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  • 41 substratum

    1. नीचे का तल
    Plants grow well in any substratum.
    1. नीचे का स्तर
    Plants grow well in any substratum.

    English-Hindi dictionary > substratum

  • 42 weather

    1. मौसम
    Let's go out.The weather is pleasant now.
    1. खुली\weatherहवा\weatherके\weatherप्रभाव\weatherको\weatherझेलना
    You buy a suite that weathers well.
    2. पार\weatherकरना
    She weathered the crisis well.

    English-Hindi dictionary > weather

  • 43 In apple pie order

    1. सफाई पूर्वक सुसज्जित
    The exhibits in the showcase were well arranged in apple pie order.

    English-Hindi dictionary > In apple pie order

  • 44 scoot

    1. शीघ्र\scootपहुँचना
    I'd better scoot otherwise I well get a scolding from my boss today.

    English-Hindi dictionary > scoot

  • 45 accountancy

    1. लेखाकर्म
    Accountancy is a well paid profession.

    English-Hindi dictionary > accountancy

  • 46 acquainted

    1. परिचित
    I am well-acquainted with them.

    English-Hindi dictionary > acquainted

  • 47 activeness

    1. सक्रियता
    His activeness was well-known.

    English-Hindi dictionary > activeness

  • 48 admiringly

    1. प्रशंसापूर्वक
    He sings and dances admiringly well.

    English-Hindi dictionary > admiringly

  • 49 advance

    1. पूर्व
    The company did not give any advance notice of its closure.
    1. फैलाव
    The health department is desperate to halt the advance of brain fever.
    2. विकास\{दीर्घकालीन\advanceग
    The continued advance of some great civilizations always attract historians.
    3. प्रगति
    It is controversial whether the recent advances in technology are beneficial or detrimental to humanity.
    4. अग्रिमराशि
    The company agreed to pay a festival advance of Rs.1000 to all its employees.
    The caterers asked for an advance of Rs.10,000 for the contract of the reception party.
    5. बढ़त
    The auctioneer was disappointed to find no advance on the opening bid.
    6. दोस्ती/प्यार\advanceजताने\advanceकी\advanceकोशिश
    How could Surpanakha not feel dejected after all her amorous advances were
    rejected by Lakshmana?
    7. पहले\advanceही
    We booked our tickets for the magic show in advance.
    8. अग्रगामी
    Plato's ideas were well in advance of his times.
    1. आगे\advanceबढ़ना[बढाना]
    The army was ordered to advance.
    She advanced towards him,waving her tickets.
    The protestors advanced their leader to talk with the minister.
    The man advanced towards her menacingly.
    2. प्रगति\advanceकरना
    The company's shares advanced after the new director joined.
    3. अग्रिम\advanceराशि\advanceदेना
    The government gave an advance to the farmers to help them buy good seeds.
    4. विचार\advanceया\advanceसुझाव\advanceदेना
    The corporation has advanced a new policy for regularising illegal
    5. निश्चित\advanceसमय\advanceसे\advanceपूर्व\advanceकरना
    The time of the meeting was advanced in view of the night curfew in the city.

    English-Hindi dictionary > advance

  • 50 afrikaans

    1. अफ्रीकी\afrikaansभाषा
    Though he is Indian,he can speak Afrikaans very well.

    English-Hindi dictionary > afrikaans

  • 51 again

    1. फिर\againसे/एक\againबार\againफिर/दुबारा/पुन:
    Try again.
    Don't worry, he'll soon be well again.
    We will again have to look into the disadvantages apart fom the advantages.
    2. लेकिन\againफिर
    It is very efficient and again it has its own inefficiency and disadvantages

    English-Hindi dictionary > again

  • 52 agronomist

    1. कृषिशास्त्री
    Dr.Swaminathan is a well-known agronomist.

    English-Hindi dictionary > agronomist

  • 53 airway

    1. वायु मार्ग
    A pilot should be well versed with the airway.

    English-Hindi dictionary > airway

  • 54 airy

    1. हवादार
    My boss's cabin is well-lighted and airy.

    English-Hindi dictionary > airy

  • 55 anchorman

    1. संचालक
    Siddharth Basu is a well-known anchorman.

    English-Hindi dictionary > anchorman

  • 56 appliance

    1. उपकरण
    A modern kitchen should be well equipped with appliances.
    Mostly all appliances are run by electricity.

    English-Hindi dictionary > appliance

  • 57 archaeologist

    1. पुरातत्ववेत्ता
    Dr.Vakankar is a well known archaeologist.

    English-Hindi dictionary > archaeologist

  • 58 arsenal

    1. शस्त्रागार
    The nation has a well equipped arsenal.

    English-Hindi dictionary > arsenal

  • 59 barely

    1. मुश्किल\barelyसे
    Ram barely passed in this final exam.
    He was so short that he could barely reach the table top.
    2. मात्र
    Barely 5% of the population in India knows English well.

    English-Hindi dictionary > barely

  • 60 because

    1. क्योँकि
    I couldn't attend the class because I was not well.

    English-Hindi dictionary > because

См. также в других словарях:

  • Well — Well, adv. [Compar. and superl. wanting, the deficiency being supplied by better and best, from another root.] [OE. wel, AS. wel; akin to OS., OFries., & D. wel, G. wohl, OHG. wola, wela, Icel. & Dan. vel, Sw. v[ a]l, Goth. wa[ i]la; originally… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Well enough — Well Well, adv. [Compar. and superl. wanting, the deficiency being supplied by better and best, from another root.] [OE. wel, AS. wel; akin to OS., OFries., & D. wel, G. wohl, OHG. wola, wela, Icel. & Dan. vel, Sw. v[ a]l, Goth. wa[ i]la;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Well off — Well Well, adv. [Compar. and superl. wanting, the deficiency being supplied by better and best, from another root.] [OE. wel, AS. wel; akin to OS., OFries., & D. wel, G. wohl, OHG. wola, wela, Icel. & Dan. vel, Sw. v[ a]l, Goth. wa[ i]la;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Well to do — Well Well, adv. [Compar. and superl. wanting, the deficiency being supplied by better and best, from another root.] [OE. wel, AS. wel; akin to OS., OFries., & D. wel, G. wohl, OHG. wola, wela, Icel. & Dan. vel, Sw. v[ a]l, Goth. wa[ i]la;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Well to live — Well Well, adv. [Compar. and superl. wanting, the deficiency being supplied by better and best, from another root.] [OE. wel, AS. wel; akin to OS., OFries., & D. wel, G. wohl, OHG. wola, wela, Icel. & Dan. vel, Sw. v[ a]l, Goth. wa[ i]la;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Well logging — Gamma ray logging Spontaneous potential logging Resistivity logging Density logging Sonic logging Caliper logging Mud logging LWD/MWD v · …   Wikipedia

  • Well drainage — means drainage of agricultural lands by wells. Agricultural land is drained by pumped wells (vertical drainage) to improve the soils by controlling water table levels and soil salinity. Contents 1 Introduction 2 Design 3 Flow to wells 4 …   Wikipedia

  • Well — Well, n. [OE. welle, AS. wella, wylla, from weallan to well up, surge, boil; akin to D. wel a spring or fountain. ????. See {Well}, v. i.] [1913 Webster] 1. An issue of water from the earth; a spring; a fountain. [1913 Webster] Begin, then,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Well boring — Well Well, n. [OE. welle, AS. wella, wylla, from weallan to well up, surge, boil; akin to D. wel a spring or fountain. ????. See {Well}, v. i.] [1913 Webster] 1. An issue of water from the earth; a spring; a fountain. [1913 Webster] Begin, then,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Well drain — Well Well, n. [OE. welle, AS. wella, wylla, from weallan to well up, surge, boil; akin to D. wel a spring or fountain. ????. See {Well}, v. i.] [1913 Webster] 1. An issue of water from the earth; a spring; a fountain. [1913 Webster] Begin, then,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Well room — Well Well, n. [OE. welle, AS. wella, wylla, from weallan to well up, surge, boil; akin to D. wel a spring or fountain. ????. See {Well}, v. i.] [1913 Webster] 1. An issue of water from the earth; a spring; a fountain. [1913 Webster] Begin, then,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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