1 asymmetric antenna
Englsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary > asymmetric antenna
2 antenna
антенна; антенныйcommand destruct system antenna — антенна (радио) командной системы ликвидации [подрыва] (ракеты)
radar augmentation output antenna — антенна усилителя отражённых сигналов РЛС; передающая антенна радиолокационного ответчика
3 system
1) система || системный3) вчт операционная система; программа-супервизор5) вчт большая программа6) метод; способ; алгоритм•system halted — "система остановлена" ( экранное сообщение об остановке компьютера при наличии серьёзной ошибки)
- CPsystem- H-system- h-system- hydrogen-air/lead battery hybrid system- Ksystem- Lsystem- L*a*b* system- master/slave computer system- p-system- y-system- Δ-system -
4 modulation
absorption modulation
- adaptive delta modulation -
adaptive delta pulse-code modulation
adaptive differential pulse-code modulation
adaptive pulse-code modulation
amplitude modulation
amplitude-frequency modulation
amplitude-phase modulation
angle modulation
anode modulation
antenna modulation
aperture-mask voltage modulation
asymmetric amplitude modulation
asynchronous delta modulation
balanced modulation
base-thickness modulation
beam modulation
binary modulation
biphase modulation
block companded pulse-code modulation
carrier modulation
cathode modulation
cathode pulse modulation
chirp modulation
choke modulation
chopper modulation
companded frequency modulation
compound modulation
conductivity modulation
constant envelope modulation
continuous phase modulation
continuous variable-slope delta modulation
continuous-wave modulation
controlled-carrier modulation
convection-current modulation
cross modulation
delay modulation
delta modulation
delta-sigma modulation
density modulation
differential modulation
differential pulse-code modulation
digital modulation
direct modulation
discrete frequency modulation
doping modulation
double-integration delta modulation
double-sideband modulation
downward modulation
echo modulation
environmental modulation
external modulation
extraneous modulation
floating-carrier modulation
fractional modulation
frequency modulation
frequency-hopping modulation
frequency-hop modulation
frequency-shift modulation
grid modulation
grid-pulse modulation
hard-driving modulation
hum modulation
hybrid modulation
incidental amplitude modulation
incidental frequency modulation
incidental phase modulation
incremental phase modulation
independent-sideband modulation
intensity modulation
interference modulation
internal modulation
inversion modulation
ionospheric cross modulation
key modulation
length modulation
linear delta modulation
linear frequency modulation
loss modulation
multilevel quadrature amplitude modulation
multiple modulation
narrow-band frequency modulation
N-ary pulse-code modulation
negative modulation
noise modulation
on-off modulation
percentage modulation
percent modulation
phase difference modulation
phase modulation
plate modulation
polarization modulation
position modulation
positive modulation
primary-current modulation
pseudonoise modulation
pseudorandom modulation
pulse modulation
pulse-amplitude modulation
pulse-code modulation
pulse-count modulation
pulse-delay modulation
pulse-duration modulation
pulse-frequency modulation
pulse-interval modulation
pulse-length modulation
pulse-phase modulation
pulse-position modulation
pulse-repetition rate modulation
pulse-repetition modulation
pulse-slope modulation
pulse-spacing modulation
pulse-time modulation
pulse-width modulation
quadratic modulation
quadrature modulation
quadrature-carrier modulation
quantized pulse modulation
quiescent-carrier modulation
random modulation
rectangular-wave modulation
residual modulation
rise-time modulation
rotor modulation
saturated modulation
series modulation
single-sideband modulation
smoothed-phase modulation
space modulation
spatial modulation
spread-spectrum modulation
spurious modulation
square-wave frequency modulation
start-stop modulation
subcarrier modulation
suppressed sideband modulation
suppressed-carrier modulation
suppressed-clock pulse-duration modulation
swept-frequency modulation
synchronous modulation
sync modulation
tone modulation
unity modulation
unwanted modulation
upward modulation
variable-slope delta modulation
vestigial sideband modulation
voice modulation
wideband frequency modulation
width modulation
wobble modulation -
5 AB
1) Общая лексика: Assembly Bill, (Aurora Borealis) северное сияние2) Компьютерная техника: Application Bulletin3) Авиация: abort4) Морской термин: матрос первого класса (able seaman)5) Медицина: астматический бронхит (сокр. от asthmatic bronchitis), вспомогательное дыхание6) Французский язык: Балканский пакт (Турция, Греция, Югославия) (историч.) (сокр. от Alliance Balkanique)7) Ботаника: Apple Blossom8) Спорт: Air Bike9) Военный термин: Able Bodied, After The Bomb, All Battle, Answer Back, Armor Board, Army Book, Atomic Bomb, acquisition beacon, advisory board, aerial burst, afterbody, air blast, air bomber, airborne, alert building, ambush, ammunition bearer, area bombing, armored brigade, aviation battalion, aviation brigade10) Техника: absorption band, accumulator buffer, acid bath, actinide burning, activate button, address buffer, address bus, air breaker, alabamine, alabamium, anechoic box, annealed in box, antenna supports, audio bandwidth, auto beacon, auxiliary boiler, auxiliary building, avionics bay, continuous automatic transcribed broadcast service11) Химия: Acid Base12) Религия: American Baptist13) Метеорология: Aurora Borealis14) Экономика: Aktiebolag( Swedish: Limited Company on shares)15) Страхование: Able-bodied seaman16) Грубое выражение: Absolute Belligerence, After The Ban, Always Bad, Australian Bitch17) Политика: Abkhazia18) Сокращение: ABle seaman, Abkhazian, Able Rate / Seaman (UK Royal Navy), Adapter Booster, Admiralty Board (UK), Admiralty Board, Afterburner, Air Base (USA), Airborne forces, Aktie Bolag (Company constitution (Finland, Sweden)), Assault Breaker, able-bodies seaman, Air-break, Alberta, about, American Bureau of Shipping (Американское бюро судоходства (классификационное общество)), automated bibliography (библиография, составляемая при помощи ЭВМ), auxiliary breaker (вспомогательный выключатель), abbreviation (сокращение, аббревиатура)19) Текстиль: Adult Baby20) Университет: Accreditation Body, Activities Building, Advanced Business, Alpha Beta21) Физиология: A Or B, Abnormal, Adaptive Behavior, Added Benefit, Antigen Binding, Automatic Behavior22) Хирургия: вспомогательная вентилляция легких23) Электроника: Active Bridge, Amplifier Board, Automatic Balancing24) Нефть: air base25) Иммунология: Aerobic Bacteria26) Биохимия: Alcian Blue27) Космонавтика: база ВВС28) Транспорт: Airframe Bulkhead29) Пищевая промышленность: American Breakfast30) Атомная энергия: ПРК (auxiliary boiler - пуско-резервная котельная)31) Фирменный знак: Amphenol- Borg, Avatars Banners32) СМИ: American Bandstand33) Деловая лексика: Annual Budget34) Сетевые технологии: Accessed By35) Полимеры: acrylonitrile butadiene, allyl bromide36) Автоматика: алкилбензол (Alkyl Benzene)37) Океанография: Asymmetric Balance38) Химическое оружие: Anchor bolt, зарин (усл. обозначение от sarine)39) Военно-морской флот: старшина авиационной боцманской команды [на авианосце] (сокр. от Aviation Boatswain's Mate)40) Безопасность: Apache Benchmark41) Каспий: able body42) Имена и фамилии: Allan Border, Angela Brant, Annie Besant43) Программное обеспечение: Apache Benchmarking, Application Bridge44) Хобби: Antique Brass45) AMEX. Cannon Express, Inc. -
1) Общая лексика: aggregate measure of support, Служба маркетинга сельскохозяйственной продукции ( министерства сельского хозяйства США), Служба содействия сбыту сельскохозяйственной продукции (Lavrov)2) Компьютерная техника: Access Method Services, Associative Memory System3) Авиация: Aircraft Malfunction System, Aircratf Modification Status4) Медицина: acute mountain sickness, atypical measles syndrome5) Американизм: Award Management System6) Военный термин: Advanced Mapping Spectrometer, Anti Missile System, Archdiocese for the Military Services, Army Management School, Army Management Structure, Army Map Service, Army Medical Service, Army medical staff, Artillery and Missile School, Auto-Manual System, Autodin Mail Server, Automated Message System, Automated Meteorological System, Autonomous Message Switch, a minehunting sonar, actual military service, actuation mine simulator, advanced monopulse seeker, aeromechanics school, aeromobile service, aeronautical material specification, aeronautical material specification AMRSA, Army Materiel Readiness Support Activity, aeronautical material standards, air missile system, air movements section, aircraft mission system, alarm monitoring system, antenna mast sets, armament management system, artillery meteorological station, authority for material substitution, automated minefield system, automatic meteorological system, avionics maintenance squadron, артиллерийская метеорологическая станция7) Техника: Allegations Management System, acoustic measurement system, aerial monitoring system, aeronautical mobile service, altitude measurement system, amplifier subsystem, automatic monitoring system, auxiliary memory set8) Химия: Aerospace Material Specification9) Математика: Американское математическое общество (American Mathematical Society), среднее значение среднего квадрата (average mean square)10) Австралийский сленг: Aboriginal Medical Service11) Ветеринария: Australian Mammal Society12) Грубое выражение: American Made Shit13) Металлургия: Aircraft Material Specifications14) Телекоммуникации: Analog And Mixed Signal15) Сокращение: Academy of Military Science (USA), Acoustic Mine Sweep, Address Management System, Advanced Machining System, Advanced Missile System (US Navy), Aerospace Materials Specification (USA), Air Mail Service, Air Maintenance Squadron (USA), Aircraft Management System, Airspace Management Systems SA/NV (Belgium), Alternate Mailing Systems, American Material Standard, American Mathematical Society, American Meteorological Society, Analog/Mixed Signal, Apogee & Manoeuvring Stage, Appareillages et Materiels de Servitudes SA (France), Armoured Mortar System (UK), Army Map Service (US Army), Army Medical Services (UK), Artillery Meteorological System (Italy), Audio Monitoring System, Automated Management System, Automated Materiel System (USA), Automated Message Switch, Automatic Marking System, Autonomes Marine System, Auxiliary Minesweeper, Avionics Maintenance Squadron (USAF), Avionics Management System, Agricultural Marketing Service, Automated Manifest System, Advanced Memory System16) Университет: Academic Monitoring System, Association Of Malaysian Students17) Физика: акселераторная (тж. ускорительная) масс-спектрометрия (Accelerator Mass Spectrometry( метод радиоуглеродного датирования))18) Физиология: Active Mountain Sickness, Amylase, Anatomical Molding System19) Электроника: Automatic Music Sensor20) Вычислительная техника: Asymmetric Multiprocessing System, Обслуживание и Поддержка приложения ( Application Maintenance and Support), AUTODIN Mail Server (AUTODIN, Mil., USA), Advanced Monitor System (OS, DEC, PDP 9, PDP 15), Andrew Mail / Message System (Unix), American Mathematical Society (organization, USA)21) Банковское дело: Cистема управления счетами (Account Management System)22) Транспорт: отделение SAE, занимающееся снабженческой деятельностью23) Фирменный знак: America Media Systems, American Musical Supply, Automated Machine Systems25) Деловая лексика: Accreditation Of Manufacturing Staff, Automated Marketing Strategies, Automatic Order Matching and Execution System26) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: вспомогательный измерительный зонд (Auxiliary Measurement Sonde)27) Почта: Alternate Mailing System (=) дополнительная ( или) альтернативная почтовая система, Alternate Mailing System28) Сетевые технологии: Administration and Management Services, Automated Mail Systems, службы сетевого администрирования и управления29) Полимеры: Aeronautical Materials Specifications, Aerospace Materials Specifications, Aircraft Materials Specifications30) Автоматика: articulated mechanical structure, automated mechanical structure31) Контроль качества: aeronautical material specifications32) Сахалин Р: Asset Management System, Auxiliary Measurement Sonde33) Сахалин Ю: auxiliary measurement tool34) Расширение файла: Adobe Monitor Setup calibration file (Adobe PhotoShop)35) Уровнеметрия: Asset Management Solutions36) Аэропорты: Amsterdam, Netherlands37) НАСА: Automatic Maintenance Scheduler38) Программное обеспечение: Advanced Mathematics Software39) AMEX. American Shared Hospital Services -
7 Ab
1) Общая лексика: Assembly Bill, (Aurora Borealis) северное сияние2) Компьютерная техника: Application Bulletin3) Авиация: abort4) Морской термин: матрос первого класса (able seaman)5) Медицина: астматический бронхит (сокр. от asthmatic bronchitis), вспомогательное дыхание6) Французский язык: Балканский пакт (Турция, Греция, Югославия) (историч.) (сокр. от Alliance Balkanique)7) Ботаника: Apple Blossom8) Спорт: Air Bike9) Военный термин: Able Bodied, After The Bomb, All Battle, Answer Back, Armor Board, Army Book, Atomic Bomb, acquisition beacon, advisory board, aerial burst, afterbody, air blast, air bomber, airborne, alert building, ambush, ammunition bearer, area bombing, armored brigade, aviation battalion, aviation brigade10) Техника: absorption band, accumulator buffer, acid bath, actinide burning, activate button, address buffer, address bus, air breaker, alabamine, alabamium, anechoic box, annealed in box, antenna supports, audio bandwidth, auto beacon, auxiliary boiler, auxiliary building, avionics bay, continuous automatic transcribed broadcast service11) Химия: Acid Base12) Религия: American Baptist13) Метеорология: Aurora Borealis14) Экономика: Aktiebolag( Swedish: Limited Company on shares)15) Страхование: Able-bodied seaman16) Грубое выражение: Absolute Belligerence, After The Ban, Always Bad, Australian Bitch17) Политика: Abkhazia18) Сокращение: ABle seaman, Abkhazian, Able Rate / Seaman (UK Royal Navy), Adapter Booster, Admiralty Board (UK), Admiralty Board, Afterburner, Air Base (USA), Airborne forces, Aktie Bolag (Company constitution (Finland, Sweden)), Assault Breaker, able-bodies seaman, Air-break, Alberta, about, American Bureau of Shipping (Американское бюро судоходства (классификационное общество)), automated bibliography (библиография, составляемая при помощи ЭВМ), auxiliary breaker (вспомогательный выключатель), abbreviation (сокращение, аббревиатура)19) Текстиль: Adult Baby20) Университет: Accreditation Body, Activities Building, Advanced Business, Alpha Beta21) Физиология: A Or B, Abnormal, Adaptive Behavior, Added Benefit, Antigen Binding, Automatic Behavior22) Хирургия: вспомогательная вентилляция легких23) Электроника: Active Bridge, Amplifier Board, Automatic Balancing24) Нефть: air base25) Иммунология: Aerobic Bacteria26) Биохимия: Alcian Blue27) Космонавтика: база ВВС28) Транспорт: Airframe Bulkhead29) Пищевая промышленность: American Breakfast30) Атомная энергия: ПРК (auxiliary boiler - пуско-резервная котельная)31) Фирменный знак: Amphenol- Borg, Avatars Banners32) СМИ: American Bandstand33) Деловая лексика: Annual Budget34) Сетевые технологии: Accessed By35) Полимеры: acrylonitrile butadiene, allyl bromide36) Автоматика: алкилбензол (Alkyl Benzene)37) Океанография: Asymmetric Balance38) Химическое оружие: Anchor bolt, зарин (усл. обозначение от sarine)39) Военно-морской флот: старшина авиационной боцманской команды [на авианосце] (сокр. от Aviation Boatswain's Mate)40) Безопасность: Apache Benchmark41) Каспий: able body42) Имена и фамилии: Allan Border, Angela Brant, Annie Besant43) Программное обеспечение: Apache Benchmarking, Application Bridge44) Хобби: Antique Brass45) AMEX. Cannon Express, Inc. -
8 ab
1) Общая лексика: Assembly Bill, (Aurora Borealis) северное сияние2) Компьютерная техника: Application Bulletin3) Авиация: abort4) Морской термин: матрос первого класса (able seaman)5) Медицина: астматический бронхит (сокр. от asthmatic bronchitis), вспомогательное дыхание6) Французский язык: Балканский пакт (Турция, Греция, Югославия) (историч.) (сокр. от Alliance Balkanique)7) Ботаника: Apple Blossom8) Спорт: Air Bike9) Военный термин: Able Bodied, After The Bomb, All Battle, Answer Back, Armor Board, Army Book, Atomic Bomb, acquisition beacon, advisory board, aerial burst, afterbody, air blast, air bomber, airborne, alert building, ambush, ammunition bearer, area bombing, armored brigade, aviation battalion, aviation brigade10) Техника: absorption band, accumulator buffer, acid bath, actinide burning, activate button, address buffer, address bus, air breaker, alabamine, alabamium, anechoic box, annealed in box, antenna supports, audio bandwidth, auto beacon, auxiliary boiler, auxiliary building, avionics bay, continuous automatic transcribed broadcast service11) Химия: Acid Base12) Религия: American Baptist13) Метеорология: Aurora Borealis14) Экономика: Aktiebolag( Swedish: Limited Company on shares)15) Страхование: Able-bodied seaman16) Грубое выражение: Absolute Belligerence, After The Ban, Always Bad, Australian Bitch17) Политика: Abkhazia18) Сокращение: ABle seaman, Abkhazian, Able Rate / Seaman (UK Royal Navy), Adapter Booster, Admiralty Board (UK), Admiralty Board, Afterburner, Air Base (USA), Airborne forces, Aktie Bolag (Company constitution (Finland, Sweden)), Assault Breaker, able-bodies seaman, Air-break, Alberta, about, American Bureau of Shipping (Американское бюро судоходства (классификационное общество)), automated bibliography (библиография, составляемая при помощи ЭВМ), auxiliary breaker (вспомогательный выключатель), abbreviation (сокращение, аббревиатура)19) Текстиль: Adult Baby20) Университет: Accreditation Body, Activities Building, Advanced Business, Alpha Beta21) Физиология: A Or B, Abnormal, Adaptive Behavior, Added Benefit, Antigen Binding, Automatic Behavior22) Хирургия: вспомогательная вентилляция легких23) Электроника: Active Bridge, Amplifier Board, Automatic Balancing24) Нефть: air base25) Иммунология: Aerobic Bacteria26) Биохимия: Alcian Blue27) Космонавтика: база ВВС28) Транспорт: Airframe Bulkhead29) Пищевая промышленность: American Breakfast30) Атомная энергия: ПРК (auxiliary boiler - пуско-резервная котельная)31) Фирменный знак: Amphenol- Borg, Avatars Banners32) СМИ: American Bandstand33) Деловая лексика: Annual Budget34) Сетевые технологии: Accessed By35) Полимеры: acrylonitrile butadiene, allyl bromide36) Автоматика: алкилбензол (Alkyl Benzene)37) Океанография: Asymmetric Balance38) Химическое оружие: Anchor bolt, зарин (усл. обозначение от sarine)39) Военно-морской флот: старшина авиационной боцманской команды [на авианосце] (сокр. от Aviation Boatswain's Mate)40) Безопасность: Apache Benchmark41) Каспий: able body42) Имена и фамилии: Allan Border, Angela Brant, Annie Besant43) Программное обеспечение: Apache Benchmarking, Application Bridge44) Хобби: Antique Brass45) AMEX. Cannon Express, Inc. -
9 ams
1) Общая лексика: aggregate measure of support, Служба маркетинга сельскохозяйственной продукции ( министерства сельского хозяйства США), Служба содействия сбыту сельскохозяйственной продукции (Lavrov)2) Компьютерная техника: Access Method Services, Associative Memory System3) Авиация: Aircraft Malfunction System, Aircratf Modification Status4) Медицина: acute mountain sickness, atypical measles syndrome5) Американизм: Award Management System6) Военный термин: Advanced Mapping Spectrometer, Anti Missile System, Archdiocese for the Military Services, Army Management School, Army Management Structure, Army Map Service, Army Medical Service, Army medical staff, Artillery and Missile School, Auto-Manual System, Autodin Mail Server, Automated Message System, Automated Meteorological System, Autonomous Message Switch, a minehunting sonar, actual military service, actuation mine simulator, advanced monopulse seeker, aeromechanics school, aeromobile service, aeronautical material specification, aeronautical material specification AMRSA, Army Materiel Readiness Support Activity, aeronautical material standards, air missile system, air movements section, aircraft mission system, alarm monitoring system, antenna mast sets, armament management system, artillery meteorological station, authority for material substitution, automated minefield system, automatic meteorological system, avionics maintenance squadron, артиллерийская метеорологическая станция7) Техника: Allegations Management System, acoustic measurement system, aerial monitoring system, aeronautical mobile service, altitude measurement system, amplifier subsystem, automatic monitoring system, auxiliary memory set8) Химия: Aerospace Material Specification9) Математика: Американское математическое общество (American Mathematical Society), среднее значение среднего квадрата (average mean square)10) Австралийский сленг: Aboriginal Medical Service11) Ветеринария: Australian Mammal Society12) Грубое выражение: American Made Shit13) Металлургия: Aircraft Material Specifications14) Телекоммуникации: Analog And Mixed Signal15) Сокращение: Academy of Military Science (USA), Acoustic Mine Sweep, Address Management System, Advanced Machining System, Advanced Missile System (US Navy), Aerospace Materials Specification (USA), Air Mail Service, Air Maintenance Squadron (USA), Aircraft Management System, Airspace Management Systems SA/NV (Belgium), Alternate Mailing Systems, American Material Standard, American Mathematical Society, American Meteorological Society, Analog/Mixed Signal, Apogee & Manoeuvring Stage, Appareillages et Materiels de Servitudes SA (France), Armoured Mortar System (UK), Army Map Service (US Army), Army Medical Services (UK), Artillery Meteorological System (Italy), Audio Monitoring System, Automated Management System, Automated Materiel System (USA), Automated Message Switch, Automatic Marking System, Autonomes Marine System, Auxiliary Minesweeper, Avionics Maintenance Squadron (USAF), Avionics Management System, Agricultural Marketing Service, Automated Manifest System, Advanced Memory System16) Университет: Academic Monitoring System, Association Of Malaysian Students17) Физика: акселераторная (тж. ускорительная) масс-спектрометрия (Accelerator Mass Spectrometry( метод радиоуглеродного датирования))18) Физиология: Active Mountain Sickness, Amylase, Anatomical Molding System19) Электроника: Automatic Music Sensor20) Вычислительная техника: Asymmetric Multiprocessing System, Обслуживание и Поддержка приложения ( Application Maintenance and Support), AUTODIN Mail Server (AUTODIN, Mil., USA), Advanced Monitor System (OS, DEC, PDP 9, PDP 15), Andrew Mail / Message System (Unix), American Mathematical Society (organization, USA)21) Банковское дело: Cистема управления счетами (Account Management System)22) Транспорт: отделение SAE, занимающееся снабженческой деятельностью23) Фирменный знак: America Media Systems, American Musical Supply, Automated Machine Systems25) Деловая лексика: Accreditation Of Manufacturing Staff, Automated Marketing Strategies, Automatic Order Matching and Execution System26) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: вспомогательный измерительный зонд (Auxiliary Measurement Sonde)27) Почта: Alternate Mailing System (=) дополнительная ( или) альтернативная почтовая система, Alternate Mailing System28) Сетевые технологии: Administration and Management Services, Automated Mail Systems, службы сетевого администрирования и управления29) Полимеры: Aeronautical Materials Specifications, Aerospace Materials Specifications, Aircraft Materials Specifications30) Автоматика: articulated mechanical structure, automated mechanical structure31) Контроль качества: aeronautical material specifications32) Сахалин Р: Asset Management System, Auxiliary Measurement Sonde33) Сахалин Ю: auxiliary measurement tool34) Расширение файла: Adobe Monitor Setup calibration file (Adobe PhotoShop)35) Уровнеметрия: Asset Management Solutions36) Аэропорты: Amsterdam, Netherlands37) НАСА: Automatic Maintenance Scheduler38) Программное обеспечение: Advanced Mathematics Software39) AMEX. American Shared Hospital Services -
10 AS
1. absorption spectroscopy - абсорбционная спектроскопия;2. acquisition sensor - датчик системы обнаружения;3. action statement - оператор действия;4. adaptive system - адаптивная система;5. add-subtract - складывать-вычитать;6. aerospace standards - авиационно-космические стандарты, стандарты на изделия авиационно-космической техники;7. after shot - после перфорирования; после торпедирования;8. air glow spectrum - спектр атмосферного свечения;9. air service - воздушные перевозки; воздушное сообщение;10. air speed - воздушная скорость;11. air supply - подвод воздуха;12. airial shot - съёмка сверху; кадр; снятый сверху;13. air-seasoned - высушенный на солнце; воздушносухой;14. alto-stratus - высокослоистая облачность; высокослоистое облако;15. American standard - стандарт США;16. ammoniacal silver - аммиачное серебро;17. ampere-second - ампер-секунда;18. angle of sight - угол визирования; угол места цели;19. angle shot - кадр; снятый под углом;20. anhydrite stringer - пропласток ангидрита;21. anisotropic semiconductor - анизотропный полупроводник;22. antenna systems - антенные системы;23. antisubmarine - противолодочный;24. antisubmarine search - поиск подводной лодки;25. aperture stop - апертурная диафрагма;26. arithmetically symmetrical - арифметически симметричный;27. arsenic - мышьяк;28. articulation score - показатель разборчивости речи;29. asdic search - гидроакустический поиск;30. astigmatic - астигматический;31. astronomical spectroscopy - астроспектроскопия;32. asymmetric - асимметричный; несимметричный;33. asymmetry - асимметрия;34. atmosphere and space - атмосфера и космос;35. audio sensitivity - чувствительность к звуковым волнам;36. auto sequential - автопоследовательный;37. automatic search - автоматический поиск; автоматическая настройка;38. automatic sprinkler - автоматический разбрызгиватель; автоматическая дождевальная установка;39. autonomous system - автономная система;40. auxiliary steam - вспомогательная подача пара -
11 beam
1) луч; пучок || излучать; испускать; формировать луч или пучок2) главный лепесток ( диаграммы направленности антенны), радиолуч || формировать диаграмму направленности антенны3) производить направленную передачу или направленный приём5) ориентировать ( вещательную программу) на определённую аудиторию6) ребро; балка; брус; поперечина7) ребро, вязка ( в нотной записи) || группировать ( ноты), объединять ( ноты) с помощью ребра, снабжать ( ноты) вязкой8) вчт проф. корпорация IBM•- aiming beambeam a-copy — передавать копию (напр. файла) (электронным способом)
- annular beam
- antenna beam
- antiparallel beams
- astigmatic beam
- axially asymmetric beam
- axially symmetric beam
- back beam
- beavertail beam
- blue beam
- bunched electron beam
- cathode beam
- cathode-ray beam
- channeled beam
- charge-particle beam
- chopped beam
- circular beam
- cluster beam
- coherent beam
- cold-electron beam
- collimated beam
- concentrated beam
- cone-shaped beam
- conical beam
- contour beam
- control beam
- controlling beam
- convergent beam
- cosecant-squared beam
- counter-propagating beam
- defocused beam
- density modulated beam
- diffracted beam
- diffused beam
- directed beam
- directional beam
- directive beam
- divergent beam
- E-beam
- electron beam
- emergent beam
- energy beam
- erasing beam
- fanning beam
- fan-shaped beam
- fixed beam
- flat-top beam
- flat-top flared beam
- flooding beam
- focused beam
- Gaussian beam
- glide-path beam
- glide slope beam
- green beam
- guidance beam
- Hermite-Gaussian beam
- high-directivity beam
- holding beam
- hollow beam
- I-beam
- illuminating beam
- incident beam
- injected beam
- intensity-modulated light beam
- ion beam
- landing beam
- laser beam
- light beam
- line-focus beam
- low-altitude beam
- low-divergence beam
- main beam
- metastable-atom beam
- modulated beam
- monochromatic beam
- monoenergetic beam
- multilobed beam
- narrow beam
- neutral beam
- n-th-order diffracted beam
- object beam
- off-axis beam
- offset beam
- on-axis beam
- optical beam
- parallel beam
- paraxial beam
- pencil beam
- polarized beam
- polychromatic beam
- probing laser beam
- projecting light beam
- pumping beam
- radar beam
- radio beam
- radio-landing beam
- radio-range beam
- reading beam
- readout beam
- receive beam
- reconstructed beam
- reconstructing beam
- red beam
- reentrant beam
- reference beam
- reflected beam
- refracted beam
- relativistic electron beam
- return beam
- ribbon beam
- rotating electron beam
- SAW beam
- scanning beam
- scattered beam
- sector beam
- sector-shaped beam
- shaped beam
- sharp beam
- sheet beam
- sheetlike beam
- single-lobed beam
- single-velocity beam
- space-charge focused electron beam
- speckle beam
- spiraling electron beam
- split beam
- spot beam
- stacked beam
- steadily injected electron beam
- surface-acoustic-wave beam
- switched beams
- tracking beam
- ultrasonic beam
- unidirectional beam
- useful beam
- variable-shape beam
- wave beam
- wide beam
- wide-angle beam
- writing beam
- X-ray beam -
12 coupler
1) устройство связи; элемент связи; цепь связи2) ответвитель3) микр. связующее (вещество)4) соединитель, соединительный элемент, соединение; сцепка5) устройство сопряжения; блок сопряжения•- adjustable coupler
- anamorphic coupler
- antenna coupler
- asymmetric coupler
- autopilot coupler
- Bethe directional coupler
- Bethe hole directional coupler
- biconical-taper fiber coupler
- bidirectional coupler
- birefringent coupler
- branch coupler
- broadside-coupled coupler
- cable coupler
- capacitance-loop directional coupler
- capacity coupler
- coax coupler
- coaxial coupler
- coupled-transmission line directional coupler
- cross-guide coupler
- Cuccia coupler
- directional coupler
- earphone coupler
- electromagnetic spin-wave coupler
- electron coupler
- electron-tube coupler
- end-fire optical-waveguide coupler
- ferrite coupler
- fiber-optics coupler
- first coupler
- forward coupler
- gyromagnetic coupler
- inductive coupler
- input coupler
- long-slot coupler
- loop-type coupler
- loop-type directional coupler
- microstrip coupler
- multibranch coupler
- multihole coupler
- multimode coupler
- multiple-branch coupler
- multistrip surface-acoustic-wave coupler
- optical coupler
- optical-waveguide coupler
- output coupler
- photoresist coupler
- polarization-maintaining fiber-optics coupler
- polarization-sensitive coupler
- polarization-splitting fiber-optics coupler
- prism coupler
- reverse coupler
- Riblet coupler
- ring coupler
- ring directional coupler
- rotary coupler
- rotating coupler
- Schwinger directional coupler
- second coupler
- short-slot coupler
- single-mode coupler
- single-mode fiber-optics coupler
- slot-line coupler
- stripline coupler
- three-decibel coupler
- transmission-line coupler
- two-hole directional coupler
- unidirectional coupler
- variable-iris waveguide coupler
- waveguide coupler -
13 beam
1) луч; пучок || излучать; испускать; формировать луч или пучок2) главный лепесток ( диаграммы направленности антенны), радиолуч || формировать диаграмму направленности антенны3) производить направленную передачу или направленный приём5) ориентировать ( вещательную программу) на определённую аудиторию6) ребро; балка; брус; поперечина7) ребро, вязка ( в нотной записи) || группировать ( ноты), объединять ( ноты) с помощью ребра, снабжать ( ноты) вязкой8) вчт.; проф. корпорация IBM•- aiming beambeam a copy — передавать копию (напр. файла) (электронным способом)
- annular beam
- antenna beam
- antiparallel beams
- astigmatic beam
- axially asymmetric beam
- axially symmetric beam
- back beam
- beavertail beam
- blue beam
- bunched electron beam
- cathode beam
- cathode-ray beam
- channeled beam
- charge-particle beam
- chopped beam
- circular beam
- cluster beam
- coherent beam
- cold-electron beam
- collimated beam
- concentrated beam
- cone-shaped beam
- conical beam
- contour beam
- control beam
- controlling beam
- convergent beam
- cosecant-squared beam
- counter-propagating beam
- defocused beam
- density modulated beam
- diffracted beam
- diffused beam
- directed beam
- directional beam
- directive beam
- divergent beam
- E beam
- electron beam
- emergent beam
- energy beam
- erasing beam
- fanning beam
- fan-shaped beam
- fixed beam
- flat-top beam
- flat-top flared beam
- flooding beam
- focused beam
- Gaussian beam
- glide slope beam
- glide-path beam
- green beam
- guidance beam
- Hermite-Gaussian beam
- high-directivity beam
- holding beam
- hollow beam
- I-beam
- illuminating beam
- incident beam
- injected beam
- intensity-modulated light beam
- ion beam
- landing beam
- laser beam
- light beam
- line-focus beam
- low-altitude beam
- low-divergence beam
- main beam
- metastable-atom beam
- modulated beam
- monochromatic beam
- monoenergetic beam
- multilobed beam
- narrow beam
- neutral beam
- n-th-order diffracted beam
- object beam
- off-axis beam
- offset beam
- on-axis beam
- optical beam
- parallel beam
- paraxial beam
- pencil beam
- polarized beam
- polychromatic beam
- probing laser beam
- projecting light beam
- pumping beam
- radar beam
- radio beam
- radio-landing beam
- radio-range beam
- reading beam
- readout beam
- receive beam
- reconstructed beam
- reconstructing beam
- red beam
- reentrant beam
- reference beam
- reflected beam
- refracted beam
- relativistic electron beam
- return beam
- ribbon beam
- rotating electron beam
- SAW beam
- scanning beam
- scattered beam
- sector beam
- sector-shaped beam
- shaped beam
- sharp beam
- sheet beam
- sheetlike beam
- single-lobed beam
- single-velocity beam
- space-charge focused electron beam
- speckle beam
- spiraling electron beam
- split beam
- spot beam
- stacked beam
- steadily injected electron beam
- surface-acoustic-wave beam
- switched beams
- tracking beam
- ultrasonic beam
- unidirectional beam
- useful beam
- variable-shape beam
- wave beam
- wide beam
- wide-angle beam
- writing beam
- X-ray beamThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > beam
14 coupler
1) устройство связи; элемент связи; цепь связи2) ответвитель3) микр. связующее (вещество)4) соединитель, соединительный элемент, соединение; сцепка5) устройство сопряжения; блок сопряжения•- adjustable coupler
- anamorphic coupler
- antenna coupler
- asymmetric coupler
- autopilot coupler
- Bethe directional coupler
- Bethe hole directional coupler
- biconical-taper fiber coupler
- bidirectional coupler
- birefringent coupler
- branch coupler
- broadside-coupled coupler
- cable coupler
- capacitance-loop directional coupler
- capacity coupler
- coax coupler
- coaxial coupler
- coupled-transmission line directional coupler
- cross-guide coupler
- Cuccia coupler
- directional coupler
- earphone coupler
- electromagnetic spin-wave coupler
- electron coupler
- electron-tube coupler
- end-fire optical-waveguide coupler
- ferrite coupler
- fiber-optics coupler
- first coupler
- forward coupler
- gyromagnetic coupler
- inductive coupler
- input coupler
- long-slot coupler
- loop-type coupler
- loop-type directional coupler
- microstrip coupler
- multibranch coupler
- multihole coupler
- multimode coupler
- multiple-branch coupler
- multistrip surface-acoustic-wave coupler
- optical coupler
- optical-waveguide coupler
- output coupler
- photoresist coupler
- polarization-maintaining fiber-optics coupler
- polarization-sensitive coupler
- polarization-splitting fiber-optics coupler
- prism coupler
- reverse coupler
- Riblet coupler
- ring coupler
- ring directional coupler
- rotary coupler
- rotating coupler
- Schwinger directional coupler
- second coupler
- short-slot coupler
- single-mode coupler
- single-mode fiber-optics coupler
- slot-line coupler
- stripline coupler
- three-decibel coupler
- transmission-line coupler
- two-hole directional coupler
- unidirectional coupler
- variable-iris waveguide coupler
- waveguide couplerThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > coupler
15 structure
структура (1. строение; внутренняя организация 2. схема; система; конструкция 3. интегральная структура; интегральная схема 4. форма; вид) || образовывать структуру; структурировать; организовывать || структурный- air-isolation monolithic structure
- antiasperomagnetic structure
- antiferromagnetic structure
- array structure
- asperomagnetic structure
- asymmetric-chevron bubble propagating structure
- backward-wave structure
- band structure
- base-centered structure
- beam-lead structure
- bias-pin resonator structure
- biperiodic structure
- BIST structure
- block structure
- branch control structure
- bubble array structure
- bubble-domain array structure
- bucket-brigade structure
- built-in self-test structure
- built-in self-testing structure
- buried-collector structure
- BW structure
- canted magnetic structure
- CCD structure
- cell structure
- charge-coupled-device structure
- charge-sloshing structure
- charge-transfer structure
- chevron layer structure
- cholesteric structure
- class structure
- close-packed structure
- cluster spin glass structure
- collinear structure
- comb structure
- commensurate magnetic structure
- complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor structure
- computing structure
- conceptual structure
- cone magnetic structure
- contiguous data structure
- continuous slow-wave structure
- control structure
- coordination structure
- coplanar-electrode structure
- crystal structure
- cubic structure
- current-induced magnetic-flux structure
- data structure
- decision structure
- deep structure
- dendrite structure
- diamagnetic structure
- dielectric-anisotropic electrooptic crystal sandwich structure
- dielectric-isolated structure
- directory structure
- disordered structure
- dissipative structure
- distributed data structure
- domain structure
- domain-wall structure
- double-drift structure
- dual-base structure
- electronic band structure
- endohedral structure
- energy-band structure
- epitaxial structure
- extended-interaction structure
- face-centered structure
- FAMOS structure
- fan magnetic structure
- feed-backward lattice structure
- feed-forward lattice structure
- ferrimagnetic spiral structure
- ferrimagnetic structure
- ferromagnetic spiral structure
- ferromagnetic structure
- file structure
- fine structure
- flat antiferromagnetic spiral structure
- floating-gate avalanche-injection MOS structure
- forward-wave structure
- fractal structure
- generic structure
- graded-base structure
- graphic data structure
- gross crystal structure
- guard-ring structure
- half-disk bubble propagating structure
- Hamiltonian structure
- helicoidal magnetic structure
- heterodesmic structure
- heterojunction structure
- hexagonal structure
- hill-and-valley structure
- homodesmic structure
- honeycomb domain structure
- honeycomb structure
- hybrid ferromagnet-semiconductor structure
- hyperfine structure
- I2-PLASA structure
- ideal spin glass structure
- IF-THEN-ELSE structure
- incommensurate magnetic structure
- integrated-circuit structure
- intellectual structure
- interdigital structure
- interdigitated structure
- internally striped planar structure
- intracell charge-transfer structure
- inverted structure
- ion-implanted planar mesa structure
- ion-implanted structure
- island structure
- isomorphic structures
- iteration control structure
- junction-isolated structure
- ladder-line slow-wave structure
- lag structure
- lateral complementary-transistor structure
- lattice structure
- leapfrog multi-feedback structure
- light-guiding structure
- line injecting structure
- linear structure
- local periodic structure
- logic control structure
- logic structure
- log-periodic structure
- long-periodic magnetic structure
- loop structure
- LP structure
- lyotropic structure
- major-minor loop memory structure
- MAS structure
- meander-line slow-wave structure
- merged structure
- mesa structure
- mesh structure
- metal-alumina-semiconductor structure
- metal-ferroelectric-semiconductor structure
- metal-insulator-metal structure
- metal-insulator-metal-insulator-metal structure
- metal-insulator-metal-insulator-semiconductor structure
- metal-insulator-oxide-semiconductor structure
- metal-insulator-semiconductor annular structure
- metal-insulator-semiconductor structure
- metal-insulator-semiconductor-insulator-semiconductor structure
- metal-nitride-oxide-semiconductor structure
- metal-nitride-semiconductor structure
- metal-oxide-metal structure
- metal-oxide-semiconductor structure
- metal-oxide-silicon structure
- metal-silicon nitride-silicon oxide-silicon structure
- metal-thick oxide-nitride-silicon structure
- metal-thick oxide-silicon structure
- MFS structure
- microwave structure
- mictomagnetic structure
- MIM structure
- MIMIM structure
- MIMIS structure
- MIOS structure
- MIS annular structure
- MIS structure
- MISIS structure
- MNOS structure
- MNS structure
- modular structure
- modulated magnetic structure
- modulated structure
- molecular structure
- monoclinic structure
- monolithic structure
- MOS structure
- MQW structure
- MSNSOS structure
- multidomain structure
- multiemitter structure
- multijunction structure
- multilevel structure
- multilevel-metallized structure
- multimode structure
- multiple-base structure
- multiple-junction structure
- multipole structure
- multiquantum-well structure
- n on p structure
- n on p substrate structure
- narrow-gap structure
- nematic structure
- nested structure
- n-i-p-i structure
- noncollinear structure
- non-contiguous data structure
- nonuniform-base structure
- n-p-n structure
- object structure
- one-element failure permissible structure
- optical-waveguide structure
- ordered structure
- organizational structure
- orthorhombic structure
- overlapping-gate structure
- overlay structure
- p on n structure
- p on n substrate structure
- paramagnetic structure
- percolation structure
- periodic domain structure
- periodic magnetic focusing structure
- periodic permanent-magnet structure
- perovskite structure
- phase slip structure
- photoconductor-elastomer structure
- planar structure
- plane-injection structure
- p-n structure
- p-n-i-p structure
- pnotojunction structure
- p-n-p structure
- polycrystalline structure
- position-dependent zone structure
- PPM structure
- program structure
- p-si-n structure
- punch-through structure
- radar absorbing structure
- Read structure
- rearrangeable multistage structure
- record structure
- redundant structure
- reflexive structure
- relational structure
- rhombohedral structure
- RM structure
- sandwich structure
- sectorial structure of crystal
- selection structure
- self-referent structure
- self-similar structure
- semiconductor-metal-semiconductor structure
- sequence structure
- sequential data structure
- signal structure
- silicon-on-insulated substrate structure
- silicon-on-insulator structure
- silicon-on-spinel structure
- simple cubic structure
- simple spiral magnetic structure
- slowing structure
- slow-wave propagation structure
- slow-wave structure
- smectic structure
- SMS structure
- social structure
- space-antenna support structure
- sperimagnetic structure
- speromagnetic structure
- spin structure
- spin-screw structure
- spiral magnetic structure
- spiral structure
- staggered-electrode structure
- standard buried-collector structure
- star structure
- stripe domain structure
- structure of management information
- sub-band structure
- supercritically doped structure
- superlattice structure
- surface structure
- symbol structure
- tape helix slow-wave structure
- technical structure
- tesselation structure
- test structure
- tetragonal structure
- T-I-bar structure
- transverse-tape slow-wave structure
- tree structure
- triclinic structure
- trigonal structure
- twin structure
- two-element failure permissible structure
- two-sleeve spiral magnetic structure
- umbrella magnetic structure
- undercut mesa structure
- uniform-base structure
- unipolar structure
- vertical p-n-p structure
- V-groove metal-oxide-semiconductor structure
- volume-centered structure
- vortex structure
- wide-gap structure
- Y-bar structure
- Y-I-bar structure
- zig-zag line slow-wave structureThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > structure
16 system
1) система; комплекс2) совокупность•- absolutely consistent system - absolutely direct indecomposable system - absolutely free system - absolutely irreducible system - absolutely isolated system - allowable coordinate system - almost linear system - ample linear system - artificial feel system - automatic block system - automatic deicing system - binary relational system - binary-coded decimal system - block tooling system - Cartesian coordinate system - completely controllable system - completely ergodic system - completely hyperbolic system - completely identifiable system - completely integrable system - completely irreducible system - completely regular system - completely stable system - completely stratified system - complex number system - conical coordinate system - derivational formal system - differential equation system - differential selsyn system - digital counting system - digital transmission system - elliptic coordinate system - elliptic cylindrical coordinate system - externally inconsistent system - finite state system - finitely axiomatizable system - finitely presented system - fully characteristic quotient system - fundamental system of solutions - hydraulic lift system - integrated switching system - isomorphically embedded system - kernel normal system - linearly dependent system - linearly independent system - live hydraulic system - locking protection system - meteor-burst communication system - modular programming system - parabolic cylindrical coordinate system - permanent four-wheel drive system - pure independent system - radio telephone system - reactor protection system - real number system - receiver-amplifier crioelectric system - remote-cylinder hydraulic system - semantically consistent system - simply consistent system - simply incomplete system - simply ordered system - spherical coordinate system - strongly multiplicative system - structurally stable system - sufficiently general coordinate system - system of frequency curves - system of rational numbers - time multiplex system - time-division multiplex system - uniformly complete system - univalent system of notation - universal system of notation - weakly closed system - weighted number system
См. также в других словарях:
Microstrip antenna — In telecommunication, there are several types of microstrip antennas (also known as printed antennas) the most common of which is the microstrip patch antenna or patch antenna. A patch antenna is a narrowband, wide beam antenna fabricated by… … Wikipedia
Patch antenna — A patch antenna is a popular antenna type, which gains its name from the fact that it basically consists of a metal patch suspended over a ground plane. The assembly is usually contained in a plastic radome, which protects the structure from… … Wikipedia
Offset dish antenna — Main types of parabolic antennas An offset dish antenna is a type of parabolic antenna. It is so called because the antenna feed is offset to the side of the reflector, in contrast to a typical axial fed parabolic antenna where the feed is in… … Wikipedia
Reflector (antenna) — An antenna reflector is a device that reflects electromagnetic waves.It is often a part of an antenna assembly.The most common reflector types are * corner reflector which reflects the incoming signal back to the direction it came from *… … Wikipedia
MITMOT — ( Mac and mImo Technologies for More Throughput ) proposal for IEEE 802.11n, the high throughput Wi Fi MIMO standard has been initiated jointly by Motorola and Mitsubishi in order to propose a new PHY and MAC layer specification competing with… … Wikipedia
Mathematics and Physical Sciences — ▪ 2003 Introduction Mathematics Mathematics in 2002 was marked by two discoveries in number theory. The first may have practical implications; the second satisfied a 150 year old curiosity. Computer scientist Manindra Agrawal of the… … Universalium
Broadband Internet access — Broadband Internet access, often shortened to just broadband, is high speed Internet access typically contrasted with dial up access over a modem.Dial up modems are generally only capable of a maximum bitrate of 56 kbit/s (kilobits per second)… … Wikipedia
List of electronics topics — Alphabetization has been neglected in some parts of this article (the b section in particular). You can help by editing it. This is a list of communications, computers, electronic circuits, fiberoptics, microelectronics, medical electronics,… … Wikipedia
Signals intelligence operational platforms by nation — This article is a subset article under the main article Signals intelligence, which addresses the unifying conceptual and technical factors and common technologies in this intelligence discipline. This article deals with current signals… … Wikipedia
BRDM-2 — Infobox Weapon name=BRDM 2 caption=Iraqi BRDM at the U.S. National Infantry Museum, Fort Benning origin=Soviet Union type=Amphibious Armoured Scout Car is vehicle=yes service=1962 present used by=See Operators wars=See Service History designer=V … Wikipedia
Twin-lead — is a two conductor ribbon cable commonly used as a transmission line for balanced transmission of radio frequency signals. It is made in several different sizes, with values of 450, 300, and 75 ohms characteristic impedance. The most common, 300… … Wikipedia