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  • 141 conmercium

    com-mercĭum ( con-m-; ante-class.; sometimes ‡ commircĭum; cf. Vel. Long. p. 2236 P.), ii, n. [merx].
    Commercial intercourse, trade, traffic, commerce:

    mare magnum et ignara lingua commercia prohibebant,

    Sall. J. 18, 5; Plin. 33, 1, 3, § 7; Plin. Pan. 29; Tac. Agr. 24; Liv. 4, 52, 6:


    id. 45, 29, 13:

    commercium hominum in locum aliquem mutui usus contrahunt,

    id. 38, 18, 12:

    neque Thraces commercio faciles erunt,

    id. 40, 58, 1:

    jus commercii,

    Dig. 49, 5, 6.—
    The right to trade as merchants, a mercantile right:

    commercium in eo agro nemini est,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 3, 40, § 93; cf. id. ib. 2, 2, 50, §

    124: L. Crasso commercium istarum rerum cum Graecis hominibus non fuisse,

    id. ib. 2, 4, 59, §

    133: ceteris Latinis populis conubia commerciaque et concilia inter se ademerunt,

    Liv. 8, 14, 10; 43, 5, 9; cf. Dig. 41, 1, 62; 30, 1, 39; 45, 1, 34.—
    * 2.
    An article of traffic, merchandise, wares:

    commercia militaria,

    Plin. 35, 13, 47, § 168; for provisions, id. 26, 4, 9, § 18; cf. Front. 2, 5, 14.—
    A place of trade, market - place:

    commercia et litora peragrare,

    Plin. 37, 3, 11, § 45; Claud. in Eutr. 1, 58.—
    In gen., intercourse, communication, correspondence, fellowship; lit. and trop.:

    quid tibi mecum est commerci, senex?

    Plaut. Aul. 4, 4, 4; id. Bacch. 1, 2, 9; id. Stich. 4, 1, 15:

    mihi cum vostris legibus Nihil est commerci,

    I have nothing to do with your laws, id. Rud. 3, 4, 20:

    commercium habere cum Musis,

    Cic. Tusc. 5, 23, 66:

    commercium habere cum virtute,

    id. Sen. 12, 42:

    dandi et excipiendi beneficii,

    Val. Max. 5, 3, ext. 3:

    agrorum aedificiorumque inter se,

    Liv. 45, 29, 10:


    with them, id. 5, 3, 8; 41, 24, 16:


    Ov. Tr. 5, 10, 35; Liv. 1, 18, 3; 9, 36, 6; 25, 33, 3:


    id. 5, 15, 5; cf.:

    loquendi audiendique,

    Tac. Agr. 2 fin.:

    commercia epistularum,

    Vell. 2, 65, 1:

    hoc inter nos epistularum commercium frequentare,

    Sen. Ep. 38, 1:

    communium studiorum,

    Suet. Claud. 42:

    sortis humanae,

    Tac. A. 6, 19:


    stipulation, treaty, id. ib. 14, 33:

    belli tollere,

    Verg. A. 10, 532; so,

    belli dirimere,

    Tac. H. 3, 81.— Plur.:

    est deus in nobis, et sunt commercia caeli,

    Ov. A. A. 3, 549.—
    Esp., forbidden intercourse, illicit commerce:


    Val. Max. 8, 2, 2:


    Suet. Calig. 36.— Absol.:

    cum eā mihi fuit commercium,

    Plaut. Truc. 1, 1, 77.—
    In law, = collusio, Cod. Th. 3, 11, 4; cf. ib. 11, 4, 1 al.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > conmercium

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