1 asphalt coating compound
- asphalt coating compound
- n
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
Англо-русский словарь строительных терминов > asphalt coating compound
2 asphalt coating compound
Строительство: битумная мастикаУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > asphalt coating compound
3 asphalt coating compound
Англо-русский строительный словарь > asphalt coating compound
4 asphalt-coating compound
Англо-русский строительный словарь > asphalt-coating compound
5 compound
- compound
- n1. смесь, состав, композиция
2. (химическое) соединение
3. заливочная масса, компаунд
4. смешивать, приготовлять смеси
- all-purpose compound
- aluminum compounds
- antirust compound
- asphalt adhesive compound
- asphalt coating compound
- bitumen/rubber insulating compound
- cable sealing compound
- cable compound
- carbon compounds
- caulking compound
- chlorine compounds
- colloidal compound
- cure-and-seal compound
- curing compound
- dressing compound
- duct sealing compound
- epoxy cure-seal-harden compound
- fast setting patching compound
- filling compound
- finishing compound
- impregnation compound
- inorganic compounds
- insulating compound
- iron compounds
- jointing compound
- latex compound
- lead compounds
- liquid membrane curing compound
- membrane forming compound
- nitrogen compounds
- organic compounds
- organometallic compounds
- organosilicone compounds
- patching compound
- pickling compound
- pigmented compound
- pipe jointing compound
- plastic jointing compound
- polymeric compounds
- polysulphide-based sealing compound
- ready-mixed joint compound
- sealant compound
- silicon compounds
- two-part sealing compound
- waterproofing compound
- waterproof compound
- wax curing compound
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
6 compound
1) смесь, состав3) составной; сложный4) хим. соединять, смешивать5) юр. приходить к копромиссному соглашению•- antirust compound - asphalt-coating compound - bituminous compound - bonding compound - caulking compound - chemical compound - chlorine compound - chloroorganic compound - curing compound - dressing compound - filling compound - finishing compound - fluorine compound - glazing compound - joint-sealing compound - organic compound - organochlorine compound - pipe-joint compound - potting compound - sealing compound - waterproofing compound* * *1. смесь, состав, композиция2. (химическое) соединение3. заливочная масса, компаунд4. смешивать, приготовлять смеси- all-purpose compound
- aluminum compounds
- antirust compound
- asphalt adhesive compound
- asphalt coating compound
- bitumen/rubber insulating compound
- cable sealing compound
- cable compound
- carbon compounds
- caulking compound
- chlorine compounds
- colloidal compound
- cure-and-seal compound
- curing compound
- dressing compound
- duct sealing compound
- epoxy cure-seal-harden compound
- fast setting patching compound
- filling compound
- finishing compound
- impregnation compound
- inorganic compounds
- insulating compound
- iron compounds
- jointing compound
- latex compound
- lead compounds
- liquid membrane curing compound
- membrane forming compound
- nitrogen compounds
- organic compounds
- organometallic compounds
- organosilicone compounds
- patching compound
- pickling compound
- pigmented compound
- pipe jointing compound
- plastic jointing compound
- polymeric compounds
- polysulphide-based sealing compound
- ready-mixed joint compound
- sealant compound
- silicon compounds
- two-part sealing compound
- waterproofing compound
- waterproof compound
- wax curing compound -
7 tank
1) бак; цистерна; танк2) резервуар3) ванна, чан4) водохранилище; (искусственный) водоём; бассейн6) сил. шламбассейн12) кфт. ба(чо)к•to bleed [empty\] a tank — опорожнять резервуар;to fuel the tank — возд. заправлять бак топливом;to roll a tank — перемешивать нефть в резервуаре (каким-л. газом);to run a tank — сливать нефть из резервуара в трубопровод;to strap a tank — измерять ёмкость резервуара;to switch to the proper tank — возд. переключать выключателем на расход топлива из соответствующего бака;to thief a tank — отбирать пробы в резервуаре;to turn the proper tank on — переключать краном на расход топлива из соответствующего бака;-
accumulator tank
acid dump tank
activated tanks
additive tank
aeration tank
aft fuel tank
afterpeak tank
agitator tank
air blow tank
air tank
air-buoyancy tank
air-oil tank
alternate fuel tank
anodizing tank
antipitching tanks
antirolling tanks
aseptic tank
asphalt-lined tank
auxiliary fuel tank
auxiliary tank
backwater tank
bag fuel tank
balance tank
balancing tank
ballast tank
balloon roof tank
bath tank
bioaeration tank
blanching tank
bleaching tank
blending tank
blend tank
blow-off tank
boat tank
boil tank
bottomless offshore storage tank
bottomless offshore tank
breathing tank
brine tank
bulk oil tank
bullet tank
buoyancy tank
burial tank
buried tank
cantilever tank
canvas tank
cargo tank
catch tank
cathode tank
cement slurry mixing tank
cement mixing tank
charging stock tank
charging tank
chill tank
chromatographic tank
clarification tank
clean ballast tank
coagulation tank
cold water tank
collapsible tank
collecting tank
compound surge tank
compressed-air surge tank
concentrate holding tank
concentration tank
concentrator tank
condensate gathering tank
condensate tank
conservator tank
constant header tank
constricted tank
continuous tank
controlled passive tanks
coolant bleed holdup tank
core flooding tank
core flood tank
corner tank
crude oil storage tank
crude storage tank
cryogenic tank
culture tank
culture-holding tank
curing tank
cuttings tank
daily service tank
daily tank
day tank
deaerator storage tank
decanting tank
decay tank
deck tank
deep tank
defecation tank
degassing tank
depositing tank
detritus tank
developing tank
differential surge tank
digestion tank
dip tank
discharge tank
dishwasher tank
distilling tank
domestic water tank
dome-type tank
double-bottom tank
drain tank
drilling mud mixing tank
drilling mud settling tank
drilling mud storage tank
drilling mud suction tank
drilling mud tank
drinking water tank
drip tank
Dubai storage tank
dump tank
earth tank
earthen tank
electrolytic tank
elevated tank
emergency head tank
emergency tank
equalizing tank
etching tank
etch tank
evacuated tank
evaporation tank
expansion tank
expansion-roof tank
external fuel tank
ex-vessel storage tank
fabric tank
feed tank
feedwater tank
ferry fuel tank
field tank
filling tank
filter tank
filter-bottom tank
first fuel consumed tank
fixed-roof tank
fixing tank
flexible fuel tank
flexible tank
float tank
floating roof tank
flocculating tank
flotation tank
flow tank
flushing tank
flush tank
forepeak tank
formula mixing tank
free-water settling tank
fuel consumed tank
fuel expansion tank
fuel oil tank
fuel tank
gage tank
gas tank
gas-decay tank
gasoline tank
glass-melting tank
globe-bottom tank
globe-roof tank
gravitation tank
grease skimming tank
grounded tank
gunbarrel tank
gunwale tank
head tank
header tank
heated digestion tank
heat-exchange tank
heeling tank
hemispheroid tank
hide brining tank
hip tank
holding tank
holdup tank
hot tank
hot-water tank
hydraulic tank
ice-storage tank
inflatable dome-roof tank
inground tank
injection tank
ink tank
integral tank
interconnected tanks
intermittent tank
lagering tank
lager tank
land storage tank
lead-lined tank
lease tank
liberator tank
lifter-roof tank
lime coating tank
lower wing tank
low-temperature tank
lubrication tank
massecuite tank
maturing and deaeration tank
measuring tank
melting tank
melting-out tank
mixing tank
model tank
molten spelter tank
monitoring tank
multiple tank
multisphere tank
neutralization tank
neutron-shield tank
oil tank
oil-gathering tank
oil-storage tank
orifice surge tank
overflow tank
overhead storage water tank
overhead tank
oxidation tank
paraffin tank
parboiling tank
passive stabilizing tanks
pickle tank
pillow tank
pipeline tank
precipitation tank
preconditioning tank
premixing tank
presettling tank
pressure tank
pressurized tank
priming tank
processing tank
quench tank
quenching tank
radiator top tank
rating tank
reactivation tank
receiving tank
refining tank
refrigerated truck tank
regenerant tank
rejection tank
rendering tank
restricted orifice surge tank
retention tank
rinse tank
rising tank
rotating-arm tank
roughing tank
rubberized tank
rubber-lined tank
run tank
run-down tank
salt-settling tank
scale settling tank
scrubbing tank
seamless tank
second fuel consumed tanks
sedimentation tank
seed tank
self-priming tank
self-sealing fuel tank
separating tank
septic tank
service mud storage tank
service tank
settling tank
sewage tank
sewage treatment tank
shaker tank
shotgun tank
simple surge tank
single-chamber tank
skimming tank
slipper fuel tank
slop tank
sludge digestion tank
sludge tank
slurry tank
solvent catch tank
solvent tank
spiral flow tank
stabilizing tanks
steeping tank
stock tank
storage tank
submerged tank
subsidence tank
subsurface tank
suction tank
sulfitation tank
sump tank
supply tank
surge tank
swarf-settling tank
switch tank
tank of oil circuit-breaker
tempering tank
test tank
throat-type tank
throat tank
tongs cooling tank
topside tank
towing tank
transformer tank
transit site tank
trimming tank
trim tank
trip tank
truck tank
ungrounded tank
unlined tank
vacuum tank
vacuum-degassing tank
vapor-tight tank
vent tank
vented tank
ventral fuel tank
volume tank
wash tank
washing tank
washwater tank
waste tank
water-scaled tank
water-sprayed tank
water-supply tank
water-top tank
wave tank
weathering tank
wet-oil tank
window tank
wingtip fuel tank
working tank
yeast assimilation tank -
8 machine
1) машина
2) машинный
3) обрабатывать резанием
4) станочный
5) механизм
6) устройство
7) обрабатывать механически
8) печатать
9) машинка
10) станок
– accounting machine
– adding machine
– addressing machine
– agitator machine
– air refrigerating machine
– boring machine
– braiding machine
– brazing machine
– breading machine
– break-down machine
– duplicating machine
– machine tool
– machine translation
– machine variable
– machine welding
– mathematical machine
– measuring machine
– mercerizing machine
– pipe-welding machine
– pitching machine
– pitting machine
– single-impeller machine
– single-scutcher machine
– sintering machine
– sizing machine
– skidding machine
– skinning machine
– wood-peeling machine
– wood-working machine
– wool-scouring machine
– wrapping machine
– wringing machine
absorption refrigerating machine — абсорбционная холодильная машина
ammonia refrigerating machine — аммиачная холодильная машина
automatic answering machine — < radio> автономность самолета, автоответчик
centrifugal spinning machine — центрифугальная прядильная машина
character recognition machine — устройство распознавания знаков
circular warp-knitting machine — круглая основовязальная машина
circulating dyeing machine — рециркуляционная красильная машина
coil winding machine — станок намоточный, станок обмоточный
compound-table milling machine — бесконсольный фрезерный станок
concentrate charging machine — завалочная машина для концентрата
continous roll-forming machine — непрерывная роликогибочная машина
continuously operating machine — автомат непрерывного действия
crane and pipe-stringing machine — <energ.> кран-трубокладчик
double-cutter shearing machine — двухцилиндровая стригальная машина
double-faced winding machine — двусторонная мотальная машина
duplex calculating machine — сдвоенная вычислительная машина
hydraulic riveting machine — клепальная гидравлическая машина
in-line transfer machine — прямолинейная автоматическая линия
ladder-type trenching machine — цепной многоковшовый экскаватор
mechanical interlock machine — < railways> аппарат централизационный механический
medium-range sprinkling machine — среднеструйная дождевальная машина
multiple-arc welding machine — многодуговая сварочная машина
multiple-spot welding machine — многоточечная сварочная машина
multiroll straightening machine — многороликовая правильная машина
opening and lap-forming machine — разрыхлительно-трепальный агрегат
overhead charging machine — завалочная машина кранового типа
pattern recognition machine — устройство распознавания образов
penetrating-type dyeing machine — красильная пропиточная машина
plunger-type leveling machine — правильная машина плунжерного типа
resonant vibration machine — резонансная вибрационная машина
semi-automatic casing-in machine — книговставочный полуавтомат
shock-free vibration machine — безударная вибрационная машина
single-operator welding machine — однопостовая сварочная машина
step-by-step action machine — автомат последовательного действия
storage-battery welding machine — конденсаторная сварочная машина
switch machine lever — рукоятка управления стрелочным приводом
tunnelling loading machine — погрузочная проходческая машина
ultrasonic welding machine — устройство ультразвуковой сварки
wheel-type trenching machine — траншейный роторный экскаватор
wire-stiching box-making machine — коробочная проволокошвейная машина
9 machine
1) машина; механизм; станок; агрегат2) машинка; устройство; аппарат3) машинный; станочный4) обрабатывать механически; обрабатывать резанием•- absorption refrigerating machine - approved shot-firing machine - automatic arc-welding machine - automatic assembly machine - automatic bar-stock machine - automatic cam-controlled machine - automatic casting machine - automatic chain-bending machine - automatic checking machine - automatic chucking machine - automatic cocoon-reading machine - automatic drawing-in machine - automatic half-hose machine - automatic hopper-feed machine - automatic hosiery machine - automatic multistation machine - automatic single-spindle machine - automatic single-station machine - automatic sorting machine - automatic tracer machine - automatic weighing machine - automatic welding machine - automatic winding machine - autonomous sequential machine - carton feeding machine - case assembling machine - case making machine - cask windlassing machine - casting cleaning machine - chain testing machine - cigarette making machine - cigarette packing machine - circular warp-knitting machine - claw trussing machine - cloth mellowing machine - cocoon winding machine - coil winding machine - compound-table milling machine - concentrate charging machine - conditional probability machine - continuous dyeing machine - continuously operating machine - core roll-over machine - cylinder sizing machine - cylinder warping machine - double-cutter shearing machine - double-faced winding machine - double-knife cutting machine - dough dividing machine - dough forming machine - dough molding machine - dough rolling machine - dough rounding machine - drop roller machine - dropwire cleaning machine - drum winding machine - duplex calculating machine - elevator washing machine - fish dressing machine - fish packing machine - flame-shape cutting machine - flat-and-back stripping machine - flax scutching machine - flax spreading machine - gang drilling machine - gantry cutting machine - machine with input - meat tenderizing machine - mechanical interlock machine - medium-range sprinkling machine - multiple-spot welding machine - multiroll straightening machine - network access machine - overhead charging machine - paddle wool-washing machine - pattern recognition machine - penetrating-type dyeing machine - reversed torsion machine - roller printing machine - roof ripping machine - rotary cutting machine - rotary filling machine - saddle stitch machine - section warping machine - shot blasting machine - shot welding machine - soap milling machine - stitch welding machine - syrup filling machine - tablet compressing machine - tape sizing machine - tobacco ripping machine - tobacco stringing machine - vacuum kneading machine - vacuum packing machine - vacuum refrigerating machine - vacuum seaming machine - yeast extruding machine -
10 powder
1. n фарм. порошок2. n снег, пороша3. n пудра4. n воен. порохsingle-base powder — одноосновный порох; бездымный порох
5. n фото проявитель; тонирующий порошок, тонер6. v толочь, превращать в порошок7. v превращаться в порошокto beat to powder, to beat small — истолочь в порошок
8. v посыпать порошком; присыпать9. v пудрить, припудривать, напудривать10. v пудриться11. v испещрять; усыпатьviolets powdered on a silk ground — фиалки, разбросанные по шёлку
12. v диал. солить13. n обыкн. диал. стремительное движение, стремительность, натискwith a powder — стремительно, бурно
14. v разг. диал. торопиться, мчаться, нестись15. v сл. удрать, улизнуть, смытьсяСинонимический ряд:1. dirt (noun) ashes; dirt; dust; grime2. fine particles (noun) cosmetic powder; explosive powder; face powder; fine grains; fine particles; flour; gunpowder; particles3. dust (verb) besprinkle; dust; sprinkle4. mill (verb) crush; granulate; grind; mill; pulverise5. pulverize (verb) bray; buck; comminute; contriturate; pulverize; triturate
См. также в других словарях:
Mica — For other uses, see Mica (disambiguation). Rock with mica … Wikipedia
photoengraving — /foh toh en gray ving/, n. 1. a photographic process of preparing printing plates for letterpress printing. 2. a plate so produced. 3. a print made from it. [1870 75; PHOTO + ENGRAVING] * * * Any of several processes for producing printing plates … Universalium
building construction — Techniques and industry involved in the assembly and erection of structures. Early humans built primarily for shelter, using simple methods. Building materials came from the land, and fabrication was dictated by the limits of the materials and… … Universalium
papermaking — [pā′pər māk΄iŋ] n. the making of paper papermaker n. * * * pa·per·mak·ing (pāʹpər mā kĭng) n. The process or craft of making paper. paʹper·mak er n. * * * Introduction formation of a matted or felted sheet, usually of cellulose fibres,… … Universalium
Siding — For other uses, see Siding (disambiguation). Corrugated steel siding, for the side of a barn. Siding is the outer covering or cladding of a house meant to shed water and protect from the effects of weather. On a building that uses siding, it may… … Wikipedia
amine — aminic /euh mee nik, euh min ik/, adj. aminity /euh min i tee/, n. /euh meen , am in/, n. Chem. any of a class of compounds derived from ammonia by replacement of one or more hydrogen atoms with organic groups. [1860 65; AM(MONIUM) + INE2] * * *… … Universalium
Petroleum — For other uses, see Petroleum (disambiguation). Proven world oil reserves, 2009 … Wikipedia
Composite material — A cloth of woven carbon fiber filaments, a common element in composite materials Composite materials, often shortened to composites or called composition materials, are engineered or naturally occurring materials made from two or more constituent … Wikipedia
Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations — Title 40 is a part of the United States Code of Federal Regulations. Title 40 arranges mainly environmental regulations that were promulgated by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), based on the provisions of United States laws (statutes … Wikipedia