1 attached device
навесной компонент
[Я.Н.Лугинский, М.С.Фези-Жилинская, Ю.С.Кабиров. Англо-русский словарь по электротехнике и электроэнергетике, Москва, 1999]Тематики
- электротехника, основные понятия
навесной элемент
[Л.Г.Суменко. Англо-русский словарь по информационным технологиям. М.: ГП ЦНИИС, 2003.]Тематики
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > attached device
2 attached device
навесной элемент; прикрепленное устройство -
3 attached device
English-Russian dictionary of Information technology > attached device
4 attached device
5 attached device
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > attached device
6 attached device
1) Компьютерная техника: прикреплённое устройство2) Вычислительная техника: навесной элемент, прикреплённое ( к данному заданию) устройство, прикреплённое к данному заданию устройство3) Нефть: доступное устройство4) Микроэлектроника: навесной компонент -
7 attached device
The New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > attached device
8 attached device
English-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > attached device
9 attached device
Англо-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > attached device
10 attached device
11 attached device
Англо-русский словарь компьютерных и интернет терминов > attached device
12 attached device
English-Russian dictionary of terms that are used in computer games > attached device
13 attached device
1) прикрепленное устройство; доступное устройство -
14 attached device
————————English-Russian dictionary of computer science > attached device
15 channel-attached device
Безопасность: прибор, подключаемый через канал (связи)Универсальный англо-русский словарь > channel-attached device
16 channel-attached device
прибор, подключаемый через канал (связи)Англо-русский словарь по компьютерной безопасности > channel-attached device
17 device
прибор; аппарат; устройство; (техническое) средство- wireless bugging device -
18 device
1) прибор; устройство; установка2) компонент; элемент4) фигура речи5) девиз; лозунг•- λ-device- λ-shaped negative-resistance device
- absolute pointing device
- absolute value device
- accumulation-mode charge-coupled device
- acoustic correlation device
- acoustic delay device
- acoustic imaging device
- acoustic-surface-wave device
- acoustic-surface-wave interaction charge-coupled device
- acoustic-volume-wave device
- acoustic-wave device
- acoustooptic device
- acoustoresistive device
- active device
- active medium propagation device
- adaptive device
- add-on device
- all-junction device
- aluminum-gate MOS device
- amorphous semiconductor memory device
- amorphous semiconductor switching device
- analog device
- answer device
- antihunt device
- anti-inrush device
- antijamming device
- anti-pumping device
- antisidetone device
- antistatic device
- antistrike device
- AO device
- arc-control device
- array device
- attached device
- attention device
- audible signal device
- audio device
- audio-response device
- augmentative device
- autocorrelation device
- automatic holding device
- automatic-alarm-signal keying device
- avalanche device
- avalanche-effect device
- backup device
- band-compression device
- beam-expanding device
- beam-lead device
- beam-manipulating device
- beam-narrowing device
- beam-transforming device
- bidirectional device
- bipolar device
- bistable device
- bistable optical device
- block device
- BlueTooth device
- bogey electron device
- bubble device
- bubble domain device
- bubble lattice storage device
- bubble memory device
- bucket-brigade charge-coupled device
- bucket-brigade device
- built-in pointing device
- bulk channel charge-coupled device
- bulk-acoustic-wave device
- bulk-charge-coupled device
- bulk-effect device
- bulk-property device
- bulk-type acoustooptic device
- bunching device
- buried channel charge-coupled device
- burst device
- bus-powered device
- callback port protection device
- calling device
- carrier-operated antinoise device
- cascade charge-coupled device
- cascaded thermoelectric device
- center-bonded device
- CFAR device
- character device
- charge-control device
- charge-coupled device
- charge-coupled imaging device
- charge-coupled line imaging device
- charge-coupled storage device
- charge-injection device
- charge-injection imaging device
- charge-transfer device
- charge-trapping device
- chip device
- chip-and-wire device
- clip-on pointing device
- clustered devices
- CMOS device
- coder device
- coherent electroluminescence device
- color imaging device
- COM device
- complex programmable logic device
- compound device
- computer output microfilm device
- conductively connected charge-coupled device
- constant false-alarm ratio device
- consumer device
- contiguous-disk bubble domain device
- controlled avalanche device
- controlled-surface device
- correlation device
- countermeasure devices
- coupling device
- cross-correlation device
- cross-field device
- cryogenic device
- current-access magnetic bubble device
- current-controlled device
- current-controlled differential-negative-resistance device
- current-controlled DNR device
- current-mode logic device
- current-operated device
- custom device
- data entry device
- data preparation device
- data recording device
- deception devices
- decision-making device
- decoding device
- dedicated device
- deformable-mirror device
- DEFT device
- delay device
- dense device
- depletion-mode device
- detecting device
- DI device
- dielectric isolation device
- diffused device
- digit delay device
- digital device
- digital micromirror device
- diode-array imaging device
- direct electronic Fourier transform device
- direct-access storage device
- direct-view device
- direct-viewing device
- discrete device
- disk device
- display device
- distributed diode device
- distributed interaction device
- division device
- D-MOS device
- domain propagation device
- domain-tip device
- double-negative-resistance-device
- double-quantum stimulated-emission device
- dynamically configurable device
- eavesdropping device
- E-beam fabricated device
- EBS device
- edge-bonded device
- EL device
- elastooptic device
- electrically programmable logic device
- electroluminescence device
- electromagnetic device
- electron device
- electron-beam semiconductor device
- electronic device
- electronic imaging device
- electron-optical device
- electrooptical device
- elementary MOS device
- embedded device
- encoding device
- end device
- energy conversion device
- enhancement-mode device
- epiplanar device
- epitaxial-device
- error-sensing device
- exchange-coupled thin-film memory device
- external control device
- false-echo devices
- Faraday-rotation device
- fast-discharge device
- ferrite device
- ferroelectric device
- FET device
- fiber-laser device
- field-access memory device
- field-effect device
- field-effect transistor device
- field-emission device
- field-programmable interconnect device
- file device
- file-protection device
- fixed tap-weight bucket-brigade device
- floating-gate device
- fluidic-device
- follow-up device
- four-layer device
- four-terminal device
- Frame Relay access device
- free-electron device
- freestanding pointing device
- FS device
- full-speed device
- functional device
- galvanomagnetic device
- galvanomagnetic semiconductor device
- gate-array device
- graphic input device
- graphic output device
- gripping device
- groove locating device
- guided-wave acoustooptic device
- guided-wave AO Bragg device
- Gunn device
- Gunn-effect device
- gyromagnetic device
- Hall device
- Hall-effect device
- harbor echo ranging and listening device
- head-cleaning device
- heteroepitaxial device
- heterojunction device
- high-technology device
- high-threshold device
- homing device
- hot-electron device
- human interface device
- hybrid ferromagnet-semiconductor device
- hybrid integrated-circuit device
- hybrid-type device
- I/O device
- identification device
- image-storage device
- imaging device
- implanted device
- incidental radiation device
- industrial data collection device
- infrared charge-coupled device
- input device
- input-output device
- insulated-gate device
- integrated electron device
- integrated injection device
- integrated optic device
- integrating device
- interface device
- interlocking device
- ion-implantation device
- ion-implanted bubble device
- ion-injection electrostatic plasma confinement device
- jelly-bean device
- Josephson device
- Josephson-effect device
- junction device
- junction-gate device
- keying device
- known-good device
- large-area p-n junction device
- laser annealing device
- laser device
- laser welding device
- laser-beam machining device
- leaded device
- leadless device
- left ventricular assist device
- light-detecting device
- light-emitting device
- linear beam device
- linear imaging device
- locked dynamically configurable device
- logic device
- long-channel device
- low-speed device
- low-threshold device
- LS device
- magnetic bubble device
- magnetic detecting device
- magnetic device
- magnetic flux quantum device
- magnetic tunnel junction memory device
- magnetic-wave device
- magnetoelastic-wave device
- magnetoelectronic device
- magnetooptic bubble-domain device
- magnetostatic-wave device
- magnetostrictive device
- magnetotunneling device
- majority-carrier device
- make-and-break device
- manipulating device
- marginal device
- maser device
- matching device
- measurement device
- mechanical switching device
- memory device
- MEMS device
- MEMS-based device
- metal-gate device
- metal-insulator-metal device
- metal-insulator-piezoelectric semiconductor device
- metal-oxide-silicon device
- metal-semiconductor device
- microcomputer device
- microdiscrete device
- microelectromechanical system device
- microelectromechanical system-based device
- microelectronic device
- microfluidic device
- MIDI device
- minority-carrier device
- MIPS device
- MIS device
- MNOS device
- molecule-sized device
- MOS color imaging device
- MOS device
- MOS memory device
- MSW device
- M-type device
- multiaperture device
- multijunction device
- multilayered memory device
- multilevel storage device
- multiple-tap bucket-brigade device
- multiple-unit semiconductor device
- multiport device
- multistable device
- multiterminal device
- n-channel device
- negation device
- negative-resistance device
- night viewing device
- n-n heterojunction device
- noise-rejection device
- nonburst device
- noninverting parametric device
- nonreciprocal field-displacement device
- n-p-n device
- n-terminal device
- one-port device
- open-collector device
- optically coupled device
- optically pumped device
- optoelectronic device
- O-type device
- output device
- overlay device
- oxide-passivated device
- P&P device
- parallel device
- parametric device
- passivated device
- passive device
- pattern recognition device
- p-channel device
- p-channel MOS device
- periodic permanent magnet focusing device
- persistent current device
- persistent-image device
- personal communication device
- photoconducting device
- photoelectric device
- photoemissive device
- photosensitive device
- photovoltaic device
- picking device
- piezoelectric device
- piezomagnetic device
- planar device
- planar-doped barrier device
- plasma device
- plasma-coupled semiconductor device
- plotting device
- plug-and-play device
- plug-in device
- PMOS device
- p-n junction device
- PnP device
- p-n-p device
- p-n-p-n device
- point-contact superconducting device
- pointing device
- polysilicon charge-coupled device
- port protection device
- p-p heterojunction device
- PPM focusing device
- programmable device
- programmable logic device
- protective device
- punch-through device
- pyroelectric thermal imaging device
- quantum-dot resonant tunneling device
- quasioptical device
- quenched domain mode device
- radiation-measuring device
- random-access device
- rapid single flux quantum device
- readout device
- reciprocal device
- recognition device
- rectifying device
- regulating device
- relative pointing device
- restricted radiation device
- reverberation device
- ringing device
- robot control device
- rotating-field bubble device
- rotating-field bubble domain device
- RSFQ device
- safety device
- SAW device
- Schottky barrier semiconductor device
- Schottky device
- Schottky-barrier-gate Gunn-effect digital device
- SCSI device
- security device
- self-powered device
- self-reacting device
- self-synchronous device
- semiconductor device
- semiconductor switching device
- semiconductor-magnetic device
- sensing device
- serial device
- shallow-base device
- short-channel device
- short-circuit-stable device
- silicon imaging device
- silicon-gate MOS memory device
- silicon-on-insulating substrate device
- single-junction device
- single-tap bucket-brigade device
- single-unit semiconductor device
- slot device
- snap-on pointing device
- solid-state device
- SOS device
- sound-absorbing device
- spark-quenching device
- speech recognition device
- spin-wave device
- square-law device
- starting device
- static discharge device
- storage device
- storage display device
- storage-charge device
- stream device
- stream-oriented device
- stroke input device
- superconducting device
- superconducting quantum device
- superconducting quantum interference device
- surface acoustic-wave device
- surface charge-transfer device
- surface mount device
- surface-controlled device
- switching device
- symbolic device
- tape device
- tape-moving device
- TE device
- tensoelectric device
- terminal device
- thermoelectric cooling device
- thermoelectric device
- thermoelectric heating device
- thick-film device
- thin-film device
- Tokamak device
- transferred-electron device
- transferred-electron microwave device
- transit-time device
- traveling magnetic domain memory device
- traveling-wave Gunn effect device
- trip-free mechanical switching device
- tse device
- tube device
- tunnel device
- tunnel emission device
- twisted nematic device
- two-junction bipolar device
- two-port device
- two-terminal device
- ULA device
- uncommitted logic array device
- unidirectional device
- unilateral device
- unpacked device
- vacuum tunnel device
- variable grating mode device
- variable inductance cryogenic device
- vertical junction device
- VGM device
- V-groove MOS device
- virtual device
- visual signal device
- VMOS device
- V-MOS device
- voice-operated device
- voice-operated gain-adjusting device
- voltage-controlled device
- voltage-controlled differential-negative-resistance device
- voltage-controlled DNR device
- voltage-operated device
- wafer printing device
- wireless device
- X-ray detecting device
- YIG deviceThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > device
19 device
1) устройство; прибор; приспособление; механизм; аппарат3) схема; метод; способ•- active device
- adding device
- add-on device
- addressed device
- aiming device
- alarm device
- analog device
- arithmetic device
- attached device
- attention device
- autopolarity device
- backup device
- beam-leaded device
- beam-lead device
- binary storage device
- bipolar device
- bistable device
- block-oriented device
- borrow generating device
- bridging device
- buffered device
- built-in display device
- calling device
- card feed device
- card-take device
- carry storage device
- cellular-logic device
- character recognition device
- charge-coupled device
- charge-transfer device
- checking device
- choice device
- clamp device
- code device
- coding device
- coincident-current device
- communication device
- comparison device
- complementary devices
- computing device
- control device
- conversion device
- counting device
- cross-magnetized device
- CRT programming device
- currently configured device
- current-operated device
- current-output device
- cursor-director device
- cutoff device
- data display device
- data input device
- data-hold device
- decision-making device
- delay device
- detachable device
- differential device
- digital delay device
- digital device
- discrete device
- display device
- division device
- dynamic analog device
- dynamic MOS device
- encoding device
- error sensing device
- exchange device
- exponential device
- external device
- figure reading device
- file protected device
- film optical sensing device
- fixed program device
- fluidic device
- full functional device
- full-wafer device
- graphic input device
- hard-copy output device
- hardware/software input device
- higher-priority device
- I/O device
- IDE device
- indicating device
- input device
- input/output device
- integrating device
- interactive pointing device
- interconnecting device
- known good device
- laser device
- lasing device
- list device
- locator device
- log-normal device
- lower-priority device
- LSI device
- magnetic-bubble device
- mapping device
- marginal device
- mark scanning device
- media device
- metal-oxide-semiconductor device
- mixed-signal device
- MOS device
- mouse pointing device
- multiaperture device
- multilevel storage device
- multiport device
- multivariable device
- nonburst device
- null device
- operator's station devices
- optical input device
- output device
- paging device
- paper-moving device
- parameter device
- parametric device
- peripheral device
- plotting device
- pointing device
- printer-sharing device
- printing device
- programmable logic device
- protective device
- pseudointerrupt device
- raster-scan device
- readout device
- ready/not ready device
- recirculating amplifier storage device
- recording device
- removable device
- repeat printing device
- reproducing device
- rewriting device
- rolling device
- safety device
- second source device
- self-timing device
- sensing device
- setting device
- short-time memory device
- silicon-gate device
- single-order device
- single-pulse device
- slot device
- snap-on pointing device
- solid-state device
- sorting device
- spurious device
- squaring device
- stand-alone device
- static analog device
- still image device
- storage device
- storing device
- string device
- stylus input device
- surface mount device
- swap device
- switching device
- system input device
- system output device
- tablet coordinates input device
- tablet coordinates device
- tape-moving device
- temporary storage device
- terminal device
- three-state device
- time sharing device
- touch-input device
- tristate device
- tunnel effect device
- tunneling device
- two-state device
- two-terminal device
- user-record device
- utility device
- virtual device
- visible-warning device
- voltage-operated device
- voltage-output device
- worst-case deviceEnglish-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > device
20 device
1. устройство; приспособление; механизм; аппарат; прибор2. маркаdevice of double sheet control stop — устройство для автоматической остановки машины при подаче сдвоенных листов
air conditioning device — акклиматизационная установка, установка для кондиционирования воздуха, кондиционер
air cushion device — устройство для создания воздушной подушки, устройство для поддува
automatic rubber blanket wash-up device — автоматическое устройство для смывки офсетной резинотканевой пластины
3. устройство для копирования микрокарт4. устройство для копирования апертурных картcontrol device — управляющее устройство, контрольный прибор
corona charging device — зарядное устройство с коронатором, коронирующее зарядное устройство
cutoff device — устройство рубки, устройство резки
decurling device — устройство для разглаживания ; устройство, предотвращающее скручивание, устройство для предотвращения скручивания
detecting device — следящее устройство, детектор
doctoring device — ракельное устройство, ракель
electrophotographic fixing device — устройство для закрепления электрофотографического изображения; закрепляющее устройство электрофотографического аппарата
exposure safeguarding device — устройство, гарантирующее правильную величину экспозиции
fail-safe security device — предохранительно-блокирующее устройство, устройство, обеспечивающее безопасность работы
feeding device — питающее устройство; самонаклад
feed roller force adjusting device — устройство для регулирования степени прижима листоподающего ролика
finger guard device — рукоотталкиватель, рукоограждающее устройство
hand safety device — рукоотталкиватель, рукоограждающее устройство
imaging device — устройство, формирующее изображение
5. лентопитающее устройство6. устройство для передачи листов в захватыinking device — устройство для наката краски; накатная группа красочного аппарата
ink mist prevention device — устройство, предотвращающее пыление краски
7. устройство на входе, входное устройство8. устройство ввода данныхready/not ready device — устройство готовности
9. устройство для передачи листа в захватыattached device — навесной элемент; прикрепленное устройство
10. устройство для захватаmapping device — устройство отображения; способ отображения
11. устройство для вкладывания приложенийjogging device — сталкивающее устройство; устройство для сталкивания
magnifying device — увеличитель, устройство для увеличения
12. счётное устройствоfail-safe device — безаварийное устройство; надёжный прибор
device directory — таблица устройства; указатель устройства
addressed device — адресуемое устройство; адресуемый прибор
13. дозирующее устройство, дозатор14. мешалка15. краскотёрка16. устройство для вызова шрифта смешанного кегляmultiple point ink control device — устройство для управления регулировочными винтами ножа красочного аппарата
numbering device — нумерационное устройство, нумератор
17. устройство на выходе, выходное устройствоdirty-trick device — мина — ловушка
I/O device — устройство ввода-вывода
18. устройство вывода данныхpage makeup device — верстальное устройство; видеотерминальное устройство для пополосной вёрстки
photodetection device — фотоэлектрический щуп, фотоэлектрическое контрольное устройство
photographic composing device — фотонаборное устройство; фотонаборная машина
securing device — устройство, обеспечивающее безопасность
19. устройство для припудривания20. устройство для нанесения порошкаpowder spray device — устройство для распыления порошка, распылитель
print cutting device — устройство для обрезки оттисков; устройство для разрезки запечатываемой ленты на отдельные оттиски
processing control device — управляющее устройство; устройство, управляющее процессом
21. читающее устройствоrecording device — записывающее устройство; способ записи
22. читальный аппарат23. регистровое устройство24. устройство для регулирования приводки25. устройство для перемотки лентыdevice code — код устройства; адрес устройства
device name — имя устройства; номер устройства
26. устройство для сматывания лентыroll-type copying paper supply device — рулонная установка для подачи бумажной ленты в копировальную машину
27. сканирующее устройство28. развёртывающее устройствоselective printing device — устройство для избирательной печати; впечатывающее устройство
sheet feed tray raising and lowering device — устройство для подъёма и опускания стапельного стола самонаклада
sheet piling device — листоукладчик, устройство для укладки листов
sheet stacking device — листоукладчик, листоукладывающее устройство; листовое приёмное устройство
stirring device — перемешивающее устройство, устройство для перемешивания
stock pile level control device — устройство, контролирующее верхний уровень стопы
straightening device — выравнивающее устройство, устройство для выравнивания
tension device — устройство для регулирования натяжения, рулонный тормоз
29. термографическое устройство30. термопреобразователь изображенияthermal print device — устройство для термопечати, устройство для печатания на термочувствительном материале
threading device — устройство для заправки, устройство для проводки
toner fixing device — устройство для закрепления тонера, закрепляющее устройство
toner image fixing device — устройство для закрепления изображения, образованного тонером
trip-saving register device — устройство, предотвращающее автоматическое выключение машины при дополнительном приталкивании
unwinding device — лентопитающее устройство, устройство для разматывания
wash-up device — смывочное устройство, устройство для смывки
web directional control device — устройство, контролирующее подачу ленты
См. также в других словарях:
Device — may refer to: Computing and electronics A component of personal computer hardware Peripheral, any device attached to a computer that expands its functionality Electronic component Other uses Appliance, a device for a particular task Device (band) … Wikipedia
Device Manager — Screenshot of the Device Manager tool under Windows Vista … Wikipedia
device — An appliance, usually mechanical, designed to perform a specific function, such as prosthesis or orthesis. [M.E., fr. O.Fr. devis, fr. L. divisum, divided] central bearing d. in dentistry, a d. which provides a central point of bearing, or … Medical dictionary
Serial Attached SCSI — (SAS) is a data transfer technology designed to move data to and from computer storage devices such as hard drives and tape drives. It is a point to point serial protocol that replaces the parallel SCSI bus technology that first appeared in the… … Wikipedia
Improvised explosive device — Ammunition rigged for an IED discovered by Iraqi police in Baghdad in November 2005 … Wikipedia
Buffalo network-attached storage series — Infobox Information appliance name = Buffalo network attached storage series caption = The Kuro Box Pro manufacturer = Melco type = Network attached storage connectivity = 100BASE T, 1000BASE T os = Linux cpu = PowerPC, MIPSel, ARM The Buffalo… … Wikipedia
Euthanasia device — For the fictional suicide machine, see Suicide booth. Part of a series on Euthanasia Types … Wikipedia
Self-locking device — Self locking devices are devices intended to arrest the fall of solo climbers who climb without partners. This device is used for back rope solo climbing for ground up climbing or top rope self belaying . To date, several types of such self… … Wikipedia
List of device bit rates — This is a list of device bit rates, or physical layer information rates, net bit rates, useful bit rates, peak bit rates or digital bandwidth capacity, at which digital interfaces of computer peripheral equipment and network devices can… … Wikipedia
Computer networking device — Network Appliance redirects here. For an IT company, see Network Appliance, Inc.. Computer networking devices are units that mediate data in a computer network. Computer networking devices are also called network equipment, Intermediate Systems… … Wikipedia
Direct-attached storage — (DAS) refers to a digital storage system directly attached to a server or workstation, without a storage network in between. It is a retronym, mainly used to differentiate non networked storage from SAN and NAS. Contents 1 Features 2 Storage… … Wikipedia