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atmospheric model

См. также в других словарях:

  • Atmospheric model — A 96 hour forecast of 850 mbar geopotential height and temperature from the Global Forecast System An atmospheric model is a mathematical model constructed around the full set of primitive dynamical equations which govern atmospheric motions. It… …   Wikipedia

  • atmospheric model — atmosferos modelis statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. atmospheric model vok. Atmosphärenmodel, n rus. модель атмосферы, f pranc. modèle d atmosphère, m …   Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas

  • Atmospheric Model Intercomparison Project — (AMIP) is a standard experimental protocol for global atmospheric general circulation models (AGCMs). It provides a community based infrastructure in support of climate model diagnosis, validation, intercomparison, documentation and data access.… …   Wikipedia

  • Atmospheric reentry — refers to the movement of human made or natural objects as they enter the atmosphere of a planet from outer space, in the case of Earth from an altitude above the edge of space. This article primarily addresses the process of controlled reentry… …   Wikipedia

  • Atmospheric models — Static atmospheric models describe how the ideal gas properties (namely: pressure, temperature, density, and molecular weight) of an atmosphere change, primarily as a function of altitude. For example, the US Standard Atmosphere is essentially a… …   Wikipedia

  • Atmospheric chemistry — is a branch of atmospheric science in which the chemistry of the Earth s atmosphere and that of other planets is studied. It is a multidisciplinary field of research and draws on environmental chemistry, physics, meteorology, computer modeling,… …   Wikipedia

  • Atmospheric sciences — is an umbrella term for the study of the atmosphere, its processes, the effects other systems have on the atmosphere, and the effects of the atmosphere on these other systems. Meteorology includes atmospheric chemistry and atmospheric physics… …   Wikipedia

  • Atmospheric physics — is the application of physics to the study of the atmosphere. Atmospheric physicists attempt to model Earth s atmosphere and the atmospheres of the other planets using fluid flow equations, chemical models, radiation balancing, and energy… …   Wikipedia

  • Atmospheric electricity — is the regular diurnal variations of the Earth s atmospheric electromagnetic network (or, more broadly, any planet s electrical system in its layer of gases). The Earth’s surface, the ionosphere, and the atmosphere is known as the global… …   Wikipedia

  • Atmospheric tide — Atmospheric tides are global scale periodic oscillations of the atmosphere. In many ways they are analogous to ocean tides. Atmospheric tides can be excited by:*The regular day/night cycle in the insolation of the atmosphere *The gravitational… …   Wikipedia

  • Atmospheric dispersion modeling — Industrial air pollution source Atmospheric dispersion modeling is the mathematical simulation of how air pollutants disperse in the ambient atmosphere. It is performed with computer programs that solve the mathematical equations and algorithms… …   Wikipedia

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