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См. также в других словарях:

  • Individual, Individuality — • An individual being is defined by St. Thomas as quod est in se indivisum, ab aliis vero divisum (a being undivided in itself but separated from other beings) Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Individual, Individuality      …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Individual psychology — is a term used specifically to refer to the psychological method or science founded by the Viennese psychologist Alfred Adler. The English edition of Adler s work on the subject (1925) is a collection of papers and lectures given mainly in 1912… …   Wikipedia

  • Individual capital — Individual capital, also known as human capital, comprises inalienable or personal traits of persons, tied to their bodies and available only through their own free will, such as skill, creativity, enterprise, courage, capacity for moral example …   Wikipedia

  • Individual rights — refer to the rights of individuals, in contrast with group rights. Both natural and legal conceptions or rights may distinguish between individual and group rights, although natural rights theories often limit themselves to discussion of… …   Wikipedia

  • Individual Development Accounts — (IDAs) are matched savings accounts that enable people with low incomes to save money and build assets.cite web | url=http://www.cfed.org/focus.m?parentid=31 siteid=374%id=374 title=Individual Development Accounts Focus | publisher=Corporation… …   Wikipedia

  • Individual (disambiguation) — Individual, Individualism or Individuality may refer to:Social philosophy: *Individual, a person, or any specific object in a group of things *Individualism, a moral, political, or social outlook, that stresses human independence and the… …   Wikipedia

  • Individual events (speech) — Individual events is a type of speech competition characterized by individuals competing in a variety of different events. These events span the areas of public speaking, acting, reading and interpretation. Sometimes confused with competitive… …   Wikipedia

  • individual retirement account — in·di·vid·u·al re··tire·ment ac·count n often cap I&R&A: ira Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. individual retirement account …   Law dictionary

  • individual — I adjective detached, deviating, different, differentiated, discrete, disjoined, disjunct, distinct, distinctive, distinguishable, exceptional, extracted, extraordinary, independent, individualized, isolated, nonconforming, nonuniform, particular …   Law dictionary

  • Individual reclamation — (Fr: reprise individuelle ) is a form of the direct action, characterized by the individual theft of resources from the rich by the poor. Individual reclamation gained popular attention in the early 20th century as a result of the exploits of… …   Wikipedia

  • individual — INDIVIDUÁL, Ă, individuali, e, adj. 1. Care este propriu unui individ; personal, specific. ♦ Care priveşte sau aparţine unui singur exemplar dintr o categorie de lucruri sau de fiinţe. 2. Care este executat de individ. Muncă individuală. ♦… …   Dicționar Român

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