1 atmospheric windows
Космонавтика: атмосферные окна -
2 atmospheric windows
разг. атмосферные «окна» (области земной атмосферы, пропускающие из всего электромагнитного спектра лишь лучи света и короткие радиоволны)English-russian astronautics dictionary > atmospheric windows
3 window
1) окно; оконный блок2) окно, отверстие3) диафрагма4) промежуток; интервал5) окно прозрачности ( атмосферы)8) селекторный [стробирующий\] импульс, строб-импульс•-
atmospheric transparence window
atmospheric window
awning window
back window
bay window
bisected capacitive window
blackout window
blank blind window
blank window
bow window
Brewster-angle window
Brewster window
capacitive window
casement window
classroom window
coaxial window
cockpit windows
command window
compass window
contact window
continuous window
correction window
coupling window
dead window
desirable launch window
diffusion window
display window
door window
dormer window
double window
double-casement window
double-glazed window
double-hung sash window
double-hung window
drop window
dual-pane window
eyebrow windows
false window
film exposure window
filter window
fire window
fixed window
folding window
forward-viewing window
frequency window
graphics window
graphic window
Hamming window
hopper window
hospital window
hung window
inductive window
inspection window
ionospheric window
jut window
kerb window
louver window
low-loss transmission window
message window
metal window
mica window
mini-vent window
multiple-casement window
optical window
oriel window
oxide window
partial window
phase window
power window
pressuring window
quartz window
radio window
receive window
reentry window
rendezvous window
ribbon window
sampling window
sash window
screen window
send window
shielding window
side-viewing window
single-casement window
slicing window
spectral window
storm window
stormproof window
studio window
sun sensitive window
time window
tinted window
top-hung window
transom window
vertical sliding window
via window
viewing window
watch window
waveguide window
wood window
zip-out window
zone-heated rear window -
4 window
1) окно; отверстие; диафрагма || делать окно или отверстие; снабжать диафрагмой5) оконная функция, финитная взвешивающая функция, проф. окно6) вчт окно (обрамлённая прямоугольная зона на экране дисплея с изменяемыми размерами и положением, предназначенная для работы с приложениями и документами или для реализации диалогового режима)7) допуск; допуски; допустимый интервал изменения (напр. параметров)•- active window
- alumina window
- application window
- atmospheric window
- Bartlett window
- base window
- battery window
- beryllia window
- bond window
- Brewster window
- Brewster-angle window
- capacitivewindow
- cascaded windows
- ciphering window
- coaxial window
- command window
- contact window
- coupling window
- diffusion window
- document window
- filter window
- free-form windows
- frequency window
- graphic window
- half-wave window
- Hamming window
- high-frequency window
- history window
- inactive window
- inductive window
- input window
- ionospheric window
- lag window
- launch window
- low-frequency window
- mica window
- microwave silicon window
- nonresonant window
- optical window
- overlaid windows
- oxide window
- partial window
- Parzen window
- pop-up window
- prediction window
- publication window
- quartz window
- radio window
- receive window
- rectangular window
- resonant window
- round window
- sampling window
- sapphire window
- screen window
- service window
- silicon window
- spectral window
- split window
- staggered windows
- sync window
- text window
- tiled windows
- time window
- Tukey window
- tuned window
- type-in window
- ultraviolet window
- UV window
- via window
- viewing window
- waveguide window
- weak window
- worksheet window -
1) Компьютерная техника: Light And Power2) Биология: left atrial pressure, leucine aminopeptidase3) Медицина: ЛАП (сокр. от lymphadenopathy)4) Военный термин: Laboratory of Aviation Psychology, launch analysis panel, leadership assessment program, load, assembly, pack, logistics assistance program, low-altitude penetration, low-altitude performance5) Техника: leucine amino peptidase6) Математика: Linear assignment problem7) Юридический термин: Lawyers Assistance Program8) Телекоммуникации: Local Access Port (ER-5 FR Switch), Link Access Procedure (X.25)9) Сокращение: Laboratory of Atmospheric Physics, Loading, Assembling & Packing, Local Air Picture, London Airport, leukocyte alkaline phosphatase, LEED Accredited Professional ( United States Green Building Council), LIDAR Atmospheric Profiler, La Paz, Baja California Sur, Mexico - Aeropuerto General Marquez De Leon (Airport Code), Laboratorio Accreditato de Prova (Accredited Testing Lab, Italy), Laboratory Accreditation Program, Laboratory Analytical Protocol, Laboratory Associates Program, Lagarde`re Active Publicite' (France), Lan Access Point, Lan Access Profile, Language for Academic Purposes, Laryngeal Adductor Paralysis, Laser Applications (radiation therapy laser vendor), Last Agent Pending, Launch Assembly Plan, Launcher Avionics Package, Leadless Array Package, Learning Assistance Program (special education), Lesbian and Proud, Letter of Adoption and Procurement (military), Liberian Action Party (Liberia), Liberty Alliance Project, Library Association of Portland, Lifetime Annuity Payout, Light Armor Platoon, Lipopolysaccharide-Associated Protein, Liver Activator Protein, Load, Assemble & Pack, Local Access Port (frame relay), Local Administrator Processor (Cisco), Local Analysis Point, Local Authentication Plugin (Microsoft Windows CE), Local Average Power, Localised Area for Play (playground design), Location Audit Program, Lohamah Psichlogit (Hebrew: psychological warfare, Mossad department), Louisiana Association of Principals, Lyophilized Anterior Pituitary (tissue)10) Физиология: Low Age Profile11) Электроника: Logic Audio Platinum12) Вычислительная техника: протокол доступа к каналу связи, LAN Access Profile (Bluetooth, SPP, LAN), Link Access Procedure / Protocol (CCITT, X.25)13) Биотехнология: localization and affinity purification15) Бытовая техника: процедура доступа к каналу передачи данных16) Образование: Learning Assistance Program17) Сетевые технологии: Link Access Procedure, Link Access Protocol, протокол доступа к каналу, процедура доступа к каналу18) Программирование: Linc Assembly Program19) Океанография: Local Analysis and Prediction20) Расширение файла: Linux Application Platform21) Электротехника: laminated aluminum-polyethylene -
6 lap
1) Компьютерная техника: Light And Power2) Биология: left atrial pressure, leucine aminopeptidase3) Медицина: ЛАП (сокр. от lymphadenopathy)4) Военный термин: Laboratory of Aviation Psychology, launch analysis panel, leadership assessment program, load, assembly, pack, logistics assistance program, low-altitude penetration, low-altitude performance5) Техника: leucine amino peptidase6) Математика: Linear assignment problem7) Юридический термин: Lawyers Assistance Program8) Телекоммуникации: Local Access Port (ER-5 FR Switch), Link Access Procedure (X.25)9) Сокращение: Laboratory of Atmospheric Physics, Loading, Assembling & Packing, Local Air Picture, London Airport, leukocyte alkaline phosphatase, LEED Accredited Professional ( United States Green Building Council), LIDAR Atmospheric Profiler, La Paz, Baja California Sur, Mexico - Aeropuerto General Marquez De Leon (Airport Code), Laboratorio Accreditato de Prova (Accredited Testing Lab, Italy), Laboratory Accreditation Program, Laboratory Analytical Protocol, Laboratory Associates Program, Lagarde`re Active Publicite' (France), Lan Access Point, Lan Access Profile, Language for Academic Purposes, Laryngeal Adductor Paralysis, Laser Applications (radiation therapy laser vendor), Last Agent Pending, Launch Assembly Plan, Launcher Avionics Package, Leadless Array Package, Learning Assistance Program (special education), Lesbian and Proud, Letter of Adoption and Procurement (military), Liberian Action Party (Liberia), Liberty Alliance Project, Library Association of Portland, Lifetime Annuity Payout, Light Armor Platoon, Lipopolysaccharide-Associated Protein, Liver Activator Protein, Load, Assemble & Pack, Local Access Port (frame relay), Local Administrator Processor (Cisco), Local Analysis Point, Local Authentication Plugin (Microsoft Windows CE), Local Average Power, Localised Area for Play (playground design), Location Audit Program, Lohamah Psichlogit (Hebrew: psychological warfare, Mossad department), Louisiana Association of Principals, Lyophilized Anterior Pituitary (tissue)10) Физиология: Low Age Profile11) Электроника: Logic Audio Platinum12) Вычислительная техника: протокол доступа к каналу связи, LAN Access Profile (Bluetooth, SPP, LAN), Link Access Procedure / Protocol (CCITT, X.25)13) Биотехнология: localization and affinity purification15) Бытовая техника: процедура доступа к каналу передачи данных16) Образование: Learning Assistance Program17) Сетевые технологии: Link Access Procedure, Link Access Protocol, протокол доступа к каналу, процедура доступа к каналу18) Программирование: Linc Assembly Program19) Океанография: Local Analysis and Prediction20) Расширение файла: Linux Application Platform21) Электротехника: laminated aluminum-polyethylene -
7 AD
1) Общая лексика: год нашей эры (AD ставится перед датой (AD64), BC - после (300BC); при указании столетия и то и другое идет после числительного (second century AD, fourth century BC))2) Авиация: Airworthiness Directive( сокр.) (Директивные документы по пригодности к лётной эксплуатации), autopilot disconnect (сокр.) (автопилот отключён), airdrome (сокр.) (аэродром), aircraft datum3) Морской термин: acoustic decoupler( сокр.) (акустический разъединитель), Admiralty Dockyard (военно-морская (судостроительная или судоремонтная) верфь (брит.)), alongside date (дата начала подачи грузов к борту судна для погрузки), after draft (сокр.) (осадка кормой), Admiralty design (сокр.) (по проекту адмиралтейства; военно-морского образца), advisory route (сокр.) (рекомендованный маршрут)4) Медицина: антидепрессант, adenoidal degeneration ( сокр.) (аденоидная дегенерация), болезнь Альцгеймера (сокр. Alzheimer’s Disease), atopic dermatitis5) Американизм: After Democracy, Allowable Deductions, Anti Dumping6) Военный термин: Air Director, Army dispensary, Army diver, Artillery Division, Attack Damage, Destroyer Tender, access door, accidental discharge, active duty, administration, administrative, administrative department, administrative directive, administrative division, advanced development, aerial delivery, after duty, aid detachment, air data, air defense, air depot, air directive, air district, air division, aircraft depot, allowable deficiency, ambulance driver, ammunition depot, area director, armament depot, armament division, armored division, army depot, assembly/disassembly, assured destruction, atomic defense, atomic drive, attention display, authentication document, automatic detection, automatic display, гарантированное уничтожение, FAADC2I Dual Workstation class computer unit (TCU or HCU), Admission and Disposition (report), ПВО (Air Defence; Air Defense), mustard (иприт (усл.)), ЗРК, зенитный ракетный комплекс, противовоздушная оборона7) Техника: Adaptive Control, acoustic decoupler, acquisition detector, address decoder, address driver, air damper, air-dry, aircraft direction, altitude deviation, amplifier detector, analog-digital, aperture distribution, arithmetic device, avalanche diode, adapted( сокр.) (адаптированный), air-start diesel engine (сокр.) (дизель с воздушным пуском), attention device (сокр.) (устройство сигнализации, сигнализатор), Audio Description8) Химия: Acid Detecting9) Строительство: Arkutun-Dagi10) Математика: многомерное обобщение дисперсионного анализа (analysis of dispersion), среднее отклонение (average deviation)11) Религия: anno Domini, от Р.Х.12) Метеорология: Anomalous Dispersion13) Юридический термин: American Decision (наименование американского периодического издания по вопросам права), assembly district (сокр.) (округ законодательного собрания)14) Экономика: aggregate demand15) Сокращение: Accidental Damage, Administrative Domain, Air Despatch, Air Division (USAF), Airworthiness Directive, Analog / Digital, Andorra, Principality of, Anno Domini (in the year of our Lord), Ante Diem, Application Development, Area Defense, Area-Denial munition, Armored Division (USA), Army Department (UK), Assistant Director (UK), Destroyer Tender (USA), air defence, ampere demand meter, anode, area drain, as drawn, Armament Division (USA; AFSC), Anno Domini, in the year of our Lord, Action for Democracy, Alzheimer Dementia, Alzheimer's Disease, accession document (military), accident dispensary, acetate dialysis, active disease, acute dermatomyositis, addict, addiction, adenoid degeneration [agent], adenovirus(ad), adjuvant disease, admission and discharge, admitting diagnosis, adrenal(ad), adrenostenedione, adult disease, advanced directive, aerosol deposition, affective disorder, after discharge, alcohol debydrogenase, aleutian disease, alternating days, alveolar diffusion, alveolar duct, anaesthetic dose, analgesic dose, androstenedione (hormone), anisotropic disk (ad), anodal duration, antagonistic dose, anterior descending (coronary artery), antidepressant, antigenic determinant, antimicrobial division, antinociceptive dose, antinoxious dose, anxiety disorder, anxiolytic dose, appropriate disability, arrhythmogenic dose, arthritic dose, associated druggists, assistant driller16) Физиология: Abdominal Diaphragmatic Breathing, Acute Disorder, After Death, Arterial Device, Auditory Discrimination, Auris Dextra, Right Ear, Right Ear17) Электроника: acquisition detector( сокр.) (индикатор вхождения в синхронизм), avalanche diode (сокр.) (лавинно-пролётный диод)18) Вычислительная техника: Autonomous DOMAIN, analog-to-digital, Analog-to-Digital (D/A), Authorized Distributor (DEC), Active Directory (MS, WIndows, AD, DS), Anno Domini (in the year of our Lord)19) Нефть: add drop, associate director, authorized depth, разрешённая глубина (санкционированная федеральными властями штата или земледельцем, authorized depth), средняя глубина (average depth)20) Иммунология: Anatomic Design21) Банковское дело: от даты векселя (after date), от сего числа (after date)22) Фирменный знак: AMD Corporation23) Экология: Atmospheric deposition24) Реклама: адвертайсмент25) Деловая лексика: Accumulation Distribution, руководитель отдела художественного оформления рекламы (art director)26) Бурение: нашей эры (anno Domini)27) Инвестиции: after date28) Сетевые технологии: addendum document29) Полимеры: air density, air-dried, average depth30) Внешняя торговля: антидемпинговый31) Контроль качества: average deviation32) Пластмассы: aligned discontinuous ( FRP) (сокр.) (волокнит с параллельным расположением волокон конечной длины)33) Телефония: Active Directory34) Океанография: Aviation Division35) Макаров: angular distribution, (Anno Domini) нашей эры, (Anno Domini) новой эры, (Anno Domini) с начала нашей эры, (Anno Domini) христианской эры36) Военно-воздушные силы: aircraft direction( сокр.) (наведение самолётов; наведение истребителей-перехватчиков)37) Военно-морской флот: aircraft depth bomb (противолодочная авиационная бомба), Aviation Machinist's Mate (сокр.) (старшина — авиационный механик (по двигателям и вспомогательному оборудованию)), Artificer Diver (сокр.) (старшина-водолаз (Великобритания))38) Расширение файла: Account Directory, Screensaver (AfterDark), AfterDark screensaver module (AfterDark)39) Нефть и газ: apparent density40) Собаководство: Ausdauer, Agility Dog41) Судостроение: площадь развёрнутой поверхности лопастей гребного винта (developed blade area of a screw propeller)42) Должность: All Day, Art Director, Assistant Deputy43) Правительство: And Do44) Федеральное бюро расследований: Assistant Director -
1) Компьютерная техника: Apple Service Diagnostic, Application Specific Discretes, Application Structure Description, Automatic Skip Driver3) Медицина: amniotic sac diameter, atrial septal defect, arterial sclerotic disease (атеросклеротическое поражение сосудов), acute stress disorder4) Американизм: (NII) Assistant Secretary of Defense (National Information Infrastructure)5) Военный термин: AWIS Software Development, Advanced Scenario Design, Advanced Systems Department, Air South Europe Directive, Air-worthiness Substantiation Document, Ammunition Storage Depot, Armament Supply Department, Armament Systems Division, Army shipping document, Army supply deport, Assigned Software Developer, Assigned Systems Developer, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Administration, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Atomic Energy, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Civil ASTSECAF, Assistant Secretary of Air Force, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Civil Defense, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Command, Control, Communications and Intelligence, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Comptroller, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Health Affairs, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Health and Environment, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Installations and Logistics, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Intelligence, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Intelligence, Telecommunications, Command and Control, Assistant Secretary of Defense, International Security Affairs, Assistant Secretary of Defense, International Security Policy, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Legislative Affairs, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Management and Finance, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Manpower, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Properties and Installations, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Public Affairs, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Research and Advanced Technology, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Research and Development, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Research and Engineering, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Supply and Logistics, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Systems Analysis, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Telecommunications, Assistant secretary of Defense, Manpower and Reserve Affairs, Assistant secretary of Defense, Manpower, Personnel, and Reserves, Assistant secretary of Defense, Manpower, Reserve Affairs and Logistics, Automatic Shut Down, administrative survey detachment, advanced submarine detection, advanced supply depot, advanced surveillance drone, aerospace defense, air support director, air surveillance drone, aircraft statistical data, ammunition subdepot, ammunition supply depot, antisatellite defense, area support detachment, arm/safe device, artillery spotting division, assignment selection date, audio simulation device, aviation service date, aviation supply depot, ПМО, помощник министра обороны, (C4I) Assistant Secretary of Defense (Command, Control, Communications, Computers and Intelligence), (ISA) Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs, (S&R) Assistant Secretary of Defense for Strategy and Requirements, (SO/LIC) Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Low Intensity Conflict, (HA) Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs, (MRA&L) Assistant Secretary of Defense for Manpower, Reserve Affairs, and Logistics, (NII) Assistant Secretary of Defense, Networks & Information Integration, (PA&E) Assistant Secretary of Defense for Program Analysis and Evaluation6) Техника: Ancient Steel Design, acceleration spectral density, adjustable speed drive, advanced sensor demonstration, air situation display, atmospheric steam dump, automatic synchronized discriminator, конструирование с учётом допускаемых напряжений (Allowable Stress Design)7) Шутливое выражение: Agonizingly Slow and Determined8) Метеорология: Another Sunny Day9) Автомобильный термин: automatic shutdown relay10) Ветеринария: Action for Singapore Dogs11) Телекоммуникации: Alternative Service Delivery12) Сокращение: Advanced System Development, Aeronautical Systems Division (Now known as Aeronautical Systems Center (USAF)), Air Space Devices, Alternative Service Delivery (Canadian Air Command), Assistant Secretary of Defense, Health Affairs (USA; HA), Average Sortie Duration, Assistant Secretary of Defense (USA; C; Comptroller), Assistant Secretary of Defense (USA; PA; Public Affairs), структурная база данных приложения (Application Structure Database (Microsoft)), Нарушения аутистичного спектра (Autistic Spectrum Disorder)13) Физика: Active Surface Definition14) Физиология: Advanced Senility Disease, Anterior Segment Dysgenesis, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Autism Spectrum Disorders, Autistic Spectrum Disorder15) Вычислительная техника: Architecture Summary Design16) Транспорт: Aircraft Situation Display, Azimuth Stern Drive17) Воздухоплавание: Aeronautical Systems Division18) Фирменный знак: Accelerator Systems Division, Advanced Strategy Division19) Деловая лексика: Authorized Solutions Developer20) Образование: After School Detention21) Сетевые технологии: automated software distribution, автоматизированное распространение программного обеспечения22) Программирование: application-specific discretes23) Автоматика: абсолютное снижение содержания серы (absolute sulphur reduction)24) Химическое оружие: Assistant Secretary of Defense (for International Security Policy), (C3I) Assistant Secretary of Defense for Command, Control, Communications, and Intelligence, (ES) Assistant Secretary of Defense for Economic Security, Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Technology, (PA&E) Assistant Secretary of Defense for Program Analysis and Evaluation, (S&TR) Assistant Secretary of Defense for Strategy and Threat Reduction25) Расширение файла: Astound Presentation file, Lotus 1-2-3 Screen Driver, Word for Windows AutoSave file, Application Structure Database (Microsoft), Automatic Skip Driver (Microsoft)26) Имена и фамилии: Albert S Davis28) NYSE. American Standard Companies, Inc., of Delaware29) Хобби: American Society Of Dowsers30) Базы данных: Action Semantic Description -
9 Ad
1) Общая лексика: год нашей эры (AD ставится перед датой (AD64), BC - после (300BC); при указании столетия и то и другое идет после числительного (second century AD, fourth century BC))2) Авиация: Airworthiness Directive( сокр.) (Директивные документы по пригодности к лётной эксплуатации), autopilot disconnect (сокр.) (автопилот отключён), airdrome (сокр.) (аэродром), aircraft datum3) Морской термин: acoustic decoupler( сокр.) (акустический разъединитель), Admiralty Dockyard (военно-морская (судостроительная или судоремонтная) верфь (брит.)), alongside date (дата начала подачи грузов к борту судна для погрузки), after draft (сокр.) (осадка кормой), Admiralty design (сокр.) (по проекту адмиралтейства; военно-морского образца), advisory route (сокр.) (рекомендованный маршрут)4) Медицина: антидепрессант, adenoidal degeneration ( сокр.) (аденоидная дегенерация), болезнь Альцгеймера (сокр. Alzheimer’s Disease), atopic dermatitis5) Американизм: After Democracy, Allowable Deductions, Anti Dumping6) Военный термин: Air Director, Army dispensary, Army diver, Artillery Division, Attack Damage, Destroyer Tender, access door, accidental discharge, active duty, administration, administrative, administrative department, administrative directive, administrative division, advanced development, aerial delivery, after duty, aid detachment, air data, air defense, air depot, air directive, air district, air division, aircraft depot, allowable deficiency, ambulance driver, ammunition depot, area director, armament depot, armament division, armored division, army depot, assembly/disassembly, assured destruction, atomic defense, atomic drive, attention display, authentication document, automatic detection, automatic display, гарантированное уничтожение, FAADC2I Dual Workstation class computer unit (TCU or HCU), Admission and Disposition (report), ПВО (Air Defence; Air Defense), mustard (иприт (усл.)), ЗРК, зенитный ракетный комплекс, противовоздушная оборона7) Техника: Adaptive Control, acoustic decoupler, acquisition detector, address decoder, address driver, air damper, air-dry, aircraft direction, altitude deviation, amplifier detector, analog-digital, aperture distribution, arithmetic device, avalanche diode, adapted( сокр.) (адаптированный), air-start diesel engine (сокр.) (дизель с воздушным пуском), attention device (сокр.) (устройство сигнализации, сигнализатор), Audio Description8) Химия: Acid Detecting9) Строительство: Arkutun-Dagi10) Математика: многомерное обобщение дисперсионного анализа (analysis of dispersion), среднее отклонение (average deviation)11) Религия: anno Domini, от Р.Х.12) Метеорология: Anomalous Dispersion13) Юридический термин: American Decision (наименование американского периодического издания по вопросам права), assembly district (сокр.) (округ законодательного собрания)14) Экономика: aggregate demand15) Сокращение: Accidental Damage, Administrative Domain, Air Despatch, Air Division (USAF), Airworthiness Directive, Analog / Digital, Andorra, Principality of, Anno Domini (in the year of our Lord), Ante Diem, Application Development, Area Defense, Area-Denial munition, Armored Division (USA), Army Department (UK), Assistant Director (UK), Destroyer Tender (USA), air defence, ampere demand meter, anode, area drain, as drawn, Armament Division (USA; AFSC), Anno Domini, in the year of our Lord, Action for Democracy, Alzheimer Dementia, Alzheimer's Disease, accession document (military), accident dispensary, acetate dialysis, active disease, acute dermatomyositis, addict, addiction, adenoid degeneration [agent], adenovirus(ad), adjuvant disease, admission and discharge, admitting diagnosis, adrenal(ad), adrenostenedione, adult disease, advanced directive, aerosol deposition, affective disorder, after discharge, alcohol debydrogenase, aleutian disease, alternating days, alveolar diffusion, alveolar duct, anaesthetic dose, analgesic dose, androstenedione (hormone), anisotropic disk (ad), anodal duration, antagonistic dose, anterior descending (coronary artery), antidepressant, antigenic determinant, antimicrobial division, antinociceptive dose, antinoxious dose, anxiety disorder, anxiolytic dose, appropriate disability, arrhythmogenic dose, arthritic dose, associated druggists, assistant driller16) Физиология: Abdominal Diaphragmatic Breathing, Acute Disorder, After Death, Arterial Device, Auditory Discrimination, Auris Dextra, Right Ear, Right Ear17) Электроника: acquisition detector( сокр.) (индикатор вхождения в синхронизм), avalanche diode (сокр.) (лавинно-пролётный диод)18) Вычислительная техника: Autonomous DOMAIN, analog-to-digital, Analog-to-Digital (D/A), Authorized Distributor (DEC), Active Directory (MS, WIndows, AD, DS), Anno Domini (in the year of our Lord)19) Нефть: add drop, associate director, authorized depth, разрешённая глубина (санкционированная федеральными властями штата или земледельцем, authorized depth), средняя глубина (average depth)20) Иммунология: Anatomic Design21) Банковское дело: от даты векселя (after date), от сего числа (after date)22) Фирменный знак: AMD Corporation23) Экология: Atmospheric deposition24) Реклама: адвертайсмент25) Деловая лексика: Accumulation Distribution, руководитель отдела художественного оформления рекламы (art director)26) Бурение: нашей эры (anno Domini)27) Инвестиции: after date28) Сетевые технологии: addendum document29) Полимеры: air density, air-dried, average depth30) Внешняя торговля: антидемпинговый31) Контроль качества: average deviation32) Пластмассы: aligned discontinuous ( FRP) (сокр.) (волокнит с параллельным расположением волокон конечной длины)33) Телефония: Active Directory34) Океанография: Aviation Division35) Макаров: angular distribution, (Anno Domini) нашей эры, (Anno Domini) новой эры, (Anno Domini) с начала нашей эры, (Anno Domini) христианской эры36) Военно-воздушные силы: aircraft direction( сокр.) (наведение самолётов; наведение истребителей-перехватчиков)37) Военно-морской флот: aircraft depth bomb (противолодочная авиационная бомба), Aviation Machinist's Mate (сокр.) (старшина — авиационный механик (по двигателям и вспомогательному оборудованию)), Artificer Diver (сокр.) (старшина-водолаз (Великобритания))38) Расширение файла: Account Directory, Screensaver (AfterDark), AfterDark screensaver module (AfterDark)39) Нефть и газ: apparent density40) Собаководство: Ausdauer, Agility Dog41) Судостроение: площадь развёрнутой поверхности лопастей гребного винта (developed blade area of a screw propeller)42) Должность: All Day, Art Director, Assistant Deputy43) Правительство: And Do44) Федеральное бюро расследований: Assistant Director -
10 SAM
1) Общая лексика: Supplier Approval Module2) Компьютерная техника: Sequential Access Model, Super Automated Machine, Switch Adapted Mouse, System Administration Manager3) Биология: S-adenosyl-L-methionine4) Медицина: S-adenosylmethionine, systolic anterior motion5) Американизм: Save American Manufacturing, Space Available Mail6) Спорт: Snowmobile Association Of Massachusetts, Stand Against Me, Student Athlete Mentor, Student Athlete Mentors7) Военный термин: (сокр. от surface-to-air missile) ракета класса "земля-воздух", Salvage All Materials, School of Aerospace Medicine, School of Assets Management, School of Aviation Medicine, Skill Allocation Module, Sleep/Activity Monitor, Software Asset Maintenance, Special Air Missions, Standard ARM missile, Summary Assessment Matrix, Super- Absorbent Material, selective automatic monitoring, self-propelled anthropomorphic manipulator, signal analyzing monitor, sound-absorbing material, special advisory message, special air mission, special airlift mission, special ammunition, specialized aircraft maintenance, stage assembly and maintenance, standard avionics module, surface-to-air missile, system accuracy model, system activity monitor, systems analysis machine, ЗУР, МСОС, Миссия по содействию осуществлению санкций, зенитная ракета, зенитная управляемая ракета8) Техника: Sound Abatement Membrane, safeguards assessment methodology, satellite amplitude modulation, selective activity monitor, semiconductor active memory, sequential access memory, serial analog memory, spectral analysis microcomputer, stabilized assay meter, stratospheric aerosol measurement, strong-absorption model, sub-audio magnetics, subsequent address message, substitute alloy material, surface-to-air missile system, synchronous amplitude modulation9) Шутливое выражение: Secret Agent Man, Slow As Molasses, Strategically Altered Mutant10) Религия: Senior Adult Ministries11) Юридический термин: Statements Acts Marriages13) Фармакология: standard analytical method14) Грубое выражение: Smart Assed Masochist15) Оптика: scanning Auger microscopy, scanning acoustical microscope16) Телекоммуникации: Service Access Multiplexer17) Сокращение: Samaritan Aramaic, Sea Air Mariner (USA), Self-Assembled Monolayer (bioelectronics), Self-propelled Acoustic-magnetic Mine-countermeasures vehicle (Sweden), Sentient Autonomous Mechanism, Signal Analysis Module, Single Agency Manager, Situation Awareness Mode, Small Android Model, Society of Airline Meteorologists, Sonde Aerologique Motorisee (Atmospheric sounding vehicle (France)), Space Available Mail (military airlift mail), Special Air Missions squadron (USAF), Stalking Awareness Month, Standard Avionic Module, Swept Amplitude Modulation, Systems Acquisition Manpower, SCSI-3 Architecture Model, Scanning Auger Microanalysis, Serial Access Memory, Shuttle Attachment Manipulator, Single Application Mode, Standard Allowed Minute, System Availability Model18) Университет: Student Access Module, Student Aid Management, Student Art Movement, Student Athletic Mentor, Students At Macquarie19) Электроника: Self Assembled Monolayer, Substrates Assembly And Microsystems, Synthetic Audio Micro20) Вычислительная техника: Security Access Manager, Sort And Merge, расширение файлов графики в формате Ami Professional, Symantec Anti-virus for Macintosh (Apple), Security Access Manager (MS, Windows, XP), Sequential Access Method / Mode (SAM, DAM), Standard Application Model (XTM), security account manager22) Иммунология: substrate-adhesion molecules23) Биохимия: S-аденозил-L-метионин24) Банковское дело: ипотека, по условиям которой заёмщик должен поделиться прибылью с кредитором (shared appreciation mortgage)25) Биотехнология: Significance Analysis of Microarrays26) Геофизика: электромагнитная разведка на инфразвуковых частотах27) Транспорт: Safety Always Matters, South American Region28) Воздухоплавание: Surface-to-Air Missiles29) Деловая лексика: Sales Access Module, Sales Advertising And Marketing, Self Adjusting Mattress, Site Assets Management30) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: сканирующая акустическая микроскопия31) Образование: Self Assessment Method, Society for Adolescent Medicine, Sport Art And Music, Student Assistance Model, Student Attendance Monitoring, Styles, Abilities, And Motivations32) Инвестиции: shared appreciation mortgage33) Сетевые технологии: Scalable Active Management, Scalable Adsl Modem, Secure Access Management, Storage Application Model, System Administrator Means, sequential access method34) Автоматика: scanning acoustic microscope, sequential-access memory35) Ядерная физика: Strong Absorption Model36) Полупроводники: scanning acoustic microscopy37) Макаров: scanning Auger microprobe38) Безопасность: Symantec Antivirus For Macintosh39) Расширение файла: Security Accounts Manager (Microsoft), Single Application Mode (Microsoft)40) Военно-политический термин: Sanctions Assistance Missions41) HR. supervisory administrative management42) Имена и фамилии: Susan Allen Morgan43) Уровнеметрия: (3202) Smart Applications Module44) Должность: Security Accounts Manager, Service And Accounting Manager45) Чат: Samantha And My, Secret Admirer Of Me46) NYSE. Boston Beer, Inc. (Sam Adams)47) НАСА: Safety And Maintenance, Sensor Actuator Module, Sun Acquisition Mode, System Assurance Manage48) Программное обеспечение: Safety Argument Manager, Sofa Artwork Manager, Software Adaptation Management, Software Asset Management, Sound Audio Motion49) Музеи: Seattle Art Museum -
11 Sam
1) Общая лексика: Supplier Approval Module2) Компьютерная техника: Sequential Access Model, Super Automated Machine, Switch Adapted Mouse, System Administration Manager3) Биология: S-adenosyl-L-methionine4) Медицина: S-adenosylmethionine, systolic anterior motion5) Американизм: Save American Manufacturing, Space Available Mail6) Спорт: Snowmobile Association Of Massachusetts, Stand Against Me, Student Athlete Mentor, Student Athlete Mentors7) Военный термин: (сокр. от surface-to-air missile) ракета класса "земля-воздух", Salvage All Materials, School of Aerospace Medicine, School of Assets Management, School of Aviation Medicine, Skill Allocation Module, Sleep/Activity Monitor, Software Asset Maintenance, Special Air Missions, Standard ARM missile, Summary Assessment Matrix, Super- Absorbent Material, selective automatic monitoring, self-propelled anthropomorphic manipulator, signal analyzing monitor, sound-absorbing material, special advisory message, special air mission, special airlift mission, special ammunition, specialized aircraft maintenance, stage assembly and maintenance, standard avionics module, surface-to-air missile, system accuracy model, system activity monitor, systems analysis machine, ЗУР, МСОС, Миссия по содействию осуществлению санкций, зенитная ракета, зенитная управляемая ракета8) Техника: Sound Abatement Membrane, safeguards assessment methodology, satellite amplitude modulation, selective activity monitor, semiconductor active memory, sequential access memory, serial analog memory, spectral analysis microcomputer, stabilized assay meter, stratospheric aerosol measurement, strong-absorption model, sub-audio magnetics, subsequent address message, substitute alloy material, surface-to-air missile system, synchronous amplitude modulation9) Шутливое выражение: Secret Agent Man, Slow As Molasses, Strategically Altered Mutant10) Религия: Senior Adult Ministries11) Юридический термин: Statements Acts Marriages13) Фармакология: standard analytical method14) Грубое выражение: Smart Assed Masochist15) Оптика: scanning Auger microscopy, scanning acoustical microscope16) Телекоммуникации: Service Access Multiplexer17) Сокращение: Samaritan Aramaic, Sea Air Mariner (USA), Self-Assembled Monolayer (bioelectronics), Self-propelled Acoustic-magnetic Mine-countermeasures vehicle (Sweden), Sentient Autonomous Mechanism, Signal Analysis Module, Single Agency Manager, Situation Awareness Mode, Small Android Model, Society of Airline Meteorologists, Sonde Aerologique Motorisee (Atmospheric sounding vehicle (France)), Space Available Mail (military airlift mail), Special Air Missions squadron (USAF), Stalking Awareness Month, Standard Avionic Module, Swept Amplitude Modulation, Systems Acquisition Manpower, SCSI-3 Architecture Model, Scanning Auger Microanalysis, Serial Access Memory, Shuttle Attachment Manipulator, Single Application Mode, Standard Allowed Minute, System Availability Model18) Университет: Student Access Module, Student Aid Management, Student Art Movement, Student Athletic Mentor, Students At Macquarie19) Электроника: Self Assembled Monolayer, Substrates Assembly And Microsystems, Synthetic Audio Micro20) Вычислительная техника: Security Access Manager, Sort And Merge, расширение файлов графики в формате Ami Professional, Symantec Anti-virus for Macintosh (Apple), Security Access Manager (MS, Windows, XP), Sequential Access Method / Mode (SAM, DAM), Standard Application Model (XTM), security account manager22) Иммунология: substrate-adhesion molecules23) Биохимия: S-аденозил-L-метионин24) Банковское дело: ипотека, по условиям которой заёмщик должен поделиться прибылью с кредитором (shared appreciation mortgage)25) Биотехнология: Significance Analysis of Microarrays26) Геофизика: электромагнитная разведка на инфразвуковых частотах27) Транспорт: Safety Always Matters, South American Region28) Воздухоплавание: Surface-to-Air Missiles29) Деловая лексика: Sales Access Module, Sales Advertising And Marketing, Self Adjusting Mattress, Site Assets Management30) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: сканирующая акустическая микроскопия31) Образование: Self Assessment Method, Society for Adolescent Medicine, Sport Art And Music, Student Assistance Model, Student Attendance Monitoring, Styles, Abilities, And Motivations32) Инвестиции: shared appreciation mortgage33) Сетевые технологии: Scalable Active Management, Scalable Adsl Modem, Secure Access Management, Storage Application Model, System Administrator Means, sequential access method34) Автоматика: scanning acoustic microscope, sequential-access memory35) Ядерная физика: Strong Absorption Model36) Полупроводники: scanning acoustic microscopy37) Макаров: scanning Auger microprobe38) Безопасность: Symantec Antivirus For Macintosh39) Расширение файла: Security Accounts Manager (Microsoft), Single Application Mode (Microsoft)40) Военно-политический термин: Sanctions Assistance Missions41) HR. supervisory administrative management42) Имена и фамилии: Susan Allen Morgan43) Уровнеметрия: (3202) Smart Applications Module44) Должность: Security Accounts Manager, Service And Accounting Manager45) Чат: Samantha And My, Secret Admirer Of Me46) NYSE. Boston Beer, Inc. (Sam Adams)47) НАСА: Safety And Maintenance, Sensor Actuator Module, Sun Acquisition Mode, System Assurance Manage48) Программное обеспечение: Safety Argument Manager, Sofa Artwork Manager, Software Adaptation Management, Software Asset Management, Sound Audio Motion49) Музеи: Seattle Art Museum -
12 ZAP
1) Компьютерная техника: Zeros Arent Permitted2) Спорт: Zany Award Points3) Военный термин: Zimbabwean Anti Personnel, zero antiaircraft potential4) Техника: Zero Alignment Product, Zone Alarm Pro5) Метеорология: Zonal Advisory Process6) Юридический термин: Zero Armed Perpetrators7) Астрономия: Z Axis Precession8) Ветеринария: Zoo Animal Presenters9) Кино: Zero Adult Providers10) Сокращение: Zero Anti-Aircraft Potential, Zone Analysis Program (USPS certification, 2004)11) Театр: Zealous Art Promoters12) Электроника: Zone Axis Pattern13) Транспорт: Zero Accident Program14) Пищевая промышленность: Zinfandel Advocates and Producers15) Фирменный знак: Zinfandel Associates And Producers16) Экология: Zero Air Pollution, Zero Atmospheric Pollution17) Сетевые технологии: Zone Announcement Protocol18) Программирование: Zeros Aren't Permitted19) Расширение файла: Rebel Software Installation Manager, Windows Software Installation Settings, Zone Labs, Inc. Zone Alarm Data20) NYSE. Zapata Corporation of Nevada -
13 ad
1) Общая лексика: год нашей эры (AD ставится перед датой (AD64), BC - после (300BC); при указании столетия и то и другое идет после числительного (second century AD, fourth century BC))2) Авиация: Airworthiness Directive( сокр.) (Директивные документы по пригодности к лётной эксплуатации), autopilot disconnect (сокр.) (автопилот отключён), airdrome (сокр.) (аэродром), aircraft datum3) Морской термин: acoustic decoupler( сокр.) (акустический разъединитель), Admiralty Dockyard (военно-морская (судостроительная или судоремонтная) верфь (брит.)), alongside date (дата начала подачи грузов к борту судна для погрузки), after draft (сокр.) (осадка кормой), Admiralty design (сокр.) (по проекту адмиралтейства; военно-морского образца), advisory route (сокр.) (рекомендованный маршрут)4) Медицина: антидепрессант, adenoidal degeneration ( сокр.) (аденоидная дегенерация), болезнь Альцгеймера (сокр. Alzheimer’s Disease), atopic dermatitis5) Американизм: After Democracy, Allowable Deductions, Anti Dumping6) Военный термин: Air Director, Army dispensary, Army diver, Artillery Division, Attack Damage, Destroyer Tender, access door, accidental discharge, active duty, administration, administrative, administrative department, administrative directive, administrative division, advanced development, aerial delivery, after duty, aid detachment, air data, air defense, air depot, air directive, air district, air division, aircraft depot, allowable deficiency, ambulance driver, ammunition depot, area director, armament depot, armament division, armored division, army depot, assembly/disassembly, assured destruction, atomic defense, atomic drive, attention display, authentication document, automatic detection, automatic display, гарантированное уничтожение, FAADC2I Dual Workstation class computer unit (TCU or HCU), Admission and Disposition (report), ПВО (Air Defence; Air Defense), mustard (иприт (усл.)), ЗРК, зенитный ракетный комплекс, противовоздушная оборона7) Техника: Adaptive Control, acoustic decoupler, acquisition detector, address decoder, address driver, air damper, air-dry, aircraft direction, altitude deviation, amplifier detector, analog-digital, aperture distribution, arithmetic device, avalanche diode, adapted( сокр.) (адаптированный), air-start diesel engine (сокр.) (дизель с воздушным пуском), attention device (сокр.) (устройство сигнализации, сигнализатор), Audio Description8) Химия: Acid Detecting9) Строительство: Arkutun-Dagi10) Математика: многомерное обобщение дисперсионного анализа (analysis of dispersion), среднее отклонение (average deviation)11) Религия: anno Domini, от Р.Х.12) Метеорология: Anomalous Dispersion13) Юридический термин: American Decision (наименование американского периодического издания по вопросам права), assembly district (сокр.) (округ законодательного собрания)14) Экономика: aggregate demand15) Сокращение: Accidental Damage, Administrative Domain, Air Despatch, Air Division (USAF), Airworthiness Directive, Analog / Digital, Andorra, Principality of, Anno Domini (in the year of our Lord), Ante Diem, Application Development, Area Defense, Area-Denial munition, Armored Division (USA), Army Department (UK), Assistant Director (UK), Destroyer Tender (USA), air defence, ampere demand meter, anode, area drain, as drawn, Armament Division (USA; AFSC), Anno Domini, in the year of our Lord, Action for Democracy, Alzheimer Dementia, Alzheimer's Disease, accession document (military), accident dispensary, acetate dialysis, active disease, acute dermatomyositis, addict, addiction, adenoid degeneration [agent], adenovirus(ad), adjuvant disease, admission and discharge, admitting diagnosis, adrenal(ad), adrenostenedione, adult disease, advanced directive, aerosol deposition, affective disorder, after discharge, alcohol debydrogenase, aleutian disease, alternating days, alveolar diffusion, alveolar duct, anaesthetic dose, analgesic dose, androstenedione (hormone), anisotropic disk (ad), anodal duration, antagonistic dose, anterior descending (coronary artery), antidepressant, antigenic determinant, antimicrobial division, antinociceptive dose, antinoxious dose, anxiety disorder, anxiolytic dose, appropriate disability, arrhythmogenic dose, arthritic dose, associated druggists, assistant driller16) Физиология: Abdominal Diaphragmatic Breathing, Acute Disorder, After Death, Arterial Device, Auditory Discrimination, Auris Dextra, Right Ear, Right Ear17) Электроника: acquisition detector( сокр.) (индикатор вхождения в синхронизм), avalanche diode (сокр.) (лавинно-пролётный диод)18) Вычислительная техника: Autonomous DOMAIN, analog-to-digital, Analog-to-Digital (D/A), Authorized Distributor (DEC), Active Directory (MS, WIndows, AD, DS), Anno Domini (in the year of our Lord)19) Нефть: add drop, associate director, authorized depth, разрешённая глубина (санкционированная федеральными властями штата или земледельцем, authorized depth), средняя глубина (average depth)20) Иммунология: Anatomic Design21) Банковское дело: от даты векселя (after date), от сего числа (after date)22) Фирменный знак: AMD Corporation23) Экология: Atmospheric deposition24) Реклама: адвертайсмент25) Деловая лексика: Accumulation Distribution, руководитель отдела художественного оформления рекламы (art director)26) Бурение: нашей эры (anno Domini)27) Инвестиции: after date28) Сетевые технологии: addendum document29) Полимеры: air density, air-dried, average depth30) Внешняя торговля: антидемпинговый31) Контроль качества: average deviation32) Пластмассы: aligned discontinuous ( FRP) (сокр.) (волокнит с параллельным расположением волокон конечной длины)33) Телефония: Active Directory34) Океанография: Aviation Division35) Макаров: angular distribution, (Anno Domini) нашей эры, (Anno Domini) новой эры, (Anno Domini) с начала нашей эры, (Anno Domini) христианской эры36) Военно-воздушные силы: aircraft direction( сокр.) (наведение самолётов; наведение истребителей-перехватчиков)37) Военно-морской флот: aircraft depth bomb (противолодочная авиационная бомба), Aviation Machinist's Mate (сокр.) (старшина — авиационный механик (по двигателям и вспомогательному оборудованию)), Artificer Diver (сокр.) (старшина-водолаз (Великобритания))38) Расширение файла: Account Directory, Screensaver (AfterDark), AfterDark screensaver module (AfterDark)39) Нефть и газ: apparent density40) Собаководство: Ausdauer, Agility Dog41) Судостроение: площадь развёрнутой поверхности лопастей гребного винта (developed blade area of a screw propeller)42) Должность: All Day, Art Director, Assistant Deputy43) Правительство: And Do44) Федеральное бюро расследований: Assistant Director -
14 asd
1) Компьютерная техника: Apple Service Diagnostic, Application Specific Discretes, Application Structure Description, Automatic Skip Driver3) Медицина: amniotic sac diameter, atrial septal defect, arterial sclerotic disease (атеросклеротическое поражение сосудов), acute stress disorder4) Американизм: (NII) Assistant Secretary of Defense (National Information Infrastructure)5) Военный термин: AWIS Software Development, Advanced Scenario Design, Advanced Systems Department, Air South Europe Directive, Air-worthiness Substantiation Document, Ammunition Storage Depot, Armament Supply Department, Armament Systems Division, Army shipping document, Army supply deport, Assigned Software Developer, Assigned Systems Developer, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Administration, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Atomic Energy, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Civil ASTSECAF, Assistant Secretary of Air Force, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Civil Defense, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Command, Control, Communications and Intelligence, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Comptroller, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Health Affairs, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Health and Environment, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Installations and Logistics, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Intelligence, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Intelligence, Telecommunications, Command and Control, Assistant Secretary of Defense, International Security Affairs, Assistant Secretary of Defense, International Security Policy, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Legislative Affairs, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Management and Finance, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Manpower, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Properties and Installations, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Public Affairs, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Research and Advanced Technology, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Research and Development, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Research and Engineering, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Supply and Logistics, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Systems Analysis, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Telecommunications, Assistant secretary of Defense, Manpower and Reserve Affairs, Assistant secretary of Defense, Manpower, Personnel, and Reserves, Assistant secretary of Defense, Manpower, Reserve Affairs and Logistics, Automatic Shut Down, administrative survey detachment, advanced submarine detection, advanced supply depot, advanced surveillance drone, aerospace defense, air support director, air surveillance drone, aircraft statistical data, ammunition subdepot, ammunition supply depot, antisatellite defense, area support detachment, arm/safe device, artillery spotting division, assignment selection date, audio simulation device, aviation service date, aviation supply depot, ПМО, помощник министра обороны, (C4I) Assistant Secretary of Defense (Command, Control, Communications, Computers and Intelligence), (ISA) Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs, (S&R) Assistant Secretary of Defense for Strategy and Requirements, (SO/LIC) Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Low Intensity Conflict, (HA) Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs, (MRA&L) Assistant Secretary of Defense for Manpower, Reserve Affairs, and Logistics, (NII) Assistant Secretary of Defense, Networks & Information Integration, (PA&E) Assistant Secretary of Defense for Program Analysis and Evaluation6) Техника: Ancient Steel Design, acceleration spectral density, adjustable speed drive, advanced sensor demonstration, air situation display, atmospheric steam dump, automatic synchronized discriminator, конструирование с учётом допускаемых напряжений (Allowable Stress Design)7) Шутливое выражение: Agonizingly Slow and Determined8) Метеорология: Another Sunny Day9) Автомобильный термин: automatic shutdown relay10) Ветеринария: Action for Singapore Dogs11) Телекоммуникации: Alternative Service Delivery12) Сокращение: Advanced System Development, Aeronautical Systems Division (Now known as Aeronautical Systems Center (USAF)), Air Space Devices, Alternative Service Delivery (Canadian Air Command), Assistant Secretary of Defense, Health Affairs (USA; HA), Average Sortie Duration, Assistant Secretary of Defense (USA; C; Comptroller), Assistant Secretary of Defense (USA; PA; Public Affairs), структурная база данных приложения (Application Structure Database (Microsoft)), Нарушения аутистичного спектра (Autistic Spectrum Disorder)13) Физика: Active Surface Definition14) Физиология: Advanced Senility Disease, Anterior Segment Dysgenesis, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Autism Spectrum Disorders, Autistic Spectrum Disorder15) Вычислительная техника: Architecture Summary Design16) Транспорт: Aircraft Situation Display, Azimuth Stern Drive17) Воздухоплавание: Aeronautical Systems Division18) Фирменный знак: Accelerator Systems Division, Advanced Strategy Division19) Деловая лексика: Authorized Solutions Developer20) Образование: After School Detention21) Сетевые технологии: automated software distribution, автоматизированное распространение программного обеспечения22) Программирование: application-specific discretes23) Автоматика: абсолютное снижение содержания серы (absolute sulphur reduction)24) Химическое оружие: Assistant Secretary of Defense (for International Security Policy), (C3I) Assistant Secretary of Defense for Command, Control, Communications, and Intelligence, (ES) Assistant Secretary of Defense for Economic Security, Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Technology, (PA&E) Assistant Secretary of Defense for Program Analysis and Evaluation, (S&TR) Assistant Secretary of Defense for Strategy and Threat Reduction25) Расширение файла: Astound Presentation file, Lotus 1-2-3 Screen Driver, Word for Windows AutoSave file, Application Structure Database (Microsoft), Automatic Skip Driver (Microsoft)26) Имена и фамилии: Albert S Davis28) NYSE. American Standard Companies, Inc., of Delaware29) Хобби: American Society Of Dowsers30) Базы данных: Action Semantic Description -
15 sam
1) Общая лексика: Supplier Approval Module2) Компьютерная техника: Sequential Access Model, Super Automated Machine, Switch Adapted Mouse, System Administration Manager3) Биология: S-adenosyl-L-methionine4) Медицина: S-adenosylmethionine, systolic anterior motion5) Американизм: Save American Manufacturing, Space Available Mail6) Спорт: Snowmobile Association Of Massachusetts, Stand Against Me, Student Athlete Mentor, Student Athlete Mentors7) Военный термин: (сокр. от surface-to-air missile) ракета класса "земля-воздух", Salvage All Materials, School of Aerospace Medicine, School of Assets Management, School of Aviation Medicine, Skill Allocation Module, Sleep/Activity Monitor, Software Asset Maintenance, Special Air Missions, Standard ARM missile, Summary Assessment Matrix, Super- Absorbent Material, selective automatic monitoring, self-propelled anthropomorphic manipulator, signal analyzing monitor, sound-absorbing material, special advisory message, special air mission, special airlift mission, special ammunition, specialized aircraft maintenance, stage assembly and maintenance, standard avionics module, surface-to-air missile, system accuracy model, system activity monitor, systems analysis machine, ЗУР, МСОС, Миссия по содействию осуществлению санкций, зенитная ракета, зенитная управляемая ракета8) Техника: Sound Abatement Membrane, safeguards assessment methodology, satellite amplitude modulation, selective activity monitor, semiconductor active memory, sequential access memory, serial analog memory, spectral analysis microcomputer, stabilized assay meter, stratospheric aerosol measurement, strong-absorption model, sub-audio magnetics, subsequent address message, substitute alloy material, surface-to-air missile system, synchronous amplitude modulation9) Шутливое выражение: Secret Agent Man, Slow As Molasses, Strategically Altered Mutant10) Религия: Senior Adult Ministries11) Юридический термин: Statements Acts Marriages13) Фармакология: standard analytical method14) Грубое выражение: Smart Assed Masochist15) Оптика: scanning Auger microscopy, scanning acoustical microscope16) Телекоммуникации: Service Access Multiplexer17) Сокращение: Samaritan Aramaic, Sea Air Mariner (USA), Self-Assembled Monolayer (bioelectronics), Self-propelled Acoustic-magnetic Mine-countermeasures vehicle (Sweden), Sentient Autonomous Mechanism, Signal Analysis Module, Single Agency Manager, Situation Awareness Mode, Small Android Model, Society of Airline Meteorologists, Sonde Aerologique Motorisee (Atmospheric sounding vehicle (France)), Space Available Mail (military airlift mail), Special Air Missions squadron (USAF), Stalking Awareness Month, Standard Avionic Module, Swept Amplitude Modulation, Systems Acquisition Manpower, SCSI-3 Architecture Model, Scanning Auger Microanalysis, Serial Access Memory, Shuttle Attachment Manipulator, Single Application Mode, Standard Allowed Minute, System Availability Model18) Университет: Student Access Module, Student Aid Management, Student Art Movement, Student Athletic Mentor, Students At Macquarie19) Электроника: Self Assembled Monolayer, Substrates Assembly And Microsystems, Synthetic Audio Micro20) Вычислительная техника: Security Access Manager, Sort And Merge, расширение файлов графики в формате Ami Professional, Symantec Anti-virus for Macintosh (Apple), Security Access Manager (MS, Windows, XP), Sequential Access Method / Mode (SAM, DAM), Standard Application Model (XTM), security account manager22) Иммунология: substrate-adhesion molecules23) Биохимия: S-аденозил-L-метионин24) Банковское дело: ипотека, по условиям которой заёмщик должен поделиться прибылью с кредитором (shared appreciation mortgage)25) Биотехнология: Significance Analysis of Microarrays26) Геофизика: электромагнитная разведка на инфразвуковых частотах27) Транспорт: Safety Always Matters, South American Region28) Воздухоплавание: Surface-to-Air Missiles29) Деловая лексика: Sales Access Module, Sales Advertising And Marketing, Self Adjusting Mattress, Site Assets Management30) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: сканирующая акустическая микроскопия31) Образование: Self Assessment Method, Society for Adolescent Medicine, Sport Art And Music, Student Assistance Model, Student Attendance Monitoring, Styles, Abilities, And Motivations32) Инвестиции: shared appreciation mortgage33) Сетевые технологии: Scalable Active Management, Scalable Adsl Modem, Secure Access Management, Storage Application Model, System Administrator Means, sequential access method34) Автоматика: scanning acoustic microscope, sequential-access memory35) Ядерная физика: Strong Absorption Model36) Полупроводники: scanning acoustic microscopy37) Макаров: scanning Auger microprobe38) Безопасность: Symantec Antivirus For Macintosh39) Расширение файла: Security Accounts Manager (Microsoft), Single Application Mode (Microsoft)40) Военно-политический термин: Sanctions Assistance Missions41) HR. supervisory administrative management42) Имена и фамилии: Susan Allen Morgan43) Уровнеметрия: (3202) Smart Applications Module44) Должность: Security Accounts Manager, Service And Accounting Manager45) Чат: Samantha And My, Secret Admirer Of Me46) NYSE. Boston Beer, Inc. (Sam Adams)47) НАСА: Safety And Maintenance, Sensor Actuator Module, Sun Acquisition Mode, System Assurance Manage48) Программное обеспечение: Safety Argument Manager, Sofa Artwork Manager, Software Adaptation Management, Software Asset Management, Sound Audio Motion49) Музеи: Seattle Art Museum -
16 zap
1) Компьютерная техника: Zeros Arent Permitted2) Спорт: Zany Award Points3) Военный термин: Zimbabwean Anti Personnel, zero antiaircraft potential4) Техника: Zero Alignment Product, Zone Alarm Pro5) Метеорология: Zonal Advisory Process6) Юридический термин: Zero Armed Perpetrators7) Астрономия: Z Axis Precession8) Ветеринария: Zoo Animal Presenters9) Кино: Zero Adult Providers10) Сокращение: Zero Anti-Aircraft Potential, Zone Analysis Program (USPS certification, 2004)11) Театр: Zealous Art Promoters12) Электроника: Zone Axis Pattern13) Транспорт: Zero Accident Program14) Пищевая промышленность: Zinfandel Advocates and Producers15) Фирменный знак: Zinfandel Associates And Producers16) Экология: Zero Air Pollution, Zero Atmospheric Pollution17) Сетевые технологии: Zone Announcement Protocol18) Программирование: Zeros Aren't Permitted19) Расширение файла: Rebel Software Installation Manager, Windows Software Installation Settings, Zone Labs, Inc. Zone Alarm Data20) NYSE. Zapata Corporation of Nevada -
17 window
окно; иллюминатор; люк; просвет ( в облаках) ; ркт. ксм. удобное время (пуска, полёта) ; pl. рлк дипольные отражателиbarometric pressure readout window — приб. окно отсчёта барометрического давления
command airspeed readout window — приб. окно отсчёта заданной воздушной скорости
command altitude readout window — приб. окно отсчёта заданной [командной] высоты
command Mach readout window — приб. окно отсчёта заданного числа М
target altitude readout window — приб. окно отсчёта высоты цели
weather vision nose window — лобовое стекло, козырек (фонаря кабины)
См. также в других словарях:
Atmospheric physics — is the application of physics to the study of the atmosphere. Atmospheric physicists attempt to model Earth s atmosphere and the atmospheres of the other planets using fluid flow equations, chemical models, radiation balancing, and energy… … Wikipedia
Atmospheric convection — Conditions favorable for thunderstorm types and complexes Atmospheric convection is the result of a parcel environment instability, or temperature difference, layer in the atmosphere. Different lapse rates within dry and moist air lead to… … Wikipedia
Atmospheric diving suit — Divers do not even need to be skilled swimmers.The ADS has variously been referred to as an armored diving suit, armored diving dress, articulated diving suit, Iron Duke, Iron Mike, and deep sea diving robot . The term atmospheric diving suit… … Wikipedia
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Infrared — For other uses, see Infrared (disambiguation). An image of two people in mid infrared ( thermal ) light (false color) … Wikipedia
Mercury(II) cadmium(II) telluride — HgCdTe or mercury cadmium telluride (also cadmium mercury telluride, MCT or CMT) is an alloy of CdTe and HgTe and is sometimes claimed to be the third semiconductor of technological importance after silicon and gallium(III) arsenide. The amount… … Wikipedia
Mercury cadmium telluride — HgCdTe or mercury cadmium telluride (also cadmium mercury telluride, MCT or CMT) is an alloy of CdTe and HgTe and is sometimes claimed to be the third semiconductor of technological importance after silicon and gallium(III) arsenide. The amount… … Wikipedia
Extremely high frequency — Frequency range 30 to 300 GHz ITU Radio Band Numbers 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 … Wikipedia
Very Large Telescope — VLT redirects here. For other uses, see VLT (disambiguation). Very Large Telescope The four Unit Telescopes that form the VLT together with th … Wikipedia