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  • 1 rate

    1. दर
    He is walking at the rate of 5km.an hour.
    The rate of interest has fallen from 10% to 7%
    2. किसी\rateभी\rateहालत\rateमे\rate
    I am not prepared to marry her at any rate.
    3. मात्रा
    If you spend at this rate you will soon be bankrupt.
    4. अनुपात
    His pulse rate dropped suddenly.
    1. भाव\rateठहराना
    They rated the book quite high.
    2. मूल्याकंन\rateकरना
    They rate him kind and hospitable.
    3. वर्ग\rateया\rateश्रेणी\rateमे\rateरखना
    He was rated as a broker.
    4. निर्धारित\rateकरना
    Those tasks rates low on my priority list.

    English-Hindi dictionary > rate

  • 2 rate

    माप, परिणाम, प्रमाण; मूल्य, मान; जहाज का दरजा; कर, शुल्क, महसूल
    v. tr. & intr.
    भाव ठहराना, मूल्य निरूपण करना; अनुमान या अटकल करना; छिडकना; किसी दरजे में रखना

    English-Hindi new dictionary > rate

  • 3 first rate

    1. अति\first rateउत्तम
    He is a first rate person.
    1. अति\first rateउत्तम
    His health is first rate.

    English-Hindi dictionary > first rate

  • 4 second Rate

    1. मामूली
    Have you bought a second rate watch.

    English-Hindi dictionary > second Rate

  • 5 third-rate

    1. घटिया
    It is a third-rate movie.

    English-Hindi dictionary > third-rate

  • 6 accelerate

    1. चाल\accelerateबढ़ाना
    Liberalization has to some extent accelerated the rate of economic growth.

    English-Hindi dictionary > accelerate

  • 7 acceleration

    1. त्वरण
    There seems to be no acceleration in the rate of Indian economic growth.

    English-Hindi dictionary > acceleration

  • 8 alarming

    1. भयप्रद
    Last year the onion price increased at an alarming rate.

    English-Hindi dictionary > alarming

  • 9 arrest

    1. गिरफ्तारी
    Increase of crime rate led to several arrests.
    2. अवरोध
    He suffered a cardiac arrest.
    1. गिरफ्तार\arrestकरना/पकड़ना
    The ploice arrested the thief.
    2. रोकना
    Timely action arrested the falling share prices.
    3. आकर्षित\arrestकरना
    Her musical voice immediately arrested my attention.

    English-Hindi dictionary > arrest

  • 10 decrease

    1. कमी
    There was a decrease in the speed of train near the station.
    2. घटती
    A decrease was noted in the rate of crime in that area.
    1. घटना या घटाना
    The intensity of rain has decreased now.

    English-Hindi dictionary > decrease

  • 11 demography

    1. जनसांख्यिकी
    The demography of these tribes show a very low rate of literacy.

    English-Hindi dictionary > demography

  • 12 domestic

    1. घरेलू
    Domestic issues such as tax rate and highway construction have to be first tackled.
    Domestic servant
    Domestic worries
    2. पालतू
    dog is a domestic animal.
    5. domestic wine
    1. चाकर/घर\domesticका\domesticनौकर

    English-Hindi dictionary > domestic

  • 13 erode

    1. क्षय हो जाना/कट जाना
    The exposure through nights of freezing cold and the days of scorching sun made the famous statue of Buddha in Tibet to erode at a very fast rate.

    English-Hindi dictionary > erode

  • 14 fall off

    1. गिरावट
    There has been a slight fall off in the sale of Bata footwear.
    1. से\fall offगिरना
    He fell off a tree and broke his hand.
    2. कम\fall offहो\fall offजाना
    The crime rate has fallen off in the last year.

    English-Hindi dictionary > fall off

  • 15 flat

    1. समतल
    This building has a flat roof.
    2. बिना\flatउतार\flatचढ़ाववाला
    He was speaking in a dull flat voice.
    3. मंद
    The share market has been flat for quite sometime.
    4. एक समान
    The contractor is charging a flat rate for supply of labour.
    5. संगीत का एक नोट
    This symphony has prelude in E - minor.
    6. पुराना हुआ पेय
    This soda has become flat due to long storage.
    7. पंक्चर हुआ
    He had a flat tyre on way to office.
    8. खराब होना
    His car could not start as the battery was flat.
    9. बिना घुमाव का होना
    He could not be selected for the army as he had flat feet.
    10. फीका
    The restaurant serves rather flat food.
    1. गिरा देना
    Due to floods, all huts near the river were razed flat to the ground.
    2. सीधा रखना
    Keep the furniture flat aginst the wall.
    3. बिना\flatउतार\flatचढ़ाव\flatके
    The singer sang all songs in a flat voice.
    4. अनुमानित
    I will be able to complete this work in two days flat.
    1. घर
    He lives in a flat on the third floor.
    2. समतल भाग
    He slapped him with flat of his hand.
    3. समुद्र किनारे का समतल भाग
    Salt flats are located on flat areas near sea shores.

    English-Hindi dictionary > flat

  • 16 foreign exchange

    1. विदेशी\foreign exchangeमुद्रा
    The rate of foreign exchange varies daily.

    English-Hindi dictionary > foreign exchange

  • 17 mean

    1. कमीना
    He is a very mean person.
    1. औसत
    To win, they needed a good mean run rate.
    2. साधन
    You should find a means to reach there.
    1. मतलब\meanहोना
    I didn't mean to insult him.
    I wish I had understood what she meant.

    English-Hindi dictionary > mean

  • 18 per annum

    Swati took a loan of Rs.16,000 from the bank at the rate of 10% per annum.

    English-Hindi dictionary > per annum

  • 19 pointer

    1. निर्देशक/सङ्केतक/सूचक
    Every meter has a pointer
    2. निर्देशदण्ड
    Our history teacher used a pointer to show the world map clearly to us
    3. सलाह
    Could you give me few pointers on how to score in exams?
    4. भविष्य की प्रगति को दर्शानेवाली वस्तु
    Population pointers suggest a great increase in the rate of growth
    5. शिकारी कुत्ता
    Pointers is a breed of dog which is used for hunting

    English-Hindi dictionary > pointer

  • 20 pubic

    1. जघन
    Injured pubic bone effects the rate of reproduction.

    English-Hindi dictionary > pubic

См. также в других словарях:

  • RATE — La rate est un organe lymphoïde richement vascularisé pesant 150 grammes environ chez l’adulte. Elle est située dans la partie supérieure gauche de l’abdomen recouverte par le gril costal. Les fonctions de la rate sont multiples en liaison avec… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Rate of fire — is the frequency at which a specific weapon can fire or launch its projectiles. It is usually measured in rounds per minute (RPM or round/min), or per second (RPS or round/s). Contents 1 Overview 2 Measurement 2.1 Cyclic rate …   Wikipedia

  • rate — 1. (ra t ) s. f. 1°   Terme d anatomie. Viscère situé dans l hypocondre gauche, sous les fausses côtes. •   Ce qui marque une intempérie dans le parenchyme splénétique, c est à dire la rate, MOL. Mal. imag. II, 9. •   Au milieu du souper, Cadoc… …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • Rate–distortion theory — is a major branch of information theory which provides the theoretical foundations for lossy data compression; it addresses the problem of determining the minimal amount of entropy (or information) R that should be communicated over a channel, so …   Wikipedia

  • rate — of camber change rate of caster change rate of heat generation rate of track change amplitude rate critical cooling rate damping rate dynamic rate frequency rate overall steering rate ride rate …   Mechanics glossary

  • Rate — Rate, n. [OF., fr. L. rata (sc. pars), fr. ratus reckoned, fixed by calculation, p. p. of reri to reckon, to calculate. Cf. {Reason}.] 1. Established portion or measure; fixed allowance. [1913 Webster] The one right feeble through the evil rate… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Rate — Rate, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Rated}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Rating}.] 1. To set a certain estimate on; to value at a certain price or degree. [1913 Webster] To rate a man by the nature of his companions is a rule frequent indeed, but not infallible.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • rate — n 1: a fixed ratio between two things 2: a charge, payment, or price fixed according to a ratio, scale, or standard: as a: a charge per unit of a commodity provided by a public utility b: a charge per unit of freight or passenger service see also …   Law dictionary

  • rate — RATE. s. f. Un des principaux visceres placé à l hypochondre gauche. Il avoit la rate gonflée, oppilée. desoppiler la rate. il a mal à la rate. un mal de rate. desopilation de rate. les fumées, les vapeurs de la rate. On dit prov. & fig.… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • rate — rate1 [rāt] n. [OFr < L rata (pars), reckoned (part), fem. of ratus, pp. of reri, to reckon < IE * rē , var. of base * ar , to fit, join > ART1, ORDER] 1. the amount, degree, etc. of anything in relation to units of something else [the… …   English World dictionary

  • Rate-monotonic Scheduling — Algorithmes d ordonnancement EDF • Rate monotonic • Round robin LIFO • FIFO Le rate monotonic scheduling est un algorithme d ordonnancement …   Wikipédia en Français

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