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  • 81 discover

    1) (to find by chance, especially for the first time: Columbus discovered America; Marie Curie discovered radium.) a descoperi
    2) (to find out: Try to discover what's going on!) a descoperi

    English-Romanian dictionary > discover

  • 82 dishearten

    (to take courage or hope away from: The failure of her first attempt disheartened her.) a descuraja

    English-Romanian dictionary > dishearten

  • 83 doom

    [du:m] 1. noun
    (fate, especially something terrible and final which is about to happen (to one): The whole place had an atmosphere of doom; His doom was inevitable.) con­dam­nare; soartă
    2. verb
    (to condemn; to make certain to come to harm, fail etc: His crippled leg doomed him to long periods of unemployment; The project was doomed to failure; He was doomed from the moment he first took drugs.) a condamna, a sorti

    English-Romanian dictionary > doom

  • 84 drive off

    1) (to leave or go away in a car etc: He got into a van and drove off.) a pleca (cu ma­şina)
    2) (to keep away: to drive off flies.) a alunga
    3) (in golf, to make the first stroke from the tee.) a lovi pentru prima dată

    English-Romanian dictionary > drive off

  • 85 duel

    ['djuəl] 1. noun
    1) (a fight (with swords or pistols) between two people over a matter of honour etc.) duel
    2) (any contest between two people or two sides: a duel for first place.) duel
    2. verb
    (to fight a duel.) a se bate în duel

    English-Romanian dictionary > duel

  • 86 early

    ['ə:li] 1. adverb
    1) (near the beginning (of a period of time etc): early in my life; early in the afternoon.) la început(ul)
    2) (sooner than others; sooner than usual; sooner than expected or than the appointed time: He arrived early; She came an hour early.) (mai) devreme
    2. adjective
    1) (belonging to, or happening, near the beginning of a period of time etc: early morning; in the early part of the century.) devreme; de (la) început
    2) (belonging to the first stages of development: early musical instruments.) vechi
    3) (happening etc sooner than usual or than expected: the baby's early arrival; It's too early to get up yet.) prematur; (prea) de­vreme
    4) (prompt: I hope for an early reply to my letter.) urgent
    - early bird

    English-Romanian dictionary > early

  • 87 easier said than done

    (more difficult than it at first seems: Getting seats for the theatre is easier said than done.) uşor de zis, (dar) greu de făcut

    English-Romanian dictionary > easier said than done

  • 88 eau-de-cologne

    (also cologne) noun
    (a type of perfume first made at Cologne.)

    English-Romanian dictionary > eau-de-cologne

  • 89 effect

    [i'fekt] 1. noun
    1) (a result or consequence: He is suffering from the effects of over-eating; His discovery had little effect at first.) efect
    2) (an impression given or produced: The speech did not have much effect (on them); a pleasing effect.) efect
    2. verb
    (to make happen; to bring about: He tried to effect a reconciliation between his parents.) a realiza
    - effectively
    - effects
    - effectual
    - come into effect
    - for effect
    - in effect
    - put into effect
    - take effect

    English-Romanian dictionary > effect

  • 90 elements

    1) (the first things to be learned in any subject: the elements of musical theory.) noţiuni fundamentale
    2) (the forces of nature, as wind and rain.) ele­mente (ale naturii)

    English-Romanian dictionary > elements

  • 91 eleven

    [i'levn] 1. noun
    1) (the number or figure 11.) unsprezece
    2) (the age of 11.) unsprezece ani
    3) (in football etc, a team of eleven players: He plays for the school's first eleven.) unspre­zece
    2. adjective
    1) (11 in number.) unsprezece
    2) (aged 11.) (în vârstă de) unsprezece ani
    - eleventh
    - eleven-year-old
    3. adjective
    ((of a person, animal or thing) that is eleven years old.) de unsprezece ani

    English-Romanian dictionary > eleven

  • 92 eliminate

    (to get rid of; to omit or exclude: He was eliminated from the tennis match in the first round.) a elimina

    English-Romanian dictionary > eliminate

  • 93 essential

    [i'senʃəl] 1. adjective
    (absolutely necessary: Strong boots are essential for mountaineering; It is essential that you arrive punctually.) necesar, esenţial
    2. noun
    (a thing that is fundamental or necessary: Everyone should learn the essentials of first aid; Is a television set an essential?) noţiune de bază, esenţial

    English-Romanian dictionary > essential

  • 94 father

    1. noun
    1) (a male parent, especially human: Mr Smith is her father.) tată
    2) ((with capital) the title of a (usually Roman Catholic) priest: I met Father Sullivan this morning.) Părinte
    3) (a person who begins, invents or first makes something: King Alfred was the father of the English navy.) părinte, întemeietor
    2. verb
    (to be the father of: King Charles II fathered a number of children.) a zămisli
    - fatherly
    - father-in-law

    English-Romanian dictionary > father

  • 95 final

    1. adjective
    1) (the very last: the final chapter of the book.) ultim
    2) ((of a decision etc) definite; decided and not to be changed: The judge's decision is final.) defi­­nitiv
    2. noun
    (the last part of a competition: The first parts of the competition will take place throughout the country, but the final will be in London.) finală
    - finalist
    - finality
    - finalize
    - finalise
    - finalization
    - finalisation
    - finals

    English-Romanian dictionary > final

  • 96 find one's feet

    (to become able to cope with a new situation: She found the new job difficult at first but she soon found her feet.) a (se) adapta

    English-Romanian dictionary > find one's feet

  • 97 firstly

    adverb (in the first place: I have three reasons for not going - firstly, it's cold, secondly, I'm tired, and thirdly, I don't want to!) în primul rând

    English-Romanian dictionary > firstly

  • 98 folio

    plural - folios; noun
    1) (a sheet of paper folded once.) folio
    2) (a book in which the pages are made of sheets of paper folded once: Shakespeare's plays were first printed in folio.) in-folio

    English-Romanian dictionary > folio

  • 99 foundation

    1) (the act of founding: the foundation of a new university.) înfiinţare
    2) (the base on which something is built: First they laid the foundations, then they built the walls.) fundaţie
    3) (an amount of money to be used for a special purpose or the organization that manages it: The British Foundation for Cancer Research.) fundaţie; donaţie

    English-Romanian dictionary > foundation

  • 100 gambit

    1) (a first move in a game, especially chess.) gambit
    2) ((usually opening gambit) a starting remark in a conversation.) iniţiativă

    English-Romanian dictionary > gambit

См. также в других словарях:

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  • First-class cricket — refers to the class of cricket matches of three or more days scheduled duration, between two sides of eleven players and officially adjudged first class by virtue of the standard of the competing teams. Matches must allow for the teams to play… …   Wikipedia

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  • First Minister and deputy First Minister — Incumbent Peter Robinson and Martin McGuinness since 5 June 2008 and 8 May 2007 (respectively) Appointer …   Wikipedia

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