1 asymptotic expansion
асимптотическое разложение
[Л.Г.Суменко. Англо-русский словарь по информационным технологиям. М.: ГП ЦНИИС, 2003.]Тематики
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > asymptotic expansion
2 asymptotic expansion
3 asymptotic expansion
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > asymptotic expansion
4 asymptotic expansion
1) Техника: асимптотическое расширение2) Вычислительная техника: асимптотическое разложение3) Космонавтика: асимптотическое разложение в ряд -
5 asymptotic expansion
English-russian dictionary of physics > asymptotic expansion
6 asymptotic expansion
English-Russian electronics dictionary > asymptotic expansion
7 asymptotic expansion
The New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > asymptotic expansion
8 asymptotic expansion
English-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > asymptotic expansion
9 asymptotic expansion
асимптотическое разложениеEnglish-Russian dictionary of technical terms > asymptotic expansion
10 asymptotic expansion
English-Russian information technology > asymptotic expansion
11 asymptotic expansion
Englsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary > asymptotic expansion
12 asymptotic expansion formula
2) Математика: формула асимптотического разложения (функции)Универсальный англо-русский словарь > asymptotic expansion formula
13 asymptotic expansion formula
English-Russian scientific dictionary > asymptotic expansion formula
14 asymptotic
1) асимптотический
2) асимптотика
3) полусходящийся ∙ arcwise asymptotic value ≈ дуговое асимптотическое значение asymptotic confidence interval ≈ асимптотический доверительный интервал asymptotic equipartition property ≈ свойство асимптотической равнораспределенности asymptotic essential component ≈ асимптотическая существенная компонента asymptotic expansion formula ≈ формула асимптотического разложения ( функции) asymptotic passage theorem ≈ теорема об асимптотическом поведении переходных вероятностей asymptotic power series expansion ≈ разложение в асимптотический степенной ряд asymptotic sequential design ≈ асимптотический последовательный план basic asymptotic estimate ≈ основная асимптотическая оценка central asymptotic problem ≈ центральная асимптотическая проблема doubly asymptotic triangle ≈ дважды асимптотический треугольник first asymptotic distribution ≈ первое предельное распределение multiply asymptotic series ≈ многократно асимптотический ряд negatively asymptotic point ≈ отрицательно асимптотическая точка pointwise asymptotic value ≈ точечное асимптотическое значение positively asymptotic point ≈ положительно асимптотическая точка simple asymptotic sieve ≈ простое асимптотическое решето trebly asymptotic triangle ≈ трижды асимптотический треугольник uniform asymptotic representation ≈ равномерное асимптотическое представление virtually asymptotic net ≈ виртуально асимптотическая сеть - asymptotic expression - asymptotic fairness - asymptotic fibration - asymptotic field - asymptotic flatness - asymptotic form - asymptotic formula - asymptotic frequency - asymptotic function - asymptotic geodesic - asymptotic growth - asymptotic helicity - asymptotic hexagon - asymptotic hyperplane - asymptotic inadmissibility - asymptotic independence - asymptotic inequality - asymptotic information - asymptotic integration - asymptotic interpolation - asymptotic invariance - asymptotic iteration - asymptotic law - asymptotic learning - asymptotic likelihood - asymptotic limit - asymptotic line - asymptotic linearity - asymptotic mean - asymptotic method - asymptotic mimimum - asymptotic minimax - asymptotic model - asymptotic moment - asymptotic nature - asymptotic negligibility - asymptotic net - asymptotic normalcy - asymptotic normality - asymptotic operator - asymptotic optimality - asymptotic optimum - asymptotic order - asymptotic parabola - asymptotic parallel - asymptotic path - asymptotic period - asymptotic phase - asymptotic plane - asymptotic point - asymptotic power - asymptotic prediction - asymptotic prime - asymptotic probability - asymptotic problem - asymptotic property - asymptotic proportionality - asymptotic ratio - asymptotic recurrence - asymptotic region - asymptotic relation - asymptotic representation - asymptotic resolvent - asymptotic restriction - asymptotic result - asymptotic root - asymptotic scaling - asymptotic semiform - asymptotic sequence - asymptotic series - asymptotic set - asymptotic shape - asymptotic sieve - asymptotic simplicity - asymptotic slope - asymptotic smallness - asymptotic solution - asymptotic spot - asymptotic stability - asymptotic state - asymptotic sufficiency - asymptotic sum - asymptotic surface - asymptotic symbol - asymptotic symmetry - asymptotic technique - asymptotic test - asymptotic theor - asymptotic theorem - asymptotic tract - asymptotic trajectory - asymptotic transformation - asymptotic triangle - asymptotic twistor - asymptotic unbiasedness - asymptotic value - asymptotic variable - asymptotic variance - asymptotic vector - isothermally asymptoticасимптотическийasymptotic асимптотическийБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > asymptotic
15 asymptotic
adjасимптотическийasymptotic aggregation of states of a Markov chain асимптотическое укрупнение состояний цепи Марковаasymptotic reJative efficiency асимптотическая относительная эффективностьАнглийский-русский словарь по теории вероятностей, статистике и комбинаторике > asymptotic
16 expansion
1) расширение; растягивание2) экспандирование, расширение динамического диапазона ( сигнала)3) вчт разуплотнение данных4) разложение (напр. в ряд); раскрытие (напр. формулы)5) вчт (аппаратное) расширениеа) использование технических средств для обеспечения дополнительных возможностей или повышения эффективностиб) техническое средство для обеспечения дополнительных возможностей или повышения эффективности•- asymptotic expansion
- automatic volume expansion
- axon expansion
- bubble expansion
- center expansion
- ciphertext expansion
- contrast expansion
- data expansion
- Edgeworth expansion
- harmonic expansion
- hierarchy expansion
- hydrodynamic plasma expansion
- macro expansion
- multimedia expansions
- plasma expansion
- query expansion
- scan expansion
- serial expansion
- simple communications programming expansion
- stochastic expansion
- sweep expansion
- system expansion
- Taylor expansion
- thermal expansion
- token expansion
- vector expansion
- volume expansion -
17 expansion
1) расширение; растягивание2) экспандирование, расширение динамического диапазона ( сигнала)3) вчт. разуплотнение данных4) разложение (напр. в ряд); раскрытие (напр. формулы)5) вчт. (аппаратное) расширениеа) использование технических средств для обеспечения дополнительных возможностей или повышения эффективностиб) техническое средство для обеспечения дополнительных возможностей или повышения эффективности•- asymptotic expansion
- automatic volume expansion
- axon expansion
- bubble expansion
- center expansion
- ciphertext expansion
- contrast expansion
- data expansion
- Edgeworth expansion
- harmonic expansion
- hierarchy expansion
- hydrodynamic plasma expansion
- macro expansion
- multimedia expansions
- plasma expansion
- query expansion
- scan expansion
- serial expansion
- simple communications programming expansion
- stochastic expansion
- sweep expansion
- system expansion
- Taylor expansion
- thermal expansion
- token expansion
- vector expansion
- volume expansionThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > expansion
18 expansion
1) расширение; растяжение; наращивание2) матем. раскрытие (напр., неопределенности)•- arithmetic polynomial expansion
- asymptotic expansion
- character expansion
- Davio expansion
- expansion in series
- expansion of the area around terminals
- expansion to the entire screen
- grid expansion
- harmonic expansion
- LIA expansion
- line expansion
- linearly independent arithmetic expansion
- macro expansion
- memory expansion
- next expansion
- partial fraction expansion
- positive Davio expansion
- power expansion
- series expansion
- sweep expansion
- system expansion
- Taylor expansion
- thermal expansionEnglish-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > expansion
19 expansion
1. n рост, развитие, распространение2. n расширение, растяжение, растяжка; увеличение3. n пространство, протяжение; простор4. n экспансия5. n подробное изложение; детализация6. n мат. раскрытие; разложение7. n тех. раскатка, развальцовка8. n геол. распространение на большую поверхностьСинонимический ряд:1. expanse (noun) amplitude; breadth; distance; expanse; space; stretch2. increasing in size (noun) amplification; augmentation; development; enlargement; extension; growth; increase; increasing in size; magnification; spreadАнтонимический ряд: -
20 expansion
расширение; растяжение; распространение; удлинение; разложение
См. также в других словарях:
Asymptotic expansion — In mathematics an asymptotic expansion, asymptotic series or Poincaré expansion (after Henri Poincaré) is a formal series of functions which has the property that truncating the series after a finite number of terms provides an approximation to a … Wikipedia
Asymptotic theory — is the branch of mathematics which studies properties of asymptotic expansions.The most known result of this field is the prime number theorem:Let pi;( x ) be the number of prime numbers that are smaller than or equal to x .The limit:lim {x… … Wikipedia
Asymptotic analysis — This article is about the comparison of functions as inputs approach infinite. For asymptotes in geometry, see asymptotic curve. In mathematical analysis, asymptotic analysis is a method of describing limiting behavior. The methodology has… … Wikipedia
Method of matched asymptotic expansions — In mathematics, particularly in solving singularly perturbed differential equations, the method of matched asymptotic expansions is a common approach to finding an accurate approximation to a problem s solution. Contents 1 Method overview 2… … Wikipedia
Asymptotology — articleissues essay = September 2008 sections = September 2008 technical = September 2008 citations = September 2008Asymptotology – is the art of handling with applied mathematical systems in limiting cases (M.Kruskal); is the science about the… … Wikipedia
Big O notation — In mathematics, big O notation is used to describe the limiting behavior of a function when the argument tends towards a particular value or infinity, usually in terms of simpler functions. It is a member of a larger family of notations that is… … Wikipedia
Bernoulli number — In mathematics, the Bernoulli numbers Bn are a sequence of rational numbers with deep connections to number theory. They are closely related to the values of the Riemann zeta function at negative integers. There are several conventions for… … Wikipedia
Error function — Plot of the error function In mathematics, the error function (also called the Gauss error function) is a special function (non elementary) of sigmoid shape which occurs in probability, statistics and partial differential equations. It is defined … Wikipedia
Logarithmic integral function — In mathematics, the logarithmic integral function or integral logarithm li(x) is a special function. It occurs in problems of physics and has number theoretic significance, occurring in the prime number theorem as an estimate of the number of… … Wikipedia
Central limit theorem — This figure demonstrates the central limit theorem. The sample means are generated using a random number generator, which draws numbers between 1 and 100 from a uniform probability distribution. It illustrates that increasing sample sizes result… … Wikipedia
Edgeworth series — The Gram Charlier A series and the Edgeworth series, named in honor of Francis Ysidro Edgeworth, are series that approximate a probability distribution in terms of its cumulants. The series are the same; but, the arrangement of terms (and thus… … Wikipedia