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  • 1 gelmek

    ",-ir 1. to come. 2. /a/ to come to. 3. /dan/ to come from. 4. /a/ to come into; to come in. 5. /la/ to come with, accompany. 6. /a/ to come back (to), return (to). 7. /a/ to come to visit. 8. /a/ to hit, come to. 9. /a/ to come to, reach, arrive at (a stage of activity). 10. /dan/ to survive from, come from; /a/ to last till. 11. /dan/ to come from, originate in, spring from. 12. /a/ (for time) to be about, get to be. 13. /a/ to come up to, come to, reach. 14. to weigh about, be about, come to. 15. /dan/ to come from, result from. 16. /dan/ to come out of, result from. 17. /dan/ to be derived from, come from. 18. /a/ to tolerate, put up with. 19. /a/ to acknowledge the truth of (something) at last. 20. /a/ to be (good, bad, etc.) for, affect (someone) (in a certain way). 21. /dan/ to receive from, get from, gain from. 22. /a/ to have, be afflicted with. 23. /a/ to be, lie (in a certain direction). 24. /a/ to appear to be, seem to be. 25. /a/ to be proper, be appropriate. 26. /a, la/ to come with, begin with, start with. 27. /a/ to cost (a certain amount). 28. (for time) to come. 29. auxiliary verb to feel like (doing something); to feel, get: uykusu gelmek to feel sleepy. 30. an auxiliary verb which denotes continuous action when suffixed to a gerund: alışageldiğimiz which we are accustomed to. yapılagelen which is always being done. 31. auxiliary verb to pretend not to: duymazlıktan gelmek to pretend not to hear. 32. to be unable to resist (doing something), not to be able to help (doing something): İçtikçe içeceğim geliyor. The more I drink, the more I want to drink. 33. to be, come in: birinci gelmek to be the first. Gel.... 1. Come now: Gel, bu işten vazgeçelim. Come now, let´s leave this. 2. (followed by a negative imperative) if you can help it: Gel, şimdi kızma! How can I help but be angry! Gelelim.... /a/ Let us turn to (another subject). gelince /a/ 1. as for...: Bana gelince, ben bugün kitap okumak istiyorum. As for me, I want to read a book today. 2. when it comes to...: Herkese karşı çok cömerttir ama karısına gelince on para vermez. He is very generous to everybody but when it comes to his wife he doesn´t give her a cent. gelsin... (gelsin..., gitsin....) (followed by a noun) describes lavishness or an easy, leisurely manner: Gelsin çaylar, (gitsin) kahveler, hiç çalıştığı yok. He kills time all day sipping tea and coffee and never working. gelip çatmak/dayanmak (for time) to come round at last, be finally at hand. gelip geçici transient, passing. gelip geçmek 1. to pass by. 2. to pass through, come and go. gelmiş geçmiş of all who have come and gone, of all those who have been; of all (the things) that have happened so far; of all times, of all periods. gelip gitmek /a/ to come and go, frequent. Gel keyfim gel. colloq. How sweet it is!/It´s great to be alive! Geleceği varsa, göreceği de var. colloq. He´ll regret it if he does! (said as a threat). gel zaman git zaman a long time afterwards."

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > gelmek

  • 2 feda

    n. sacrifice, act of making an offering to a god; person or item which is offered to a god; surrender of something for the sake of something more valuable; loss caused by selling something below cost

    Turkish-English dictionary > feda

  • 3 paha

    1. price. 2. value. -sına at the cost of. -da ağır valuable (thing). - biçilmez priceless. - biçmek /a/ 1. to put a price on, price. 2. to estimate the value of. -ya çıkmak to rise in price, become expensive. -ya geçmek (for something ordinary) to be withheld from sale as if it were something rare.

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  • 4 mal

    "1. property, possession. 2. riches, wealth; assets. 3. goods, merchandise. 4. cattle; horses; water buffaloes. 5. a herd of cattle, horses, or water buffaloes. 6. colloq. scoundrel, bastard: Onun ne mal olduğunu şimdi anladım. I now see what a bastard he really is. 7. slang pretty woman, nice piece of merchandise. 8. slang money, dough. 9. slang goods, stuff (used for legally prohibited goods). - ayrılığı law separation of property (allowing a husband and wife to have separate estates). - beyanı/bildirimi law statement of one´s assets. - birliği law joint ownership of property (by a husband and wife). - bulmuş Mağribi gibi so happy you´d think he had come into a fortune. - canın yongasıdır. proverb If one of your possessions is damaged, you feel as if you yourself have been injured. - canlısı overly fond of money, greedy. - edinmek to acquire property; to acquire wealth. - etmek 1. /ı, a/ to produce (something) at (a stated cost). 2. /ı, a/ to attribute (something) to, ascribe (something) to. 3. /ı, kendine/ to act as if (something) were (one´s) own; to appropriate (something) for (oneself) (when one has no legitimate claim to it). -ın gözü colloq. 1. sly, tricky, shifty. 2. slippery character, tricky number, fox. 3. loose, promiscuous (woman). - kaçırmak to smuggle goods over a border, engage in smuggling. - meydanda. colloq. It´s there for all the world to see. - müdürü see malmüdürü. - mülk goods, property. - mülk sahibi rich person. - olmak /a/ 1. (for something) to cost (someone) (a certain amount). 2. to cost (someone his life): İçki hayatına mal oldu. Drink was the death of him. 3. (for something) to be accepted by, be taken up by; to capture the mind of. - varlığı law worldly possessions/goods, estate. - yapmak to accumulate wealth. "

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > mal

  • 5 çıkmak

    "1. /dan/ to go out (of), come out (of), emerge (from). 2. /dan/ (for one thing) to come from, be made from, be produced from (another). 3. /dan/ to graduate from, finish (a school, a university). 4. /dan/ to leave, depart (from) (a place). 5. /a/ to go to (a place); to go on (an outing): Çarşıya çıktı. She´s gone to the market. Tatile çıktılar. They´ve gone on vacation. 6. /a/ to go out in order to, go out to (do something): Köpeğini aramaya çıktı. She went out to look for her dog. 7. /dan/ to result from, be the fruit of. 8. /dan/ (for there to be enough of one thing) to make another or to meet a need: Bu kumaştan bir ceket çıkar mı? Is there enough of this cloth to make a sport coat? Kiradan vergi paramız çıkar mı? Will the rent be enough to cover our taxes? 9. /dan/ math. to be subtracted from. 10. (for something) to come off; to fall off; to come loose. 11. to stick out, protrude. 12. (for something) to appear, become visible; (for hair, a beard, seeds) to sprout. 13. (for a stain) to come out, disappear. 14. (for a color) to bleed, run; /a/ to come off on, stain. 15. /dan/ to have to spend, be obliged to spend (money). 16. (for a part of the body) to be dislocated, suffer dislocation. 17. /dan/ (for someone) to come out of, emerge from (a situation) (in a specified state): Merak etme, bu işten kârlı çıkacağız. Don´t worry; we´re going to finish this job in the black. 18. /dan/ to cease to be (the holder of a specified job): Memurluktan çıkalı yirmi yıl oldu. I haven´t been a government employee for twenty years. 19. /dan/ no longer to merit (the name he/she/it has gone by), cease to be (what he/she/it has been known to be): Palto olmaktan çıktı bu. You can no longer call this a coat. 20. /a/ to climb; to climb up to. 21. /a/ to go to see (a government official, an important person) (in his/her office or reception room). 22. /da/ (for one sort of thing) to be found in (another thing); (for a particular sort of person) to be found in or among (a group of persons): Sütte zararlı mikroplar çıktı. Harmful microbes were found in the milk. 23. /a/ (for something) to come (one´s) way: Piyangodan bana hiçbir şey çıkmadı. I won nothing whatsoever in the lottery. Bugün bana postadan mektup çıktı. I happened to get a letter today. 24. to go out, show oneself in public. 25. /la/ to go out with, date (someone). 26. (often with önüne or karşısına) unexpectedly to appear, unexpectedly to come on the scene, crop up, pop up. 27. /a/ to cost (a specified amount). 28. /a/ to play the rôle of, appear in the rôle of (a specified character). 29. /a/ (for something) to extend as far as (a specified place). 30. /a/ to land at, disembark at; to deplane at; to detrain at. 31. (for news, a rumor) to circulate; (for a book, newspaper, etc.) to be published. 32. /a/ (for one person) to confront, oppose (another) (in a contest). 33. /ı/ to build (a story of a building); /a, ı/ to add (a story) to (a building). 34. (for someone) to turn out to be (of a specified character, profession, rank, etc.); (for something) to turn out to be (of a specified nature): Senden sessiz çıktı. He turned out to be quieter than you. Onlardan biri hekim çıktı. One of them turned out to be a doctor. Yoğurt ekşi çıktı. The yogurt turned out to be sour. 35. (for something, often something unpleasant) to occur, happen: Şimdi kavga çıkacak. There´s going to be a quarrel now. 36. (for an order, a command) to be given; (for a law) to be made. 37. (for something) to become available at a specified time or to come into being for the first time: Maaşlar yarın çıkacak. We can get our salaries tomorrow. Çilek çıktı. Strawberries have come on the market. Kitap yeni çıktı. The book´s just been published. Bilgisayar diye bir şey çıktı. They´ve come out with something called a ´´computer.´´ 38. (for a season, a month) to be at an end, be over. 39. (for a price, a temperature) to rise, increase. 40. (for the sun, the moon) to rise. 41. colloq. to have a BM, defecate. 42. (for a drea

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > çıkmak

  • 6 oturmak

    "1. to sit. 2. /a/ to sit down (on), sit (upon). 3. /da/ to live or dwell in (a place); /la/ to live with (someone). 4. /a/ (for something) to fit on (something); /üstüne/ (for a garment) to fit (someone). 5. /a/ (for someone) to take up (a post, an appointment): Bakan makamına oturdu. The minister has taken up his post. 6. (for a building, wall, pavement, earth) to settle, subside; (for particles suspended in a liquid) to settle. 7. /a/ colloq. to cost: Bana pahalıya oturdu. It cost me a lot. 8. (for something) to catch on, take root, become popular, be accepted. 9. (for a ship) to run aground. oturduğu dalı kesmek to cut off the very branch one is sitting on, cut the ground from under one´s own feet. oturmaya gitmek /a/ to go to see (someone), go to visit (someone). oturup kalkmak /la/ to act on, follow (someone´s advice)."

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  • 7 para

    "1. money. 2. (a) para (one fortieth of a kuruş). - alımı fin. collection of money, collecting money. - aslanın ağzında. proverb If you want money, you´ve got to struggle to get it. - babası moneybags. - basımevi mint (where money is coined or printed). - basmak 1. to print or mint money. 2. to lay down a stake (in gambling). -yı bayılmak colloq. to pay out money, shell out money, fork out money. - bozmak to make change, break a coin or note into smaller denominations. - canlısı/gözlü someone who´s excessively fond of money. - cezası law fine. - cüzdanı billfold, wallet. - çantası purse. - çekmek /dan/ 1. to draw money (from a bank). 2. to squeeze some money out of (someone), get (someone) to fork over some money. -ya çevirmek /ı/ to realize (an asset); to sell (something) (for money). - çıkarmak 1. to issue money. 2. colloq. to send a money order. -sını çıkarmak to get back the amount one invested (in the form of profits). -dan çıkmak to have to spend money; to have unexpected expenses. - darlığı econ. deflation. -yla değil very cheap, dirt cheap. -yla değil sırayla. colloq. Money can´t always get you what you want./Your money won´t do you any good here. -yı denize atmak to squander money, throw money down the drain. - dökmek /a/ to spend a lot of money (on); to pour money into. - dönmek for bribes to be given. - etmek to be worth something, be valuable; to be something which will sell. - etmemek 1. to be worth nothing; to be something which won´t sell. 2. to have no effect, be in vain. -nın gümüş olduğunu anlamak to realize that money is not to be thrown around, learn to appreciate the value of money. - ile imanın kimde olduğu bilinmez. proverb You can´t know for sure how much money another person has, just as you can´t know whether or not he is a sincere believer in God. - isteme benden, buz gibi soğurum senden. proverb You don´t like to have much to do with people who are always asking you for money. - kazanmak to earn money. - kesmek 1. to coin money. 2. to make a lot of money. - kırmak to make a lot of money. -ya kıymak to spend money, shell out money, fork out money. - parayı çeker. proverb Money breeds money. -ya para dememek 1. to make a lot of money. 2. to spend money lavishly. 3. to regard an amount of money as ridiculously small. - pul money and assets. -sıyla rezil olmak to pay out money for something that turns out to be completely unsatisfactory, throw money down the drain. - sızdırmak/koparmak /dan/ to squeeze some money out of (someone), get (someone) to fork out some money. -sını sokağa atmak to throw money down the drain. -yı sökülmek slang to have to fork out some money. - şişkinliği econ. inflation. -yı tedavülden kaldırma demonetization, taking money out of circulation. - tutmak 1. to save money; to be thrifty. 2. to cost. -nın üstü change (given when one has paid more than the stated amount). -yı veren düdüğü çalar. proverb The one who pays the piper calls the tune. - vurmak 1. to make money by illegal means. 2. to luck into a lot of money. - yapmak to earn money and save it. - yardımı monetary aid. - yatıran depositor. - yatırmak /a/ 1. to invest (in). 2. to deposit money (in). - yedirmek /a/ to bribe. - yeme accepting bribes. - yemek 1. to spend money freely. 2. to accept a bribe. -nın yüzü sıcaktır. proverb There is something about money that´s very alluring."

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  • 8 ucuz

    "1. cheap, inexpensive, low-priced. 2. easily acquired, easy. 3. cheaply, cheap, on the cheap. -a almak /ı/ to get (something) at a low price, buy (something) cheap. - atlatmak /ı/, - kurtulmak /dan/ to escape from (a tight or dangerous situation) with little or no harm; to get off lightly. -a çıkmak (for something) to cost little to produce: Bu kitap ucuza çıktı. This book cost little to produce. - etin yahnisi tatsız/yavan olur. proverb Cheap goods usually give their buyer little satisfaction. -dur vardır illeti, pahalıdır vardır hikmeti. proverb There are usually sound reasons why a piece of merchandise is priced as it is. -a vermek /ı/ to sell (something) cheaply, sell (something) cheap."

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > ucuz

  • 9 çok

    "1. much; many, a lot of, lots of, plenty of. 2. often, long (time). 3. very. 4. very much. 5. poly-. -tan long since, a long time ago. çoktan beri/-tandır for a long time (now). - bilmiş 1. clever, smart. 2. cunning, crafty. - çok at most, at the very most. - defa 1. often, frequently. 2. many times. - fazla far too much. - geçmeden before long, soon. - gelmek /a/ 1. to be too much (for). 2. to become too much for (someone) to take. - gezen çok bilir. proverb One who travels a lot knows a lot. - gitmek to go too far. - görmek 1. /ı/ to consider (something) to be too much. 2. /ı, a/ to begrudge (someone) (something). -a kalmaz before long. - kere/kez 1. often, frequently. 2. many times. -a mal olmak to cost a lot. - naz âşık usandırır. proverb If you behave too coyly you will lose your lover. - olmak to go too far, overstep the limit. - söylemek to talk too much. - sürmez. It won´t last long. - şey! How strange!/What an odd business! - şükür! Thank God! - taraflı law multilateral. -a varmaz soon, before long. - yanlı/yönlü versatile, many-sided. - yaşa! 1. Bless you!/Gesundheit! (said when someone has sneezed). 2. Bless you! (said to someone with whom one is highly pleased). "

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > çok

  • 10 hurda

    "1. scrap iron, scrap metal. 2. scrap (metal): hurda demir scrap iron. 3. completely worn-out, ready for the scrap heap. 4. slang hashish. -ya çevirmek /ı/ to wear (something) out. -sı çıkmak /ın/ (for something) to become worn out. -sı çıkmış worn-out (thing). - fiyatına very cheaply; below cost."

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > hurda

  • 11 fiyat

    ,-tı price. -ından aşağıya satmak /ı/ to sell (something) at a price below cost. - ayarlamak to adjust prices. - biçmek /a/ to estimate a price (for). -ları dondurmak to freeze prices. - farkı price difference. - haddi price limit, ceiling price. - indeksi price index. - indirimi reduction. - kırmak to reduce the price. - koymak /a/ to fix the price (of). - vermek /a/ to quote a price (for).

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > fiyat

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  • cost — The opposite of revenue. An expense that reflects the price of purchasing goods, services and financial instruments. A cash cost means that cash is given up today to the purchase. Also, the purchase price of an investment, which is compared to… …   Financial and business terms

  • count the cost — 1. To assess the risks of an action before attempting it 2. To comprehend fully the unfortunate consequences of an action • • • Main Entry: ↑cost * * * count the cost british phrase to realize what has been lost or damaged as a result of… …   Useful english dictionary

  • cost breakdown — UK US noun [C or U] ► ACCOUNTING the process of dividing the cost of something into the different parts that make up the total amount, according to who is doing the work, what materials are needed, etc.: »This is a detailed cost breakdown of the… …   Financial and business terms

  • cost-sharing — UK US noun [U] ► a situation in which two or more organizations pay the cost of something together: » Cost sharing between the federal government and states for particular projects is often the most sensible option …   Financial and business terms

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  • count the cost — British to realize what has been lost or damaged as a result of something The whole town is counting the cost of the bombing today …   English dictionary

  • count the cost — to start to understand how badly something has affected you. I didn t read the contract fully before I signed it but I m counting the cost now …   New idioms dictionary

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