1 athletic performance
1) Спорт: спортивные способности2) Авиационная медицина: выполнение спортивных упражнений, спортивная подготовка -
2 athletic performance
Англо-русский словарь по авиационной медицине > athletic performance
3 athletic performance
English-Russian dictionary of football terms > athletic performance
4 overall athletic performance
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > overall athletic performance
5 overall athletic performance
English-Russian sports dictionary > overall athletic performance
2) Военный термин: Canadian Army Provost Corps, Computer Aided Prototyping System, Computer Assisted Problem Solving, Consolidated Aerial Port System, central automated personnel system, command automated procurement system, common armaments planning system, control and auxiliary power supply system, conventional armaments planning system, conventional armaments planning system CAPRIS, combat active/passive radar identification system3) Техника: Collins adaptive processing system, cell atmosphere processing system, checkout and firing subsystem, combined action-information organization and fire-control system, common attitude pointing system, construction advanced planning and sequencing, content addressable file store4) Религия: Christian Association of Psychological Studies5) Юридический термин: Chicago Alternative Policing Strategy, Chicagos Alternative Policing Strategy, Citizen Action Produces Strength7) Сокращение: & LIMS Capabilities and Limitations, Centralized Account Payment System (possibly incorrect translation in POSTCOM, 2008), Centralized Automated Payment System, Centralized Automatic Payment System, Coastal Aerial Photo-Laser Survey System (USA), Communications / Aural Protective System, Computer Antenna Pointing System, Conventional Armaments Planning System (NATO), Counter Active Protection System8) Физиология: Child Amblyopia Prevention Screening9) Иммунология: Clinical Analysis And Problem Solving10) Связь: Call Attempts Per Second12) Фирменный знак: Capital Area Pronunciation Specialists, Combined Actuarial Performance Services, Counseling And Psychological Services14) Деловая лексика: Combined Attitude And Perspective Survey, Computer Aided Product Selection, Corporate Account Printing Solutions15) Образование: Career Advising Program For Students16) Океанография: Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms17) Расширение файла: Cassette Programming System, Capitals (Upper Case Letters)18) Общественная организация: Canadian Association Of Professional Speakers, Children of Aging Parents19) Должность: Community Alternative Placement Scheme20) Программное обеспечение: Computer Animation Production System, Computerized Animation Production System -
1) Компьютерная техника: Online Aix Service Information Station2) Американизм: Operational And Administrative System For Import Support3) Спорт: Oldham Athletic Supporters In The South4) Военный термин: Office Automation System for Intelligence Support, Operational Application of Special Intelligence Systems, Optimized Action Sequence Interpreter System, operational applications of special intelligence systems, operational automatic scheduling information system, optimized air-to-surface IR seeker5) Техника: Oak Ridge automated safeguards information system, ocean all-source information system, optimized air-to-surface infrared seeker6) Метеорология: Oceanographic and Atmospheric Support and Information System, Optimization Of Aquifer Storage For Increased Supply7) Автомобильный термин: ford motor company online automotive service information system8) Сокращение: OTH Airborne Sensor Information System, Office Automation Secure Information System, Operational Analysis for Systems Simulation, Operational Applications of Special Intelligence Systems (USA), Organic Airborne and Surface Influence Sweep, Over-the-horizon Airborne Sensor Information System9) Университет: Ocean Acquisition System For Interdisciplinary Science, Office Of Arts And Sciences Information Services, Online Academic Student Information System, Online Auburn Student Information System, Organization For African Students Interest And Solidarity10) Физиология: Online Asperger Syndrome Information Support, Online Asperger's Syndrome Information Support11) Вычислительная техника: Online Application System Interactive Software, Open And Secure Information Systems (Eureka), Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards (organization)12) Транспорт: Observation Aided Safety Improvement System, Operational and Supportability Implementation System13) Пищевая промышленность: Ornaments And Specialty Ingredients Source14) Фирменный знак: Online Auction Service And Internet Specialists15) Экология: Oceanic and Atmospheric Scientific16) Деловая лексика: Operational Application Support Information Services, Outsourced Application Software And Information Services, Outstanding Adults Still In Service17) Образование: Outreach Assisting Students In Schools18) Сетевые технологии: Open Architecture For Scaleable Internet Systems, Open Architecture System Integration Strategy19) Океанография: Ocean Atmosphere Seafloor Integration Study, Oceanic and Atmospheric Scientific Information System20) Безопасность: Orbis Advanced Security Intruder System21) Энергосистемы: автоматизированная система, обеспечивающая участников оптового рынка западного энергообъединения США информацией о пропускной способности участков сети22) Нефть и газ: Baker Hughes engineering and consulting service for improved drilling performance, услуги консультантов компании «Baker Hughes» в целях оптимизации процесса выполнения буровых работ24) Программное обеспечение: Online Automated Scheduling Information Software -
8 Oasis
1) Компьютерная техника: Online Aix Service Information Station2) Американизм: Operational And Administrative System For Import Support3) Спорт: Oldham Athletic Supporters In The South4) Военный термин: Office Automation System for Intelligence Support, Operational Application of Special Intelligence Systems, Optimized Action Sequence Interpreter System, operational applications of special intelligence systems, operational automatic scheduling information system, optimized air-to-surface IR seeker5) Техника: Oak Ridge automated safeguards information system, ocean all-source information system, optimized air-to-surface infrared seeker6) Метеорология: Oceanographic and Atmospheric Support and Information System, Optimization Of Aquifer Storage For Increased Supply7) Автомобильный термин: ford motor company online automotive service information system8) Сокращение: OTH Airborne Sensor Information System, Office Automation Secure Information System, Operational Analysis for Systems Simulation, Operational Applications of Special Intelligence Systems (USA), Organic Airborne and Surface Influence Sweep, Over-the-horizon Airborne Sensor Information System9) Университет: Ocean Acquisition System For Interdisciplinary Science, Office Of Arts And Sciences Information Services, Online Academic Student Information System, Online Auburn Student Information System, Organization For African Students Interest And Solidarity10) Физиология: Online Asperger Syndrome Information Support, Online Asperger's Syndrome Information Support11) Вычислительная техника: Online Application System Interactive Software, Open And Secure Information Systems (Eureka), Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards (organization)12) Транспорт: Observation Aided Safety Improvement System, Operational and Supportability Implementation System13) Пищевая промышленность: Ornaments And Specialty Ingredients Source14) Фирменный знак: Online Auction Service And Internet Specialists15) Экология: Oceanic and Atmospheric Scientific16) Деловая лексика: Operational Application Support Information Services, Outsourced Application Software And Information Services, Outstanding Adults Still In Service17) Образование: Outreach Assisting Students In Schools18) Сетевые технологии: Open Architecture For Scaleable Internet Systems, Open Architecture System Integration Strategy19) Океанография: Ocean Atmosphere Seafloor Integration Study, Oceanic and Atmospheric Scientific Information System20) Безопасность: Orbis Advanced Security Intruder System21) Энергосистемы: автоматизированная система, обеспечивающая участников оптового рынка западного энергообъединения США информацией о пропускной способности участков сети22) Нефть и газ: Baker Hughes engineering and consulting service for improved drilling performance, услуги консультантов компании «Baker Hughes» в целях оптимизации процесса выполнения буровых работ24) Программное обеспечение: Online Automated Scheduling Information Software -
1) Общая лексика: pre-authorization completion, плазменная дуговая резка ( РАС) – процесс дуговой резки, который использует сжатую дугу и снимает расплавленный металл с высокоскоростной струёй ионизированного газа, выходящей из ограничительного сопла (plasma arc cutting), программируемый контроллер автоматизации (AD), Porting Authorisation Code (e.g. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Porting_Authorisation_Code)2) Компьютерная техника: Physically Addressed Cache3) Медицина: pulmonary artery catheter4) Американизм: Political Action Committee, Politically Active Constituency, Public Affairs Committee5) Военный термин: Pacific, Pacific, Pacific Air Command, Patriot Advanced Capability, Personnel and Administration Center, Project Advisory Committee, panoramic air camera, performance analysis and control, personal analog computer, personnel and administration center, portable artillery computer, preaction calibration, primary address code, problem action center, program advisory committee, program advisory council, project analysis and control, public affairs committee6) Техника: packet assembly/disassembly, partitioned adaptive control, passive acoustic center, planning advisory committee, planning, analysis and control, process automation computer, program acquisition costs, protection auxiliary cabinet, public affairs coordinator, ПКА, Программируемый Контроллер Автоматизации7) Шутливое выражение: Premier Athletic Conference, Pretty Awful Comedy8) Химия: Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons, ПАУ (порошковый/порошкообразный активированный уголь - powdered activated coal), polycyclic aromatic compounds9) Строительство: provisional acceptance certificate (акт предварительной приемки работ)10) Религия: PARK Avenue CHRISTIAN, Prayer At Crossroads11) Метеорология: Potentiometric Analysis Collection12) Юридический термин: Prison Action Committee13) Бухгалтерия: Pre- Authorized Check14) Ветеринария: Pet Advisory Committee (formerly JACOPIS)15) Кино: Parental Advisory Committee16) Оптика: paraxial/axial color17) Политика: Панафриканский союз (сокр. от Pan-African Council), комитет политических действий (сокр. от political action committee)18) Сокращение: P1 Artificial Chromosome, PATRIOT ATM Capability, PATRIOT Advanced Capability, Pacific Aerospace Corp (Ltd (New Zealand)), Pacific Region, Pakistan Aeronautical Complex, Pan-African Congress (South Africa), Patient Airlift Centre, Penetration Aid Carrier, Privilege Attribute Certificates, Programmable Armament Control, Protection Against Aircraft, Put and Call Options (PAC straddle), Planning Advisory Committee, Planning Analysis and Control, Programmer Access Code, Parent, Adult, Child (The three alter-ego states defined in Eric Berne's theory of Transactional Analysis.)19) Университет: Preparatory Accelerated Course20) Физика: paraxial/axial color21) Физиология: Premature Atrial Contraction22) Электроника: Perceptual Audio Coder, Predictive Application Control23) Вычислительная техника: PCI AGP Controller, Privilege Attribute Certificate (DCE), PCI AGP Controller (Intel, IC, PCI, AGP), Proxy Auto-Config (WWW, Mozilla)24) Нефть: polyanionic cellulose25) Иммунология: Personal Access Code26) Онкология: Partners Against Cancer27) Космонавтика: Programme Activity Centre (UNEP)28) Банковское дело: двойной опцион (put and call), спрэд (put and call), стрэдл (put and call)29) Биотехнология: phosphoramidate chemistry30) Транспорт: Pacific Region31) Пищевая промышленность: (Powdered activated carbon) порошкообразный активированный уголь32) Экология: polyaluminium chloride, powdered activated carbon, порошковый активированный уголь (powdered activated coal - сокр. ПАУ)33) Сварка: Plasma Arc Cutting34) СМИ: Public Access Channel35) Деловая лексика: Planning And Coordination, Project Area Committee36) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: Project automation coordination, полианионная целлюлоза37) Образование: Parent Advisory Committee, Parent Advisory Council, Parents Advisory Council, Passion Adventure And Camaraderie, Positive Action Center, Pro Active Chair, Public Advocacy Coalition38) Инвестиции: put and call39) Сетевые технологии: Presentation Abstraction Control, Proxy Auto Configuration, Public Access Catalog, канал доступа к файлу, Protected Access Credential (в сетях WLAN)40) Полимеры: perishable agricultural commodities41) Автоматика: production activity control42) Сахалин Ю: project advisory committee, project automation coordinator43) Химическое оружие: Political action committee44) Макаров: полиалкиленкарбонаты45) Расширение файла: Package Assembly Circuit, Bitmap graphics (Atari STAD Image), SBStudio II Package or Song (SBStudio II)46) Нефть и газ: poly anionic cellulose, poly-anionic cellulose, polyanionic cellulose47) Международные отношения: Pan African Congress48) НАСА: Principal Advisory Committee49) Программное обеспечение: Process Algebra Compiler -
10 PAL
1) Компьютерная техника: Platform Abstraction Layer, Playlist Automation Language, Pooling Allying And Linking, Privileged Architecture Library, Process Assets Library2) Военный термин: Presence And Availability List, Protect All Life, parts authorization list, penetration aids launcher, permissive action link, permissive arming link, personnel accounting level, personnel augmentation list, portable ambush light, prescribed action link, price and availability list, prisoner-at-large, problem action log, pulsed argon laser, ПУЯБ, предохранительное устройство ядерного боеприпаса3) Техника: personnel airlock, ПАЛ (система цветного телевидения, ФРГ), система ПАЛ4) Шутливое выражение: Personal Android Lackey5) Метеорология: Present Atmospheric Level6) Железнодорожный термин: Paducah and Louisville Railroad7) Юридический термин: Police At Last, Protect A Life, patent associated literature8) Бухгалтерия: Passive Activity Loss, Programmatic Adjustment Loan9) Финансы: provisional allotment letter10) Страхование: Particular average loss11) Ветеринария: People And Animals Learning12) Телекоммуникации: Phase Alternate Line (television)13) Сокращение: Pahlavi, Panoramic Annular Lens (Sniper detection/location device), Paradox Application Language, Parcel Air Lift mail service (military space available mail), Phase Alternation Line, Phase Alternation Line-rate, Portable Advanced Laser, Portable, Accurate, Lightweight, Postal Advertising Label (New Zealand Post creates for private concerns, 2004), Postal Answer Line, Psycho-Acoustical Laboratory, Police Athletic League, Paid for Added Luxury, Pale and Lifeless, Peace At Last, Price/Availability List14) Физиология: Power- Assisted Liposuction15) Электроника: Phase Alternate Line16) Вычислительная техника: Programming Application Language, program assembly language, programmable array logic, programmed application library, Paradox Application Language (Borland, DB), Privileged Architecture Library (DEC, Alpha), библиотека прикладных программ, язык программирования приложений Paradox17) Нефть: pipe analysis log18) Транспорт: Philippines Airlines, Pitch, Angle, And Level, Plane Always Late19) Деловая лексика: Productivity, Accountability, And Learning, Professionalism Advocacy And Leadership, Purpose Agenda And Limit20) Бытовая техника: система цветного телевидения PAL21) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: pressure alarm low22) Образование: Parents And Literature, Participant Active Learning, Partners At Learning, Partnership Approach To Literacy, Peer Assistance And Leadership, Peer Assistance Leadership, People Animals Learning, Performance Assessment Laboratory, Physically Active Lifestyle, Play And Learn, Positive And Loving, Program For Alternative Learners23) Сетевые технологии: phase alternating line24) Авиационная медицина: psychoacoustical laboratory25) Безопасность: Personal Access List26) Расширение файла: Color palette, Programmed Array Logic, Programming Assembly Language, Paradox Applications Language (Borland), Palette file (Microsoft Draw, Win. Paintbrush)27) Майкрософт: стандарт PAL28) Общественная организация: Physicians Against Landmines29) Должность: Peer Assistance Leader, Personal Assistant For Leisure30) Чат: Personal Assistance Link31) Программное обеспечение: Palmtop Application Library -
11 Pal
1) Компьютерная техника: Platform Abstraction Layer, Playlist Automation Language, Pooling Allying And Linking, Privileged Architecture Library, Process Assets Library2) Военный термин: Presence And Availability List, Protect All Life, parts authorization list, penetration aids launcher, permissive action link, permissive arming link, personnel accounting level, personnel augmentation list, portable ambush light, prescribed action link, price and availability list, prisoner-at-large, problem action log, pulsed argon laser, ПУЯБ, предохранительное устройство ядерного боеприпаса3) Техника: personnel airlock, ПАЛ (система цветного телевидения, ФРГ), система ПАЛ4) Шутливое выражение: Personal Android Lackey5) Метеорология: Present Atmospheric Level6) Железнодорожный термин: Paducah and Louisville Railroad7) Юридический термин: Police At Last, Protect A Life, patent associated literature8) Бухгалтерия: Passive Activity Loss, Programmatic Adjustment Loan9) Финансы: provisional allotment letter10) Страхование: Particular average loss11) Ветеринария: People And Animals Learning12) Телекоммуникации: Phase Alternate Line (television)13) Сокращение: Pahlavi, Panoramic Annular Lens (Sniper detection/location device), Paradox Application Language, Parcel Air Lift mail service (military space available mail), Phase Alternation Line, Phase Alternation Line-rate, Portable Advanced Laser, Portable, Accurate, Lightweight, Postal Advertising Label (New Zealand Post creates for private concerns, 2004), Postal Answer Line, Psycho-Acoustical Laboratory, Police Athletic League, Paid for Added Luxury, Pale and Lifeless, Peace At Last, Price/Availability List14) Физиология: Power- Assisted Liposuction15) Электроника: Phase Alternate Line16) Вычислительная техника: Programming Application Language, program assembly language, programmable array logic, programmed application library, Paradox Application Language (Borland, DB), Privileged Architecture Library (DEC, Alpha), библиотека прикладных программ, язык программирования приложений Paradox17) Нефть: pipe analysis log18) Транспорт: Philippines Airlines, Pitch, Angle, And Level, Plane Always Late19) Деловая лексика: Productivity, Accountability, And Learning, Professionalism Advocacy And Leadership, Purpose Agenda And Limit20) Бытовая техника: система цветного телевидения PAL21) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: pressure alarm low22) Образование: Parents And Literature, Participant Active Learning, Partners At Learning, Partnership Approach To Literacy, Peer Assistance And Leadership, Peer Assistance Leadership, People Animals Learning, Performance Assessment Laboratory, Physically Active Lifestyle, Play And Learn, Positive And Loving, Program For Alternative Learners23) Сетевые технологии: phase alternating line24) Авиационная медицина: psychoacoustical laboratory25) Безопасность: Personal Access List26) Расширение файла: Color palette, Programmed Array Logic, Programming Assembly Language, Paradox Applications Language (Borland), Palette file (Microsoft Draw, Win. Paintbrush)27) Майкрософт: стандарт PAL28) Общественная организация: Physicians Against Landmines29) Должность: Peer Assistance Leader, Personal Assistant For Leisure30) Чат: Personal Assistance Link31) Программное обеспечение: Palmtop Application Library -
12 caps
2) Военный термин: Canadian Army Provost Corps, Computer Aided Prototyping System, Computer Assisted Problem Solving, Consolidated Aerial Port System, central automated personnel system, command automated procurement system, common armaments planning system, control and auxiliary power supply system, conventional armaments planning system, conventional armaments planning system CAPRIS, combat active/passive radar identification system3) Техника: Collins adaptive processing system, cell atmosphere processing system, checkout and firing subsystem, combined action-information organization and fire-control system, common attitude pointing system, construction advanced planning and sequencing, content addressable file store4) Религия: Christian Association of Psychological Studies5) Юридический термин: Chicago Alternative Policing Strategy, Chicagos Alternative Policing Strategy, Citizen Action Produces Strength7) Сокращение: & LIMS Capabilities and Limitations, Centralized Account Payment System (possibly incorrect translation in POSTCOM, 2008), Centralized Automated Payment System, Centralized Automatic Payment System, Coastal Aerial Photo-Laser Survey System (USA), Communications / Aural Protective System, Computer Antenna Pointing System, Conventional Armaments Planning System (NATO), Counter Active Protection System8) Физиология: Child Amblyopia Prevention Screening9) Иммунология: Clinical Analysis And Problem Solving10) Связь: Call Attempts Per Second12) Фирменный знак: Capital Area Pronunciation Specialists, Combined Actuarial Performance Services, Counseling And Psychological Services14) Деловая лексика: Combined Attitude And Perspective Survey, Computer Aided Product Selection, Corporate Account Printing Solutions15) Образование: Career Advising Program For Students16) Океанография: Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms17) Расширение файла: Cassette Programming System, Capitals (Upper Case Letters)18) Общественная организация: Canadian Association Of Professional Speakers, Children of Aging Parents19) Должность: Community Alternative Placement Scheme20) Программное обеспечение: Computer Animation Production System, Computerized Animation Production System -
13 oasis
1) Компьютерная техника: Online Aix Service Information Station2) Американизм: Operational And Administrative System For Import Support3) Спорт: Oldham Athletic Supporters In The South4) Военный термин: Office Automation System for Intelligence Support, Operational Application of Special Intelligence Systems, Optimized Action Sequence Interpreter System, operational applications of special intelligence systems, operational automatic scheduling information system, optimized air-to-surface IR seeker5) Техника: Oak Ridge automated safeguards information system, ocean all-source information system, optimized air-to-surface infrared seeker6) Метеорология: Oceanographic and Atmospheric Support and Information System, Optimization Of Aquifer Storage For Increased Supply7) Автомобильный термин: ford motor company online automotive service information system8) Сокращение: OTH Airborne Sensor Information System, Office Automation Secure Information System, Operational Analysis for Systems Simulation, Operational Applications of Special Intelligence Systems (USA), Organic Airborne and Surface Influence Sweep, Over-the-horizon Airborne Sensor Information System9) Университет: Ocean Acquisition System For Interdisciplinary Science, Office Of Arts And Sciences Information Services, Online Academic Student Information System, Online Auburn Student Information System, Organization For African Students Interest And Solidarity10) Физиология: Online Asperger Syndrome Information Support, Online Asperger's Syndrome Information Support11) Вычислительная техника: Online Application System Interactive Software, Open And Secure Information Systems (Eureka), Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards (organization)12) Транспорт: Observation Aided Safety Improvement System, Operational and Supportability Implementation System13) Пищевая промышленность: Ornaments And Specialty Ingredients Source14) Фирменный знак: Online Auction Service And Internet Specialists15) Экология: Oceanic and Atmospheric Scientific16) Деловая лексика: Operational Application Support Information Services, Outsourced Application Software And Information Services, Outstanding Adults Still In Service17) Образование: Outreach Assisting Students In Schools18) Сетевые технологии: Open Architecture For Scaleable Internet Systems, Open Architecture System Integration Strategy19) Океанография: Ocean Atmosphere Seafloor Integration Study, Oceanic and Atmospheric Scientific Information System20) Безопасность: Orbis Advanced Security Intruder System21) Энергосистемы: автоматизированная система, обеспечивающая участников оптового рынка западного энергообъединения США информацией о пропускной способности участков сети22) Нефть и газ: Baker Hughes engineering and consulting service for improved drilling performance, услуги консультантов компании «Baker Hughes» в целях оптимизации процесса выполнения буровых работ24) Программное обеспечение: Online Automated Scheduling Information Software -
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1) Общая лексика: pre-authorization completion, плазменная дуговая резка ( РАС) – процесс дуговой резки, который использует сжатую дугу и снимает расплавленный металл с высокоскоростной струёй ионизированного газа, выходящей из ограничительного сопла (plasma arc cutting), программируемый контроллер автоматизации (AD), Porting Authorisation Code (e.g. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Porting_Authorisation_Code)2) Компьютерная техника: Physically Addressed Cache3) Медицина: pulmonary artery catheter4) Американизм: Political Action Committee, Politically Active Constituency, Public Affairs Committee5) Военный термин: Pacific, Pacific, Pacific Air Command, Patriot Advanced Capability, Personnel and Administration Center, Project Advisory Committee, panoramic air camera, performance analysis and control, personal analog computer, personnel and administration center, portable artillery computer, preaction calibration, primary address code, problem action center, program advisory committee, program advisory council, project analysis and control, public affairs committee6) Техника: packet assembly/disassembly, partitioned adaptive control, passive acoustic center, planning advisory committee, planning, analysis and control, process automation computer, program acquisition costs, protection auxiliary cabinet, public affairs coordinator, ПКА, Программируемый Контроллер Автоматизации7) Шутливое выражение: Premier Athletic Conference, Pretty Awful Comedy8) Химия: Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons, ПАУ (порошковый/порошкообразный активированный уголь - powdered activated coal), polycyclic aromatic compounds9) Строительство: provisional acceptance certificate (акт предварительной приемки работ)10) Религия: PARK Avenue CHRISTIAN, Prayer At Crossroads11) Метеорология: Potentiometric Analysis Collection12) Юридический термин: Prison Action Committee13) Бухгалтерия: Pre- Authorized Check14) Ветеринария: Pet Advisory Committee (formerly JACOPIS)15) Кино: Parental Advisory Committee16) Оптика: paraxial/axial color17) Политика: Панафриканский союз (сокр. от Pan-African Council), комитет политических действий (сокр. от political action committee)18) Сокращение: P1 Artificial Chromosome, PATRIOT ATM Capability, PATRIOT Advanced Capability, Pacific Aerospace Corp (Ltd (New Zealand)), Pacific Region, Pakistan Aeronautical Complex, Pan-African Congress (South Africa), Patient Airlift Centre, Penetration Aid Carrier, Privilege Attribute Certificates, Programmable Armament Control, Protection Against Aircraft, Put and Call Options (PAC straddle), Planning Advisory Committee, Planning Analysis and Control, Programmer Access Code, Parent, Adult, Child (The three alter-ego states defined in Eric Berne's theory of Transactional Analysis.)19) Университет: Preparatory Accelerated Course20) Физика: paraxial/axial color21) Физиология: Premature Atrial Contraction22) Электроника: Perceptual Audio Coder, Predictive Application Control23) Вычислительная техника: PCI AGP Controller, Privilege Attribute Certificate (DCE), PCI AGP Controller (Intel, IC, PCI, AGP), Proxy Auto-Config (WWW, Mozilla)24) Нефть: polyanionic cellulose25) Иммунология: Personal Access Code26) Онкология: Partners Against Cancer27) Космонавтика: Programme Activity Centre (UNEP)28) Банковское дело: двойной опцион (put and call), спрэд (put and call), стрэдл (put and call)29) Биотехнология: phosphoramidate chemistry30) Транспорт: Pacific Region31) Пищевая промышленность: (Powdered activated carbon) порошкообразный активированный уголь32) Экология: polyaluminium chloride, powdered activated carbon, порошковый активированный уголь (powdered activated coal - сокр. ПАУ)33) Сварка: Plasma Arc Cutting34) СМИ: Public Access Channel35) Деловая лексика: Planning And Coordination, Project Area Committee36) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: Project automation coordination, полианионная целлюлоза37) Образование: Parent Advisory Committee, Parent Advisory Council, Parents Advisory Council, Passion Adventure And Camaraderie, Positive Action Center, Pro Active Chair, Public Advocacy Coalition38) Инвестиции: put and call39) Сетевые технологии: Presentation Abstraction Control, Proxy Auto Configuration, Public Access Catalog, канал доступа к файлу, Protected Access Credential (в сетях WLAN)40) Полимеры: perishable agricultural commodities41) Автоматика: production activity control42) Сахалин Ю: project advisory committee, project automation coordinator43) Химическое оружие: Political action committee44) Макаров: полиалкиленкарбонаты45) Расширение файла: Package Assembly Circuit, Bitmap graphics (Atari STAD Image), SBStudio II Package or Song (SBStudio II)46) Нефть и газ: poly anionic cellulose, poly-anionic cellulose, polyanionic cellulose47) Международные отношения: Pan African Congress48) НАСА: Principal Advisory Committee49) Программное обеспечение: Process Algebra Compiler -
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1) Компьютерная техника: Platform Abstraction Layer, Playlist Automation Language, Pooling Allying And Linking, Privileged Architecture Library, Process Assets Library2) Военный термин: Presence And Availability List, Protect All Life, parts authorization list, penetration aids launcher, permissive action link, permissive arming link, personnel accounting level, personnel augmentation list, portable ambush light, prescribed action link, price and availability list, prisoner-at-large, problem action log, pulsed argon laser, ПУЯБ, предохранительное устройство ядерного боеприпаса3) Техника: personnel airlock, ПАЛ (система цветного телевидения, ФРГ), система ПАЛ4) Шутливое выражение: Personal Android Lackey5) Метеорология: Present Atmospheric Level6) Железнодорожный термин: Paducah and Louisville Railroad7) Юридический термин: Police At Last, Protect A Life, patent associated literature8) Бухгалтерия: Passive Activity Loss, Programmatic Adjustment Loan9) Финансы: provisional allotment letter10) Страхование: Particular average loss11) Ветеринария: People And Animals Learning12) Телекоммуникации: Phase Alternate Line (television)13) Сокращение: Pahlavi, Panoramic Annular Lens (Sniper detection/location device), Paradox Application Language, Parcel Air Lift mail service (military space available mail), Phase Alternation Line, Phase Alternation Line-rate, Portable Advanced Laser, Portable, Accurate, Lightweight, Postal Advertising Label (New Zealand Post creates for private concerns, 2004), Postal Answer Line, Psycho-Acoustical Laboratory, Police Athletic League, Paid for Added Luxury, Pale and Lifeless, Peace At Last, Price/Availability List14) Физиология: Power- Assisted Liposuction15) Электроника: Phase Alternate Line16) Вычислительная техника: Programming Application Language, program assembly language, programmable array logic, programmed application library, Paradox Application Language (Borland, DB), Privileged Architecture Library (DEC, Alpha), библиотека прикладных программ, язык программирования приложений Paradox17) Нефть: pipe analysis log18) Транспорт: Philippines Airlines, Pitch, Angle, And Level, Plane Always Late19) Деловая лексика: Productivity, Accountability, And Learning, Professionalism Advocacy And Leadership, Purpose Agenda And Limit20) Бытовая техника: система цветного телевидения PAL21) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: pressure alarm low22) Образование: Parents And Literature, Participant Active Learning, Partners At Learning, Partnership Approach To Literacy, Peer Assistance And Leadership, Peer Assistance Leadership, People Animals Learning, Performance Assessment Laboratory, Physically Active Lifestyle, Play And Learn, Positive And Loving, Program For Alternative Learners23) Сетевые технологии: phase alternating line24) Авиационная медицина: psychoacoustical laboratory25) Безопасность: Personal Access List26) Расширение файла: Color palette, Programmed Array Logic, Programming Assembly Language, Paradox Applications Language (Borland), Palette file (Microsoft Draw, Win. Paintbrush)27) Майкрософт: стандарт PAL28) Общественная организация: Physicians Against Landmines29) Должность: Peer Assistance Leader, Personal Assistant For Leisure30) Чат: Personal Assistance Link31) Программное обеспечение: Palmtop Application Library -
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См. также в других словарях:
Athletic trainer — Not to be confused with Personal trainer. An athletic trainer is a certified, health care professional who practices in the field of sports medicine. Athletic training has been recognized by the American Medical Association (AMA) as an allied… … Wikipedia
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The Optimum Performance Training (OPT) Model — Overview= Health and fitness professionals sought a fitness program that employed an integrated training approach to account for deconditioned clients and multiplanar movements through the full muscle action spectrum. By incorporating multiple… … Wikipedia
Ohio State University athletic band — The Ohio State University Athletic Band School The Ohio State University Location Columbus, Ohio Conference Big Ten Founded 1878, 1996 Director Dr. Jon R. Woods … Wikipedia
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Wigan Athletic F.C. — Infobox Football club clubname = Wigan Athletic F.C current = Wigan Athletic 2008 fullname = Wigan Athletic Football Club nickname = Latics founded = 1932 ground = JJB Stadium Wigan Greater Manchester England, United Kingdom capacity = 25,138… … Wikipedia