1 asymptotic velocity
Англо-русский словарь по ядерным испытаниям и горному делу > asymptotic velocity
2 velocity
скорость, см. тж. rate, speed; вектор скоростиaverage jet exhaust velocity — среднее значение скорости [осредненная скорость] истечения реактивной струи
characteristic velocity required for rendezvous — потребная характеристическая скорость для обеспечения встречи (на орбите)
hyperbolic excess passage velocity — гиперболическая избыточная скорость прохождения [пролета] (планеты)
3 asymptotic arrival velocity
ксм. асимптотическая скорость прибытия [подхода]Englsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary > asymptotic arrival velocity
4 asymptotic departure velocity
асимптотическая скорость отправления [отлёта]Englsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary > asymptotic departure velocity
5 error
1) ошибка; погрешность2) рассогласование; сигнал рассогласования3) отклонение; расхождение; невязка•- error in subtraction
- errors in variables
- error of measurement
- error of position
- error of the first kind
- error of the second kind
- absolute error
- accidental error
- accumulated error
- accuracy error
- actual error
- admissible error
- aliasing error
- alignment error
- alpha-error
- altering error
- angular error
- antenna tilt error
- associated error
- asymptotic standard error
- autoregressive errors
- average error
- beam pointing error
- beamwidth error
- bearing error
- beta-error
- biased error
- bit error
- boresight error
- burst error
- can't happen error
- channel errors
- checksum error
- chip error
- circular probable error
- closing error
- closure error
- CMOS checksum error
- code error
- coefficient standard error
- common error
- common-mode error
- compile time error
- conformance error
- connectivity error
- constant error
- contributory error
- copying error
- correctable error
- course error
- cratered error
- critical error
- crude error
- curved-path error
- data error
- data-boundary error
- decoding error
- double error
- design error
- detectable error
- deterministic error
- disk error
- dropout error
- dynamic error
- electrostatic error
- equilibrium error
- essential error
- estimation error
- experimental error
- fatal error
- FDD controller error
- fencepost error
- fixed error
- floating point error
- floppy disk controller error
- forecast error
- fractional error
- framing error
- full-scale error
- generalization error
- geometric errors
- grammatical error
- grouping error
- guidance error
- hard error
- hard disk controller error
- hardware error
- HDD controller error
- heteroscedasticity and autocorrelation consistent standard error
- heteroscedasticity consistent standard error
- homophone error
- human error
- hysteresis error
- identification error
- image reconstruction error
- implementation error
- inherent error
- inherited error
- input/output error
- instrumental error
- intentional error
- intermittent error
- interpolation error
- introduced error
- ionosphere error
- keyboard error
- keyboarding error
- lateral tracking angle error
- linearity error
- literal error
- l-multiple error
- loading error
- logic error
- logical error
- loop error
- machine error
- marginal error
- matching error
- mean error
- mean absolute percentage error
- mean-root-square error
- mean-squared error
- measurement error
- memory parity error
- meter error
- metering error
- minimum-mean-square error
- mismatch error
- moving-average errors
- multiple error
- Newey-West standard error
- nondetectable error
- nonrecoverable error
- nonrecoverable read errors per bits read
- numeric error
- observable error
- observational error
- octantal error
- off-board parity error
- off-by-one error
- omission error
- on-board parity error
- one-multiple error
- operator error
- output error
- parity error
- permanent error
- permissible error
- personal error
- phase error
- pointing error
- polarization error
- positional error
- positioning error
- prediction error
- predictive error
- printer's error
- probable error
- processing error
- programming error
- program-sensitive error
- propagated error
- propagation error
- propagation-velocity error
- pulse-duration error
- quadrantal error
- quantization error
- random error
- range error
- range-rate error
- read error
- recoverable error
- recoverable read errors per bits read
- recurrent error
- reflection error
- registration error
- relative error
- repeatability error
- repetitive error
- residual error
- resolution error
- response error
- resultant error
- RMS error
- root-mean-square error
- rounding error
- round-off error
- run-time error
- sample error
- sampling error
- seek error
- seek errors per seek
- select error
- semantic error
- sequence error
- severe error
- ship error
- sighting error
- single error
- site error
- sky error
- sky-wave station error
- smoothing error
- socket error
- soft error
- software error
- specification error
- spelling error
- spot-size error
- square error
- standard error
- static error
- statistical error
- stationary error
- status error
- steady-state error
- step-and-repeat error
- stochastic error
- subjective error
- sum-squared error
- synchronization error
- syntax error
- system error
- systematic error
- tape-speed error
- target error
- temporary error
- terminal error
- terrain error
- tilt error
- timeout error
- timing error
- tolerated error
- topological error
- total error
- tracking error
- transient error
- transmission errors
- truncation error
- tuning error
- type I-error
- type II error
- typographic error
- unbiased error
- uncorrectable data error
- undefined error
- undetectable error
- unrecoverable error
- velocity error
- vertical tracking angle error
- white noise errors
- White standard error
- write error
- write-protect error
- zero error
- zero-drift error -
6 error
1) ошибка; погрешность2) рассогласование; сигнал рассогласования3) отклонение; расхождение; невязка•- accidental error
- accumulated error
- accuracy error
- actual error
- admissible error
- aliasing error
- alignment error
- alpha-error
- altering error
- angular error
- antenna tilt error
- associated error
- asymptotic standard error
- autoregressive errors
- average error
- beam pointing error
- beamwidth error
- bearing error
- beta-error
- biased error
- bit error
- boresight error
- burst error
- can't happen error
- channel errors
- checksum error
- chip error
- circular probable error
- closing error
- closure error
- CMOS checksum error
- code error
- coefficient standard error
- common error
- common-mode error
- compile time error
- conformance error
- connectivity error
- constant error
- contributory error
- copying error
- correctable error
- course error
- cratered error
- critical error
- crude error
- curved-path error
- data error
- data-boundary error
- decoding error
- design error
- detectable error
- deterministic error
- disk error
- double error
- dropout error
- dynamic error
- electrostatic error
- equilibrium error
- error in addition
- error in subtraction
- error of measurement
- error of position
- error of the first kind
- error of the second kind
- errors in variables
- essential error
- estimation error
- experimental error
- fatal error
- FDD controller error
- fencepost error
- fixed error
- floating point error
- floppy disk controller error
- forecast error
- fractional error
- framing error
- full-scale error
- generalization error
- geometric errors
- grammatical error
- grouping error
- guidance error
- hard disk controller error
- hard error
- hardware error
- HDD controller error
- heteroscedasticity and autocorrelation consistent standard error
- heteroscedasticity consistent standard error
- homophone error
- human error
- hysteresis error
- identification error
- image reconstruction error
- implementation error
- inherent error
- inherited error
- input/output error
- instrumental error
- intentional error
- intermittent error
- interpolation error
- introduced error
- ionosphere error
- keyboard error
- keyboarding error
- lateral tracking angle error
- linearity error
- literal error
- l-multiple error
- loading error
- logic error
- logical error
- loop error
- machine error
- marginal error
- matching error
- mean absolute percentage error
- mean error
- mean-root-square error
- mean-squared error
- measurement error
- memory parity error
- meter error
- metering error
- minimum-mean-square error
- mismatch error
- moving-average errors
- multiple error
- Newey-West standard error
- nondetectable error
- nonrecoverable error
- nonrecoverable read errors per bits read
- numeric error
- observable error
- observational error
- octantal error
- off-board parity error
- off-by-one error
- omission error
- on-board parity error
- one-multiple error
- operator error
- output error
- parity error
- permanent error
- permissible error
- personal error
- phase error
- pointing error
- polarization error
- positional error
- positioning error
- prediction error
- predictive error
- printer's error
- probable error
- processing error
- programming error
- program-sensitive error
- propagated error
- propagation error
- propagation-velocity error
- pulse-duration error
- quadrantal error
- quantization error
- random error
- range error
- range-rate error
- read error
- recoverable error
- recoverable read errors per bits read
- recurrent error
- reflection error
- registration error
- relative error
- repeatability error
- repetitive error
- residual error
- resolution error
- response error
- resultant error
- RMS error
- root-mean-square error
- rounding error
- round-off error
- run-time error
- sample error
- sampling error
- seek error
- seek errors per seek
- select error
- semantic error
- sequence error
- severe error
- ship error
- sighting error
- single error
- site error
- sky error
- sky-wave station error
- smoothing error
- socket error
- soft error
- software error
- specification error
- spelling error
- spot-size error
- square error
- standard error
- static error
- stationary error
- statistical error
- status error
- steady-state error
- step-and-repeat error
- stochastic error
- subjective error
- sum-squared error
- synchronization error
- syntax error
- system error
- systematic error
- tape-speed error
- target error
- temporary error
- terminal error
- terrain error
- tilt error
- timeout error
- timing error
- tolerated error
- topological error
- total error
- tracking error
- transient error
- transmission errors
- truncation error
- tuning error
- type I error
- type II error
- typographic error
- unbiased error
- uncorrectable data error
- undefined error
- undetectable error
- unrecoverable error
- velocity error
- vertical tracking angle error
- white noise errors
- White standard error
- write error
- write-protect error
- zero error
- zero-drift errorThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > error
7 cone
1) конус; коническая поверхность2) купол3) радио диффузор4) воронка; сопло6) геол. конус выноса7) метал. конусная головка разматывателя (рулонов)8) сварка ядро пламени9) конусообразный, конический, конусный•angular opening of cone — матем. угол раствора конуса
cone over polyhedron — матем. конус над полиэдром
tangent cone of quadratic surface — матем. конус касательных к поверхности второго порядка
tangent cone of sphere — матем. конус касательных к сфере
- ray cone -
8 ratio
1) знаменатель2) коэффициент3) отношение5) пропорция, соотношение•bridging gaps between ratios — авто перекрытие передаточного отношения коробки ( редуктором)
- ratio of random variablesin the ratio — в соотношении, в пропорции
9 vector
1) вектор || векторный2) матем. матрица-столбец3) аэро пеленг•vector at the origin — вектор, проведённый из начала координат
vector to enter basis — вектор, вводимый в базис
vector to leave basis — вектор, исключаемый из базиса
- almost periodic vector - almost proper vector - antiholomorphic tangent vector - extreme vector - flux vector - magnetic displacement vector - normal curvature vector - normal unit vector - time-similar vector - translation vectorvector with unit length — единичный вектор; орт
См. также в других словарях:
Asymptotic giant branch — The asymptotic giant branch is the region of the Hertzsprung Russell diagram populated by evolving low to medium mass stars. This is a period of stellar evolution undertaken by all low to intermediate mass stars (0.6 10 solar masses) late in… … Wikipedia
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Fouling — This article is about fouling in engineering. For uses of the term foul outside technology, see Foul (disambiguation). Not to be confused with fowling. Heat exchanger in a steam power plant, fouled by macro fouling … Wikipedia
Star — For other uses, see Star (disambiguation) … Wikipedia
White dwarf — For other uses, see White dwarf (disambiguation). Image of Sirius A and Sirius B taken by the Hubble Space Telescope. Sirius B, which is a white dwarf, can be seen as a faint pinprick of light to the lower left of the much brighter Sirius A … Wikipedia
subatomic particle — or elementary particle Any of various self contained units of matter or energy. Discovery of the electron in 1897 and of the atomic nucleus in 1911 established that the atom is actually a composite of a cloud of electrons surrounding a tiny but… … Universalium