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  • 1 pitch-dark

    adjective (as black, or dark, as pitch; completely black or dark: Outside the house it was pitch-black; It's a pitch-dark night.) koromsötét

    English-Hungarian dictionary > pitch-dark

  • 2 pitch-black

    adjective (as black, or dark, as pitch; completely black or dark: Outside the house it was pitch-black; It's a pitch-dark night.) koromsötét

    English-Hungarian dictionary > pitch-black

  • 3 pitch

    csúcs, csúcspont, dobás, tetőhajlás, elárusítóhely to pitch: ereszkedik, dob, táborozik, előre bukik, beszurkoz
    * * *
    I 1. [pi ] verb
    1) (to set up (a tent or camp): They pitched their tent in the field.) (sátrat) felállít
    2) (to throw: He pitched the stone into the river.) dob
    3) (to (cause to) fall heavily: He pitched forward.) előrebukik
    4) ((of a ship) to rise and fall violently: The boat pitched up and down on the rough sea.) hányódik
    5) (to set (a note or tune) at a particular level: He pitched the tune too high for my voice.) (vmilyen magasságon) kezd
    2. noun
    1) (the field or ground for certain games: a cricket-pitch; a football pitch.) pálya
    2) (the degree of highness or lowness of a musical note, voice etc.) hangmagasság
    3) (an extreme point or intensity: His anger reached such a pitch that he hit her.) csúcs(pont)
    4) (the part of a street etc where a street-seller or entertainer works: He has a pitch on the High Street.) elárusítóhely
    5) (the act of pitching or throwing or the distance something is pitched: That was a long pitch.) dobás
    6) ((of a ship) the act of pitching.) hányódás (hajóé)
    - pitcher
    - pitched battle
    - pitchfork
    II [pi ] noun
    (a thick black substance obtained from tar: as black as pitch.) szurok
    - pitch-dark

    English-Hungarian dictionary > pitch

См. также в других словарях:

  • dark as pitch — black as coal, very dark …   English contemporary dictionary

  • as dark as pitch — very black in color, as black as coal, very dark …   English contemporary dictionary

  • pitch dark — {adj.} Totally, completely dark. * /A starless and moonless night in the country can be pitch dark./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • pitch dark — {adj.} Totally, completely dark. * /A starless and moonless night in the country can be pitch dark./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • pitch-black — pitch′ black′ adj. extremely black or dark as pitch • Etymology: 1590–1600 …   From formal English to slang

  • pitch-dark — adjective extremely dark a black moonless night through the pitch black woods it was pitch dark in the cellar • Syn: ↑black, ↑pitch black • Similar to: ↑dark …   Useful english dictionary

  • pitch-black — adjective extremely dark a black moonless night through the pitch black woods it was pitch dark in the cellar • Syn: ↑black, ↑pitch dark • Similar to: ↑dark …   Useful english dictionary

  • dark — Synonyms and related words: Egyptian darkness, Erebus, Gothicism, Stygian, ableptical, abominable, abstruse, adiaphanous, age of ignorance, amaurotic, amoral, amorphous, amorphousness, apocalyptic, arcane, arrant, atramentous, atrocious, bad,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • pitch-dark — also pitch dark ADJ Pitch dark means the same as pitch black. It was pitch dark in the room and I couldn t see a thing. Syn: pitch black …   English dictionary

  • pitch-dark — adjective Absolutely dark or black; as dark as pitch. The assassin crept into the royal bedchamber only after it was pitch dark. Syn: coal black, dark as night, jet black, pitch black …   Wiktionary

  • pitch black — Synonyms and related words: atramentous, beamless, black, black as coal, black as ebony, black as ink, black as midnight, black as night, caliginous, coal black, coaly, dark, dark as night, dark as pitch, darkling, darksome, deep black, ebon,… …   Moby Thesaurus

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