1 ascertainment of price
Экономика: установление ценыУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > ascertainment of price
2 ascertainment of price
English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > ascertainment of price
3 ascertainment of price
English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > ascertainment of price
4 ascertainment
nвыяснение, установление
- ascertainment of damage
- ascertainment of loss
- ascertainment of price
- ascertainment of qualityEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > ascertainment
5 ascertainment
выяснение, установление• -
6 action
1) действие, деяние; поступок2) поведение; деятельность3) акция, мероприятие4) иск; судебное преследование, обвинение перед судом5) судебное дело; судебный процесс, судопроизводство6) амер. решение эксперта патентного ведомства•action against the state — иск против штата;
action against the United States — иск против Соединённых Штатов;
action at common law — 1. иск об установлении юридических прав, регулируемых общим правом (в отличие от прав, регулируемых правом справедливости) 2. иск по нормам общего права;
action at law — судебный иск;
action brought — возбуждённый [вчинённый, заявленный, предъявленный] иск;
action constituting threat or use of force — действие, представляющее собой угрозу насилием или применение насилия;
action for ascertainment — установительный иск;
action for battery — иск о побоях;
action for conspiracy — иск об убытках, причинённых преступным сговором;
action for contributing patent infringement — иск из соучастия в нарушении патента;
action for damages — иск о взыскании убытков;
action for death — иск о взыскании убытков, понесённых в результате противоправно причинённой смерти;
action for declaration of a right — иск о признании права;
action for declaratory judgement — установительный иск;
action for determination of adverse claims — иск об определении содержания требований третьего лица в отношении имущества, на которое наложен арест или обращено взыскание;
action for divorce — иск о разводе;
action for exoneration — иск об освобождении от ответственности или обременения;
action for libel — иск о взыскании убытков, нанесённых пасквилем;
action for mesne profits — иск о взыскании доходов, полученных ответчиком с недвижимости за время противоправного владения ею;
action for money had and received — иск из неосновательного обогащения;
action for recovery of possession — иск о возврате владения;
action for restitution — иск о реституции;
action for separate maintenance — иск о материальной поддержке (неразведённой жены, проживающей отдельно от мужа);
action in contract — иск из договора;
action in equity — иск по нормам права справедливости, иск в суде права справедливости;
action in personam — обязательственный иск;
action in quo warranto — истор. иск об издании судебного приказа о выяснении правомерности претензий на должность, привилегию, право;
action in rem — вещный иск;
action in tort — см. tort action;
action lies — иск может быть предъявлен;
action on request — действие суда по ходатайству стороны;
action on the case — иск о взыскании убытков (главным образом из деликта, но также и из нарушения договора);
action over — регрессный иск;
action quasi in rem — квазивещный иск;
to drop an action — отказаться от иска;
to enter [to lay] an action — см. to bring an action;
to lose an action — проиграть дело;
to overthrow an action — представить по иску достаточные возражения;
action to quiet title — иск о признании неограниченного правового титула;
to take an action — см. to bring an action;
- action of assizeto take legal action — обратиться в суд;
- action of assumpsit
- action of book account
- action of book debt
- action of conversion
- action of covenant
- action of debt
- action of detinue
- action of forcible entry
- action of local nature
- action of mandamus
- action of rescission
- action of trespass
- action of trover
- action of writ
- accessory action
- administrative action
- advisory action
- affirmative action
- agency action
- amicable action
- ancestral action
- ancillary action
- antisocial action
- antitrust action
- civil action
- class action
- coercive actions
- collusive action
- committee action
- common law action
- compensatory action
- concerted action
- congressional action
- constitutional action
- consumer class action
- contested action
- copyright infringement action
- corrective action
- counter action
- court action
- covert action
- criminal action
- cross action
- crown action
- cumulative action
- customer action
- declaratory action
- derivative action
- disciplinary action
- diversity action
- domestic relations action
- droitural action
- emergency action
- enticement action
- environmental action
- equitable action
- executive action
- federal action
- feigned action
- floor action
- follow-up action
- formal police action
- formed action
- frivolous action
- governmental action
- House action
- hypothecary action
- illegal action
- independent action
- industrial action
- injurious action
- investigative action
- joint action
- judicial action
- juratory action
- law enforcement action
- legal action
- legislative action
- local action
- matrimonial action
- mixed action
- mob action
- mock action
- nullity action
- office action
- ordinary action
- original action
- penal action
- pending action
- personal action
- petitory action
- police action
- popular action
- possessory action
- preliminary action
- presidential emergency action
- preventive action
- price-fixing action
- principal action
- probate action
- punitive action
- quia timet action
- real action
- recourse action
- redhibitory action
- regulatory action
- remedial action
- representative action
- rescissory action
- retaliatory action
- revocatory action
- secondary action
- Senate action
- separate action
- separation action
- several actions
- state action
- statutory action
- subsequent action
- supervisory action
- test action
- tort action
- transitory action
- vexatious action
- fictitious action -
7 error
nошибка, погрешность
- accidental error
- accounting error
- admissible error
- allowable error
- ascertainment error
- average error
- biased error
- billing error
- bookkeeping error
- calculation error
- casual error
- clerical error
- compensating errors
- composite error
- computational error
- computing error
- conspicuous error
- constant error
- crude error
- cumulative error
- data error
- decision error
- detectable error
- detected error
- dynamic error
- estimation error
- fabrication error
- forecast error
- forecasting error
- grave error
- gross error
- inherited error
- initial error
- in-process error
- inspection error
- instrumental error
- interpolation error
- interpretation error
- introduced error
- linear error
- line transmission error
- machine error
- manufacturing error
- mean error
- measuring error
- methodic error
- observation error
- obvious error
- office error
- parity error
- percentage error
- permissible error
- prediction error
- probable error
- programme error
- programming error
- random error
- random sampling error
- reasonable error
- recurrent error
- relative error
- repetitive error
- sample error
- sampling error
- serious error
- single error
- smoothing error
- statistical error
- systematic error
- tax error
- tolerated error
- total error
- typing error
- uncorrected error
- error in calculating
- error in calculation
- error in the design
- error in mean
- error in the price
- error in rounding off
- error in survey
- error of estimate
- error of law
- error of measurement
- error of specification
- errors and omissions
- errors and omissions excepted
- in error
- check for error
- commit an error
- correct an error
- do in error
- eliminate errors
- identify errors
- locate an error
- make an error
- prevent an error
- put right an error
- rectify an error
- trace an error
- warn against errors
См. также в других словарях:
Sale of Goods Act 1979 — The Sale of Goods Act 1979 is a British Act of Parliament (1979, ch 54) which regulates contracts in which goods are sold and bought. The Act consolidates the Sale of Goods Act 1893 and subsequent legislation, which in turn consolidated the… … Wikipedia
Yakus v. United States — Infobox SCOTUS case Litigants = Yakus v. United States ArgueDate = January 7 ArgueYear = 1944 DecideDate = March 27 DecideYear = 1944 FullName = Albert Yakus v. United States USVol = 321 USPage = 414 Citation = Prior = Subsequent = Holding = An… … Wikipedia
United States presidential election, 2004 timeline — The following is a timeline of events during the 2004 U.S. presidential election:2002* May 31 Vermont Governor Howard B. Dean III forms a presidential exploratory committee. * December 1 John F. Kerry, U.S. senator from Massachusetts announces… … Wikipedia
assessment — I (estimation) noun aestimatio, appraisal, appraisement, calculation, determination, estimate, measure, mensuration, rating, reckoning, survey, valuation associated concepts: assessment of damages II (levy) noun amount assessed as … Law dictionary
List of Acts of Parliament of the United Kingdom Parliament, 1801-1819 — This is an incomplete list of Acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom for the years 1801 1819. For acts passed prior to 1707 see List of Acts of Parliament of the English Parliament and List of Acts of Parliament of the Scottish Parliament.… … Wikipedia
List of Acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom, 1801–1819 — UK Legislation Acts of Parliament by states preceding the United Kingdom Of the Kingdom of England Before 1485 1485–1601 · 1603–1641 Interregnum (1642–1660) 1660–1699 · 1700–1706 … Wikipedia
appraisal — n 1. estimated value, estimate, appraisement, price survey. 2. evaluation, valuation, assessment, appreciation; estimation, computation, calculation, approximation; counting, figuring, reckoning; gauging, rating, ranking, weighing, balancing;… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
List of Statutory Instruments of the United Kingdom, 1987 — This is a complete list of all 1468 Statutory Instruments published in the United Kingdom in the year 1987. NOTOC 1 100* Parish and Community Meetings (Polls) Rules 1987 S.I. 1987/1 * National Health Service (Food Premises) (Scotland) Regulations … Wikipedia
Schizophrenia — MeshName = Schizophrenia MeshNumber = F03.700.750 Schizophrenia (pron en|ˌskɪtsəˈfriːniə), from the Greek roots schizein (σχίζειν, to split ) and phrēn , phren (φρήν, φρεν , mind ) is a psychiatric diagnosis that describes a mental disorder… … Wikipedia
Liquidation — Winding up redirects here. For other uses, see Wind up (disambiguation). Not to be confused with liquification, a concept in physics. In law, liquidation is the process by which a company (or part of a company) is brought to an end, and the… … Wikipedia
Attachment theory — … Wikipedia