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  • 1 scene

    1) (the place where something real or imaginary happens: A murderer sometimes revisits the scene of his crime; The scene of this opera is laid/set in Switzerland.) scenă
    2) (an incident etc which is seen or remembered: He recalled scenes from his childhood.) eve­ni­ment
    3) (a show of anger: I was very angry but I didn't want to make a scene.) scenă
    4) (a view of a landscape etc: The sheep grazing on the hillside made a peaceful scene.) tablou
    5) (one part or division of a play etc: The hero died in the first scene of the third act of the play.) scenă
    6) (the setting or background for a play etc: Scene-changing must be done quickly.) decor
    7) (a particular area of activity: the academic/business scene.) scenă
    - scenic
    - behind the scenes
    - come on the scene

    English-Romanian dictionary > scene

  • 2 come on the scene

    (to arrive: We were enjoying ourselves till she came on the scene.) a-şi face apariţia

    English-Romanian dictionary > come on the scene

  • 3 view

    [vju:] 1. noun
    1) ((an outlook on to, or picture of) a scene: Your house has a fine view of the hills; He painted a view of the harbour.) pri­velişte, vedere
    2) (an opinion: Tell me your view/views on the subject.) opinie, părere
    3) (an act of seeing or inspecting: We were given a private view of the exhibition before it was opened to the public.) vizită
    2. verb
    (to look at, or regard (something): She viewed the scene with astonishment.) a privi
    - viewpoint
    - in view of
    - on view
    - point of view

    English-Romanian dictionary > view

  • 4 blackout

    1) (a period of darkness produced by putting out all lights: Accidents increase during a blackout.) pană de curent
    2) (a ban (on news etc): a blackout of news about the coup.) interzicere (a ştirilor)
    3) (a period of unconsciousness: He has had several blackouts during his illness.) pierdere a cunoştinţei
    4) (a brief, temporary loss of memory, as when an actor forgets his/her lines.)
    5) ((also outage) a period of a general power failure.)
    6) ((in the theatre) the putting out of the stage lights at the end of a scene etc.)

    English-Romanian dictionary > blackout

  • 5 bloodthirsty

    1) (eager to kill people: a bloodthirsty warrior.) sângeros
    2) ((of a film etc) full of scenes in which there is much killing.) cu scene sângeroase

    English-Romanian dictionary > bloodthirsty

  • 6 destruction

    1) (the act or process of destroying or being destroyed: the destruction of the city.) distrugere, nimicire
    2) (the state of being destroyed; ruin: a scene of destruction.) dărâmare
    - destructively
    - destructiveness

    English-Romanian dictionary > destruction

  • 7 enact

    1) (to act (a rôle, scene etc) not necessarily on stage.) a juca
    2) (to make into a law or pass a law: to enact a new sexual harassment law; enact the bill.)

    English-Romanian dictionary > enact

  • 8 fantasy

    plural - fantasies; noun
    (an imaginary (especially not realistic) scene, story etc: He was always having fantasies about becoming rich and famous; ( also adjective) He lived in a fantasy world.) (de) vis
    - fantastically

    English-Romanian dictionary > fantasy

  • 9 grand finale

    (the final act or scene in a show etc, usually with all the actors, singers etc on the stage.) punct culminant

    English-Romanian dictionary > grand finale

  • 10 pageant

    1) (a dramatic performance made up of different, usually historical scenes, often performed during a procession: The children performed a historical pageant.) spectacol grandios (cu scene istorice/ale­go­rice)
    2) (any fine show or display: a pageant of colour.) feerie

    English-Romanian dictionary > pageant

  • 11 pantomime

    1. noun
    1) (a play performed at Christmas time, usually based on a popular fairy tale, with music, dancing, comedy etc.) (spectacol de) pantomimă
    2) ((also mime) a performance by an actor done without using words: He studied pantomime in acting school.)
    2. verb
    (to act out a scene without using words: Since she couldn't speak French, she had to pantomime her request for water.)

    English-Romanian dictionary > pantomime

  • 12 pastoral

    1) (of country life: a pastoral scene.) pastoral
    2) (of a pastor, or his work: pastoral responsibilities.) de pastor

    English-Romanian dictionary > pastoral

  • 13 prospect

    1. ['prospekt] noun
    1) (an outlook for the future; a view of what one may expect to happen: He didn't like the prospect of going abroad; a job with good prospects.) (de) perspectivă
    2) (a view or scene: a fine prospect.) vedere, perspectivă
    2. [prə'spekt, ]( American[) 'prospekt] verb
    (to make a search (for gold etc): He is prospecting for gold.) a căuta
    - prospectus

    English-Romanian dictionary > prospect

  • 14 rehearse

    (to practise (a play, piece of music etc) before performing it in front of an audience: You must rehearse the scene again.) a repeta
    - dress rehearsal

    English-Romanian dictionary > rehearse

  • 15 reporter

    noun (a person who writes articles and reports for a newspaper: Reporters and photographers rushed to the scene of the fire.) reporter

    English-Romanian dictionary > reporter

  • 16 retake

    1. [ri:'teik] past tense - retook; verb
    1) (to capture again: The soldiers retook the fort.) a lua din nou
    2) (to film (part of a film etc) again.) a turna/a filma din nou (o scenă)
    2. ['ri:teik] noun
    (the filming of part of a film again: the fourth retake.) reluare (a mai multor scene)

    English-Romanian dictionary > retake

  • 17 sketch

    [ske ] 1. noun
    1) (a rough plan, drawing or painting: He made several sketches before starting the portrait.) crochiu, desen, schiţă
    2) (a short (written or spoken) account without many details: The book began with a sketch of the author's life.) rezumat
    3) (a short play, dramatic scene etc: a comic sketch.) sketch, scenetă
    2. verb
    1) (to draw, describe, or plan without completing the details.) a schiţa
    2) (to make rough drawings, paintings etc: She sketches as a hobby.) a face crochiuri/schiţe
    - sketchily
    - sketchiness
    - sketch-book

    English-Romanian dictionary > sketch

  • 18 war correspondent

    (a newspaper reporter who writes articles on a war especially from the scene of fighting.) corespondent de război

    English-Romanian dictionary > war correspondent

См. также в других словарях:

  • scène — [ sɛn ] n. f. • 1595; « représentation théâtrale de l Antiquité » v. 1375; rare av. XVIIe; lat. scæna, gr. skênê « tente », à cause de la construction édifiée sur la scène des théâtres grecs I ♦ 1 ♦ Dans un théâtre, L emplacement où les acteurs… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • scene — W2S2 [si:n] n ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(play/film)¦ 2¦(activities)¦ 3¦(accident/crime)¦ 4¦(view/picture)¦ 5¦(event/situation)¦ 6¦(argument)¦ 7 not be your scene 8 behind the scenes 9 set the scene 10 be/come on the scene …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • scene — [ sin ] noun count *** ▸ 1 part of play/book etc. ▸ 2 view ▸ 3 place where something happens ▸ 4 activity/interest ▸ 5 argument etc. in public ▸ 6 situation ▸ + PHRASES 1. ) a part of a play, book, movie, etc. in which events happen in the same… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • Scene.org — est une organisation à but non lucratif dont le but est de soutenir la scène démo. À cette fin, Scene.org met à la disposition de ses membres un serveur de fichier leur permettant de stocker leurs créations. Elle décerne également chaque année… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Scène nationale — est un label accordé par le ministère de la Culture à des théâtres publics français. Son objectif est d être un lieu de production et de diffusion de la création contemporaine dans le domaine du spectacle vivant. Sommaire 1 Historique 2… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Scene.org — ist eine internationale Non Profit Organisation, deren Ziel die Unterstützung und Förderung der Demoszene und inzwischen auch vieler Netlabels für elektronische Musik ist. Scene.org stellt dazu den weltweit größten Dateiserver zur Verfügung,… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • scene — SCENE. s. f. La partie du theatre, où les acteurs representent devant le public. Dés que cet acteur paroist sur la scene. la scene estoit trop remplie d acteurs. Il se prend aussi quelquefois pour tout le theatre. La decoration de la scene. la… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • Scene nationale — Scène nationale Scène nationale est un label accordé par le Ministère de la Culture à des théâtres publics français. Son objectif est d être un lieu de production et de diffusion de la création contemporaine. Historique Élément de la… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Scene — Scène  Pour les articles homophones, voir Cène et Seine. La scène en Théâtre Polonaise en …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Scene d'exposition — Scène d exposition La scène d exposition d un spectacle est en général la première scène (contre exemple : Caligula, Camus ; Acte 1, scène 2). Cependant, elle peut s étaler sur plusieurs scènes(ex. dans L Avare ou dans Dom Juan de… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Scene of Irony — in Lancaster, UK, March 2011 Background information Origin St.Louis, Missouri United States …   Wikipedia

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