1 asset value per share
2 asset value per share
2) Банковское дело: стоимость активов компании в расчёте на одну акцию -
3 asset value (per share)
общая стоимость активов компании за вычетом ее обязательств, деленная на количество обыкновенных акций, находящихся в обращенииАнгло-русский экономический словарь > asset value (per share)
4 asset value per share
English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > asset value per share
5 asset value per share
English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > asset value per share
6 asset value per share
English_Russian capital issues dictionary > asset value per share
7 net asset value per share
сокр. NAV per share, NAVPS фин. чистые активы [стоимость чистых активов\] на акцию (отношение стоимости чистых активов за вычетом номинальной стоимости привилегированных акций к количеству обыкновенных акций в обращении; данный показатель используется для сравнения с рыночными ценами акций и поиска акций с заниженными рыночными ценами)Syn:See:* * *стоимость чистых активов, деленная на общее число выпущенных организацией обыкновенных акций-----стоимость чистых активов, деленная на общее число выпущенных организацией обыкновенных акцийАнгло-русский экономический словарь > net asset value per share
8 net asset value per share
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > net asset value per share
9 Net Asset Value per Share of Preferred (Common) Stock
Общая лексика: Чистая номинальная стоимость активов в расчёте на привилегированную (обыкновенную) акциюУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > Net Asset Value per Share of Preferred (Common) Stock
10 net asset value per share
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > net asset value per share
11 net asset value per share of preferred stock
Общая лексика: (Common) Чистая номинальная стоимость активов в расчёте на привилегированную (обыкновенную) акциюУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > net asset value per share of preferred stock
12 net current asset value per share
Деловая лексика: стоимость чистых текущих активов в расчёте на одну акцию (оборотный капитал, разделенный на количество выпущенных обыкновенных акций.)Универсальный англо-русский словарь > net current asset value per share
13 net asset value per share (NAV)
Англо-русский экономический словарь > net asset value per share (NAV)
14 net asset value per share (NAV)
Англо-русский экономический словарь > net asset value per share (NAV)
15 net asset value per share of preferred stock
English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > net asset value per share of preferred stock
16 net asset value per share of common stock
English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > net asset value per share of common stock
17 net asset value per share of preferred stock
English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > net asset value per share of preferred stock
18 net asset value per share
English_Russian capital issues dictionary > net asset value per share
19 net asset value per share of common stock
English_Russian capital issues dictionary > net asset value per share of common stock
20 net asset value per share of preferred stock
English_Russian capital issues dictionary > net asset value per share of preferred stock
См. также в других словарях:
asset value per share — ➔ value1 * * * asset value per share UK US noun [U] ► ACCOUNTING, FINANCE the total value of a company s assets, divided by the number of shares the company has sold: »There is an increase in asset value per share for the remaining shareholders.… … Financial and business terms
Asset Value Per Share — The total value of a fund s investments divided by its number of shares outstanding. This type of asset value per share is more commonly referred to as net asset value per share or simply net asset value or NAV. Asset value per share can also… … Investment dictionary
asset value (per share) — break up value The total value of the assets of a company less its liabilities, divided by the number of ordinary shares in issue. This represents in theory, although probably not in practice, the amount attributable to each share if the company… … Accounting dictionary
asset value (per share) — break up value The total value of the assets of a company less its liabilities, divided by the number of ordinary shares in issue. This represents in theory, although probably not in practice, the amount attributable to each share if the company… … Accounting dictionary
asset value (per share) — break up value The total value of the assets of a company less its liabilities, divided by the number of ordinary shares in issue. This represents in theory, although probably not in practice, the amount attributable to each share if the company… … Big dictionary of business and management
asset value (per share) — break up value The total value of the assets of a company less its liabilities, divided by the number of ordinary shares in issue. This represents in theory, although probably not in practice, the amount attributable to each share if the company… … Big dictionary of business and management
Net Asset Value Per Share - NAVPS — An expression for net asset value that represents a fund s (mutual, exchange traded, and closed end) or a company s value per share. It is calculated by dividing the total net asset value of the fund or company by the number of shares outstanding … Investment dictionary
net asset value per share — UK US noun [S or U] (WRITTEN ABBREVIATION NAVPS) ACCOUNTING, FINANCE ► the value of a share in a company, calculated by subtracting a company’s total debt from its total assets and dividing the result by the number of shares that exist: »In the… … Financial and business terms
Net Current Asset Value Per Share - NCAVPS — A value created by professor Benjamin Graham in the mid twentieth century to determine if a company was trading at a fair market price. NCAVPS is calculated by taking a company s current assets and subtracting the total liabilities, and then… … Investment dictionary
net asset value per share — /net ˌæset ˌvælju pə ʃeə/ noun the value of a company calculated by dividing the shareholders’ funds by the number of shares issued … Dictionary of banking and finance
Net asset value — (NAV) is a term used to describe the value of an entity s assets less the value of its liabilities. The term is most commonly used in relation to open ended or mutual funds because shares of such funds registered with the U.S. Securities and… … Wikipedia