1 atmosphere of security
Дипломатический термин: атмосфера безопасностиУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > atmosphere of security
2 atmosphere of security
Англо-русский дипломатический словарь > atmosphere of security
3 atmosphere of security
English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > atmosphere of security
4 atmosphere
5 atmosphere
n1) атмосфера, воздушное пространство2) перен. атмосфера, обстановка, климат•to consider smth in a low-key atmosphere — обсуждать что-л. в спокойной обстановке
- atmosphere of distrustto improve the atmosphere — оздоровлять обстановку / климат
- atmosphere of fear and intimidation
- atmosphere of freedom, peace and security
- atmosphere of friendship
- atmosphere of good-neighborly relations and cooperation
- atmosphere of mutual understanding
- atmosphere of peace and tranquillity
- atmosphere of tolerance
- atmosphere of trust
- atmosphere of war hysteria
- businesslike atmosphere
- cordial atmosphere
- crime-ridden atmosphere of a city
- electioneering atmosphere
- end-of-reign atmosphere
- favorable atmosphere
- formal atmosphere
- friendly atmosphere
- hostile atmosphere
- informal atmosphere
- political atmosphere
- polluted atmosphere
- pollution of the atmosphere
- promotion of a healthy atmosphere in the world
- relaxed atmosphere
- social atmosphere
- tense atmosphere
- warm and friendly atmosphere -
6 atmosphere
ˈætməsfɪə сущ.
1) атмосфера polluted atmosphere ≈ загрязненная атмосфера rarefied atmosphere, tenuous atmosphere ≈ разреженная атмосфера atmosphere pressure
2) атмосфера, обстановка formal atmosphere ≈ официальная обстановка friendly, informal, relaxed atmosphere ≈ дружеская обстановка, непринужденная обстановкаатмосфера газообразная среда или оболочка( небесного тела и т. п.) воздух (в помещении, городе и т. п.) (специальное) параметры( искусственной) атмосферы окружающая среда, обстановка, атмосфера - friendly * дружественная обстановка - * of freedom, peace and security атмосфера свободы, мира и безопасности (физическое) атмосфера (единица измерения давления) > * player (кинематографический) (разговорное) статист, участник массовки, актер окруженияatmosphere атмосфера ~ обстановка, атмосфера;
tense atmosphere напряженная атмосфера~ обстановка, атмосфера;
tense atmosphere напряженная атмосфераБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > atmosphere
7 atmosphere
[ʹætməsfıə] n1. 1) атмосфера2) газообразная среда или оболочка (небесного тела и т. п.)3) воздух (в помещении, городе и т. п.)4) спец. параметры (искусственной) атмосферы2. окружающая среда, обстановка, атмосфераfriendly [tense] atmosphere - дружественная [напряжённая] обстановка
atmosphere of freedom, peace and security - атмосфера свободы, мира и безопасности
3. физ. атмосфера ( единица измерения давления) -
8 atmosphere of freedom, peace and security
Макаров: атмосфера свободы, мира и безопасностиУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > atmosphere of freedom, peace and security
9 atmosphere of freedom, peace and security
атмосфера свободы, мира и безопасностиPolitics english-russian dictionary > atmosphere of freedom, peace and security
10 SA
1) Общая лексика: социальная ответственность (стандарт SA 8000 'Social Accountability')2) Компьютерная техника: Scalable Architecture, Set Attribute, Shutdown Acknowledged3) Геология: Спектральный анализ ( Spectral analysis)5) Американизм: Set Aside, Special Application, Support Administration6) Спорт: Sets Against7) Военный термин: Logistics Staff Officer, Secretary of the Army, Security Administrator, Seventh Army, Situation Analysis, Situation Awareness, Situational Awareness (4) Signals Analysis, South Australian, Space Applications, Special Act, Springfield armory, Stand Alone, Surprise Attack, Systems Administrator, Systems Architecture, safety analysis, scientific adviser, security assistance, selected ammunition, semiactive, senior adviser, service action, service adviser, service arm, servo assembly, ship-to-aircraft, shipping authority, signal analysis, signal analyzer, signature analysis, simple alert, single-action, site activation, slow-acting, small arms, snap-action, special actions, special agent, special area, special assignment, special assistant, specific activity, spectrum analysis, staging area, standby altimeter, storage area, subassembly, subject to approval, subsistence allowance, substitution authorization, supervisory authority, supplemental agreement, supply agency, supply area, support agency, supporting arms, surface area, surface attack, surface-to-air, system approach, systems analysis, used to identify FSU Surface-to-Air Missiles, e.g., SA-7/GRAIL8) Техника: Securities Art, acoustic sweep, safety & assessment department, satellite astronomy, separate amplifiers, service air, servoamplifier, signal attenuation, slow-acting relay, spaceborne astronomy, spacecraft adapter, supplement agreement, supporting agency, switching device9) Сельское хозяйство: Sustainable Agriculture10) Химия: Silver Azide11) Математика: анализ систем (systems analysis), самосопряжённый (self-adjoint), сигнатурный анализ (signature analysis), системный подход (systems approach)12) Религия: Supreme Allah13) Железнодорожный термин: Norfolk Southern Railway Company14) Юридический термин: Side Arm15) Экономика: societe anonima16) Грубое выражение: Sex Angle, Sexy Adventures, Sore Arse17) Металлургия: Submerged Arc18) Телекоммуникации: Source Address, Subarea19) Сокращение: Arsine (Chemical warfare blood agent), Salvation Army, Sanskrit, Saturday, Saudi Arabia (NATO country code), Scientific Adviser (UK), Seaman Apprentice, Securities Act, Selective Availability (GPS), Selective Availability, Service Assistant, Situational Awareness, Sociedad Anonima (Spain, Venezuela), Sociedada Anonima (Portugal), Sociedade Anonima (Brazil), Societe Anonyme (Belgium, France, Greece, Switzerland), South Africa, South African, South America, South Australia, Swept Audio, sail area, sex appeal, shaft alley, spectrum analyzer, stress anneal, sinoatrial, Sexaholics Anonymous (a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength, and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to stop lusting and become sexually sober), Anonyme (French company designation), Bureau of South Asian Affairs (US Department of State), Franciscan Friars of the Atonement (religious order), Sachsen, Safety and Arming, Sahitya Akademi (National Academy of Letters; India), Salary Adjustment, Sale Agreement, Salerno, Campania (Italian province), Sales Associate (real estate), Salta (Argentina province), Sample Analysis, Samtö, Samus Aran (Metroid character), San Andreas (video game), San Antonio, Sandia Apparatus, Sanofi Aventis (pharmaceutical company), Santa Ana (California), Sarajevo (auto registration for Sarajevo, Bosnia), Saskatchewan, Saturable Absorber, Saudi Arabia, Save (assembly language ASM51 assembler control), Say, Say Again (logging abbreviation), Scientific Advisor, Scientific American, Scientific-Atlanta (US satellite communications company), Scout Association, Scouting Association (UK), Scrambled Americans (video production company), Search and Attack, Seasonally Adjusted, Secret Admirer, Section Adaptation, Security Administration, Security Architecture, Security Association (IPSec), Security Authority, Security Awareness, See Also, Seismic Acoustics, Selection Authority, Self Aligned, Self Assessment, Senior Advisor, Sensor Assembly, Server Administrator, Service Advisor, Service Agent, Service Application, Service Appointment, Service Area, Service Assurance, Service Availability, Service-Affecting, Services Administrator (IRC operator), Services and Agencies, Setup Acknowledge (ITU-T), Sewickley Academy (Pennsylvania), Sexaholics Anonymous, Inc., Sexual Assault, Sexually Active, Shadow Alliance (gaming clan), Shared Area, Sheezyart (website), Shipping Authorization, Shipwright Apprentice, Short Abstract (abstracting & indexing), Short Acronym, Show Assistant, Shredder Afval (Dutch: shredder garbage), SicherheitsAbteilung (German: Safety Department), Side Angle (geometry), Significant Accomplishments, Simulated Annealing, Simulation and Analysis, Sine Anno (Latin: Without Date), Singapore Artillery, Single Access, Single Action (revolver), Single Adult, Single Aisle (aircraft), Single Award, Sinus Arrhythmia, Sir Aaron (Pokemon), Situation Assessment, Situation(al) Awareness, Situational Analysis, Sleep Apnea, Slowly Adapting Fiber (In Skin), Smart Alec, Smart Ass, Smoothing Algorithm, Sneak Attack (gaming), Sniper Assist (gaming, Starcraft), Socié, Social Accountability, Social Actions, Social Anxiety, Socialist Appeal, Sociedad Anó, Sociedade Anó, Society of the Atonement, Software Architecture, Solar Array, Solutions Architect, Something Awful (humor webpage), Something's Awful (website), Son Altesse (French: His/Her Highness), Sonata Arctica (band), Sonic Advance (video game), Sonic Adventure (game), Sound Attenuation, Source Address (IEEE 802.3), Source-Active (Cisco), Sourcing Analyst, South African Airways (IATA airline code), South Asia, Space Academy, Space Ace (video game), Space Available (airline travel), Spaced Antenna, Spare Allocation, Special Access, Special Action, Specialist Association (stock market exchanges), Spectral Acceleration (seismology), Spherical Array, Spinal Anesthesia, Spiral Acquisition, Spirited Away (Japanese anime movie), Splenic Artery, Spooksoliy Ara^nkas, Spring Awakening (musical), Springfield (Massachusetts) Armory (closed), Stabsarzt (German military), Stachowski Alpacas, Staging Activity, Standardised Approach, Standards Australia, Standby Air, State Annex (department of state building), Station Actual, Status Asthmaticus, Stealth Assassin (gaming), Stent Area, Stochastic Approximation, Storage Allocator, Stores Accountant, Storm Afdeling, Strategic Attack, Stroke Association, Structured Analysis (software engineering), Student Ambassadors, Student Assistant, Student Association, Studies and Analysis, Stuffed Animal, Stupid Ass, Stьrmabteilung (German: stormtroopers; paramilitary organization of Nazi Party), Sua Altezza (Italian: Her/His Majesty), Sub-Address (ISDN), Subscriber Access, Substance Abuse, Subsystem(s) Analysis, Suffield Academy (Suffield, Connecticut), Sugar Association, Sum Assured, Summa (Latin: sum), Sunshine Act, Suomen Armeija (Army of Finland), SuperAmerica, Superachromat (tele-photo lenses made by Carl Zeiss), Supervising Authority, Supplemental Appropriation, Supplemental Assembly, Supply Air (HVAC), Support Acquisition, Supportability Analysis, Supras Auteuil, Surveillance Area, Sustainable America, Swansea (postal code for Swansea, Wales), Swiss Army, Switch Arbiter, Syllabic Abbreviation, Symbolic Analysis, System Abort, System Administration, System Administrator, System Analysis, System Architecture, System Assessment, fsins (Iceland), k Atvinnulí, nima (Spanish company designation), short answer, té, Shareholders Agreement20) Университет: Sophomore Advisor, Special Activities, Strongly Agree, Student Administration, Study Abroad, Summer Absenteeism21) Физиология: Short Acting22) Электроника: Sampling Actuation, Socket A, Structured Audio23) Вычислительная техника: Storage Array, Systems Analyst, sense amplifier, smart applet, Spare Area (CD-MRW, DA), Software Assurance (MS), Source (MAC) Address (SNA, Token Ring, ATM, FDDI)24) Нефть: south addition25) Генетика: streptavidin, стрептавидин26) Офтальмология: (Spherical Aberration) Сферическая аберрация27) Банковское дело: Закон о ценных бумагах (США, 1933 г.; Securities Act)28) Транспорт: Shipyard Agreement, Slow Away29) Пищевая промышленность: Special Ale30) Фирменный знак: Samso31) Экология: sludge age32) Деловая лексика: Services Administration33) Образование: State Agency, Student Apathy34) Сетевые технологии: Security Association, Server Address, администратор системы, адрес отправителя35) ЕБРР: С учётом сезонных изменений (Seasonally adjusted), special account36) Полимеры: sectional area, self-acting, semiautomatic, sieve analysis37) Программирование: Set Access, Shift Amount, Starting Address38) Автоматика: start of action39) Сахалин Р: Sakhalin Administration40) Океанография: Simple- Adjoint, Supplied Air41) Химическое оружие: Safety assessment, summary account42) Макаров: standard atmosphere43) Безопасность: Security Advisory44) Электротехника: security analysis, stability area45) Имена и фамилии: Stanley Arthur46) Майкрософт: сопоставление безопасности47) Общественная организация: Scholarship America48) Должность: Shopping Assistant49) Чат: Sibling Alert50) Правительство: Santa Ana, California51) НАСА: Software Assurance, Solar Atmosphere52) Программное обеспечение: Scripting Additions, Search Algorithm, Special Applications, Sql Administrator53) Федеральное бюро расследований: San Antonio Field Office54) AMEX. Stage II Apparel Corporation -
11 Sa
1) Общая лексика: социальная ответственность (стандарт SA 8000 'Social Accountability')2) Компьютерная техника: Scalable Architecture, Set Attribute, Shutdown Acknowledged3) Геология: Спектральный анализ ( Spectral analysis)5) Американизм: Set Aside, Special Application, Support Administration6) Спорт: Sets Against7) Военный термин: Logistics Staff Officer, Secretary of the Army, Security Administrator, Seventh Army, Situation Analysis, Situation Awareness, Situational Awareness (4) Signals Analysis, South Australian, Space Applications, Special Act, Springfield armory, Stand Alone, Surprise Attack, Systems Administrator, Systems Architecture, safety analysis, scientific adviser, security assistance, selected ammunition, semiactive, senior adviser, service action, service adviser, service arm, servo assembly, ship-to-aircraft, shipping authority, signal analysis, signal analyzer, signature analysis, simple alert, single-action, site activation, slow-acting, small arms, snap-action, special actions, special agent, special area, special assignment, special assistant, specific activity, spectrum analysis, staging area, standby altimeter, storage area, subassembly, subject to approval, subsistence allowance, substitution authorization, supervisory authority, supplemental agreement, supply agency, supply area, support agency, supporting arms, surface area, surface attack, surface-to-air, system approach, systems analysis, used to identify FSU Surface-to-Air Missiles, e.g., SA-7/GRAIL8) Техника: Securities Art, acoustic sweep, safety & assessment department, satellite astronomy, separate amplifiers, service air, servoamplifier, signal attenuation, slow-acting relay, spaceborne astronomy, spacecraft adapter, supplement agreement, supporting agency, switching device9) Сельское хозяйство: Sustainable Agriculture10) Химия: Silver Azide11) Математика: анализ систем (systems analysis), самосопряжённый (self-adjoint), сигнатурный анализ (signature analysis), системный подход (systems approach)12) Религия: Supreme Allah13) Железнодорожный термин: Norfolk Southern Railway Company14) Юридический термин: Side Arm15) Экономика: societe anonima16) Грубое выражение: Sex Angle, Sexy Adventures, Sore Arse17) Металлургия: Submerged Arc18) Телекоммуникации: Source Address, Subarea19) Сокращение: Arsine (Chemical warfare blood agent), Salvation Army, Sanskrit, Saturday, Saudi Arabia (NATO country code), Scientific Adviser (UK), Seaman Apprentice, Securities Act, Selective Availability (GPS), Selective Availability, Service Assistant, Situational Awareness, Sociedad Anonima (Spain, Venezuela), Sociedada Anonima (Portugal), Sociedade Anonima (Brazil), Societe Anonyme (Belgium, France, Greece, Switzerland), South Africa, South African, South America, South Australia, Swept Audio, sail area, sex appeal, shaft alley, spectrum analyzer, stress anneal, sinoatrial, Sexaholics Anonymous (a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength, and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to stop lusting and become sexually sober), Anonyme (French company designation), Bureau of South Asian Affairs (US Department of State), Franciscan Friars of the Atonement (religious order), Sachsen, Safety and Arming, Sahitya Akademi (National Academy of Letters; India), Salary Adjustment, Sale Agreement, Salerno, Campania (Italian province), Sales Associate (real estate), Salta (Argentina province), Sample Analysis, Samtö, Samus Aran (Metroid character), San Andreas (video game), San Antonio, Sandia Apparatus, Sanofi Aventis (pharmaceutical company), Santa Ana (California), Sarajevo (auto registration for Sarajevo, Bosnia), Saskatchewan, Saturable Absorber, Saudi Arabia, Save (assembly language ASM51 assembler control), Say, Say Again (logging abbreviation), Scientific Advisor, Scientific American, Scientific-Atlanta (US satellite communications company), Scout Association, Scouting Association (UK), Scrambled Americans (video production company), Search and Attack, Seasonally Adjusted, Secret Admirer, Section Adaptation, Security Administration, Security Architecture, Security Association (IPSec), Security Authority, Security Awareness, See Also, Seismic Acoustics, Selection Authority, Self Aligned, Self Assessment, Senior Advisor, Sensor Assembly, Server Administrator, Service Advisor, Service Agent, Service Application, Service Appointment, Service Area, Service Assurance, Service Availability, Service-Affecting, Services Administrator (IRC operator), Services and Agencies, Setup Acknowledge (ITU-T), Sewickley Academy (Pennsylvania), Sexaholics Anonymous, Inc., Sexual Assault, Sexually Active, Shadow Alliance (gaming clan), Shared Area, Sheezyart (website), Shipping Authorization, Shipwright Apprentice, Short Abstract (abstracting & indexing), Short Acronym, Show Assistant, Shredder Afval (Dutch: shredder garbage), SicherheitsAbteilung (German: Safety Department), Side Angle (geometry), Significant Accomplishments, Simulated Annealing, Simulation and Analysis, Sine Anno (Latin: Without Date), Singapore Artillery, Single Access, Single Action (revolver), Single Adult, Single Aisle (aircraft), Single Award, Sinus Arrhythmia, Sir Aaron (Pokemon), Situation Assessment, Situation(al) Awareness, Situational Analysis, Sleep Apnea, Slowly Adapting Fiber (In Skin), Smart Alec, Smart Ass, Smoothing Algorithm, Sneak Attack (gaming), Sniper Assist (gaming, Starcraft), Socié, Social Accountability, Social Actions, Social Anxiety, Socialist Appeal, Sociedad Anó, Sociedade Anó, Society of the Atonement, Software Architecture, Solar Array, Solutions Architect, Something Awful (humor webpage), Something's Awful (website), Son Altesse (French: His/Her Highness), Sonata Arctica (band), Sonic Advance (video game), Sonic Adventure (game), Sound Attenuation, Source Address (IEEE 802.3), Source-Active (Cisco), Sourcing Analyst, South African Airways (IATA airline code), South Asia, Space Academy, Space Ace (video game), Space Available (airline travel), Spaced Antenna, Spare Allocation, Special Access, Special Action, Specialist Association (stock market exchanges), Spectral Acceleration (seismology), Spherical Array, Spinal Anesthesia, Spiral Acquisition, Spirited Away (Japanese anime movie), Splenic Artery, Spooksoliy Ara^nkas, Spring Awakening (musical), Springfield (Massachusetts) Armory (closed), Stabsarzt (German military), Stachowski Alpacas, Staging Activity, Standardised Approach, Standards Australia, Standby Air, State Annex (department of state building), Station Actual, Status Asthmaticus, Stealth Assassin (gaming), Stent Area, Stochastic Approximation, Storage Allocator, Stores Accountant, Storm Afdeling, Strategic Attack, Stroke Association, Structured Analysis (software engineering), Student Ambassadors, Student Assistant, Student Association, Studies and Analysis, Stuffed Animal, Stupid Ass, Stьrmabteilung (German: stormtroopers; paramilitary organization of Nazi Party), Sua Altezza (Italian: Her/His Majesty), Sub-Address (ISDN), Subscriber Access, Substance Abuse, Subsystem(s) Analysis, Suffield Academy (Suffield, Connecticut), Sugar Association, Sum Assured, Summa (Latin: sum), Sunshine Act, Suomen Armeija (Army of Finland), SuperAmerica, Superachromat (tele-photo lenses made by Carl Zeiss), Supervising Authority, Supplemental Appropriation, Supplemental Assembly, Supply Air (HVAC), Support Acquisition, Supportability Analysis, Supras Auteuil, Surveillance Area, Sustainable America, Swansea (postal code for Swansea, Wales), Swiss Army, Switch Arbiter, Syllabic Abbreviation, Symbolic Analysis, System Abort, System Administration, System Administrator, System Analysis, System Architecture, System Assessment, fsins (Iceland), k Atvinnulí, nima (Spanish company designation), short answer, té, Shareholders Agreement20) Университет: Sophomore Advisor, Special Activities, Strongly Agree, Student Administration, Study Abroad, Summer Absenteeism21) Физиология: Short Acting22) Электроника: Sampling Actuation, Socket A, Structured Audio23) Вычислительная техника: Storage Array, Systems Analyst, sense amplifier, smart applet, Spare Area (CD-MRW, DA), Software Assurance (MS), Source (MAC) Address (SNA, Token Ring, ATM, FDDI)24) Нефть: south addition25) Генетика: streptavidin, стрептавидин26) Офтальмология: (Spherical Aberration) Сферическая аберрация27) Банковское дело: Закон о ценных бумагах (США, 1933 г.; Securities Act)28) Транспорт: Shipyard Agreement, Slow Away29) Пищевая промышленность: Special Ale30) Фирменный знак: Samso31) Экология: sludge age32) Деловая лексика: Services Administration33) Образование: State Agency, Student Apathy34) Сетевые технологии: Security Association, Server Address, администратор системы, адрес отправителя35) ЕБРР: С учётом сезонных изменений (Seasonally adjusted), special account36) Полимеры: sectional area, self-acting, semiautomatic, sieve analysis37) Программирование: Set Access, Shift Amount, Starting Address38) Автоматика: start of action39) Сахалин Р: Sakhalin Administration40) Океанография: Simple- Adjoint, Supplied Air41) Химическое оружие: Safety assessment, summary account42) Макаров: standard atmosphere43) Безопасность: Security Advisory44) Электротехника: security analysis, stability area45) Имена и фамилии: Stanley Arthur46) Майкрософт: сопоставление безопасности47) Общественная организация: Scholarship America48) Должность: Shopping Assistant49) Чат: Sibling Alert50) Правительство: Santa Ana, California51) НАСА: Software Assurance, Solar Atmosphere52) Программное обеспечение: Scripting Additions, Search Algorithm, Special Applications, Sql Administrator53) Федеральное бюро расследований: San Antonio Field Office54) AMEX. Stage II Apparel Corporation -
12 sa
1) Общая лексика: социальная ответственность (стандарт SA 8000 'Social Accountability')2) Компьютерная техника: Scalable Architecture, Set Attribute, Shutdown Acknowledged3) Геология: Спектральный анализ ( Spectral analysis)5) Американизм: Set Aside, Special Application, Support Administration6) Спорт: Sets Against7) Военный термин: Logistics Staff Officer, Secretary of the Army, Security Administrator, Seventh Army, Situation Analysis, Situation Awareness, Situational Awareness (4) Signals Analysis, South Australian, Space Applications, Special Act, Springfield armory, Stand Alone, Surprise Attack, Systems Administrator, Systems Architecture, safety analysis, scientific adviser, security assistance, selected ammunition, semiactive, senior adviser, service action, service adviser, service arm, servo assembly, ship-to-aircraft, shipping authority, signal analysis, signal analyzer, signature analysis, simple alert, single-action, site activation, slow-acting, small arms, snap-action, special actions, special agent, special area, special assignment, special assistant, specific activity, spectrum analysis, staging area, standby altimeter, storage area, subassembly, subject to approval, subsistence allowance, substitution authorization, supervisory authority, supplemental agreement, supply agency, supply area, support agency, supporting arms, surface area, surface attack, surface-to-air, system approach, systems analysis, used to identify FSU Surface-to-Air Missiles, e.g., SA-7/GRAIL8) Техника: Securities Art, acoustic sweep, safety & assessment department, satellite astronomy, separate amplifiers, service air, servoamplifier, signal attenuation, slow-acting relay, spaceborne astronomy, spacecraft adapter, supplement agreement, supporting agency, switching device9) Сельское хозяйство: Sustainable Agriculture10) Химия: Silver Azide11) Математика: анализ систем (systems analysis), самосопряжённый (self-adjoint), сигнатурный анализ (signature analysis), системный подход (systems approach)12) Религия: Supreme Allah13) Железнодорожный термин: Norfolk Southern Railway Company14) Юридический термин: Side Arm15) Экономика: societe anonima16) Грубое выражение: Sex Angle, Sexy Adventures, Sore Arse17) Металлургия: Submerged Arc18) Телекоммуникации: Source Address, Subarea19) Сокращение: Arsine (Chemical warfare blood agent), Salvation Army, Sanskrit, Saturday, Saudi Arabia (NATO country code), Scientific Adviser (UK), Seaman Apprentice, Securities Act, Selective Availability (GPS), Selective Availability, Service Assistant, Situational Awareness, Sociedad Anonima (Spain, Venezuela), Sociedada Anonima (Portugal), Sociedade Anonima (Brazil), Societe Anonyme (Belgium, France, Greece, Switzerland), South Africa, South African, South America, South Australia, Swept Audio, sail area, sex appeal, shaft alley, spectrum analyzer, stress anneal, sinoatrial, Sexaholics Anonymous (a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength, and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to stop lusting and become sexually sober), Anonyme (French company designation), Bureau of South Asian Affairs (US Department of State), Franciscan Friars of the Atonement (religious order), Sachsen, Safety and Arming, Sahitya Akademi (National Academy of Letters; India), Salary Adjustment, Sale Agreement, Salerno, Campania (Italian province), Sales Associate (real estate), Salta (Argentina province), Sample Analysis, Samtö, Samus Aran (Metroid character), San Andreas (video game), San Antonio, Sandia Apparatus, Sanofi Aventis (pharmaceutical company), Santa Ana (California), Sarajevo (auto registration for Sarajevo, Bosnia), Saskatchewan, Saturable Absorber, Saudi Arabia, Save (assembly language ASM51 assembler control), Say, Say Again (logging abbreviation), Scientific Advisor, Scientific American, Scientific-Atlanta (US satellite communications company), Scout Association, Scouting Association (UK), Scrambled Americans (video production company), Search and Attack, Seasonally Adjusted, Secret Admirer, Section Adaptation, Security Administration, Security Architecture, Security Association (IPSec), Security Authority, Security Awareness, See Also, Seismic Acoustics, Selection Authority, Self Aligned, Self Assessment, Senior Advisor, Sensor Assembly, Server Administrator, Service Advisor, Service Agent, Service Application, Service Appointment, Service Area, Service Assurance, Service Availability, Service-Affecting, Services Administrator (IRC operator), Services and Agencies, Setup Acknowledge (ITU-T), Sewickley Academy (Pennsylvania), Sexaholics Anonymous, Inc., Sexual Assault, Sexually Active, Shadow Alliance (gaming clan), Shared Area, Sheezyart (website), Shipping Authorization, Shipwright Apprentice, Short Abstract (abstracting & indexing), Short Acronym, Show Assistant, Shredder Afval (Dutch: shredder garbage), SicherheitsAbteilung (German: Safety Department), Side Angle (geometry), Significant Accomplishments, Simulated Annealing, Simulation and Analysis, Sine Anno (Latin: Without Date), Singapore Artillery, Single Access, Single Action (revolver), Single Adult, Single Aisle (aircraft), Single Award, Sinus Arrhythmia, Sir Aaron (Pokemon), Situation Assessment, Situation(al) Awareness, Situational Analysis, Sleep Apnea, Slowly Adapting Fiber (In Skin), Smart Alec, Smart Ass, Smoothing Algorithm, Sneak Attack (gaming), Sniper Assist (gaming, Starcraft), Socié, Social Accountability, Social Actions, Social Anxiety, Socialist Appeal, Sociedad Anó, Sociedade Anó, Society of the Atonement, Software Architecture, Solar Array, Solutions Architect, Something Awful (humor webpage), Something's Awful (website), Son Altesse (French: His/Her Highness), Sonata Arctica (band), Sonic Advance (video game), Sonic Adventure (game), Sound Attenuation, Source Address (IEEE 802.3), Source-Active (Cisco), Sourcing Analyst, South African Airways (IATA airline code), South Asia, Space Academy, Space Ace (video game), Space Available (airline travel), Spaced Antenna, Spare Allocation, Special Access, Special Action, Specialist Association (stock market exchanges), Spectral Acceleration (seismology), Spherical Array, Spinal Anesthesia, Spiral Acquisition, Spirited Away (Japanese anime movie), Splenic Artery, Spooksoliy Ara^nkas, Spring Awakening (musical), Springfield (Massachusetts) Armory (closed), Stabsarzt (German military), Stachowski Alpacas, Staging Activity, Standardised Approach, Standards Australia, Standby Air, State Annex (department of state building), Station Actual, Status Asthmaticus, Stealth Assassin (gaming), Stent Area, Stochastic Approximation, Storage Allocator, Stores Accountant, Storm Afdeling, Strategic Attack, Stroke Association, Structured Analysis (software engineering), Student Ambassadors, Student Assistant, Student Association, Studies and Analysis, Stuffed Animal, Stupid Ass, Stьrmabteilung (German: stormtroopers; paramilitary organization of Nazi Party), Sua Altezza (Italian: Her/His Majesty), Sub-Address (ISDN), Subscriber Access, Substance Abuse, Subsystem(s) Analysis, Suffield Academy (Suffield, Connecticut), Sugar Association, Sum Assured, Summa (Latin: sum), Sunshine Act, Suomen Armeija (Army of Finland), SuperAmerica, Superachromat (tele-photo lenses made by Carl Zeiss), Supervising Authority, Supplemental Appropriation, Supplemental Assembly, Supply Air (HVAC), Support Acquisition, Supportability Analysis, Supras Auteuil, Surveillance Area, Sustainable America, Swansea (postal code for Swansea, Wales), Swiss Army, Switch Arbiter, Syllabic Abbreviation, Symbolic Analysis, System Abort, System Administration, System Administrator, System Analysis, System Architecture, System Assessment, fsins (Iceland), k Atvinnulí, nima (Spanish company designation), short answer, té, Shareholders Agreement20) Университет: Sophomore Advisor, Special Activities, Strongly Agree, Student Administration, Study Abroad, Summer Absenteeism21) Физиология: Short Acting22) Электроника: Sampling Actuation, Socket A, Structured Audio23) Вычислительная техника: Storage Array, Systems Analyst, sense amplifier, smart applet, Spare Area (CD-MRW, DA), Software Assurance (MS), Source (MAC) Address (SNA, Token Ring, ATM, FDDI)24) Нефть: south addition25) Генетика: streptavidin, стрептавидин26) Офтальмология: (Spherical Aberration) Сферическая аберрация27) Банковское дело: Закон о ценных бумагах (США, 1933 г.; Securities Act)28) Транспорт: Shipyard Agreement, Slow Away29) Пищевая промышленность: Special Ale30) Фирменный знак: Samso31) Экология: sludge age32) Деловая лексика: Services Administration33) Образование: State Agency, Student Apathy34) Сетевые технологии: Security Association, Server Address, администратор системы, адрес отправителя35) ЕБРР: С учётом сезонных изменений (Seasonally adjusted), special account36) Полимеры: sectional area, self-acting, semiautomatic, sieve analysis37) Программирование: Set Access, Shift Amount, Starting Address38) Автоматика: start of action39) Сахалин Р: Sakhalin Administration40) Океанография: Simple- Adjoint, Supplied Air41) Химическое оружие: Safety assessment, summary account42) Макаров: standard atmosphere43) Безопасность: Security Advisory44) Электротехника: security analysis, stability area45) Имена и фамилии: Stanley Arthur46) Майкрософт: сопоставление безопасности47) Общественная организация: Scholarship America48) Должность: Shopping Assistant49) Чат: Sibling Alert50) Правительство: Santa Ana, California51) НАСА: Software Assurance, Solar Atmosphere52) Программное обеспечение: Scripting Additions, Search Algorithm, Special Applications, Sql Administrator53) Федеральное бюро расследований: San Antonio Field Office54) AMEX. Stage II Apparel Corporation -
13 NSA
1) Компьютерная техника: nonsequenced acknowledgment2) Медицина: нестероидные противовоспалительные препараты (также NSAID (non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs)), No Shock Advised3) Военный термин: National Security Act, National Service Act, Naval Support Activity, Nukes Sail Away, new shipborne aircraft, nuclear systems analysis4) Техника: Nuclear Security Act of 2002, national security administration, new surveillance aircraft, nitride self-aligned process, nuclear safety agency, nuclear science abstracts5) Шутливое выражение: Never Say Anything, No Such Agency6) Юридический термин: National Security Agency7) Бухгалтерия: Not Seasonally Adjusted8) Фармакология: антигистаминные препараты, не обладающие седативным действием ((Non-Sedating Antihistamine); http://informahealthcare.com/doi/abs/10.1185/030079906X148409)9) Астрономия: Neutron Star Atmosphere10) Ветеринария: National Sheep Association11) Грубое выражение: National Security Advisor12) Металлургия: National Slag Association13) Телекоммуникации: National Security Association, Non-Service Affecting14) Сокращение: National Security Agency (USA), National Security Agency (View the NSA Logo), National Shipping Authority, National Standards Association (USA), National Standards Association, National Student Association, Negotiated Services Agreement (USPS variable rate experiment starts Nov 2002 with Capital One Services, Inc), New Shipborne Aircraft programme (Canada), No Such Address (return to sender), Normalised Site Attenuation, US National Security Agency, non-state actor (негосударственный субъект)15) Университет: Napier Students Association, National Scholars Academy, Nursing Students Association16) Физиология: No significant abnormalities17) Сленг: секс без обязательств, на одну ночь (No Strings Attached)18) Вычислительная техника: POLY National Security Agency Polygraph, National Security Agency (US Government)19) Литература: The National Speakers Association21) Транспорт: National Shipping Authority (US)22) Деловая лексика: National Safety Associates23) Образование: Non Self Accepting24) Сетевые технологии: Агентство национальной безопасности США25) ЕБРР: Nuclear Safety Account, replacing less safe plants by the development of alternative energy sources26) Медицинская техника: number of signal averages27) Безопасность: Negative Security Assurance, Net Security Administration28) НАТО: агентство НАТО по стандартизации, Агенство НАТО по стандартизации (NATO Standardization Agency)29) Общественная организация: National Stroke Association30) СМС: No Such Animal31) Международная торговля: No Strings Attached -
14 talk
1. nразговор, беседа; pl переговорыmore peace talks are going to take place / getting underway / lie ahead — переговоры о мирном урегулировании будут продолжены
to be more flexible in the talks — проявлять бо́льшую гибкость на переговорах
to begin (the) talks — начинать / открывать переговоры
to bring a country into the talks between smb — вовлекать / подключать какую-л. страну к переговорам между кем-л.
to come to the talks empty-handed — приходить на переговоры с пустыми руками ( без новых предложений)
to complete / to conclude talks — завершать переговоры
to damage the talks — вредить / мешать / препятствовать переговорам, подрывать переговоры
to demand a prompt resumption of peace talks — требовать скорейшего возобновления переговоров о мире
to derail / to disrupt the talks — срывать переговоры
to dominate the two days of talks — быть главным вопросом на переговорах, которые продлятся два дня
to extend talks amid reports of smth — продлевать переговоры, в то время как поступают сообщения о чем-л.
to hamper the talks — вредить / мешать / препятствовать переговорам, подрывать переговоры
to have / to hold further / more talks with smb — проводить дальнейшие переговоры / продолжать переговоры с кем-л.
to hold talks at the request of smb — проводить переговоры по чьей-л. просьбе
to hold talks in an exceptionally warm atmosphere — вести переговоры в исключительно теплой атмосфере
to iron out difficulties in the talks — устранять трудности, возникшие в ходе переговоров
to maintain one's talks for 10 days — продолжать переговоры еще 10 дней
to make good / substantial progress at / in the talks — добиваться значительного / существенного успеха на переговорах
to make smb more flexible in the talks — заставлять кого-л. занять более гибкую позицию на переговорах
to obstruct the talks — вредить / мешать / препятствовать переговорам, подрывать переговоры
to offer unconditional talks to smb — предлагать кому-л. провести переговоры, не сопровождаемые никакими условиями
to open (the) talks — начинать / открывать переговоры
to push forward the talks — активизировать переговоры; давать толчок переговорам
to put the proposals to arms reduction talks — ставить предложения на рассмотрение участников переговоров о сокращении вооружений
to re-launch / to reopen talks — возобновлять переговоры
to restart / to resume talks — возобновлять переговоры
to resume talks after a lapse of 18 months — возобновлять переговоры после полуторагодового перерыва
to schedule talks — намечать / планировать переговоры
to start (the) talks — начинать / открывать переговоры
to steer a diplomatic course in one's talks — проводить дипломатическую линию на переговорах
to stymie the talks — вредить / мешать / препятствовать переговорам, подрывать переговоры
to torpedo the talks — вредить / мешать / препятствовать переговорам, подрывать переговоры
- accession talksto walk out of / to withdraw from talks — уходить с переговоров, отказываться от продолжения переговоров
- after a full day of talks
- ambassadorial talks
- ambassadorial-level talks
- another round of talks gets under way today
- arduous talks
- arms control talks
- arms talks
- backstage talks
- barren talks
- beneficial talks
- bilateral talks
- bittersweet talk
- border talks
- breakdown in talks
- breakdown of talks - businesslike talks
- by means of talks
- by talks
- call for fresh talks
- carefully prepared talks
- cease-fire talks
- CFE talks
- coalition talks
- collapsed talks
- completion of talks
- conduct of talks
- confidential talks
- confrontational talks
- constructive talks
- conventional arms control talks
- conventional forces in Europe talks
- conventional stability talks
- conventional talks
- conventional-force talk
- cordial talks
- crux of the talks
- current round of talks
- deadlocked talks
- delay in the talks
- detailed talks
- direct talks
- disarmament talks
- discreet talks
- disruption of talks
- divisive talks
- early talks
- election talk
- emergency talks
- equal talks
- Europe-wide talks
- exhaustive talks
- exploratory talks
- extensive talks
- face-to-face talks
- failure at the talks
- failure of the talks
- familiarization talks
- farewell talks
- final round of talks
- follow -up talks
- follow-on talks
- force-reduction talks
- formal talks
- forthcoming talks
- four-way talks
- frank talks
- fresh round of talks
- fresh talks
- friendly atmosphere in the talks
- friendly talks
- frosty talks
- fruitful talks
- fruitless talks
- full talks
- full-scale talks
- further talks
- get-to-know-you talks
- good-faith talks
- hard-going talks
- highest-level talks
- high-level talks
- in a follow-up to one's talks
- in the course of talks
- in the last round of the talks
- in the latest round of the talks
- in the talks
- inconclusive talks
- indirect talks
- industrial promotion talks
- informal talks
- intensive talks
- intercommunal talks
- interesting talks
- interparty talks
- last-ditch talks
- last-minute talks
- lengthy talks
- low-level talks
- make-or-break talks
- man-to-man talks
- marathon talks
- MBFR talks
- meaningful talks
- mediator in the talks
- membership talks
- ministerial talks
- more talks
- multilateral talks
- Mutual and Balanced Force Reduction talks
- news lockout during the talks
- no further talks are scheduled
- non-stop talks
- normalization talks
- nuclear and space arms talks
- observer at the talks
- offer of talks
- on-and-off talks
- Open Skies Talk
- open talks
- outcome of the talks
- pace of the talks
- participant in the talks
- parties at the talks
- pay talks
- peace talks
- pep talk
- political talks
- positive talks
- preliminary talks
- preparatory talks
- present at the talks are...
- pre-summit talks
- pre-talks
- prime-ministerial talks
- private talks
- productive talks
- profound talks
- programmatic talk
- proposed talks
- proximity talks
- rapid progress in talks
- rapprochement talks
- realistic talks
- renewal of talks
- resumed talks
- resumption of talks
- reunification talks - sales talks
- scheduled talks
- secret talks
- security talks
- sensible talks
- separate talks
- serious talks
- session of the talks
- setback in the talks
- sincere talks
- stage-by-stage talks
- stormy talks
- Strategic Arms Limitation Talks
- Strategic Arms Reduction Talks
- substantial talks
- substantive talks
- successful progress of the talks
- summit talks
- talk was conducted in an atmosphere
- talk was held in an atmosphere
- talk will be dominated by the row which...
- talks about talk
- talks are alarmingly behind schedule
- talks are at a standstill
- talks are critical
- talks are deadlocked
- talks are due to resume
- talks are getting nowhere
- talks are going ahead
- talks are going well
- talks are heading for deadlock
- talks are in doubt
- talks are in high gear
- talks are in jeopardy
- talks are into their final day
- talks are not going fast enough
- talks are only a start
- talks are progressing at a snail's pace
- talks are progressing smoothly
- talks are progressing well
- talks are set to fail
- talks are stalemated
- talks are still on track
- talks are taking place in a constructive atmosphere
- talks are underway
- talks at a ministerial level
- talks at the highest level
- talks at the level of deputy foreign ministers
- talks between smb have run into last-minute difficulties
- talks between the two sides
- talks bogged down on smth
- talks broke down
- talks came to a standstill
- talks center on smth
- talks collapsed
- talks come at a time when...
- talks concentrate on
- talks dragged on for years
- talks ended in agreement
- talks ended in failure
- talks ended inconclusively
- talks ended without agreement
- talks failed to make any progress
- talks faltered on smth
- talks foundered on smth
- talks get underway
- talks go into a second day
- talks go on
- talks had a successful start
- talks had been momentous
- talks hang by a thread
- talks hang in the balance
- talks have been constructive and businesslike
- talks have broken up in failure
- talks have ended on an optimistic note
- talks have ended with little sign of agreement
- talks have ended with little sign of program
- talks have fallen through
- talks have got off to a friendly start
- talks have got off to a successful start
- talks have made little progress towards peace
- talks have never been closer to an agreement
- talks have reached deadlock
- talks have reopened
- talks have run into difficulties
- talks have run into trouble
- talks inch forward
- talks is burgeoning again about...
- talks made progress
- talks may continue into tomorrow
- talks may not get off the ground
- talks now under way
- talks of peace
- talks of procedural nature
- talks on a range of issues
- talks on conventional stability
- talks open
- talks overran by half an hour
- talks overshadowed by smth
- talks produced no results
- talks reconvene
- talks remain deadlocked
- talks restart
- talks resume
- talks stalled over the issue
- talks under the auspices of smb
- talks went into the small hours of the morning
- talks went late into the night
- talks went on late into the night
- talks went smoothly
- talks were due to start a month ago
- talks were not conclusive
- talks were suspended
- talks were warm, friendly and cordial
- talks will cover smth
- talks will focus on smth
- talks will go ahead
- talks will take place at the undersecretaries of foreign affairs level
- talks will yield an agreement
- talks with smb are not acceptable
- talks with the mediation of smb
- talks without preconditions
- talks would make little headway
- the agreement was signed at the end of 5 days of talks
- the area affected in the talks
- the outcome of the talks is not easy to predict
- the pace of the talks is slow
- the progress of the talks
- there was a sense of achievement at the end of the talks
- this problem will be at the heart of the talks
- those in the talks
- three days of talks have failed to make any tangible progress
- three-sided talks
- three-way talks
- too much talks and not enough action
- top-level talks
- touchstone of progress in the talks
- trade talks
- trilateral talks
- tripartite talks
- two-way talks
- umbrella peace talks
- unconditional talks
- United Nations-mediated talks
- United Nations-sponsored talks
- unity talks
- unofficial talk
- unproductive talks
- unscheduled talks
- useful talks
- walkout from the talks
- weighty talks
- wide range of talks
- wide-ranging talks
- workmanlike talks 2. vвести беседу, разговариватьto talk about smth — вести переговоры о чем-л.
to talk to smb direct — вести с кем-л. прямые переговоры
to talk to smb through a third party — вести переговоры с кем-л. через посредника
to talk tough — вести беседу / говорить резко
15 agency
агентство; управление; учреждение; орган; организационная единица; средствоArmament agency, DA — Бр. главное управление вооружений СВ
Armed Forces [Services] Technical Information agency — управление военно-технической информации ВС
Army Logistics Doctrine, Systems and Readiness agency — управление разработки принципов деятельности, наставлений и руководств службы тыла СВ
cue target acquisition agencies (on) — ориентировать органы разведки целей (на определенные объекты)
Defense Communications agency, Europe — Европейский отдел управления связи МО
Intelligence Research agency, State Department — управление анализа разведывательной информации госдепартамента
Nuclear Munitions agency, JCS — управление ядерных боеприпасов КНШ
Organization-Mobilization (AG) agency, DA — Бр. главное организационно-мобилизационное управление СВ
Studies, Analysis and Gaming agency — управление специальных исследований, анализа и проигрыша различных вариантов войны (КНШ)
Surveillance, Target Acquisition and Night Observation Systems agency — НИЦ систем наблюдения, обнаружения целей и ночного видения
— C agency -
16 system
система; комплекс; средство; способ; метод; сеть (напр. дорог) ;aiming-navigation system (analog, digital) — прицельно-навигационная система (аналоговая, цифровая)
air observation, acquisition and fire control system — (бортовая) система воздушной разведки, засечки целей и управления огнем
air support aircraft ECM (equipment) system — (бортовая) система РЭП для самолетов авиационной поддержки
airborne (ground) target acquisition and illumination laser system — ав. бортовая лазерная система обнаружения и подсветки (наземных) целей
airborne (ground) targeting and laser designator system — ав. бортовая лазерная система обнаружения и целеуказания (наземных целей)
airborne laser illumination, ranging and tracking system — ав. бортовая система лазерной подсветки, определения дальности и сопровождения цели
artillery (nuclear) delivery system — артиллерийская система доставки (ядерного) боеприпаса (к цели)
C2 system — система оперативного управления; система руководства и управления
C3 system — система руководства, управления и связи; система оперативного управления и связи
channel and message switching (automatic) communications system — АСС с коммутацией каналов и сообщений
country-fair type rotation system (of instruction) — метод одновременного обучения [опроса] нескольких учебных групп (переходящих от одного объекта изучения к другому)
dual-capable (conventional/nuclear) weapon delivery system — система доставки (обычного или ядерного) боеприпаса к цели
electromagnetic emitters identification, location and suppression system — система обнаружения, опознавания и подавления источников электромагнитных излучений [излучающих РЭС]
field antimissile (missile) system — полевой [войсковой] ПРК
fire-on-the-move (air defense) gun system — подвижный зенитный артиллерийский комплекс для стрельбы в движении [на ходу]
fluidic (missile) control system — ркт. гидравлическая [струйная] система управления полетом
forward (area) air defense system — система ПВО передового района; ЗРК для войсковой ПВО передового района
graduated (availability) operational readiness system — Бр. система поэтапной боевой готовности (частей и соединений)
high-resolution satellite IR detection, tracking and targeting system — спутниковая система с ИК аппаратурой высокой разрешающей способности для обнаружения, сопровождения целей и наведения средств поражения
ICBM (alarm and) early warning satellite system — спутниковая система обнаружения пусков МБР и раннего предупреждения (средств ПРО)
information storage, tracking and retrieval system — система накопления, хранения и поиска информации
instantaneous grenade launcher (armored vehicle) smoke system — гранатомет (БМ) для быстрой постановки дымовой завесы
Precision Location [Locator] (and) Strike system — высокоточная система обеспечения обнаружения и поражения целей; высокоточный разведывательно-ударный комплекс
rapid deceleration (parachute) delivery system — парашютная система выброски грузов с быстрым торможением
real time, high-resolution reconnaissance satellite system — спутниковая разведывательная система с высокой разрешающей способностью аппаратуры и передачей информации в реальном масштабе времени
received signal-oriented (output) jamming signal power-adjusting ECM system — система РЭП с автоматическим регулированием уровня помех в зависимости от мощности принимаемого сигнала
sea-based nuclear (weapon) delivery system — система морского базирования доставки ядерного боеприпаса к цели
small surface-to-air ship self-defense (missile) system — ЗРК ближнего действия для самообороны корабля
Status Control, Alerting and Reporting system — система оповещения, контроля и уточнения состояния [боевой готовности] сил и средств
surface missile (weapon) system — наземный [корабельный] РК
target acquisition, rapid designation and precise aiming system — комплекс аппаратуры обнаружения цели, быстрого целеуказания и точного прицеливания
— ABM defense system— antimissile missile system— central weapon system— countersurprise military system— laser surveying system— tank weapon system— vertical launching system— weapons system -
17 ISA
1) Общая лексика: ПНО, Industrial Standard Architecture2) Компьютерная техника: Industry Standards Architecture, Informix Server Administrator3) Авиация: международная стандартная атмосфера4) Медицина: intrinsic sympathomimetic activity5) Спорт: Iowa Soccer Association6) Военный термин: Inspector of Small Arms, Institute of Strategic Analysis, Institute of Systems Analysis, Integration Support Activity, Intelligence Support Activity, International Security Agency, International Support Agreement, ignition and separation assembly, inductee special assignment, installation supply accounting, installation support activity, integrated support area, interim stowage assembly, international security affairs, international security assistance, interrupt storage area, interservice support agreement7) Техника: Independent Computing Architecture, International Federation of National Standardization Associations, International Standards Association, imaging sensor autoprocessor, independent safety analysis, independent safety assessment or analysis, integrated safety assessment, internal surface area, intersecting storage accelerators, invalid storage address, Ассоциация контрольно-измерительных систем и автоматизации (Instrumentation Systems and Automation Association), труба квадратного сечения9) Бухгалтерия: Individual Savings Accounts10) Автомобильный термин: idle speed actuator11) Биржевой термин: individual savings account, именной накопительный счёт (individual savings account)13) Телекоммуникации: Innovative Slot Allocation14) Сокращение: Inertial Sensor Assembly, Information Systems Architecture, Institute of Strategic Affairs, Instrument Society of America, Internal Security Act, International Schools Association, International Silk Association, International Society of Appraisers, International Sociological Association, International Standard Atmosphere (pressure), International Standardization Association, International Student Association, International Studies Association, Institute of Space Astrophysics, Intelligent Scheduling Assistant, Iran Sanctions Act (закон США о санкциях в отношении Ирана 1996 года), International Society of Automation15) Университет: International Students Association16) Электроника: Industry Standard Adapter, Input Signal Amplifier, Instrumentation Society of America17) Вычислительная техника: Industry Standard Architecture (IBM; bus), Industry-Standard Architecture, Instruction Set Architecture (CPU), Integrated Systems Architecture (ESPRIT, ANSA), Industry Standard Architecture (PC), Instrumentation, Systems, and Automation society (organization), Interactive Services Association (organization, USA), Международная ассоциация ассоциации18) Нефть: incoming supply assembly, Международная ассоциация по стандартизации (International Standardization Association)19) Связь: Integrated IP/ SDH /ATM20) Транспорт: Intelligent Speed Adaptation21) Патенты: Международный поисковый Орган, МПО22) Нефтегазовая техника Американское общество приборостроителей (Instrument Society of America)23) Образование: Integrity Soul And Attitude24) Сетевые технологии: Intelligent Storage Architecture, International Standard Association, Internet Server Application, Международная ассоциация стандартизации, архитектура промышленного стандарта, промышленная стандартная архитектура, промышленный стандарт шинной архитектуры, стандарт ISA26) Медицинская техника: infrared sidestream analyzer27) Химическое оружие: Installation/Interservice Support Agreement28) Макаров: ion scattering analysis29) Безопасность: Internet Security Administration, Internet Security And Acceleration30) Расширение файла: Instruction-Set Architecture, Industry Standard Architecture (bus, IBM)31) Нефтеперерабатывающие заводы: Американское общество по приборам32) ООН: International Seabed Authority33) Должность: Independent Safety Assessor34) NYSE. Santa Isabel, S. A.36) НАСА: Initial Sun Acquisition37) Международная торговля: Industry Sub-sector Analysis, International Sugar Agreement -
18 isa
1) Общая лексика: ПНО, Industrial Standard Architecture2) Компьютерная техника: Industry Standards Architecture, Informix Server Administrator3) Авиация: международная стандартная атмосфера4) Медицина: intrinsic sympathomimetic activity5) Спорт: Iowa Soccer Association6) Военный термин: Inspector of Small Arms, Institute of Strategic Analysis, Institute of Systems Analysis, Integration Support Activity, Intelligence Support Activity, International Security Agency, International Support Agreement, ignition and separation assembly, inductee special assignment, installation supply accounting, installation support activity, integrated support area, interim stowage assembly, international security affairs, international security assistance, interrupt storage area, interservice support agreement7) Техника: Independent Computing Architecture, International Federation of National Standardization Associations, International Standards Association, imaging sensor autoprocessor, independent safety analysis, independent safety assessment or analysis, integrated safety assessment, internal surface area, intersecting storage accelerators, invalid storage address, Ассоциация контрольно-измерительных систем и автоматизации (Instrumentation Systems and Automation Association), труба квадратного сечения9) Бухгалтерия: Individual Savings Accounts10) Автомобильный термин: idle speed actuator11) Биржевой термин: individual savings account, именной накопительный счёт (individual savings account)13) Телекоммуникации: Innovative Slot Allocation14) Сокращение: Inertial Sensor Assembly, Information Systems Architecture, Institute of Strategic Affairs, Instrument Society of America, Internal Security Act, International Schools Association, International Silk Association, International Society of Appraisers, International Sociological Association, International Standard Atmosphere (pressure), International Standardization Association, International Student Association, International Studies Association, Institute of Space Astrophysics, Intelligent Scheduling Assistant, Iran Sanctions Act (закон США о санкциях в отношении Ирана 1996 года), International Society of Automation15) Университет: International Students Association16) Электроника: Industry Standard Adapter, Input Signal Amplifier, Instrumentation Society of America17) Вычислительная техника: Industry Standard Architecture (IBM; bus), Industry-Standard Architecture, Instruction Set Architecture (CPU), Integrated Systems Architecture (ESPRIT, ANSA), Industry Standard Architecture (PC), Instrumentation, Systems, and Automation society (organization), Interactive Services Association (organization, USA), Международная ассоциация ассоциации18) Нефть: incoming supply assembly, Международная ассоциация по стандартизации (International Standardization Association)19) Связь: Integrated IP/ SDH /ATM20) Транспорт: Intelligent Speed Adaptation21) Патенты: Международный поисковый Орган, МПО22) Нефтегазовая техника Американское общество приборостроителей (Instrument Society of America)23) Образование: Integrity Soul And Attitude24) Сетевые технологии: Intelligent Storage Architecture, International Standard Association, Internet Server Application, Международная ассоциация стандартизации, архитектура промышленного стандарта, промышленная стандартная архитектура, промышленный стандарт шинной архитектуры, стандарт ISA26) Медицинская техника: infrared sidestream analyzer27) Химическое оружие: Installation/Interservice Support Agreement28) Макаров: ion scattering analysis29) Безопасность: Internet Security Administration, Internet Security And Acceleration30) Расширение файла: Instruction-Set Architecture, Industry Standard Architecture (bus, IBM)31) Нефтеперерабатывающие заводы: Американское общество по приборам32) ООН: International Seabed Authority33) Должность: Independent Safety Assessor34) NYSE. Santa Isabel, S. A.36) НАСА: Initial Sun Acquisition37) Международная торговля: Industry Sub-sector Analysis, International Sugar Agreement -
19 ABS
1) Общая лексика: Association of Business Schools2) Компьютерная техника: Automated Batch Submission, Automatic Backup System3) Авиация: airbus standard4) Морской термин: Aмериканское бюро судоходства (Классификационное общество США)5) Медицина: острый мозговой синдром (сокр от acute brain syndrome), acute bacterial sinusitis (острый бактериальный синусит)6) Американизм: Anti Blocking System7) Французский язык: Бельгийская ассоциация (технических норм и) стандартов (сокр от Association Belge de Standartisation = Belgian Standards Association), независимые бригады анархистов-террористов (Франция) (сокр от Autonome Brigades)8) Спорт: Adventure Battle System9) Военный термин: Able Bodied Seaman, Action Battle System, Advanced Battle Simulation, Air Base Security, Air Base Simulator, Air Base Squadron, Anti Burst System, Atlantic Base Section, Automated Beam Steering, Automated Briefing System, Automatic Blip Scan, air base survivability, airborne backing store10) Техника: antenna base spring, automatic blow down system, датчик полных зарядов (сокр от absolute charge sensor)11) Шутливое выражение: Active Bitter Supplement, Another Buyer Surcharge12) Химия: Absorb, Alkyl BenzeneSulfonate, АБС-пластик (название пластика образовано из начальных букв наименований мономеров (акрилонитрилбутадиенстирол)), акрилонитрил-бутадиен-стирен (acrylonitrile butadiene styrene)13) Религия: Adult Bible Study, Area Bible Studies, Area Bible Study14) Бухгалтерия: Accounting And Billing System15) Автомобильный термин: acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene, acrylonitrile-butadienestyrene, antilock brake system, antilocking brakes, antiskid brake system, АБС, антиблокировочная система тормозов, антиблокировочная тормозная система, anti-locking brake system (Krokodil)16) Биржевой термин: Asset Backed Securities17) Ветеринария: Animal Behavior Society (USA)18) Радио: (радио)сигнал, получаемый за счёт обратного рассеяния в атмосфере (сокр от atmosphere-backscattered signal)19) Телекоммуникации: Alternate Billing Service, Average Busy Stream20) Сокращение: ABSolute (value), Aerospace Bearing Support Inc. (USA), Agent-Based System (See also KBS), Amphibious Bridging System (Tracked; T), Anti-lock Braking System, American Bible Society (Американское библейское общество), absorption (абсорбция, поглощение, впитывание, всасывание), American Broadcasting System, absolute error, absolute temperature, (Aspiration Bypass System) Шунтирующая Аспирационная Система (Зонды с функцией АBSR имеют небольшое отверстие в дистальной части стенки зонда.), Australian Book Society (Австралийское общество библиофилов), American Bryological Society (Американское бриологическое общество), American Begonia Society (Американское общество любителей и селекционеров бегоний), Anglo-Brazilian Society (Англо-Бразильское общество культурных связей), absolute value (абсолютное значение, абсолютная величина, модуль), airborne bathymetric system (аэробатиметрическая система (система исследования глубин моря с воздуха)), airborne bathymetric survey (батиметрическая аэросъёмка), Able-Bodied Seaman (матрос 1 класса (торгового флота)), absentee (находящийся в самовольной отлучке; отсутствующий на поверке, «нетчик»), Acrylonitrile Butadiene-Styrene, asset backed security, акрилонитрил-бутадиен-стирол, Address Book Synchronization21) Университет: Anything But Smart23) Физиология: Air Breathing System24) Электроника: Automatic Brightness Stabilization, система автоматической стабилизации тока луча (сокр от automatic beam current stabilization system)25) Вычислительная техника: Apple Business Systems (Apple)26) Иммунология: Absorbed, Associated Biomedical Systems, Inc.27) Банковское дело: Американское бюро стандартов (American Bureau of Standards), автоматическая облигационная система (automated bond system), ценная бумага, обеспеченная активами (asset-backed security), секьюритизация активов (выпуск банком ценных бумаг, обеспеченных залогом прав требования по кредитам, например, ипотечным), секьюритизация банковских активов (выпуск банком ценных бумаг, обеспеченных залогом прав требования по кредитам, например, ипотечным)28) Транспорт: Air Bag System, Antilock Braking System, Automatic Block Signal29) Экология: alkyl benzene sulfonate31) Деловая лексика: Asset Based Style32) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: American Biological Society, Американское бюро судоходства (American Bureau of Shipping)33) Образование: Anti Bullying Strategies, Anti-lock Breaking System34) Инвестиции: asset-backed security, automated bond system35) Полимеры: American Bureau of Standards, acrylonitrile butadiene styrene, акрилонитрил-бутадиен-стирен36) Автоматика: anti-lock brake system37) Пластмассы: Poly (Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene)38) Сахалин Р: American Bureau of Shipping39) Океанология: автоматическая буйковая станция, АБС (сокр от automatic buoy station)40) Общая лексика: anti-locking brake system41) Макаров: АБС-смолы, сополимер акрилонитрила бутадиена и стирола42) Безопасность: Active Battery Security43) Расширение файла: Abscissa Data file, Address Book Synchronization (IBM), Abstracts (info file)44) Измерительные приборы: absolute mode (режим абсолютного измерения)45) Нефть и газ: automatic brake system46) Электротехника: air break switch47) Космический летательный аппарат: Airbags System48) Общественная организация: American Bible Society49) Должность: Associate in Business Science50) NYSE. Albertson's, Inc.51) Аэропорты: Abu Simbel, Egypt52) НАСА: After Body Section, Air Base Supply, Anti Burn Shield53) Хобби: Aurora Beach Society54) СМС: Anything But Soaps -
20 Abs
1) Общая лексика: Association of Business Schools2) Компьютерная техника: Automated Batch Submission, Automatic Backup System3) Авиация: airbus standard4) Морской термин: Aмериканское бюро судоходства (Классификационное общество США)5) Медицина: острый мозговой синдром (сокр от acute brain syndrome), acute bacterial sinusitis (острый бактериальный синусит)6) Американизм: Anti Blocking System7) Французский язык: Бельгийская ассоциация (технических норм и) стандартов (сокр от Association Belge de Standartisation = Belgian Standards Association), независимые бригады анархистов-террористов (Франция) (сокр от Autonome Brigades)8) Спорт: Adventure Battle System9) Военный термин: Able Bodied Seaman, Action Battle System, Advanced Battle Simulation, Air Base Security, Air Base Simulator, Air Base Squadron, Anti Burst System, Atlantic Base Section, Automated Beam Steering, Automated Briefing System, Automatic Blip Scan, air base survivability, airborne backing store10) Техника: antenna base spring, automatic blow down system, датчик полных зарядов (сокр от absolute charge sensor)11) Шутливое выражение: Active Bitter Supplement, Another Buyer Surcharge12) Химия: Absorb, Alkyl BenzeneSulfonate, АБС-пластик (название пластика образовано из начальных букв наименований мономеров (акрилонитрилбутадиенстирол)), акрилонитрил-бутадиен-стирен (acrylonitrile butadiene styrene)13) Религия: Adult Bible Study, Area Bible Studies, Area Bible Study14) Бухгалтерия: Accounting And Billing System15) Автомобильный термин: acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene, acrylonitrile-butadienestyrene, antilock brake system, antilocking brakes, antiskid brake system, АБС, антиблокировочная система тормозов, антиблокировочная тормозная система, anti-locking brake system (Krokodil)16) Биржевой термин: Asset Backed Securities17) Ветеринария: Animal Behavior Society (USA)18) Радио: (радио)сигнал, получаемый за счёт обратного рассеяния в атмосфере (сокр от atmosphere-backscattered signal)19) Телекоммуникации: Alternate Billing Service, Average Busy Stream20) Сокращение: ABSolute (value), Aerospace Bearing Support Inc. (USA), Agent-Based System (See also KBS), Amphibious Bridging System (Tracked; T), Anti-lock Braking System, American Bible Society (Американское библейское общество), absorption (абсорбция, поглощение, впитывание, всасывание), American Broadcasting System, absolute error, absolute temperature, (Aspiration Bypass System) Шунтирующая Аспирационная Система (Зонды с функцией АBSR имеют небольшое отверстие в дистальной части стенки зонда.), Australian Book Society (Австралийское общество библиофилов), American Bryological Society (Американское бриологическое общество), American Begonia Society (Американское общество любителей и селекционеров бегоний), Anglo-Brazilian Society (Англо-Бразильское общество культурных связей), absolute value (абсолютное значение, абсолютная величина, модуль), airborne bathymetric system (аэробатиметрическая система (система исследования глубин моря с воздуха)), airborne bathymetric survey (батиметрическая аэросъёмка), Able-Bodied Seaman (матрос 1 класса (торгового флота)), absentee (находящийся в самовольной отлучке; отсутствующий на поверке, «нетчик»), Acrylonitrile Butadiene-Styrene, asset backed security, акрилонитрил-бутадиен-стирол, Address Book Synchronization21) Университет: Anything But Smart23) Физиология: Air Breathing System24) Электроника: Automatic Brightness Stabilization, система автоматической стабилизации тока луча (сокр от automatic beam current stabilization system)25) Вычислительная техника: Apple Business Systems (Apple)26) Иммунология: Absorbed, Associated Biomedical Systems, Inc.27) Банковское дело: Американское бюро стандартов (American Bureau of Standards), автоматическая облигационная система (automated bond system), ценная бумага, обеспеченная активами (asset-backed security), секьюритизация активов (выпуск банком ценных бумаг, обеспеченных залогом прав требования по кредитам, например, ипотечным), секьюритизация банковских активов (выпуск банком ценных бумаг, обеспеченных залогом прав требования по кредитам, например, ипотечным)28) Транспорт: Air Bag System, Antilock Braking System, Automatic Block Signal29) Экология: alkyl benzene sulfonate31) Деловая лексика: Asset Based Style32) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: American Biological Society, Американское бюро судоходства (American Bureau of Shipping)33) Образование: Anti Bullying Strategies, Anti-lock Breaking System34) Инвестиции: asset-backed security, automated bond system35) Полимеры: American Bureau of Standards, acrylonitrile butadiene styrene, акрилонитрил-бутадиен-стирен36) Автоматика: anti-lock brake system37) Пластмассы: Poly (Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene)38) Сахалин Р: American Bureau of Shipping39) Океанология: автоматическая буйковая станция, АБС (сокр от automatic buoy station)40) Общая лексика: anti-locking brake system41) Макаров: АБС-смолы, сополимер акрилонитрила бутадиена и стирола42) Безопасность: Active Battery Security43) Расширение файла: Abscissa Data file, Address Book Synchronization (IBM), Abstracts (info file)44) Измерительные приборы: absolute mode (режим абсолютного измерения)45) Нефть и газ: automatic brake system46) Электротехника: air break switch47) Космический летательный аппарат: Airbags System48) Общественная организация: American Bible Society49) Должность: Associate in Business Science50) NYSE. Albertson's, Inc.51) Аэропорты: Abu Simbel, Egypt52) НАСА: After Body Section, Air Base Supply, Anti Burn Shield53) Хобби: Aurora Beach Society54) СМС: Anything But Soaps
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