1 attracting body
Космонавтика: притягивающее тело -
2 attracting body
ксм. притягивающее телоEnglsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary > attracting body
3 attracting body
4 body
тело; корпус; основная часть; фюзеляж; светило, небесное телоbody of the report — основная часть отчёта [донесения]
sonic boom overpressure body — тело или ЛА — генератор звукового удара
— MHD body— tip body -
5 force
2) воздействие3) вмешательство || вмешиваться ( в работу устройства); принуждать, заставлять; форсировать4) вставлять с усилием, вдавливать; вгонять, загонять5) пуансон6) усиливать; ускорять; увеличивать•force A is equal and opposite to force B — сила А равна по величине и противоположна по направлению силе В;force between track links — натяг между звеньями траковой цепи;force in the joint — рбт усилие в сочленении;to apply force — прикладывать силу; прилагать усилие;to balance force — уравновешивать силу;to combine forces — складывать силы;to distribute force — распределять силу;to force down — прижимать книзу, отжимать;to exert force — прикладывать силу; прилагать усилие;to force home — вгонять (загонять) до отказа;to impress force upon structure — прикладывать силу к конструкции или к сооружению;to force out — 1. вытеснять, выгонять 2. выкачивать;to place forces in equilibrium — уравновешивать силы;to take ( up) force — воспринимать усилие;to force through — продавливать; проталкиватьforce of current interaction — сила взаимодействия токов, экстрадинамическая сила-
accelerating force
actual cutting force
actuation force
adhesion force
adsorption forces
aerodynamic force
aggregation force
alternating electromotive force
alternating force
applied force
ascensional force
attracting force
axial force
back electromotive force
balance force
bending force
Bernoulli force
biasing magnetizing force
body force
bolt strap force
bonding force
braking force
breakdown force
breakout force
buckling force
buffing force
buoyancy force
calculated force
calibration force
centrifugal force
centripetal force
clamping force
climb force
coercitive force
coercive force
cohesive force
collapsing force
collision force
compression force
concentrated force
constraining force
contact electromotive force
contact extraction force
contact force
contact retention force
contractive force
Coriolis force
cornering force
correct track assembly force
Coulomb force
counter-electromotive force
crack-driving force
crowding force
crowd force
crushing force
cutting force
damping force
deflecting force
deforming force
demagnetization force
differential force
digging force
direct force
directive force
draft force
drag force
drawbar pulling force
drawing force
driving force
dynamic force
effective force
effective tractive force
elastic force
electric force
electrodynamic force
electrokinetic force
electromotive force
electrostatic force
engaging force
equivalent force
exchange forces
expulsive force
external force
feed force
field force
flow force
flux force
fracture-driving force
fracture force
frictional force
friction force
gravitational force
gravity force
gripping force
hydraulic tractive force
ice force
image force
impact force
imposed force
impulsive force
induced electromotive force
inertial force
insertion force
instantaneous force
interacting forces
interionic forces
intermolecular forces
internal force
ionic force
jacking force
labor force
landing force
lateral force
levitating force
lifting force
lift force
lip force
longitudinal impact force
magnetic force
magnetizing force
magnetomotive force
magnifying force
mechanical force
member force
momentary force
motive force
mutual electrodynamic force
net drag force
net force
normal force
nuclear forces
oil stiction force
opposite forces
photoelectromotive force
pinch force
plane-strain crack resistance force
ploughing force
plug thrust force
ponderomotive force
press force
pressing force
pressure-gradient force
prestressing force
proper force
propulsive force
pryout force
psophometric electromotive force
pullout force
pull force
pulling force
pulsating electromotive force
raising force
rated force
reacting force
reaction force
reactive electromotive force
reactive force
release force
repair force
repulsive force
reset force
resistance force
restraining force
resultant force
retarding force
retention force
rotating electromotive force
saturating forces
secondary force
seepage force
self-inductance electromotive force
separating force
shearing force
shear force
side force
single force
skating force
sliding resistance force
space force
specific cutting force
specific friction force
spring force
starting force
steady cutting force
stretching force
suction force
sump force
superposed force
supporting force
surface tension force
tangential cutting force
tangential force
task force
tearing force
tensile force
thermal electromotive force
thermoelectromotive force
Thomson electromotive force
tide-generating force
tighting force
torque force
total electromotive force
total force
towing force
tracking force
tractive force
transient cutting force
transverse force
turret clamping force
twisting force
unit force
uplift force
upward force
Van der Waals forces
vectorial force
vector force
viscous force
water force
wave force
wind force
withdrawal force -
6 attract
1. III1) attract smth. attract steel (iron, lightning, negative electricity, heavenly bodies, etc.) притягивать сталь и т. д; the earth attracts the flying rocket летящая ракета испытывает притяжение Земли2) attract smb., smth. attract the audience (friends, animals, insects, attention, etc.) привлекать аудиторию и т. д.; her beauty attracted everyone всех влекла /привлекала/ ее красота; bright lights attract moths яркий свет привлекает мотыльков, мотыльки летит на яркий свет; he had a strange gift of attracting friends у него был необычный дар /он обладал необычным даром/ собирать вокруг ceбя друзей; the plan (this idea) does not attract him этот план (эта идея) не импонирует ему: money always attracted him он всегда был падок на деньги; attract smb. attract curiosity вызывать чье-л. любопытство; he was a man to attract immediate sympathy этот человек сразу же умел расположить к себе окружающих; he shouted to attract attention он закричал, чтобы обратить на себя внимание2. IVattract smb., smth. in some manner attract smb. irresistibly (magnetically, deeply, etc.) непреодолимо и т. д. привлекать /притягивать/ кого-л.3. XI1) be attracted by smth. this body was attracted by a force на это тело действовала сила притяжения2) be /feel/ attracted by smth. he felt attracted by the mystery его манила /влекла/ тайна; he wasn't much attracted by the prospect эта перспектива не очень-то его привлекала; be /feel/ attracted to smb. he is not attracted to her она ему не нравится; do you feel attracted to her? она вам нравится?
См. также в других словарях:
Euler's three-body problem — In physics and astronomy, Euler s three body problem is to solve for the motion of a particle that is acted upon by the gravitational field of two other point masses that are either fixed in space or move in circular coplanar orbits about their… … Wikipedia
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Newton's theorem of revolving orbits — Figure 1: An attractive force F(r) causes the blue planet to move on the cyan circle. The green planet moves three times faster and thus requires a stronger centripetal force, which is supplied by adding an attractive inverse cube force. The … Wikipedia
Orbit — This article is about orbits in celestial mechanics, due to gravity. For other uses, see Orbit (disambiguation). A satellite orbiting the Earth has a tangential velocity and an inward acceleration … Wikipedia
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Force — For other uses, see Force (disambiguation). See also: Forcing (disambiguation) Forces are also described as a push or pull on an object. They can be due to phenomena such as gravity, magnetism, or anything that might cause a mass to accelerate … Wikipedia
Newton, Sir Isaac — born Jan. 4, 1643, Woolsthorpe, Lincolnshire, Eng. died March 31, 1727, London English physicist and mathematician. The son of a yeoman, he was raised by his grandmother. He was educated at Cambridge University (1661–65), where he discovered the… … Universalium