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as soft as silk/xx

См. также в других словарях:

  • if you gently touch a nettle it’ll sting you for your pains; grasp it like a lad of mettle, an’ as soft as silk remains — The metaphorical phrase to grasp the nettle, to tackle a difficulty boldly, is often found. 1578 LYLY Euphues I. 212 True it is Philautus that he which toucheth ye nettle tenderly, is soonest stoung. 1660 W. SECKER Nonsuch Professor I. 156 Sin is …   Proverbs new dictionary

  • as soft as silk — very soft, silky, smooth …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Soft as silk — milk …   Dictionary of Australian slang

  • soft as silk — Australian Slang milk …   English dialects glossary

  • silk´en|ly — silk|en «SIHL kuhn», adjective, verb. –adj. 1. a) made of silk: »a silken dress. The king wore silken robes. b) of or having to do with silk stuffs or goods. 2. like silk; soft, smooth, and glossy: »She has silken hair. 3. a) …   Useful english dictionary

  • silk|en — «SIHL kuhn», adjective, verb. –adj. 1. a) made of silk: »a silken dress. The king wore silken robes. b) of or having to do with silk stuffs or goods. 2. like silk; soft, smooth, and glossy: »She has silken hair. 3. a) …   Useful english dictionary

  • silk|y — «SIHL kee», adjective, silk|i|er, silk|i|est, noun, plural silk|ies. –adj. 1. of or like silk; smooth, soft, and glossy; silken: »A kitten has silky fur …   Useful english dictionary

  • Silk in the Indian subcontinent — Silk in India as elsewhere, is an item of luxury.For more than four thousand years, this cloth produced from the cocoons of caterpillers, has been associated with crowned heads and riches throughout the different ages. As a designer once said… …   Wikipedia

  • Silk — Silk, n. [OE. silk, selk, AS. seolc, seoloc; akin to Icel. silki, SW. & Dan. silke; prob. through Slavic from an Oriental source; cf. Lith. szilkai, Russ. shelk , and also L. sericum Seric stuff, silk. Cf. {Sericeous}. {Serge} a woolen stuff.] 1 …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Silk cotton — Silk Silk, n. [OE. silk, selk, AS. seolc, seoloc; akin to Icel. silki, SW. & Dan. silke; prob. through Slavic from an Oriental source; cf. Lith. szilkai, Russ. shelk , and also L. sericum Seric stuff, silk. Cf. {Sericeous}. {Serge} a woolen stuff …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Silk flower — Silk Silk, n. [OE. silk, selk, AS. seolc, seoloc; akin to Icel. silki, SW. & Dan. silke; prob. through Slavic from an Oriental source; cf. Lith. szilkai, Russ. shelk , and also L. sericum Seric stuff, silk. Cf. {Sericeous}. {Serge} a woolen stuff …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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