Перевод: с немецкого на вьетнамский

с вьетнамского на немецкий


  • 1 dann

    - {next} sát, gần, ngay bên, bên cạnh, sau, ngay sau, tiếp sau, lần sau, nữa, ngay - {now} bây giờ, lúc này, giờ đây, hiện nay, ngày nay, ngay bây giờ, ngay tức khắc, lập tức, lúc ấy, lúc đó, lúc bấy giờ, trong tình trạng đó, trong hoàn cảnh ấy, trong tình thế ấy, nay, mà, vậy thì - hả, hãy... mà, nào, thế nào, này, hử, now thấy rằng, xét thấy, vì, vì chưng, bởi chưng - {then} hồi ấy, khi ấy, rồi, rồi thì, sau đó, như thế thì, trong trường hợp ấy, vậy, thế thì, ở thời đó, ở thời ấy, ở hồi ấy, ở hồi đó = und dann? {what next?}+ = bis dann! {so long!}+ = erst dann {not till; not till then; not until}+ = was dann? {what then?}+ = dann kam sie {she came next}+ = und dann war es aus {So bang goes something}+

    Deutsch-Vietnamesisch Wörterbuch > dann

См. также в других словарях:

  • something goes for something else — (something) goes for (someone/something else) something is also true for someone or something else. Jordan is famous, but he s not comfortable in a crowd the same goes for most movie stars and politicians. San Francisco should have a beautiful… …   New idioms dictionary

  • something goes for someone else — (something) goes for (someone/something else) something is also true for someone or something else. Jordan is famous, but he s not comfortable in a crowd the same goes for most movie stars and politicians. San Francisco should have a beautiful… …   New idioms dictionary

  • something goes for — (something) goes for (someone/something else) something is also true for someone or something else. Jordan is famous, but he s not comfortable in a crowd the same goes for most movie stars and politicians. San Francisco should have a beautiful… …   New idioms dictionary

  • something goes to show you — (something) goes to show (you) something proves that something else is true. The website goes to show that almost anything can be marketed online. Usage notes: often preceded by it (just): “You can get a bigger car for twice the price, but it has …   New idioms dictionary

  • something goes to show — (something) goes to show (you) something proves that something else is true. The website goes to show that almost anything can be marketed online. Usage notes: often preceded by it (just): “You can get a bigger car for twice the price, but it has …   New idioms dictionary

  • something goes in one ear and out the other — informal phrase used for saying that someone does not remember what you say or pay attention to it Thesaurus: forgetful and forgetfulnesssynonym Main entry: ear …   Useful english dictionary

  • as something goes — as someone/​something goes phrase when you consider what other people or things of the same type are like As history textbooks go, this one is pretty good. Thesaurus: ways of comparing thingssynonym Main entry: go …   Useful english dictionary

  • as far as something goes — as far as (something) goes to the degree something is considered or exists. As far as gun control goes, I think we definitely need to make some changes. Their action is encouraging as far as it goes. Related vocabulary: as far as, as far as… …   New idioms dictionary

  • as someone or something goes — as (someone or something) goes used to compare someone or something with someone or something else of the same kind As lectures go, it was very interesting. • • • Main Entry: ↑go …   Useful english dictionary

  • something goes in one ear and out the other — informal used for saying that someone does not remember what you say or pay attention to it …   English dictionary

  • goes for something else — (something) goes for (someone/something else) something is also true for someone or something else. Jordan is famous, but he s not comfortable in a crowd the same goes for most movie stars and politicians. San Francisco should have a beautiful… …   New idioms dictionary

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