1 atmospheric model
модель атмосферы
[ http://www.eionet.europa.eu/gemet/alphabetic?langcode=en]EN
atmospheric model
A simulation, pattern or plan designed to demonstrate the structure or workings of the atmosphere surrounding any object, including the Earth. (Source: APD)
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > atmospheric model
2 atmospheric model
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > atmospheric model
3 atmospheric model
The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > atmospheric model
4 atmospheric model
5 atmospheric model
Бытовая техника: модель атмосферы -
6 atmospheric model
7 atmospheric model
English-Russian dictionary on household appliances > atmospheric model
8 atmospheric model
9 atmospheric model
10 inviscid atmospheric model
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > inviscid atmospheric model
11 digital atmospheric model
Англо-русский словарь по экологии > digital atmospheric model
12 inviscid atmospheric model
Англо-русский словарь по экологии > inviscid atmospheric model
13 digital atmospheric model
Экология: цифровая модель атмосферыУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > digital atmospheric model
14 inviscid atmospheric model
Техника: невязкая модель атмосферыУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > inviscid atmospheric model
15 model
1) модель; образец || моделировать; создавать по образцу3) метал. шаблон4) метал. реплика5) слепок; лепнина || лепить6) форма || формовать•-
abstract model
advection model
ageostrophic model
analog model
analytical model
atmospheric dispersion model
atomic model
band model
barotropic model
behavioral model
biochemical cycling model
bottom-end model
bowl model
Bragg bubble model
breadboard model
bulk-freezing model
cammed model
car model
channel operation model
cognitive model
computational model
computation model
computer model
conceptual model
console model
consulting model
coupled air/ocean model
damage model
data model
dead-reckoned model
decoupled model
deformation model
descriptive model
design model
deterministic model
device model
directional numerical model
discrete model
dislocation model of twinning
dynamic model
dynamical electrical cloud model
electric model
energy supply model
energy-balance model
entry-level model
equilibrium slip model
experimental model
external-reference model
fault model
fine-mesh model
finite element model
fixed-bed model
flat Earth model
FMS model
frozen state model
full-scale model
functional model
general circulation model
geochemical cycling model
geostatistical orebody model
graphics model
graphic model
gross-level model
group model
heuristic model
high-end model
highly parameterized model
homogeneous equilibrium model
horizontal model
hydraulic scale model
hydrological cycling model
hypothesize model
image model
inviscid atmospheric model
ionospheric model
irregular-grid model
jazz model
large-scale model
large-signal device model
Leontief's model
Leontief model
limited-area model
linear model
linearized model
long-range transport model
low-end model
low-volume model
lucky-electron model
macrolevel model
master die model
master model
mathematical model
mesogrid model
meteorologically validated model
microlevel model
mine model
model of computation
movable nested-mesh model
multiasperity model
n-equation flow model
nested-mesh model
network model
noise model
orthogonal flute model
photoelastic model
pilot model
plotting model
point model
prediction model
predictive model
preproduction model
primitive equation model
probabilistic model
probability model
projective model
propagation model
prototype model
quasi-linear model
quasi-solenoidal model
radiative-convective model
rain-out model
reference model
relational model
relative model
reliability model
research model
river-basin simulation model
sampled-data model
scaled model
scale model
sediment movement model
self-correcting model
semiscale model
simulation model
skeleton model
slip model
small-signal device model
software model
space-independent model
spectral model
spectral transform model
spherical Earth model
stability model
state-space model
statistical model
steady-state model
stochastic model
stochastic sequential model
subsynoptic model
symbolic-form model
table model
test model
thermal model
time-averaged model
time-invariant model
time-varying model
traffic model
transistor model
tribometric model
two-dimensional model
two-fluid model
urn model
vertical model
vertically exaggerated model
water allocation model
water management model
water system operation model
wave spectral model
weather-dependent yield model
wire model
wireframe model
world model -
16 model
1. модель; макет; образец; эталон/ модельный/ моделировать2. модель; вариант; типactuator modelactuator disk modeladvanced development modelaerodynamic modelaeroelastic modelaeroelastically scaled modelair combat modelairplane modelairplane-like modelapproach modelarrow-wing modelatmospheric modelautopilot modelautorotation modelautothrottle modelBaldwin-Lomax modelbasic modelbeam modelbeam/lumped mass modelbiomorphic modelblowing modelbody alone modelbreadboard modelcable-mounted modelcargo load modelCFD modelcombustion modelcombustion-flow modelcommand modelcompensatory modelcomposite modelcompressibility modified modelcomputer modelcone-cylinder modelcone-finned modelconical-flow modelconsistent modelconstant amplitude fatigue modelconstitutive modelcontinuous-mass modelcontinuum modelcontroller modelcorrelation modelcounter-rotation modelcrack modelcrack growth modelcrack growth retardation modelcrossover modelcumulative damage modeldamage accumulation modeldamper modeldatabase modeldeterministic modeldevelopment-type modeldifferential-game modeldiscrete modeldistributed lift modeldisturbance modeldowndraft modeldrop modelDryden modelDugdale modeldynamically scaled modeldynamics modelenergy-conservation modelengagement modelengine modelengineering development modelerror modelfailure modelfatigue modelfilament modelfine grid modelfinite element modelfixed-base modelfixed-wing modelflow modelflutter modelflutter-suppression modelfour-input/four-output modelfractional derivative modelfracture modelfree to roll modelfree-flight modelfree-flying modelfree-spinning modelfreely flying modelfrequency-domain modelfull modelfull-order modelfull-span modelfull-span wing modelgame modelgeneric modelgeometric modelgeometrically scaled modelgravity modelgravity anomaly modelgust modelhalf-plane modelhalf-wing modelhigh-fineness-ratio modelhuman operator modelidentified modelilluminated modelinfinite-blade modelinput modelinstrumented modelinverse modelisolated wing modelk-e modelk-W modelkinematic modelkinetic modellarge-scale modellead-lag pilot modellead-only pilot modellinear modellongitudinal modellower-order modellumped parameter modellumped-mass modelMach-scaled modelmagnetically suspended modelmass-and-spring modelmass-spring modelMaxwell modelmembrane and rod modelmeteorological modelmicromechanical modelMiner-Palmgren damage modelminimum phase modelmissile modelmodal modelmomentum-conserved modelmoving modelmultiaxis modelmultidegree of freedom modelmultiloop modelmultiscale modelneuromuscular modelobservation modelover-parameterized modelparabolized Navier-Stokes modelpendulation modelperformance modelperturbation modelphenomenological modelphysical modelpilot-aircraft modelpilot-vehicle modelpiston modelpitch modelpitch-plunge modelpitch-lateral-directional modelplant modelplastic modelpneumodynamic modelpowered modelpowered-lift modelprecision modelprediction modelpreview modelproduction modelproperly parameterized modelpropfan modelpropulsion modelpure gain pilot modelquantized modelquasi-static modelR&M modelradar modelradial spring modelradio control modelradio controlled modelreal-world modelreduced order modelreference modelreflectivity modelreingestion modelreplica modelreplica-type modelrocket-propelled modelroll modelrotor-body modelrotorcraft modelscale modelscaled modelscattering modelself-consistent modelsemiempirical modelsemispan modelsemispan wing modelsensitivity modelsimulation modelsingle-axis modelsingle-body modelsingle-rotation modelspectrum fatigue modelspray modelstall modelstate modelstate space modelstatistical modelstiffness modelstochastic modelstress modelstructural modelstudy modelsupersonic cruise modeltask modelterrain modelthin-jet modelthree-degree-of-a-freedom modelthree-state modelthrust modeltire modeltransfer-function modeltransparent modeltruth modeltunnel-supported modelturbulence modeltwin-body modeltwo layer turbulence modeltwo-control modeltwo-degrees-of-freedom modeltwo-equation turbulence modelunquantized modeluntuned modelusage modelV/STOL modelvaporization modelvehicle stability modelvertical dynamic modelvestibular modelviscous/inviscid modelvisual cueing modelwake modelwake/wing modelwater tunnel modelWheeler retardation modelwind-tunnel modelwindshear modelwing-canard modelwing-rotor modelwireframe modelyaw model -
17 model
1) модель (1. упрощённое представление объекта, процесса или явления; структурная аналогия 2. макет 3. образец; эталон; шаблон 4. пример; тип 5. стиль; дизайн) || моделировать (1. создавать упрощённое представление объекта, процесса или явления; пользоваться структурной аналогией 2. макетировать 3. создавать образец, эталон или шаблон 4. пользоваться примером; относить к определённому типу) || модельный (1. относящийся к упрощённому представлению объекта, процесса или явления; использующий структурную аналогию 2. макетный 3. образцовый; эталонный; шаблонный 4. примерный; типовой)2) служить моделью; выполнять функции модели3) создавать по образцу, эталону или шаблону4) придерживаться определённого стиля; следовать выбранному дизайну•- 2-D model
- adaptive expectations model
- additive model of neural network
- analog model
- antenna scale model
- application domain model
- AR model
- ARCH model
- ARDL model
- ARIMA model
- ARMA model
- atmospheric density model
- autoregressive conditional heteroscedastic model
- autoregressive distributed lags model
- autoregressive integrated moving average model
- autoregressive moving average model
- band model
- behavioral model
- Benetton model
- Berkeley short-channel IGFET model
- binary model
- binary choice model
- Bohr-Sommerfeld model
- Bohr-Sommerfeld model of atom
- Box-Jenkins model
- Bradley-Terry-Luce model
- brain-state-in-a-box model
- breadboard model
- Brookings models
- BSB model
- business model
- CAD model
- capability maturity model
- carrier-storage model
- causal model
- censored model
- centralized model
- charge-control model
- Chen model
- classical normal linear regression model
- classical regression model
- client-server model
- CMY model
- CMYK model
- cobweb model
- collective-electron model
- color model
- compact model
- component object model
- computer model
- computer-aided-design model
- conceptual model of hypercompetition
- conceptual data model
- conductor impedance model
- congruent model
- connectionist model
- continuum model
- Cox proportional hazards regression model
- data model
- Davidson-Hendry-Srba-Yeo model
- descriptive model
- design model
- deterministic model
- DHSY model
- discrete choice model
- distributed component object model
- distributed computing model
- distributed lags model
- distributed system object model
- distribution-free model
- document object model
- domain model
- domain architecture model
- duration model
- dynamic model
- EER-model
- energy-gap model
- entity-relationship model
- ER-model
- error correction model
- errors-in-variables model
- experimental model
- extended entity-relationship model
- extended relational model
- extended relational data model
- extensional model
- ferromagnetic Fermi-liquid model
- file level model
- financial model
- finite-population model
- fixed-effects model
- flat Earth model
- flat free model of advertising
- formalized model
- fractal model
- frame model
- fuzzy model
- GARCH model
- generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedastic model
- generalized linear model
- geometric model
- geometrical lags model
- gross-level model
- ground-environment model
- Haken-Kelso-Bunz model
- Heisenberg model
- heuristic model
- hierarchical data model
- HLS model
- holographic model
- HSB model
- HSV model
- Hubbard model
- huge model
- hybrid-pi model
- hypothesis model
- ideal model
- imaging model
- indexed colors model
- information model
- information-logical model
- intensional model
- intercept-only model
- ionospheric model
- irreversible growth model
- Ising model
- ISO/OSI reference model
- Klein model
- Kronig-Penney model
- L*a*b* model
- large model
- large-signal device model
- LCH model
- learning, induction and schema abstraction model
- life cycle model
- limited dependent variable model
- linear model
- linear probability model
- LISA model
- logical model
- logical-linguistic model
- logistic model
- logit model
- loglinear model
- Londons' model of superconductivity
- lookup-table model
- Lorentz model
- low-signal device model
- machine model
- macrolevel model
- magnetic hysteresis model
- magnetohydrodynamic plasma model
- mathematical model
- matrix-memory model
- medium model
- memory model
- MHD plasma model
- microlevel model
- Minsky model
- Minsky frame model
- mixed model
- molecular-field model
- moving average model
- multiple regression model
- multiplicative model
- nested model
- network model
- network data model
- non-nested model
- non-parametric model
- N-state Potts model
- N-tier model
- null model
- object model
- object data model
- one-dimensional model
- one-fluid plasma model
- operations model
- optimizing model
- parabolic-ionosphere model
- parametric model
- parsimonious model
- partial adjustment model
- phenomenological model
- physical model
- pilot model
- Pippard nonlocal model
- plant model
- Poisson model
- polar model
- polynomial lags model
- postrelational model
- postrelational data model
- Potts model
- predictive model
- Preisach model
- preproduction model
- price model of advertising
- probabilistic model
- probit model
- proportional hazard model
- proportional-odds model
- prototype model
- quadratic model
- qualitative dependent variable model
- quantum mechanical model of superconductivity
- quasi-equilibrium model
- quasi-linear model
- random coefficients model
- random-effects model
- register model
- relational model
- relational data model
- relative model
- representative model
- response-surface model
- RGB model
- Ridley-Watkins-Hilsum model
- rival models
- Rössler model
- RWH model
- saturated model
- scalar model
- SCSI architecture model
- semantic model
- semiotic model
- sharply bounded ionosphere model
- simulation model
- single-ion model
- Skyrme model
- small model
- small-signal device model
- solid model
- spherical Earth model
- state-space model
- statistical model
- stochastic model
- Stoner-Wohlfart model
- structural model
- stuck-at-fault model
- surface model
- symbolic model
- symbolic-form model
- synergetic model
- system model
- system object model
- test model
- thermodynamical model
- three-tier model
- tobit model
- transistor model
- translog model
- tropospheric model
- true model
- truncated model
- two-dimensional model
- two-dimensional regression model
- two-fluid model of superconductivity
- two-fluid plasma model
- two-tier model
- Van der Ziel's noise model
- variable parameter model
- vector model
- wire-frame model
- working model -
18 model
1) модель (1. упрощённое представление объекта, процесса или явления; структурная аналогия 2. макет 3. образец; эталон; шаблон 4. пример; тип 5. стиль; дизайн) || моделировать (1. создавать упрощённое представление объекта, процесса или явления; пользоваться структурной аналогией 2. макетировать 3. создавать образец, эталон или шаблон 4. пользоваться примером; относить к определённому типу) || модельный (1. относящийся к упрощённому представлению объекта, процесса или явления; использующий структурную аналогию 2. макетный 3. образцовый; эталонный; шаблонный 4. примерный; типовой)2) служить моделью; выполнять функции модели3) создавать по образцу, эталону или шаблону4) придерживаться определённого стиля; следовать выбранному дизайну•- 2-D model
- adaptive expectations model
- additive model of neural network
- analog model
- antenna scale model
- application domain model
- AR model
- ARCH model
- ARDL model
- ARIMA model
- ARMA model
- atmospheric density model
- autoregressive conditional heteroscedastic model
- autoregressive distributed lags model
- autoregressive integrated moving average model
- autoregressive model
- autoregressive moving average model
- band model
- behavioral model
- Benetton model
- Berkeley short-channel IGFET model
- binary choice model
- binary model
- Bohr-Sommerfeld model of atom
- Bohr-Sommerfeld model
- Box-Jenkins model
- Bradley-Terry-Luce model
- brain-state-in-a-box model
- breadboard model
- Brookings models
- BSB model
- business model
- CAD model
- capability maturity model
- carrier-storage model
- causal model
- censored model
- centralized model
- charge-control model
- Chen model
- classical normal linear regression model
- classical regression model
- client-server model
- CMY model
- CMYK model
- cobweb model
- collective-electron model
- color model
- compact model
- component object model
- computer model
- computer-aided-design model
- conceptual data model
- conceptual model of hypercompetition
- conductor impedance model
- congruent model
- connectionist model
- continuum model
- Cox proportional hazards regression model
- data model
- Davidson-Hendry-Srba-Yeo model
- descriptive model
- design model
- deterministic model
- DHSY model
- discrete choice model
- distributed component object model
- distributed computing model
- distributed lags model
- distributed system object model
- distribution-free model
- document object model
- domain architecture model
- domain model
- duration model
- dynamic model
- EER-model
- energy-gap model
- entity-relationship model
- ER-model
- error correction model
- errors-in-variables model
- experimental model
- extended entity-relationship model
- extended relational data model
- extended relational model
- extensional model
- ferromagnetic Fermi-liquid model
- file level model
- financial model
- finite-population model
- fixed-effects model
- flat Earth model
- flat free model of advertising
- formalized model
- fractal model
- frame model
- fuzzy model
- GARCH model
- generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedastic model
- generalized linear model
- geometric model
- geometrical lags model
- gross-level model
- ground-environment model
- Haken-Kelso-Bunz model
- Heisenberg model
- heuristic model
- hierarchical data model
- HLS model
- holographic model
- HSB model
- HSV model
- Hubbard model
- huge model
- hybrid-pi model
- hypothesis model
- ideal model
- imaging model
- indexed colors model
- information model
- information-logical model
- intensional model
- intercept-only model
- ionospheric model
- irreversible growth model
- Ising model
- ISO/OSI reference model
- Klein model
- Kronig-Penney model
- L*a*b* model
- large model
- large-signal device model
- LCH model
- learning, induction and schema abstraction model
- life cycle model
- limited dependent variable model
- linear model
- linear probability model
- LISA model
- logical model
- logical-linguistic model
- logistic model
- logit model
- loglinear model
- Londons' model of superconductivity
- lookup-table model
- Lorentz model
- low-signal device model
- machine model
- macrolevel model
- magnetic hysteresis model
- magnetohydrodynamic plasma model
- mathematical model
- matrix-memory model
- medium model
- memory model
- MHD plasma model
- microlevel model
- Minsky frame model
- Minsky model
- mixed model
- molecular-field model
- moving average model
- multiple regression model
- multiplicative model
- nested model
- network data model
- network model
- non-nested model
- non-parametric model
- N-state Potts model
- N-tier model
- null model
- object data model
- object model
- one-dimensional model
- one-fluid plasma model
- operations model
- optimizing model
- parabolic-ionosphere model
- parametric model
- parsimonious model
- partial adjustment model
- phenomenological model
- physical model
- pilot model
- Pippard nonlocal model
- plant model
- Poisson model
- polar model
- polynomial lags model
- postrelational data model
- postrelational model
- Potts model
- predictive model
- Preisach model
- preproduction model
- price model of advertising
- probabilistic model
- probit model
- proportional hazard model
- proportional-odds model
- prototype model
- quadratic model
- qualitative dependent variable model
- quantum mechanical model of superconductivity
- quasi-equilibrium model
- quasi-linear model
- random coefficients model
- random-effects model
- register model
- relational data model
- relational model
- relative model
- representative model
- response-surface model
- RGB model
- Ridley-Watkins-Hilsum model
- rival models
- Rössler model
- RWH model
- saturated model
- scalar model
- SCSI architecture model
- semantic model
- semiotic model
- sharply bounded ionosphere model
- simulation model
- single-ion model
- Skyrme model
- small model
- small-signal device model
- solid model
- spherical Earth model
- state-space model
- statistical model
- stochastic model
- Stoner-Wohlfart model
- structural model
- stuck-at-fault model
- surface model
- symbolic model
- symbolic-form model
- synergetic model
- system model
- system object model
- test model
- thermodynamical model
- three-tier model
- tobit model
- transistor model
- translog model
- tropospheric model
- true model
- truncated model
- two-dimensional model
- two-dimensional regression model
- two-fluid model of superconductivity
- two-fluid plasma model
- two-tier model
- Van der Ziel's noise model
- variable parameter model
- vector model
- wire-frame model
- working modelThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > model
19 atmospheric dispersion model
модель рассеяния загрязняющих веществ в атмосфере
[А.С.Гольдберг. Англо-русский энергетический словарь. 2006 г.]Тематики
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > atmospheric dispersion model
20 atmospheric dispersion model
модель рассеяния (загрязняющих веществ) в атмосфереБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > atmospheric dispersion model
См. также в других словарях:
Atmospheric model — A 96 hour forecast of 850 mbar geopotential height and temperature from the Global Forecast System An atmospheric model is a mathematical model constructed around the full set of primitive dynamical equations which govern atmospheric motions. It… … Wikipedia
atmospheric model — atmosferos modelis statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. atmospheric model vok. Atmosphärenmodel, n rus. модель атмосферы, f pranc. modèle d atmosphère, m … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
Atmospheric Model Intercomparison Project — (AMIP) is a standard experimental protocol for global atmospheric general circulation models (AGCMs). It provides a community based infrastructure in support of climate model diagnosis, validation, intercomparison, documentation and data access.… … Wikipedia
Atmospheric reentry — refers to the movement of human made or natural objects as they enter the atmosphere of a planet from outer space, in the case of Earth from an altitude above the edge of space. This article primarily addresses the process of controlled reentry… … Wikipedia
Atmospheric models — Static atmospheric models describe how the ideal gas properties (namely: pressure, temperature, density, and molecular weight) of an atmosphere change, primarily as a function of altitude. For example, the US Standard Atmosphere is essentially a… … Wikipedia
Atmospheric chemistry — is a branch of atmospheric science in which the chemistry of the Earth s atmosphere and that of other planets is studied. It is a multidisciplinary field of research and draws on environmental chemistry, physics, meteorology, computer modeling,… … Wikipedia
Atmospheric sciences — is an umbrella term for the study of the atmosphere, its processes, the effects other systems have on the atmosphere, and the effects of the atmosphere on these other systems. Meteorology includes atmospheric chemistry and atmospheric physics… … Wikipedia
Atmospheric physics — is the application of physics to the study of the atmosphere. Atmospheric physicists attempt to model Earth s atmosphere and the atmospheres of the other planets using fluid flow equations, chemical models, radiation balancing, and energy… … Wikipedia
Atmospheric electricity — is the regular diurnal variations of the Earth s atmospheric electromagnetic network (or, more broadly, any planet s electrical system in its layer of gases). The Earth’s surface, the ionosphere, and the atmosphere is known as the global… … Wikipedia
Atmospheric tide — Atmospheric tides are global scale periodic oscillations of the atmosphere. In many ways they are analogous to ocean tides. Atmospheric tides can be excited by:*The regular day/night cycle in the insolation of the atmosphere *The gravitational… … Wikipedia
Atmospheric dispersion modeling — Industrial air pollution source Atmospheric dispersion modeling is the mathematical simulation of how air pollutants disperse in the ambient atmosphere. It is performed with computer programs that solve the mathematical equations and algorithms… … Wikipedia