1 ashamed
• häpeissään• hävetä• häpeällinen• hämillinen• syyllinen* * *ə'ʃeimd(feeling shame: He was ashamed of his bad work, ashamed to admit his mistake, ashamed of himself.) häpeissään -
2 be ashamed
• nolostuttaa• nolottaa• häpeillä• hävettää• hävetä• ujostuttaa• ujostella• kainostuttaa -
3 feel ashamed
• hävetä• hävettää -
4 make ashamed
• hävettää -
5 not be ashamed
• kehdata -
6 background
• puitteet• taustatiedot• taustatekijä• tausta• taustatekijät• miljöö• taka-ala• pohjakirkkaus* * *1) (the space behind the principal or most important figures or objects of a picture etc: He always paints ships against a background of stormy skies; trees in the background of the picture.) tausta2) (happenings that go before, and help to explain, an event etc: the background to a situation.) tausta3) (a person's origins, education etc: She was ashamed of her humble background.) tausta -
7 feel bad (about something)
(to feel upset or ashamed about something: I feel bad about forgetting to telephone you.) olla pahoillaan -
8 feel bad (about something)
(to feel upset or ashamed about something: I feel bad about forgetting to telephone you.) olla pahoillaan -
9 humiliate
• nöyryyttää• nolata• nöyrryttää• halventaa* * *hju'milieit(to make (someone) feel ashamed: He was humiliated to find that his girlfriend could run faster than he could.) nöyryyttää- humiliation -
10 put to shame
• saattaa häpeään* * *(to make feel ashamed of something or to make seem to be of poor quality by showing greater excellence: Your beautiful drawing puts me/mine to shame.) saattaa häpeään -
11 shame
• nöyryytys• häväistys• häpeissään• häpeä• häväistä• häpy• häpäistä• häveliäisyys• tuottaa häpeää jollekulle• ujous• kainous• halveksunta• saattaa häpeään• saattaa• syyllisyys* * *ʃeim 1. noun1) ((often with at) an unpleasant feeling caused by awareness of guilt, fault, foolishness or failure: I was full of shame at my rudeness; He felt no shame at his behaviour.) häpeäntunne2) (dishonour or disgrace: The news that he had accepted bribes brought shame on his whole family.) häpeä3) ((with a) a cause of disgrace or a matter for blame: It's a shame to treat a child so cruelly.) häpeä4) ((with a) a pity: What a shame that he didn't get the job!) sääli2. verb1) ((often with into) to force or persuade to do something by making ashamed: He was shamed into paying his share.) saada tekemään2) (to cause to have a feeling of shame: His cowardice shamed his parents.) tuottaa häpeää•- shameful- shamefully
- shamefulness
- shameless
- shamelessly
- shamelessness
- shamefaced
- put to shame
- to my
- his shame -
12 squirm
• olla vaivautunut• hämmentynyt• vääntelehtiä• kiemurrella• madella* * *skwə:m1) (to twist the body or wriggle: He lay squirming on the ground with pain.) vääntelehtiä2) (to be very embarrassed or ashamed: I squirmed when I thought of how rude I'd been.) olla häpeissään
См. также в других словарях:
ashamed — ashamed, mortified, chagrined mean acutely or manifestly conscious of embarrassment and humiliation. One is ashamed whose embarrassment and humiliation are mixed sometimes with a sense of guilt and always with the awareness of being discredited… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
Ashamed — A*shamed , a. [Orig. a p. p. of ashame, v. t.] Affected by shame; abashed or confused by guilt, or a conviction or consciousness of some wrong action or impropriety. I am ashamed to beg. Wyclif. [1913 Webster] All that forsake thee shall be… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
ashamed — ashamed; ashamed·ly; ashamed·ness; un·ashamed; … English syllables
ashamed — [ə shāmd′] adj. [ME < OE asceamod, pp. of ascamian, to be ashamed < a , A 2 + scamian < scamu, SHAME] 1. feeling shame because something bad, wrong, or foolish was done 2. feeling humiliated or embarrassed, as from a sense of inadequacy… … English World dictionary
ashamed — O.E. asceamed feeling shame, filled with shame, pp. of ascamian to feel shame, from a intensive prefix + scamian to put to shame (see SHAME (Cf. shame) (v.)). The verb is obsolete, but the pp. lives on. Meaning reluctant through fear of shame is… … Etymology dictionary
ashamed — [adj] regretting, remorseful abashed, apologetic, bashful, blushing, chagrined, compunctious, conscience stricken, contrite, crestfallen, debased, demeaned, discomfited, disconcerted, distraught, distressed, embarrassed, flustered, guilty,… … New thesaurus
ashamed — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ feeling embarrassed or guilty. DERIVATIVES ashamedly adverb. ORIGIN Old English … English terms dictionary
ashamed — a|shamed [ ə ʃeımd ] adjective ** feeling guilty or embarrassed because you have done something wrong, or think that you have not reached a standard that people expect: I regret the incident and am deeply ashamed and embarrassed. ashamed of: He s … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
ashamed — a|shamed S3 [əˈʃeımd] adj [not before noun] 1.) feeling embarrassed and guilty because of something you have done ashamed of/at ▪ I felt ashamed of the things I d said to him. be ashamed to do sth ▪ I m ashamed to admit that I ve never read any… … Dictionary of contemporary English
ashamed — adj. 1) thoroughly ashamed 2) ashamed of (he was ashamed of himself) 3) ashamed to + inf. (she was ashamed to admit her mistake) 4) ashamed that + clause (he was ashamed that his family was poor) * * * [ə ʃeɪmd] thoroughlyashamed ashamedof (he… … Combinatory dictionary
ashamed */*/ — UK [əˈʃeɪmd] / US adjective feeling guilty or embarrassed because you have done something wrong, or think that you have not reached a standard that people expect I regret the incident and am deeply ashamed and embarrassed. ashamed of: He s… … English dictionary