1 asset profile
Экономика: структура активов -
2 asset profile
English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > asset profile
3 asset profile
4 profile
n1) характеристика; позиция2) структура3) параметры пользователя (держателя карточки) или показатели деятельности компании
- asset profile
- company profile
- credit profile
- demand profile
- down-time profile
- earnings profile
- employee profile
- high profile
- loan profile
- low profile
- market profile
- offshore profile
- risk profile
- time profile
- user profiles
- adopt a high profile on an issue
- keep a low profile
- lower the profileEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > profile
5 profile
1) характеристика; позиция2) структура•The country should take advantage of its lower debt profile. — Страна должна воспользоваться тем, что у нее небольшая задолженность.
1) Общая лексика: hum. сокр. Percent Of Accepted Mutations, Professions Allied to Medicine2) Морской термин: пассивный гидроакустический мониторинг, passive acoustic monitoring, Porte Autonome de Marseilles3) Медицина: portative activity monitor, pyridine aldoxime methiodide, pyridine aldoximine methiodide4) Военный термин: Phoenix airborne missile, Procurement Aircraft and Missiles, partial mobilization, payload assist module, permanent active militia, personnel accounting management, personnel action memorandum, planning, activation, modification, post-acceptance modification, priorities and allocations manual, procurement aids man, procurement of aircraft and missiles5) Техника: Pozzolan Aggregate Mixture, Pozzolanic Mixtures, peat-alcohol mixture, phone activities manager, polyacryl amide, portable alpha monitor, post accident monitoring, programmable algorithm machine, programmable arm manipulator, propulsion and avionics module6) Религия: Prayer And Miracles7) Железнодорожный термин: Pittsburgh Allegheny and McKees Rocks Railroad Company8) Юридический термин: дивизион PAM (Emerson Process Management contains the Plant Asset Management (PAM) division within the Asset Optimization (AO) Division), Plant Asset Management9) Сокращение: Pampanga, Payload Assisted Module, Penetration Augmented Munition, Penetration-Augmented Munition (special forces), Permanent Athwartship Magnetism, Pulse Amplification Modulation, Polyciclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon, Pacific Armies Management, Packetized Audio Mixer, Page Allocation Map (CICS), Pamir (linguistics), Parque de Atracciones de Madrid (amusement park), Partitioning Around Medoids (statistics), Partner Account Manager (sales), Pass Along Message, Passband Amplitude Modulation, Password Authentication Module, Patent Application Management, Payload Accommodation Manager, Payload Activation Message, People's Action Movement (Saint Kitts and Nevis), Peptidylglycine Alpha-Amidating Mono-Oxygenase, Percentage Accepted Mutation (bioinformatics), Perceptual Assimilation Model, Performance Archive Manager (Visual Networks), Performance Assessment Matrix, Pericolo in Mare (Italian: in danger at sea; SOS), Peripheral Adapter Module, Permanent Archive Manager, Personal Address Manager, Personal Alien Manager (gaming), Personal Applications Manager, Personnel Authorizations Module, Pertubuhan Akitek Malaysia (Malaysian Institute of Architects), Pesticide Analytical Manual (FDA), Petersen Automotive Museum (Los Angeles, CA), Physical Activity Monitor, Physical Address Mapping, Plant Available Moisture, Pluggable Authentication Modules (information technology), Point Accepted Mutation, Point Ahead Mirror, Pointer Analysis Module, Pole Amplitude Modulation (system of motor windings), Policies and Measures, Policy Analysis Market (DARPA), Poly-Acrylamide, Porcine Alveolar Macrophage, Port Adapter Module, Port to Application Mapping, Portable Alpha Meter (alpha particle detector), Post-Auricular Muscle, Postaccident Monitoring, Power Amplifier Module, Pre-Assessment Meeting, Precision Attack Missile, Predictive Aircraft Maintenance, Presbyterian Association of Musicians, Presence and Availability Management (PAMF), Pressure-Alkali Monitor, Preventive Aerospace Medicine (team; US DoD), Primary Amoebic Meningoencephalitis (medicine), Primary Automation Manager, Princeton Asset Management, Proactive Asset Management, Proactive Automated Management, Problem Analysis Matrix, Process Algebra Meetings, Process Application Module, Procurement, Aircraft & Missiles, Product Application Modules, Production Application Management, Profile Administration Manager, Program Analysis Memorandum, Program Area Manager, Program Assumptions Memorandum, Programma Alimentare Mondiale, Programmable Active Memory, Programmable Attribute Map, Programmable Authentication Module, Programmable Automotive Microprocessor, Programme Against Malnutrition (Lusaka, Zambia), Programme Alimentaire Mondial (French: World Food Program), Progressive Asset Management (Financial West Group), Promise Array Management, Proud Arabian Mare (Breyer mold), Proud Army Mom, Public Access Manager, Public Affairs Manager, Published Application Manager (Citrix Metaframe Utility), Pulmonary Alveolar Macrophage, Pulse Adapter Module, Pulse Amplifier Modulation, Pupil Adjust Mechanism (used on telescopes), Purpose, Audience, Message (writing goals model)10) Физиология: Pregnancy After Miscarriage11) Вычислительная техника: Paging Area Memory, Pluggable Authentication Module, partitioned access method, priority access method, Primary Access Method (BS2000), Programmable Attribute Maps (DRAM, PCI), Pluggable Authentication Module (Linux, LISA), Payload Assist Module (Space), pulse-amplitude modulation, администратор приложений для персонального компьютера12) Иммунология: pulmonary alveolar macrophages, (positive allosteric modulator) позитивный аллостерический модулятор13) Космонавтика: библиотечный метод доступа14) Деловая лексика: Promote Advertise Market15) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: preserved amplitude method16) Сетевые технологии: Port Address Mapping, Port-Assignment Module, Portable Authentication Module, personal application manager, pulse amplitude modulation, администратор приложений для ПК, импульсно-амплитудная модуляция, модуль назначения портов, программа доступа пользователя, Port Adapter Modules (Cisco)17) Полимеры: polyacrylamide18) Автоматика: positive active material19) Химическое оружие: pralidoxime20) Расширение файла: Process Automatic Monitor, Pluggable Authentication Module (library)21) Должность: Professional Audience Member -
7 Pam
1) Общая лексика: hum. сокр. Percent Of Accepted Mutations, Professions Allied to Medicine2) Морской термин: пассивный гидроакустический мониторинг, passive acoustic monitoring, Porte Autonome de Marseilles3) Медицина: portative activity monitor, pyridine aldoxime methiodide, pyridine aldoximine methiodide4) Военный термин: Phoenix airborne missile, Procurement Aircraft and Missiles, partial mobilization, payload assist module, permanent active militia, personnel accounting management, personnel action memorandum, planning, activation, modification, post-acceptance modification, priorities and allocations manual, procurement aids man, procurement of aircraft and missiles5) Техника: Pozzolan Aggregate Mixture, Pozzolanic Mixtures, peat-alcohol mixture, phone activities manager, polyacryl amide, portable alpha monitor, post accident monitoring, programmable algorithm machine, programmable arm manipulator, propulsion and avionics module6) Религия: Prayer And Miracles7) Железнодорожный термин: Pittsburgh Allegheny and McKees Rocks Railroad Company8) Юридический термин: дивизион PAM (Emerson Process Management contains the Plant Asset Management (PAM) division within the Asset Optimization (AO) Division), Plant Asset Management9) Сокращение: Pampanga, Payload Assisted Module, Penetration Augmented Munition, Penetration-Augmented Munition (special forces), Permanent Athwartship Magnetism, Pulse Amplification Modulation, Polyciclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon, Pacific Armies Management, Packetized Audio Mixer, Page Allocation Map (CICS), Pamir (linguistics), Parque de Atracciones de Madrid (amusement park), Partitioning Around Medoids (statistics), Partner Account Manager (sales), Pass Along Message, Passband Amplitude Modulation, Password Authentication Module, Patent Application Management, Payload Accommodation Manager, Payload Activation Message, People's Action Movement (Saint Kitts and Nevis), Peptidylglycine Alpha-Amidating Mono-Oxygenase, Percentage Accepted Mutation (bioinformatics), Perceptual Assimilation Model, Performance Archive Manager (Visual Networks), Performance Assessment Matrix, Pericolo in Mare (Italian: in danger at sea; SOS), Peripheral Adapter Module, Permanent Archive Manager, Personal Address Manager, Personal Alien Manager (gaming), Personal Applications Manager, Personnel Authorizations Module, Pertubuhan Akitek Malaysia (Malaysian Institute of Architects), Pesticide Analytical Manual (FDA), Petersen Automotive Museum (Los Angeles, CA), Physical Activity Monitor, Physical Address Mapping, Plant Available Moisture, Pluggable Authentication Modules (information technology), Point Accepted Mutation, Point Ahead Mirror, Pointer Analysis Module, Pole Amplitude Modulation (system of motor windings), Policies and Measures, Policy Analysis Market (DARPA), Poly-Acrylamide, Porcine Alveolar Macrophage, Port Adapter Module, Port to Application Mapping, Portable Alpha Meter (alpha particle detector), Post-Auricular Muscle, Postaccident Monitoring, Power Amplifier Module, Pre-Assessment Meeting, Precision Attack Missile, Predictive Aircraft Maintenance, Presbyterian Association of Musicians, Presence and Availability Management (PAMF), Pressure-Alkali Monitor, Preventive Aerospace Medicine (team; US DoD), Primary Amoebic Meningoencephalitis (medicine), Primary Automation Manager, Princeton Asset Management, Proactive Asset Management, Proactive Automated Management, Problem Analysis Matrix, Process Algebra Meetings, Process Application Module, Procurement, Aircraft & Missiles, Product Application Modules, Production Application Management, Profile Administration Manager, Program Analysis Memorandum, Program Area Manager, Program Assumptions Memorandum, Programma Alimentare Mondiale, Programmable Active Memory, Programmable Attribute Map, Programmable Authentication Module, Programmable Automotive Microprocessor, Programme Against Malnutrition (Lusaka, Zambia), Programme Alimentaire Mondial (French: World Food Program), Progressive Asset Management (Financial West Group), Promise Array Management, Proud Arabian Mare (Breyer mold), Proud Army Mom, Public Access Manager, Public Affairs Manager, Published Application Manager (Citrix Metaframe Utility), Pulmonary Alveolar Macrophage, Pulse Adapter Module, Pulse Amplifier Modulation, Pupil Adjust Mechanism (used on telescopes), Purpose, Audience, Message (writing goals model)10) Физиология: Pregnancy After Miscarriage11) Вычислительная техника: Paging Area Memory, Pluggable Authentication Module, partitioned access method, priority access method, Primary Access Method (BS2000), Programmable Attribute Maps (DRAM, PCI), Pluggable Authentication Module (Linux, LISA), Payload Assist Module (Space), pulse-amplitude modulation, администратор приложений для персонального компьютера12) Иммунология: pulmonary alveolar macrophages, (positive allosteric modulator) позитивный аллостерический модулятор13) Космонавтика: библиотечный метод доступа14) Деловая лексика: Promote Advertise Market15) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: preserved amplitude method16) Сетевые технологии: Port Address Mapping, Port-Assignment Module, Portable Authentication Module, personal application manager, pulse amplitude modulation, администратор приложений для ПК, импульсно-амплитудная модуляция, модуль назначения портов, программа доступа пользователя, Port Adapter Modules (Cisco)17) Полимеры: polyacrylamide18) Автоматика: positive active material19) Химическое оружие: pralidoxime20) Расширение файла: Process Automatic Monitor, Pluggable Authentication Module (library)21) Должность: Professional Audience Member -
8 pam
1) Общая лексика: hum. сокр. Percent Of Accepted Mutations, Professions Allied to Medicine2) Морской термин: пассивный гидроакустический мониторинг, passive acoustic monitoring, Porte Autonome de Marseilles3) Медицина: portative activity monitor, pyridine aldoxime methiodide, pyridine aldoximine methiodide4) Военный термин: Phoenix airborne missile, Procurement Aircraft and Missiles, partial mobilization, payload assist module, permanent active militia, personnel accounting management, personnel action memorandum, planning, activation, modification, post-acceptance modification, priorities and allocations manual, procurement aids man, procurement of aircraft and missiles5) Техника: Pozzolan Aggregate Mixture, Pozzolanic Mixtures, peat-alcohol mixture, phone activities manager, polyacryl amide, portable alpha monitor, post accident monitoring, programmable algorithm machine, programmable arm manipulator, propulsion and avionics module6) Религия: Prayer And Miracles7) Железнодорожный термин: Pittsburgh Allegheny and McKees Rocks Railroad Company8) Юридический термин: дивизион PAM (Emerson Process Management contains the Plant Asset Management (PAM) division within the Asset Optimization (AO) Division), Plant Asset Management9) Сокращение: Pampanga, Payload Assisted Module, Penetration Augmented Munition, Penetration-Augmented Munition (special forces), Permanent Athwartship Magnetism, Pulse Amplification Modulation, Polyciclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon, Pacific Armies Management, Packetized Audio Mixer, Page Allocation Map (CICS), Pamir (linguistics), Parque de Atracciones de Madrid (amusement park), Partitioning Around Medoids (statistics), Partner Account Manager (sales), Pass Along Message, Passband Amplitude Modulation, Password Authentication Module, Patent Application Management, Payload Accommodation Manager, Payload Activation Message, People's Action Movement (Saint Kitts and Nevis), Peptidylglycine Alpha-Amidating Mono-Oxygenase, Percentage Accepted Mutation (bioinformatics), Perceptual Assimilation Model, Performance Archive Manager (Visual Networks), Performance Assessment Matrix, Pericolo in Mare (Italian: in danger at sea; SOS), Peripheral Adapter Module, Permanent Archive Manager, Personal Address Manager, Personal Alien Manager (gaming), Personal Applications Manager, Personnel Authorizations Module, Pertubuhan Akitek Malaysia (Malaysian Institute of Architects), Pesticide Analytical Manual (FDA), Petersen Automotive Museum (Los Angeles, CA), Physical Activity Monitor, Physical Address Mapping, Plant Available Moisture, Pluggable Authentication Modules (information technology), Point Accepted Mutation, Point Ahead Mirror, Pointer Analysis Module, Pole Amplitude Modulation (system of motor windings), Policies and Measures, Policy Analysis Market (DARPA), Poly-Acrylamide, Porcine Alveolar Macrophage, Port Adapter Module, Port to Application Mapping, Portable Alpha Meter (alpha particle detector), Post-Auricular Muscle, Postaccident Monitoring, Power Amplifier Module, Pre-Assessment Meeting, Precision Attack Missile, Predictive Aircraft Maintenance, Presbyterian Association of Musicians, Presence and Availability Management (PAMF), Pressure-Alkali Monitor, Preventive Aerospace Medicine (team; US DoD), Primary Amoebic Meningoencephalitis (medicine), Primary Automation Manager, Princeton Asset Management, Proactive Asset Management, Proactive Automated Management, Problem Analysis Matrix, Process Algebra Meetings, Process Application Module, Procurement, Aircraft & Missiles, Product Application Modules, Production Application Management, Profile Administration Manager, Program Analysis Memorandum, Program Area Manager, Program Assumptions Memorandum, Programma Alimentare Mondiale, Programmable Active Memory, Programmable Attribute Map, Programmable Authentication Module, Programmable Automotive Microprocessor, Programme Against Malnutrition (Lusaka, Zambia), Programme Alimentaire Mondial (French: World Food Program), Progressive Asset Management (Financial West Group), Promise Array Management, Proud Arabian Mare (Breyer mold), Proud Army Mom, Public Access Manager, Public Affairs Manager, Published Application Manager (Citrix Metaframe Utility), Pulmonary Alveolar Macrophage, Pulse Adapter Module, Pulse Amplifier Modulation, Pupil Adjust Mechanism (used on telescopes), Purpose, Audience, Message (writing goals model)10) Физиология: Pregnancy After Miscarriage11) Вычислительная техника: Paging Area Memory, Pluggable Authentication Module, partitioned access method, priority access method, Primary Access Method (BS2000), Programmable Attribute Maps (DRAM, PCI), Pluggable Authentication Module (Linux, LISA), Payload Assist Module (Space), pulse-amplitude modulation, администратор приложений для персонального компьютера12) Иммунология: pulmonary alveolar macrophages, (positive allosteric modulator) позитивный аллостерический модулятор13) Космонавтика: библиотечный метод доступа14) Деловая лексика: Promote Advertise Market15) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: preserved amplitude method16) Сетевые технологии: Port Address Mapping, Port-Assignment Module, Portable Authentication Module, personal application manager, pulse amplitude modulation, администратор приложений для ПК, импульсно-амплитудная модуляция, модуль назначения портов, программа доступа пользователя, Port Adapter Modules (Cisco)17) Полимеры: polyacrylamide18) Автоматика: positive active material19) Химическое оружие: pralidoxime20) Расширение файла: Process Automatic Monitor, Pluggable Authentication Module (library)21) Должность: Professional Audience Member -
1) Общая лексика: (good agricultural practice) добросовестная сельскохозяйственная практика (Официально принятые в ЕС стандарты ведения сельскохозяйственного производства, обеспечивающие минимизацию негативных последствий для окружающей среды и высокое качество пр)2) Компьютерная техника: Game Availability Page, Generalized Area Partitioning, Generate And Print, Gimp Animation Package, Global Access Project, Global Attention Profile, Graphic Analyzer Program, Gsm Applications And Products3) Американизм: Gender And Policy, Generation Of Action And Power, Genocide Awareness Project, Global Action Plan, Great And Proud5) Латинский язык: Gloria Al Padre6) Военный термин: Geographic Analysis Project, Geographic Approach To Planning, Gross Aggregate Position, Group Advisory Panel, government aircraft plant, grant aid program, guided antitank projectile, gun aiming point, gun-fired antitank projectile7) Техника: GOAL automatic procedure, general allocation problem, graphics appraisal program, group on antennas and propagation8) Сельское хозяйство: Good Agricultural Practice9) Шутливое выражение: Girls All Pause, Girls Are Powerful10) Математика: Groups Algorithms And Programs11) Религия: God Always Provides, God Answers Prayer, God Answers Prayers, God's Anointed People, God's Army Of People, God's Awesome Power, Gospel For All Peoples, Grace Apparatus For Perception, Grace At Prayer, Great Awakening Prayer12) Бухгалтерия: Guaranteed Asset Protection13) Ветеринария: Greyhound Adoption Program14) Грубое выражение: Gangster Ass Punk15) Сокращение: GTPase Activating Protein, Glycidyl Azide Polymer, Gun Aiming Post, Grid Array Package16) Текстиль: Great Amnesia Project17) Университет: Gender And Policies, Graduates And Professionals, Great Ape Project18) Физиология: Gluteal Artery Perforator19) Электроника: Gallium Phosphide, Gap Analysis Project20) Вычислительная техника: Generic Address Parameter, Generic Access Profile (DECT, Europa, Bluetooth), generic access profile21) Транспорт: Guaranteed Auto Protection22) Фирменный знак: Greenwood Archer And Pine23) Экология: Glaciology of the Antarctic Peninsula24) Деловая лексика: Gravity Assisted Packing, Greed Abuse And Profit25) Образование: Generating Academic Performance, Generating Academic Potential, Georgia Assessment Project, Grab A Pen, Group Assessment Program, Grumbling Abatement Program, Guardian Angel Project26) Сетевые технологии: Guidance Access Point27) Расширение файла: General Assembly Program28) ООН: Genocide Awareness Program29) Общественная организация: Global Aid Partners, Guild Alliance Program30) Должность: Generally Annoying People, Graduate And Professional, Guaranteed A Project31) Правительство: Governance And Planning32) NYSE. Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Company, Inc.33) Программное обеспечение: Gap Analysis Program, Geographic Analysis Program -
10 gap
1) Общая лексика: (good agricultural practice) добросовестная сельскохозяйственная практика (Официально принятые в ЕС стандарты ведения сельскохозяйственного производства, обеспечивающие минимизацию негативных последствий для окружающей среды и высокое качество пр)2) Компьютерная техника: Game Availability Page, Generalized Area Partitioning, Generate And Print, Gimp Animation Package, Global Access Project, Global Attention Profile, Graphic Analyzer Program, Gsm Applications And Products3) Американизм: Gender And Policy, Generation Of Action And Power, Genocide Awareness Project, Global Action Plan, Great And Proud5) Латинский язык: Gloria Al Padre6) Военный термин: Geographic Analysis Project, Geographic Approach To Planning, Gross Aggregate Position, Group Advisory Panel, government aircraft plant, grant aid program, guided antitank projectile, gun aiming point, gun-fired antitank projectile7) Техника: GOAL automatic procedure, general allocation problem, graphics appraisal program, group on antennas and propagation8) Сельское хозяйство: Good Agricultural Practice9) Шутливое выражение: Girls All Pause, Girls Are Powerful10) Математика: Groups Algorithms And Programs11) Религия: God Always Provides, God Answers Prayer, God Answers Prayers, God's Anointed People, God's Army Of People, God's Awesome Power, Gospel For All Peoples, Grace Apparatus For Perception, Grace At Prayer, Great Awakening Prayer12) Бухгалтерия: Guaranteed Asset Protection13) Ветеринария: Greyhound Adoption Program14) Грубое выражение: Gangster Ass Punk15) Сокращение: GTPase Activating Protein, Glycidyl Azide Polymer, Gun Aiming Post, Grid Array Package16) Текстиль: Great Amnesia Project17) Университет: Gender And Policies, Graduates And Professionals, Great Ape Project18) Физиология: Gluteal Artery Perforator19) Электроника: Gallium Phosphide, Gap Analysis Project20) Вычислительная техника: Generic Address Parameter, Generic Access Profile (DECT, Europa, Bluetooth), generic access profile21) Транспорт: Guaranteed Auto Protection22) Фирменный знак: Greenwood Archer And Pine23) Экология: Glaciology of the Antarctic Peninsula24) Деловая лексика: Gravity Assisted Packing, Greed Abuse And Profit25) Образование: Generating Academic Performance, Generating Academic Potential, Georgia Assessment Project, Grab A Pen, Group Assessment Program, Grumbling Abatement Program, Guardian Angel Project26) Сетевые технологии: Guidance Access Point27) Расширение файла: General Assembly Program28) ООН: Genocide Awareness Program29) Общественная организация: Global Aid Partners, Guild Alliance Program30) Должность: Generally Annoying People, Graduate And Professional, Guaranteed A Project31) Правительство: Governance And Planning32) NYSE. Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Company, Inc.33) Программное обеспечение: Gap Analysis Program, Geographic Analysis Program -
11 ACP
1) Общая лексика: страны Африки, Карибского бассейна и тихоокеанского региона2) Компьютерная техника: Administration Control Panel3) Авиация: area call panel, attendent control panel, audio control panel, рейтинг процедурного контроля района4) Медицина: acyl transported protein, anodal closing picture ( сокр.) (картина при анодном замыкании)5) Американизм: Advance Care Planning6) Военный термин: African, Caribbean, and Pacific, Airspace Control Plan, Allied Communication Publication, Allied Communications Pamphlet, Allied Communications Protocol, Allied Communications Publication, Allied Communications Publications, Area Coordination Paper, Army Capabilities Plan, Assault CP, Asset Capitalization Program, Auto Colt Pistol, Automated Command Post, Automatic Cartridge Pistol, acceptance checkout procedure, acoustic communications program, adaptive control process, advanced command post, advanced computation processor, air control point, air coordination point, airborne command post, aircraft communications procedures, airdrome control point, airlift command post, airspace coordination point, alternate command post, ammunition control point, analytical computer program, area command post, area concepts paper, area coordinating paper, armament control panel, armored car, personnel, asphaltic concrete pavement, atmospheric contaminational potential, augmented command post, automatic Colt pistol, auxiliary check point, auxiliary command post, auxiliary control point7) Техника: advanced computational processor, aerospace computer program, aircraft communications procedure, alignment control panel, analyzer control processor, astronaut control panel, attack center panel, attitude control program, audio center equipment, auxiliary control panel, azimuth change pulses8) Сельское хозяйство: Agricultural Conservation Program9) Шутливое выражение: Ass Clown Posse10) Метеорология: Atmospheric Chemistry Program11) Бухгалтерия: Activities Channels And Pools, Annual Compensation Payment, Anticipated Cash Provider, Average Conditional Probability, Average Contribution Percentage12) Автомобильный термин: air conditioning pressure signal13) Ветеринария: Association of Circus Proprietors14) Оптика: acquisition control processor15) Сокращение: Access Control Protocol, African / Caribbean / Pacific (NATO), African, Caribbean and Pacific Associates, Airfield Clearance Plough (UK), Allied Communications Procedures / Publication (NATO), Altimeter Check Point, American College of Physicians, Automated Communications Processor, Ancillary Control Process, Associated Collegiate Press («Объединённая университетская пресса» (организация преподавателей журналистики в американских высших учебных заведениях)), Associated Church Press (Объединение издателей церковной периодической прессы (США)), Animal Care Panel (Объединение специалистов по разведению, уходу и использованию в лабораториях подопытных животных (США)), Automobile Club of Portugal (Португальский автомобильный клуб), assistant commissioner of police (помощник комиссара полиции, сокращение принято в Индии), Anti-Concorde Project (проект «Анти-Конкорд»), Ancillary Control Program16) Университет: Applied Communication Program17) Физиология: Acid Phosphatase, Acyl Carrier Protein18) Электроника: Azimuth Charge Pulse19) Вычислительная техника: Auxillary Control Process, вспомогательный управляющий процессор, Active Configuration Profile (MODEM), african, Caribbean and pacific (countries), African, Caribbean and pacific [countries]20) Нефть: Area Contingency Plan, ancillary control processor21) Иммунология: alternative complement pathway22) Стоматология: amorphous calcium phosphate23) Воздухоплавание: Azimuth Change Pulse24) Деловая лексика: African Caribbean and Pacific States25) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: зональная программа действий в аварийных ситуациях26) Нефтепромысловый: затрубный химический пакер (annular chemical packer)27) Программирование: Ansi Code Page28) Химическое оружие: Army Cost Position, Army Cost Proposal, automatic crash protection29) Военно-морской флот: attack center panel( сокр.) (приборная панель в главном командном пункте (корабля); подв приборная панель поста атаки)30) Расширение файла: Auxiliary Control Process, Compressed file archive (ACB), Assistant preview file (Ms Office)31) Нефть и газ: annular chemical packer, ЗХП, затрубный химический пакер32) Высокочастотная электроника: adjacent-channel power33) Должность: Associated Computer Professional34) NYSE. American Real Estate Partners35) Единицы измерений: Average Contribution Percent
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Asset allocation — is a term used to refer to how an investor distributes his or her investments among various classes of investment vehicles (e.g., stocks and bonds). A large part of financial planning is finding an asset allocation that is appropriate for a given … Wikipedia
Asset Management Plan — An Asset Management Plan (AMP) is a tactical plan for managing an organisation s infrastructure and other assets in order to deliver an agreed standard of service. Typically, an Asset Management Plan will cover more than a single asset, taking a… … Wikipedia
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Capital asset pricing model — In finance, the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) is used to determine a theoretically appropriate required rate of return of an asset, if that asset is to be added to an already well diversified portfolio, given that asset s non diversifiable… … Wikipedia
Aberdeen Asset Management — Infobox Company company name = Aberdeen Asset Management company type = Public (lse|ADN) company foundation = 1983 location = Aberdeen, Scotland, UK key people = Charles Irby, Chairman Martin Gilbert, CEO industry = Finance products = revenue =… … Wikipedia
Infrastructure Asset Management — is the discipline of managing infrastructure assets that underpin an economy, such as roading, water supply, wastewater, stormwater, power supply, flood management, recreational and other assets. In the past these assets have typically been owned … Wikipedia
risk profile — The slope of a line graphed according to the value of an underlying asset on the x axis and the value of a position exposed to risk in the underlying asset on the y axis. Also used with changes in value. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary See: payoff … Financial and business terms
Intangible asset finance — is the branch of finance that deals with intangible assets such as patents (legal intangible) and reputation (competitive intangible). Like other areas of finance, intangible asset finance is concerned with the the interdependence of value, risk … Wikipedia
payoff profile — The slope of a line graphed according to the value of an underlying asset on the x axis and the value of a position taken to hedge against risk exposure on the y axis. Also used with changes in value. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary See: risk… … Financial and business terms