1 as recently as last month
Общая лексика: только в прошлом месяцеУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > as recently as last month
2 last
1. n последний, последнее2. n остаток3. n конец, смерть; последний часto the last man — все до одного, все до последнего человека
4. n шутка, выдумка, каламбур, оставленные под конецto the last, till the last — до конца
to the end, to the last — до конца
5. a от I6. a единственный, последний7. a последний, предсмертныйthe last entrant — человек, вошедший последним
8. a прошлыйlast year — прошлый год ; в прошлом году
last year — прошлый год; в прошлом году
9. a самый новый, самый последний, самый свежий10. a самый неподходящий, самый нежелательный или неожиданныйthe last person to be accused — человек, которого никак нельзя обвинить
the last man we wanted to see — человек, которого мы меньше всего хотели бы видеть
11. a крайний, чрезвычайныйthe last day — светопреставление, конец света
12. adv после всех13. adv в последний раз14. adv на последнем месте, в концеlast price — окончательная цена; последняя цена
15. n выдержка; выносливость16. v продолжаться, длиться17. v выдерживать, оставаться в живыхevery last — всё до последнего; всё без исключения
18. v сохраняться; носиться19. v быть достаточным, хватать20. n колодка21. v натягивать на колодку22. n ласт23. n мор. уст. единица грузоподъёмностиСинонимический ряд:1. climactic (adj.) climactic; crowning; definitive2. closing (adj.) closing; concluding; conclusive; endmost; eventual; extreme; final; hindmost; lag; latest; rearmost; terminal; terminating; ultimate3. hindmost (adj.) hindmost; lattermost; rearmost4. previous (adj.) foregoing; former; latter; preceding; previous5. end (noun) close; conclusion; end; ending; final one; finale; finish; tail end; termination; wrap-up6. continue (verb) abide; carry through; continue; endure; go on; hold out; keep; perdure; perpetuate; persevere; persist; remain7. keep (verb) keep; stay8. survive (verb) come through; persist; pull through; ride out; survive; weatherАнтонимический ряд:beginning; cease; depart; die; disappear; ensuing; fade; fail; first; fly; following; foremost; front; highest; inaugural; initial; leading -
3 recently
adv недавно; на днях; в последнее времяСинонимический ряд:not long ago (other) a short while ago; afresh; anew; currently; earlier; freshly; in recent times; lately; latterly; new; newly; not long ago; of late; previously; the other day -
4 recently
[ʹri:s(ə)ntlı] advнедавно; на днях; в последнее времяas recently as a quarter of a century ago - всего какую-нибудь четверть века назад
they are recently married - они недавно /только что/ поженились
5 recently
ˈri:sntlɪ нареч. недавно;
на днях, в последнее время Syn: lately, newly недавно;
на днях;
в последнее время - as * as yesterday еще только вчера - as * as last month только в прошлом месяце - until quite * до самого последнего времени - as * as a quarter of a century ago всего какую-нибудь четверть века назад - I did not hear it until just * я только недавно об этом услышал - they are * married они недавно /только что/ поженились recently недавно;
на дняхБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > recently
6 working level month
entry of a month — начало месяца; наступление нового месяца
English-Russian dictionary on nuclear energy > working level month
7 kangaroo court
1) cудeбнaя инcцeниpoвкa, cудилищe (ocoб. уcтpaивaeмoe зaключёнными в тюpьмe для нaкaзaния пpoштpaфившиxcя, oпpeдeлeния, cкoлькo дeнeг или тaбaкa дoлжнo ocтaтьcя у внoвь пpибывшeгo зaключённoгo и т. п.) [букв. "cуд кeнгуpу"; нaмёк нa тo, чтo чepeз зaкoн kangaroo courtпepeпpыгивaют", oбxoдят eгo", пepвoнaч. aмep.]A municipal judge recently imposed a fine of twenty-five dollars and costs for contempt of court when a man called the municipal court a kangaroo court. Last month he [Эcкo-бap - глaвa мeдeльинcкoгo кapтeля] had two Medellyn cartel chieftains... forcibly brought to him at Envigado [тюpьмa] for a face-to-face kangaroo court: they were later found dead2) нeзaкoннoe cудeбнoe paзбиpaтeльcтвo, cудилищeHe could order the finest court room trimmings, I told him, but it would still be a kangaroo court and people would know it (5. Heym). Parliamentary committees which act as the citizen's eyes and ears in Whitehall are liberating. Those that try to act as kangaroo courts, even against unsavoury men, are oppressive (The Economist)
См. также в других словарях:
last — last1 [last, läst] adj. [ME laste, earlier latest, latst < OE latost, superl. of adj. læt, adv. late: see LATE] 1. alt. superl. of LATE 2. being or coming after all others in place; farthest from the first; hindmost 3. coming after all others… … English World dictionary
Last.fm — Infobox Website name = Last.fm favicon = caption = url = [http://www.last.fm/ www.last.fm] commercial = Yes type = Music, Statistics Community registration = Free, or subscribe for £1.50 per month ($3 USD) owner = CBS Interactive language =… … Wikipedia
last — last1 [ læst ] function word *** Last can be used in the following ways: as a determiner (followed by a noun): I saw him last night. I wasn t here last time. as an adjective (after a determiner and before a noun): My last job was in London. I ate … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
last — last1 W1S1 [la:st US læst] determiner, adj 1.) most recent or nearest to the present time →↑next (12) ▪ I hadn t seen him since the last meeting. last night/week/year etc ▪ Did you see the game on TV last night? ▪ The law was passed last August.… … Dictionary of contemporary English
last — 1 determiner 1 most recent; the nearest one to the present time: I haven t seen you since the last meeting. | last night/week/year etc: Did you watch the game on TV last night? | Fashion has changed in the last twenty years. | (the) last time… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
last — I UK [lɑːst] / US [læst] adjective, adverb, determiner, noun, pronoun *** Summary: Last can be used in the following ways: as a determiner (followed by a noun): I saw him last night. ♦ I wasn t here last time. as an adjective (after a determiner… … English dictionary
The Last Dangerous Visions — was planned to be a sequel to the science fiction short story anthologies Dangerous Visions and Again, Dangerous Visions , originally published in 1967 and 1972 respectively. It is edited by Harlan Ellison. The projected third collection was… … Wikipedia
The Last Puritan — The Last Puritan: A Memoir in the Form of a Novel was written by the American philosopher George Santayana. The novel is set largely in the fictional town of Great Falls, Connecticut; Boston; and England, in and around Oxford. It relates the life … Wikipedia
The Last House on the Left — Infobox Film name = The Last House on the Left caption = Theatrical release poster director = Wes Craven producer = Sean S. Cunningham writer = Wes Craven starring = Sandra Cassel Lucy Grantham David Hess Fred J. Lincoln Jeramie Rain Marc… … Wikipedia
The Last Dragon (2004 TV series) — The Last Dragon Dragon s World: A Fantasy Made Real (U.S. title) Title Screen Genre Fantasy / Docudrama Created by Charlie … Wikipedia
The Last Dragon (Docudrama/Fantasy) — Infobox Television show name = The Last Dragon Dragons: A Fantasy Made Real (U.S. title) caption = Title Screen genre = Fantasy / Docudrama runtime = 99 mins creator = Charlie Foley developer = Charlie Foley David McNab Justin Hardy Kevin Tao… … Wikipedia