1 assistive technology
1) Общая лексика: Ортопедическая и реабилитационная техника (http://www.multitran.ru/c/m.exe?A=ForumReplies&MessNum=670)2) Вычислительная техника: Продукты ИТ, предоставляющие доступ к специальным возможностям для пользователей с нарушением зрительной, слуховой функций и ограниченной способностью к движению -
1) Общая лексика: полицейский спецназ2) Компьютерная техника: Stat Work Archiving Tool3) Военный термин: A Simple Waste Of Action And Time, SOCRATES WS/LAN Analysis Testbed, Sidewinder angle tracking, Special Warriors Action Team, Special Work Assignment Teams, secure wire access terminal, service weapons acceptability tests, ship weapon against torpedoes, smart weapon attack trainer, special warfare armored transporter, special weapons assault team, strength and weakness analysis of target4) Техника: Spacelab wide angle telescope5) Шутливое выражение: Shoot Without Any Thinking, Sit Wait And Talk, Sitting And Watching All The Traffic, Some Weird Action Team, Someone Will Actually Think, South West Anarchy Team, Spun Warped And Twisted7) Метеорология: Soil Water And Air Team8) Юридический термин: Secret World Adventure Team, Special Weapon And Tactics, спецназ, ОМОН, специальный отряд быстрого реагирования (СОБР. http://www.multitran.ru/c/m.exe?a=ForumReplies&MessNum=6747&L1=2&L2=1)9) Металлургия: Stress Wave Analysis Techniques10) Сокращение: Space Warfare Awareness Training, Special Warfare Armoured Transporter, Special Weapons And Tactics, Special Weapons Assault Team (USA), Samba Web Administration Tool, Sanibel Water Attack Team (swimming), Satellite, Wideband, and Telemetry (systems), Satellite-Based Worldwide Availability Tool, Scandinavian Workshop on Algorithm Theory, Scientific Wild Ass Guess, Seattle Washington Autoduel Team, Seeds, Weeds, And Trash, Sell What's Available Today, Servants with A Testimony, Server, Workstation And Technology Group, Service Weapons Acceptability Test, Sex Workers' Alliance of Toronto, Ship What's Available Today, Short Wavelength Adaptive Technology, Skilled With Advanced Tools (software development), Skilled Workers with Advanced Tools, Software Analysis and Testing (or Quality Assurance), Software Wireless Access Tandem, Soil and Water Assessment Tool (river basin model), Soldiers With Apostolic Truth, Solid Waste Assessment Team, Solid Waste Assessment Test, Solutions with Advanced Technologies (Cisco), Southwest Area Vocational-Technical (school), Southwest Association of Trackers, Special Weapons Attack Team (original name; now usually seen as Special Weapons And Tactics), Special Winning Attitude Team, Specialists With Advanced Tools, Spiritual Warfare and Training (youth ministry), Squad Weapons Analytical Trainer, Staff Without Adequate Training, Sticks With Ass-kicking Tactics, Strategic Weapons and Tactics (TV show), Strengths, Weakness, Advantages & Threats (assessment), Strengths, Weaknesses, Achievements & Threats (assessment), Students Winning Against Tobacco (Texas), Students With A Testimony, Students Working Against Tobacco, Students Working to Advance Technology, Students with a Target (student/police partnership program in Toronto, Ontario, Canada), Submillimeter Wave Advanced Technology, Subsea Well Abandonment Tool, Surface Weapons Against Torpedoes, Swift Action Team, Switch Assembly Test, System Wide Analysis Team, surface water assessment team11) Университет: Student Workers Applying Technology, Student Working To Advance Technology, Student Writers And Teachers, Students With A Target, Students With Advanced Technologies, Students With Advisory Teams12) Физиология: Straight White Attractive Teeth13) Электроника: SoftWare Action Team14) Пищевая промышленность: Small Winery Action Team15) Деловая лексика: Security Willingness Accountability Trustworthy, Selling With Apple Technologies, Special Work Assignment Team, Super Winning Attitude Team16) Образование: School Wide Assistive Technology17) Авиационная медицина: subjective workload assessment technique18) Безопасность: special weapons attack team19) Должность: Skilled With Advanced Tools20) Хобби: Syndicate Wrestling and Tradition21) Федеральное бюро расследований: Special Weapons and Tactics Team22) Международная торговля: Strategic Worldwide Acquisition Team -
3 swat
1) Общая лексика: полицейский спецназ2) Компьютерная техника: Stat Work Archiving Tool3) Военный термин: A Simple Waste Of Action And Time, SOCRATES WS/LAN Analysis Testbed, Sidewinder angle tracking, Special Warriors Action Team, Special Work Assignment Teams, secure wire access terminal, service weapons acceptability tests, ship weapon against torpedoes, smart weapon attack trainer, special warfare armored transporter, special weapons assault team, strength and weakness analysis of target4) Техника: Spacelab wide angle telescope5) Шутливое выражение: Shoot Without Any Thinking, Sit Wait And Talk, Sitting And Watching All The Traffic, Some Weird Action Team, Someone Will Actually Think, South West Anarchy Team, Spun Warped And Twisted7) Метеорология: Soil Water And Air Team8) Юридический термин: Secret World Adventure Team, Special Weapon And Tactics, спецназ, ОМОН, специальный отряд быстрого реагирования (СОБР. http://www.multitran.ru/c/m.exe?a=ForumReplies&MessNum=6747&L1=2&L2=1)9) Металлургия: Stress Wave Analysis Techniques10) Сокращение: Space Warfare Awareness Training, Special Warfare Armoured Transporter, Special Weapons And Tactics, Special Weapons Assault Team (USA), Samba Web Administration Tool, Sanibel Water Attack Team (swimming), Satellite, Wideband, and Telemetry (systems), Satellite-Based Worldwide Availability Tool, Scandinavian Workshop on Algorithm Theory, Scientific Wild Ass Guess, Seattle Washington Autoduel Team, Seeds, Weeds, And Trash, Sell What's Available Today, Servants with A Testimony, Server, Workstation And Technology Group, Service Weapons Acceptability Test, Sex Workers' Alliance of Toronto, Ship What's Available Today, Short Wavelength Adaptive Technology, Skilled With Advanced Tools (software development), Skilled Workers with Advanced Tools, Software Analysis and Testing (or Quality Assurance), Software Wireless Access Tandem, Soil and Water Assessment Tool (river basin model), Soldiers With Apostolic Truth, Solid Waste Assessment Team, Solid Waste Assessment Test, Solutions with Advanced Technologies (Cisco), Southwest Area Vocational-Technical (school), Southwest Association of Trackers, Special Weapons Attack Team (original name; now usually seen as Special Weapons And Tactics), Special Winning Attitude Team, Specialists With Advanced Tools, Spiritual Warfare and Training (youth ministry), Squad Weapons Analytical Trainer, Staff Without Adequate Training, Sticks With Ass-kicking Tactics, Strategic Weapons and Tactics (TV show), Strengths, Weakness, Advantages & Threats (assessment), Strengths, Weaknesses, Achievements & Threats (assessment), Students Winning Against Tobacco (Texas), Students With A Testimony, Students Working Against Tobacco, Students Working to Advance Technology, Students with a Target (student/police partnership program in Toronto, Ontario, Canada), Submillimeter Wave Advanced Technology, Subsea Well Abandonment Tool, Surface Weapons Against Torpedoes, Swift Action Team, Switch Assembly Test, System Wide Analysis Team, surface water assessment team11) Университет: Student Workers Applying Technology, Student Working To Advance Technology, Student Writers And Teachers, Students With A Target, Students With Advanced Technologies, Students With Advisory Teams12) Физиология: Straight White Attractive Teeth13) Электроника: SoftWare Action Team14) Пищевая промышленность: Small Winery Action Team15) Деловая лексика: Security Willingness Accountability Trustworthy, Selling With Apple Technologies, Special Work Assignment Team, Super Winning Attitude Team16) Образование: School Wide Assistive Technology17) Авиационная медицина: subjective workload assessment technique18) Безопасность: special weapons attack team19) Должность: Skilled With Advanced Tools20) Хобби: Syndicate Wrestling and Tradition21) Федеральное бюро расследований: Special Weapons and Tactics Team22) Международная торговля: Strategic Worldwide Acquisition Team -
4 AT
1) Общая лексика: набор команд для управления модемом в асинхронном режиме, созданный фирмой Hayes (Стандартный набор команд AT и его последующие расширения поддерживаются практически всеми современными модемами. Большинство производителей создают также собственные), так иногда пишут "it", чтобы передать сленговость говорящего2) Геология: All Terrain3) Авиация: adjusment/test, auto throttle, auto thrust4) Медицина: assistive technology5) Спорт: Arranged Team6) Военный термин: Acceptance Test, Access Type, Acquisition Team, Air Transit, Alert Time, Antiterrorism, Army training, Army transport, Atlantic standard time, acceptance tests, access time, achievement test, acquisition testing, action taken, additional training, advanced threat, advanced trainer, advanced training, adventurous training, air technician, air training, air transfer, air transport, airship, training, allowance type, ambulance train, ammunition technician, amphitruck, analysis time, animal transport, annual training, antitank, apparent time, aptitude test, armament test, army troops, artillery tractor, artillery training, automatic test, awaiting transportation, Simple Antenna (Electronic Component), противотанковое вооружение (средства противотанковой защиты), ПТ, противотанковый7) Техника: acceleration time, acceptable test, acceptance tag, access technique, accumulator tank, active transducer, adaptive threshold, address transfer, address type, after-treatment, air traffic service, air transmitting frequency, ambient temperature, analog transistor, angle tracker, antennas, simple, antitorpedo, aplanatic telescope, assay ton, assembly and test, astrographic telescope, astrometric telescope, astronomical telescope, astronomical time, asynchronous transmission, atmosphere, technical, atom, attenuation, attenuator, automatic telegraphy, automatic telephone, automatic tests, automatic transmitter, automatic typewriter, auxiliary telescope, avalanche transistor, aviation electronics technician, Приёмочные испытания ( входной контроль)8) Математика: алгебраическая топология (algebraic topology)9) Бухгалтерия: After Tax10) Страхование: American terms (grain trade)11) Политика: Ashmore and Cartier Islands12) Телекоммуникации: Access Terminal, Attention Command13) Сокращение: Advanced Trainer (USA), Air Temperature, Anti Terrorism, Anti-Tank (mine), Anti-Tank, Anti-Torpedo, Atomic Time, Austria, acceptance trials, automatic translation, внимание, atomic (comb form), ampere (turn), After Treatment, All Thread, Atlantic Time, Height Above Touch-Down, передовая технология (advanced technology)14) Физиология: Anaerobic Threshold, Anterior tibial, Atlas15) Вычислительная техника: Azores Time-2:00, продвинутая технология, Advanced Technology (IBM, PC), AT-команда (команда для управления модемом), ATtentions command16) Нефть: кислотная обработка (acid treatment), после обработки (after treatment)17) Кардиология: atrial tachycardia (предсердная тахикардия)18) Транспорт: Air Traffic19) Метрология: атомное время20) Фирменный знак: Alpine Touring21) Экология: acid treatment22) Энергетика: autotransformer, автотрансформатор23) Деловая лексика: Ataxia Telangiectasia, после вычета налогов (after tax)24) Бурение: с нарезкой на обоих концах (all thread), с нарезкой по всей длине (all thread)25) Образование: Accessible Technology26) Сетевые технологии: Automatic Transmission27) ЕБРР: appropriate technology28) Полимеры: Abel closed tester, American Terms, action time29) Авиационная медицина: attention30) Расширение файла: Advanced Technology, Audit Trail, Azores Time (-2:00)31) Нефть и газ: atmospheric distillation unit32) Электротехника: ампер-виток33) ООН: Absolute Terror34) Чат: Alt Tasteless35) НАСА: Acceptance Testing36) Федеральное бюро расследований: Atlanta Field Office -
5 At
1) Общая лексика: набор команд для управления модемом в асинхронном режиме, созданный фирмой Hayes (Стандартный набор команд AT и его последующие расширения поддерживаются практически всеми современными модемами. Большинство производителей создают также собственные), так иногда пишут "it", чтобы передать сленговость говорящего2) Геология: All Terrain3) Авиация: adjusment/test, auto throttle, auto thrust4) Медицина: assistive technology5) Спорт: Arranged Team6) Военный термин: Acceptance Test, Access Type, Acquisition Team, Air Transit, Alert Time, Antiterrorism, Army training, Army transport, Atlantic standard time, acceptance tests, access time, achievement test, acquisition testing, action taken, additional training, advanced threat, advanced trainer, advanced training, adventurous training, air technician, air training, air transfer, air transport, airship, training, allowance type, ambulance train, ammunition technician, amphitruck, analysis time, animal transport, annual training, antitank, apparent time, aptitude test, armament test, army troops, artillery tractor, artillery training, automatic test, awaiting transportation, Simple Antenna (Electronic Component), противотанковое вооружение (средства противотанковой защиты), ПТ, противотанковый7) Техника: acceleration time, acceptable test, acceptance tag, access technique, accumulator tank, active transducer, adaptive threshold, address transfer, address type, after-treatment, air traffic service, air transmitting frequency, ambient temperature, analog transistor, angle tracker, antennas, simple, antitorpedo, aplanatic telescope, assay ton, assembly and test, astrographic telescope, astrometric telescope, astronomical telescope, astronomical time, asynchronous transmission, atmosphere, technical, atom, attenuation, attenuator, automatic telegraphy, automatic telephone, automatic tests, automatic transmitter, automatic typewriter, auxiliary telescope, avalanche transistor, aviation electronics technician, Приёмочные испытания ( входной контроль)8) Математика: алгебраическая топология (algebraic topology)9) Бухгалтерия: After Tax10) Страхование: American terms (grain trade)11) Политика: Ashmore and Cartier Islands12) Телекоммуникации: Access Terminal, Attention Command13) Сокращение: Advanced Trainer (USA), Air Temperature, Anti Terrorism, Anti-Tank (mine), Anti-Tank, Anti-Torpedo, Atomic Time, Austria, acceptance trials, automatic translation, внимание, atomic (comb form), ampere (turn), After Treatment, All Thread, Atlantic Time, Height Above Touch-Down, передовая технология (advanced technology)14) Физиология: Anaerobic Threshold, Anterior tibial, Atlas15) Вычислительная техника: Azores Time-2:00, продвинутая технология, Advanced Technology (IBM, PC), AT-команда (команда для управления модемом), ATtentions command16) Нефть: кислотная обработка (acid treatment), после обработки (after treatment)17) Кардиология: atrial tachycardia (предсердная тахикардия)18) Транспорт: Air Traffic19) Метрология: атомное время20) Фирменный знак: Alpine Touring21) Экология: acid treatment22) Энергетика: autotransformer, автотрансформатор23) Деловая лексика: Ataxia Telangiectasia, после вычета налогов (after tax)24) Бурение: с нарезкой на обоих концах (all thread), с нарезкой по всей длине (all thread)25) Образование: Accessible Technology26) Сетевые технологии: Automatic Transmission27) ЕБРР: appropriate technology28) Полимеры: Abel closed tester, American Terms, action time29) Авиационная медицина: attention30) Расширение файла: Advanced Technology, Audit Trail, Azores Time (-2:00)31) Нефть и газ: atmospheric distillation unit32) Электротехника: ампер-виток33) ООН: Absolute Terror34) Чат: Alt Tasteless35) НАСА: Acceptance Testing36) Федеральное бюро расследований: Atlanta Field Office -
6 at
1) Общая лексика: набор команд для управления модемом в асинхронном режиме, созданный фирмой Hayes (Стандартный набор команд AT и его последующие расширения поддерживаются практически всеми современными модемами. Большинство производителей создают также собственные), так иногда пишут "it", чтобы передать сленговость говорящего2) Геология: All Terrain3) Авиация: adjusment/test, auto throttle, auto thrust4) Медицина: assistive technology5) Спорт: Arranged Team6) Военный термин: Acceptance Test, Access Type, Acquisition Team, Air Transit, Alert Time, Antiterrorism, Army training, Army transport, Atlantic standard time, acceptance tests, access time, achievement test, acquisition testing, action taken, additional training, advanced threat, advanced trainer, advanced training, adventurous training, air technician, air training, air transfer, air transport, airship, training, allowance type, ambulance train, ammunition technician, amphitruck, analysis time, animal transport, annual training, antitank, apparent time, aptitude test, armament test, army troops, artillery tractor, artillery training, automatic test, awaiting transportation, Simple Antenna (Electronic Component), противотанковое вооружение (средства противотанковой защиты), ПТ, противотанковый7) Техника: acceleration time, acceptable test, acceptance tag, access technique, accumulator tank, active transducer, adaptive threshold, address transfer, address type, after-treatment, air traffic service, air transmitting frequency, ambient temperature, analog transistor, angle tracker, antennas, simple, antitorpedo, aplanatic telescope, assay ton, assembly and test, astrographic telescope, astrometric telescope, astronomical telescope, astronomical time, asynchronous transmission, atmosphere, technical, atom, attenuation, attenuator, automatic telegraphy, automatic telephone, automatic tests, automatic transmitter, automatic typewriter, auxiliary telescope, avalanche transistor, aviation electronics technician, Приёмочные испытания ( входной контроль)8) Математика: алгебраическая топология (algebraic topology)9) Бухгалтерия: After Tax10) Страхование: American terms (grain trade)11) Политика: Ashmore and Cartier Islands12) Телекоммуникации: Access Terminal, Attention Command13) Сокращение: Advanced Trainer (USA), Air Temperature, Anti Terrorism, Anti-Tank (mine), Anti-Tank, Anti-Torpedo, Atomic Time, Austria, acceptance trials, automatic translation, внимание, atomic (comb form), ampere (turn), After Treatment, All Thread, Atlantic Time, Height Above Touch-Down, передовая технология (advanced technology)14) Физиология: Anaerobic Threshold, Anterior tibial, Atlas15) Вычислительная техника: Azores Time-2:00, продвинутая технология, Advanced Technology (IBM, PC), AT-команда (команда для управления модемом), ATtentions command16) Нефть: кислотная обработка (acid treatment), после обработки (after treatment)17) Кардиология: atrial tachycardia (предсердная тахикардия)18) Транспорт: Air Traffic19) Метрология: атомное время20) Фирменный знак: Alpine Touring21) Экология: acid treatment22) Энергетика: autotransformer, автотрансформатор23) Деловая лексика: Ataxia Telangiectasia, после вычета налогов (after tax)24) Бурение: с нарезкой на обоих концах (all thread), с нарезкой по всей длине (all thread)25) Образование: Accessible Technology26) Сетевые технологии: Automatic Transmission27) ЕБРР: appropriate technology28) Полимеры: Abel closed tester, American Terms, action time29) Авиационная медицина: attention30) Расширение файла: Advanced Technology, Audit Trail, Azores Time (-2:00)31) Нефть и газ: atmospheric distillation unit32) Электротехника: ампер-виток33) ООН: Absolute Terror34) Чат: Alt Tasteless35) НАСА: Acceptance Testing36) Федеральное бюро расследований: Atlanta Field Office -
1) Компьютерная техника: Random Access Texture2) Авиация: турбина с приводом скоростным напором3) Спорт: Rookie Auburn Tiger4) Военный термин: Recruit At Training, Recruitment Assessment Team, Recruits At Training, reduced acoustic target, reliability assurance test, remote area terminal, Rapid Action Team5) Техника: radiological assessment team, radiological assistance team, reserve auxiliary transformer6) Шутливое выражение: Rambunctious Adventurous Terrific7) Математика: Regression Analysis Tool8) Религия: Recycled Active Temple9) Юридический термин: Robberies And Thefts10) Телекоммуникации: технология радиодоступа (Radio Access Technology), Radio Access Technology11) Сокращение: Ram Air Turbine (e.g., used in EW pods for power), Ram-Air Turbine, Requirement Analysis Tool, rateau, ration12) Театр: Regional Alternative Theatre13) Вычислительная техника: Register Alias Table, remote automation technology, таблица псевдонимов регистров14) Нефть: проверка гарантии надёжности (reliability assurance test)15) Транспорт: Ride All The Time, Rider's Association Of Triumph, Right At Torrance, Road Anomalies Tour16) Пищевая промышленность: Really Awful Tucker17) Фирменный знак: The Rathskeller Restaurant18) Деловая лексика: Recovery And Transformation, Repair Of Assistive Technology19) Образование: Really Active Teacher, Record Of Achievement And Targets, Reject All Tobacco, Rough And Tumble20) Сетевые технологии: Remote Access Terminal, Remote Administration Tool, технология удалённого управления21) Безопасность: Remote Access Trojan22) Расширение файла: RATS Datafile, Read And Think23) Правительство: Right After Torrance24) НАСА: Reserve Access Team25) Программное обеспечение: Robust Audio Tool -
8 rat
1) Компьютерная техника: Random Access Texture2) Авиация: турбина с приводом скоростным напором3) Спорт: Rookie Auburn Tiger4) Военный термин: Recruit At Training, Recruitment Assessment Team, Recruits At Training, reduced acoustic target, reliability assurance test, remote area terminal, Rapid Action Team5) Техника: radiological assessment team, radiological assistance team, reserve auxiliary transformer6) Шутливое выражение: Rambunctious Adventurous Terrific7) Математика: Regression Analysis Tool8) Религия: Recycled Active Temple9) Юридический термин: Robberies And Thefts10) Телекоммуникации: технология радиодоступа (Radio Access Technology), Radio Access Technology11) Сокращение: Ram Air Turbine (e.g., used in EW pods for power), Ram-Air Turbine, Requirement Analysis Tool, rateau, ration12) Театр: Regional Alternative Theatre13) Вычислительная техника: Register Alias Table, remote automation technology, таблица псевдонимов регистров14) Нефть: проверка гарантии надёжности (reliability assurance test)15) Транспорт: Ride All The Time, Rider's Association Of Triumph, Right At Torrance, Road Anomalies Tour16) Пищевая промышленность: Really Awful Tucker17) Фирменный знак: The Rathskeller Restaurant18) Деловая лексика: Recovery And Transformation, Repair Of Assistive Technology19) Образование: Really Active Teacher, Record Of Achievement And Targets, Reject All Tobacco, Rough And Tumble20) Сетевые технологии: Remote Access Terminal, Remote Administration Tool, технология удалённого управления21) Безопасность: Remote Access Trojan22) Расширение файла: RATS Datafile, Read And Think23) Правительство: Right After Torrance24) НАСА: Reserve Access Team25) Программное обеспечение: Robust Audio Tool -
1) Общая лексика: Corrective Action Tracking System2) Компьютерная техника: Computer Assisted Trouble Shooting, consolidated area telephone system3) Американизм: Complete Anti Terrorist Solution4) Спорт: Children's Athletic Training School5) Военный термин: Civil Affairs Training School, Combat Airlift Tactics' School, Combined Arms Training Strategy, Combined Arms Training Systems, centralized automatic test system, communications and tracking system, comprehensive analytical test system6) Шутливое выражение: Cats Always Tear Stitchery, Crazy Aged Tyrant Stinks7) Бухгалтерия: Customer Account Tracking System8) Биржевой термин: Computer-Assisted Trading System9) Сокращение: Comator Advanced Training System (Sweden), Combat Aircrew Training System, Combined Arms Training Strategy (USA), Common Automated Test System, Common Automatic Test System10) Университет: College Age Tigs Staff, Consortium For Academic Technology Staff, Credit Accumulation And Transfer System11) Электроника: Computer Aided Tolerance Specification12) Вычислительная техника: Computerised Aircraft Tracking System13) Банковское дело: облигации с нулевыми купонами, выпускаемые на основе казначейских бумаг (США; certificates of accrual on Treasury securities)14) Транспорт: Chicago Area Transportation Study15) Пищевая промышленность: Chicken And Tomato Soup16) Фирменный знак: Card And Ticket Shop, Computer Assistive Technology Solutions, Cross Application Time Sheet17) Деловая лексика: Communication And Technology Services, Customer Access To Transactional Services18) Образование: Children Aiming To Succeed, Cycling Against Teen Smoking19) Инвестиции: certificates of accrual on Treasury securities20) Автоматика: computer-aided telemetry system, computer-automated test system21) Расширение файла: Computer Assisted Training System22) SAP.тех. табель рабочего времени23) НАСДАК: Catalyst Semiconductor24) Правительство: Charlotte Area Transit System -
10 cats
1) Общая лексика: Corrective Action Tracking System2) Компьютерная техника: Computer Assisted Trouble Shooting, consolidated area telephone system3) Американизм: Complete Anti Terrorist Solution4) Спорт: Children's Athletic Training School5) Военный термин: Civil Affairs Training School, Combat Airlift Tactics' School, Combined Arms Training Strategy, Combined Arms Training Systems, centralized automatic test system, communications and tracking system, comprehensive analytical test system6) Шутливое выражение: Cats Always Tear Stitchery, Crazy Aged Tyrant Stinks7) Бухгалтерия: Customer Account Tracking System8) Биржевой термин: Computer-Assisted Trading System9) Сокращение: Comator Advanced Training System (Sweden), Combat Aircrew Training System, Combined Arms Training Strategy (USA), Common Automated Test System, Common Automatic Test System10) Университет: College Age Tigs Staff, Consortium For Academic Technology Staff, Credit Accumulation And Transfer System11) Электроника: Computer Aided Tolerance Specification12) Вычислительная техника: Computerised Aircraft Tracking System13) Банковское дело: облигации с нулевыми купонами, выпускаемые на основе казначейских бумаг (США; certificates of accrual on Treasury securities)14) Транспорт: Chicago Area Transportation Study15) Пищевая промышленность: Chicken And Tomato Soup16) Фирменный знак: Card And Ticket Shop, Computer Assistive Technology Solutions, Cross Application Time Sheet17) Деловая лексика: Communication And Technology Services, Customer Access To Transactional Services18) Образование: Children Aiming To Succeed, Cycling Against Teen Smoking19) Инвестиции: certificates of accrual on Treasury securities20) Автоматика: computer-aided telemetry system, computer-automated test system21) Расширение файла: Computer Assisted Training System22) SAP.тех. табель рабочего времени23) НАСДАК: Catalyst Semiconductor24) Правительство: Charlotte Area Transit System -
1) Американизм: Interagency Project For Assistive Technology2) Ботаника: Industry Performance Analyser For Tourism3) Военный термин: Inspector of Physical and Adventurous Training, Intelligence Planning/Programming Analysis Tool, International Programs Acquisition Team4) Сокращение: Inertial Pointing Aided Tracking5) Вычислительная техника: ISDN primary access transceiver6) ЕБРР: (произносится 'eye-pat') формула физического воздействия человека на окружающую среду (I = P x A x T - Impact, Population, Affluence, Technology)7) Авиационная медицина: Institute of Personality and Ability Testing -
1) Военный термин: Single Engine Air Tanker, status evaluation and test, system end around test2) Шутливое выражение: Society For Enlightenment And Transformation3) Университет: The School Of Engineering And Advanced Technology4) Образование: Special Education Assistive Technology -
13 seat
1) Военный термин: Single Engine Air Tanker, status evaluation and test, system end around test2) Шутливое выражение: Society For Enlightenment And Transformation3) Университет: The School Of Engineering And Advanced Technology4) Образование: Special Education Assistive Technology -
Образование: Georgia Project for Assistive Technology -
16 Paat
1) Сокращение: World Association of Travel Agencies2) Фирменный знак: Washington Assistive Technology Alliance, Witwatersrand African Taxi Association
См. также в других словарях:
Assistive technology — (AT) is a generic term that includes assistive, adaptive, and rehabilitative devices for people with disabilities and includes the process used in selecting, locating, and using them. AT promotes greater independence by enabling people to perform … Wikipedia
Assistive technology — This term may be used to mean an assistive device, but more commonly denotes some kind of electronic or computerized device that helps a disabled person to function more easily in the world. Examples of assistive technology include devices that… … Medical dictionary
Assistive technology service provider — Assistive technology service providers help individuals with disabilities acquire and use appropriate Assistive Technology (AT) to help them participate in activities of daily living, employment and education.There are few pre service programs… … Wikipedia
Assistive Technology Service Provider Interface — (AT SPI) is a toolkit neutral way of providing accessibility facilities in applications. It was developed by the GNOME project. AT SPI toolkits provide a logical representation of the content of the application. Helpful assistants like screen… … Wikipedia
Assistive Technology Service Provider Interface — (AT SPI) ist eine Toolkit neutrale Möglichkeit, Anwendungen mit Möglichkeiten der Barrierefreiheit auszustatten. Es wurde vom GNOME Accessibility project entwickelt. AT SPI liefert eine logische Darstellung der Benutzerschnittstelle einer… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Assistive Technology Service Provider Interface — En informatique, AT SPI (Assistive Technology Service Provider Interface) est une interface pour fournir un service d assistance aux personnes handicapées, il améliore l accessibilité aux applications et est inclus dans le projet GNOME. Cette… … Wikipédia en Français
assistive technology — Any device or technology that helps a disabled person. Examples are special grips for holding utensils, computer screen monitors to help a person with low vision read more easily, computers controlled by talking, telephones that make the sound… … English dictionary of cancer terms
Center for Assistive Technology and Environmental Access — Infobox Company company name = Georgia Institute of Technology Center for Assistive Technology and Environmental Access company company type = Nonprofit foundation = 1980 location = Atlanta, Georgia, USA key people = Stephen Sprigle, Director… … Wikipedia
Disability & Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology — … Wikipedia
Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America — (RESNA) is an interdisciplinary association of people with a common interest in technology and disability. It s mission statement notes that RESNA s mission is to improve the potential of people with disabilities to achieve their goals through… … Wikipedia
Orca (assistive technology) — Orca Developer(s) Sun Microsystems and community Stable release 2.19 (18/6/7) [ … Wikipedia