviour.) cuviincios
    3) ((of clothes) good enough or suitable to wear: You can't go out in those torn trousers - they're not respectable.) decent
    4) (large, good etc enough; fairly large, good etc: Four goals is a respectable score.) (destul de) mare

    English-Romanian dictionary > respectable

  • 37 rock

    I [rok] noun
    1) ((a large lump or mass of) the solid parts of the surface of the Earth: The ship struck a rock and sank; the rocks on the seashore; He built his house on solid rock.) stân­că; piatră
    2) (a large stone: The climber was killed by a falling rock.) bolovan
    3) (a type of hard sweet made in sticks: a stick of Edinburgh rock.) acadea
    - rocky
    - rockiness
    - rock-bottom
    - rock-garden
    - rock-plant
    - on the rocks
    II [rok] verb
    1) (to (cause to) swing gently backwards and forwards or from side to side: The mother rocked the cradle; This cradle rocks.) a (se) legăna
    2) (to swing (a baby) gently in one's arms to comfort it or make it sleep.) a legăna
    3) (to shake or move violently: The earthquake rocked the building.) a zgudui
    - rocky
    - rockiness
    - rocking-chair
    - rocking-horse
    - off one's rocker
    III [rok]
    ((also rock music) music or songs with a strong, heavy beat and usually a simple melody: She likes rock; ( also adjective) a rock band.) (de) rock

    English-Romanian dictionary > rock

  • 38 shopping centre

    (a place, often a very large building, where there is a large number of different shops.) shopping center, centru comercial

    English-Romanian dictionary > shopping centre

  • 39 slaughter

    ['slo:tə] 1. noun
    1) (the killing of people or animals in large numbers, cruelly and usually unnecessarily: Many people protested at the annual slaughter of seals.) masacru
    2) (the killing of animals for food: Methods of slaughter must be humane.) tăiere
    2. verb
    1) (to kill (animals) for food: Thousands of cattle are slaughtered here every year.) a tăia
    2) (to kill in a cruel manner, especially in large numbers.) a masacra
    3) (to criticize unmercifully or defeat very thoroughly: Our team absolutely slaughtered the other side.) a masacra

    English-Romanian dictionary > slaughter

  • 40 small

    1) (little in size, degree, importance etc; not large or great: She was accompanied by a small boy of about six; There's only a small amount of sugar left; She cut the meat up small for the baby.) mic, nesemnificativ
    2) (not doing something on a large scale: He's a small businessman.) mic
    3) (little; not much: You have small reason to be satisfied with yourself.) puţin
    4) ((of the letters of the alphabet) not capital: The teacher showed the children how to write a capital G and a small g.) mic
    - small arms
    - small change
    - small hours
    - smallpox
    - small screen
    - small-time
    - feel/look small

    English-Romanian dictionary > small

См. также в других словарях:

  • large — [ larʒ ] adj., n. m. et adv. • XIe ; lat. largus « abondant; généreux », a remplacé latus, à cause de longus « long » I ♦ Adj. 1 ♦ Qui a une étendue supérieure à la moyenne dans le sens de la largeur. Une large avenue. Chapeau à larges bords.… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Large — (l[aum]rj), a. [Compar. {Larger} (l[aum]r j[ e]r); superl. {Largest}.] [F., fr. L. largus. Cf. {Largo}.] 1. Exceeding most other things of like kind in bulk, capacity, quantity, superficial dimensions, or number of constituent units; big; great;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Large Magellanic Cloud — The Large Magellanic Cloud Observation data (J2000 epoch) Constellation Dorado/Mensa …   Wikipedia

  • Large (disambiguation) — Large is an English surname.Large may also refer to:In botany:* Large flowered bellwort, plant in the family Liliaceae * Large fruited Elm, small deciduous tree or large shrub endemic to the Far East excluding JapanIn literature:* Geraldo at… …   Wikipedia

  • Large-print — (also large type or large font) describes a type of book or other (paper, online or otherwise) published material in which the typeface (or font), and sometimes the medium, are considerably larger than usual, to accommodate people who have poor… …   Wikipedia

  • Large format lens — Large format lenses are photographic optics that provide an image circle large enough to cover large format film or plates. Large format lenses are typically used in large format cameras and view cameras.Photographic optics generally project a… …   Wikipedia

  • Large White — Pour les articles homonymes, voir White. Large white …   Wikipédia en Français

  • large — [ lardʒ ] adjective *** bigger than usual in size: The house had an exceptionally large yard. Large crowds gather each year in St. Peter s Square to see the Pope. A large man with a long ginger beard stood in the doorway. a. used in clothing… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • Large format — describes large photographic films, large cameras, view cameras (including pinhole cameras) and processes that use a film or digital sensor, generally 4 x 5 inches or larger. The most common large formats are 4×5 and 8×10 inches. Less common… …   Wikipedia

  • large — [lärj] adj. larger, largest [OFr < L largus: see LARD] 1. Archaic liberal; generous 2. big; great; specif., a) taking up much space; bulky b) enclosing much space; spacious [a large office] …   English World dictionary

  • Large file support — Large file support, often abbreviated to LFS, is the term frequently applied to the ability to create files larger than 2 GiB on 32 bit operating systems. Rationale Traditionally, many operating systems and their underlying file system… …   Wikipedia

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