1 asquint
[əʹskwınt] a predicкосо (обыкн. с гл. look)to look asquint - а) косить глазами; б) смотреть косо /подозрительно/
2 asquint
3 asquint
4 asquint
5 asquint
[ə`skwɪnt]искосаАнгло-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > asquint
6 asquint
7 asquint
8 asquint
a predic косо -
9 look asquint
Общая лексика: косить глазами, смотреть косо, смотреть подозрительно -
10 искоса
11 косить
12 косо
13 askew
əsˈkju: нареч.
1) неровно, косо, криво, наклонно The picture hung askew. ≈ Картина висела криво. Syn: awry, crookedly, askance, askant, obliquely
2) вкось, искоса He looked at me. askew ≈ Он искоса взглянул на меня. Syn: askance>, asquint, askantкосой, кривой искаженный - some of his facts and dates are * некоторые приведенные им факты и даты перепутаны криво, косо;
искоса - the blinds are hanging * шторы висят криво - he wore his hat * шляпу он носил набекрень - he looked * at me он косо посмотрел на меняaskew искоса;
he looked at them askew он покосился на них ~ криво, косо;
to hang a picture askew повесить картину косо~ криво, косо;
to hang a picture askew повесить картину косоaskew искоса;
he looked at them askew он покосился на них -
14 agley
15 askew
[əs'kjuː]нареч.1) неровно, косо, криво, наклонноThe picture hung askew. — Картина висела криво.
Syn:2) искоса, с недовериемHe looked at me askew. — Он искоса взглянул на меня.
Syn:•Gram:[ref dict="LingvoGrammar (En-Ru)"]askew[/ref]
См. также в других словарях:
Asquint — A*squint , adv. [Cf. {Askant}, {Squint}.] With the eye directed to one side; not in the straight line of vision; obliquely; awry, so as to see distortedly; as, to look asquint. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
asquint — (adv.) early 13c., obliquely, with a sidelong glance, of uncertain etymology; from A (Cf. a ) (1) + a word corresponding to Du. schuinte slope, slant of the independent use of which no instances survive ... [OED]. Middle English Dictionary… … Etymology dictionary
asquint — [ə skwint′] adv., adj. [ME on skwyn (see ASKANCE): infl. by SQUINT] with a squint; out of the corner of the eye … English World dictionary
asquint — 1. adjective /əˈskwɪnt/ Looking sideways, as though warily. Eyes asquint, he saw she was driving much too fast. 2. adverb /əˈskwɪnt/ In a manner with narrowed eyes. It is not to be supposed, however, that in the delivery of such passages I was… … Wiktionary
asquint — predic.adj. & adv. (usu. look asquint). 1 to one side; from the corner of an eye. 2 with a squint. Etymology: ME perh. f. Du. schuinte slant … Useful english dictionary
asquint — /euh skwint /, adv., adj. with an oblique glance or squint; askance; slyly; dubiously. [1200 50; ME, equiv. to a A 1 + squint, of uncert. orig.] * * * … Universalium
asquint — adv. from the corner of one s eye; askance; slyly … English contemporary dictionary
asquint — adverb & adjective with a glance to one side or from the corner of the eyes. Origin ME: perh. from a 2 + a Low Ger. or Du. word related to mod. Du. schuinte slant … English new terms dictionary
asquint — ad. Askance, askant, awry, askew, obliquely, to one side … New dictionary of synonyms
asquint — adv 1. awry, askance, askew; sidelong, sideways, obliquely, deviously. 2. slyly, furtively, surreptitiously, secretively, shiftily, sneakingly, on the sly … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
asquint — /əˈskwɪnt/ (say uh skwint) adverb with an oblique glance. {a 1 + squint (of uncertain origin; compare Dutch schuinte slope) …