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с румынского на все языки


  • 1 article

    1) (a thing or an object: This shop sells articles of all kinds; articles of clothing.) articol
    2) (a piece of writing in a newspaper or magazine: He has written an article on the new sports centre for a local magazine.) articol, reportaj
    3) (the (the definite article) or a/an (the indefinite article).)

    English-Romanian dictionary > article

  • 2 article

    (th) articol; produs

    English-Romanian technical dictionary > article

  • 3 article


    Dictionnaire en ligne Français-Romanche > article

  • 4 all-rubber article

    (plast) articol din cauciuc fără inserţie

    English-Romanian technical dictionary > all-rubber article

  • 5 definite article

    English-Romanian dictionary > definite article

  • 6 indefinite article

    English-Romanian dictionary > indefinite article

  • 7 pawn

    [po:n] 1. verb
    (to give (an article of value) to a pawnbroker in exchange for money (which may be repaid at a later time to get the article back): I had to pawn my watch to pay the bill.) a amaneta
    2. noun
    1) (in chess, one of the small pieces of lowest rank.) pion
    2) (a person who is used by another person for his own gain, advantage etc: She was a pawn in his ambitious plans.) unealtă
    - pawnshop
    - in pawn

    English-Romanian dictionary > pawn

  • 8 abstract

    ['æbstrækt] 1. adjective
    1) ((of a noun) referring to something which exists as an idea and which is not physically real: Truth, poverty and bravery are abstract nouns.) abstract
    2) ((of painting, sculpture etc) concerned with colour, shape, texture etc rather than showing things as they really appear: an abstract sketch of a vase of flowers.) abstract
    2. noun
    (a summary (of a book, article etc).) su­mar

    English-Romanian dictionary > abstract

  • 9 appreciation

    1) (gratefulness: I wish to show my appreciation for what you have done.) recunoştinţă
    2) (the state of valuing or understanding something: a deep appreciation of poetry.) apre­ciere
    3) (the state of being aware of something: He has no appreciation of our difficulties.) înţe­le­ge­re; idee (despre)
    4) (an increase in value.) creştere
    5) (a written article etc which describes the qualities of something: an appreciation of the new book.) recenzie (favorabilă)

    English-Romanian dictionary > appreciation

  • 10 author

    feminine sometimes - authoress; noun
    (the writer of a book, article, play etc: He used to be a well-known author but his books are out of print now.) autor

    English-Romanian dictionary > author

  • 11 commodity

    plural - commodities; noun
    (an article which is bought or sold: soap, toothpaste and other household commodities.) articol (în comerţ)

    English-Romanian dictionary > commodity

  • 12 countable

    1) (capable of being numbered: Millionths of a second are countable only on very complicated instruments.) numă­rabil
    2) ((negative uncountable: also count) (of a noun) capable of forming a plural and using the definite or indefinite article: Table is a count(able) noun, but milk is an uncountable noun.) numărabil

    English-Romanian dictionary > countable

  • 13 curio

    plural - curios; noun
    (an article valued for its oddness or its rareness.) raritate

    English-Romanian dictionary > curio

  • 14 cutting

    1) (a piece of plant cut off and replanted to form another plant.) butaş
    2) (an article cut out from a newspaper etc: She collects cuttings about the Royal Family.) tăietură/ extras (dintr-un ziar)
    3) (a trench dug through a hillside etc, in which a railway, road etc is built.) tranşee

    English-Romanian dictionary > cutting

  • 15 definite

    (clear; fixed or certain: I'll give you a definite answer later.) clar, precis
    - definite article

    English-Romanian dictionary > definite

  • 16 edit

    ['edit] 1. verb
    (to prepare (a book, manuscript, newspaper, programme, film etc) for publication, or for broadcasting etc, especially by correcting, altering, shortening etc.)
    - editor
    - editorial
    2. noun
    (the leading article in a newspaper.) editorial

    English-Romanian dictionary > edit

  • 17 feature

    ['fi: ə] 1. noun
    1) (a mark by which anything is known; a quality: The use of bright colours is one of the features of her painting.) caracteristică
    2) (one of the parts of one's face (eyes, nose etc): She has very regular features.) trăsătură
    3) (a special article in a newspaper: `The Times' is doing a feature on holidays.) articol (de ziar)
    4) (the main film in a cinema programme etc: The feature begins at 7.30; ( also adjective) a feature film.) film (de lung metraj)
    2. verb
    (to give or have a part (especially an important one): That film features the best of the British actresses.) a prezenta/a avea în rolul principal

    English-Romanian dictionary > feature

  • 18 garment

    (an article of clothing: This shop sells ladies' garments.) articol de îmbrăcăminte

    English-Romanian dictionary > garment

  • 19 gloss

    [ɡlos] 1. noun
    (brightness or shininess on the surface: Her hair has a lovely gloss; ( also adjective) gloss paint.) strălucire; strălu­citor
    2. verb
    (to make a glossary: The student glossed the difficult terms in order to understand the article.)
    - glossy
    - glossiness
    - gloss over

    English-Romanian dictionary > gloss

  • 20 gossip column

    (an article in a newspaper etc containing gossip about famous people.) cro­ni­că mondenă

    English-Romanian dictionary > gossip column

См. также в других словарях:

  • Article 49 — de la Constitution de la Cinquième République française Constitution de 1958 (texte) Préambule · Article 1er I. De la souveraineté …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Article 49-3 — Article 49 de la Constitution de la Cinquième République française Constitution de 1958 (texte) Préambule · Article 1er I. De la souveraineté …   Wikipédia en Français

  • article — [ artikl ] n. m. • 1130; lat. articulus « articulation », de artus; cf. orteil I ♦ 1 ♦ Vx Articulation (I). 2 ♦ (1846) Mod. Zool. Pièce articulée des arthropodes. ⇒ articulé. ♢ Bot …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • article — ARTICLE. s. mas. Jointure des os dans le corps de l animal. Il se dit principalement de la jointure des os des pieds et des mains de l homme. Les fluxions tombent sur les articles. Il étoit blessé à un des articles du petit doigt. Les doigts sont …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie Française 1798

  • article — Article. s. m. Jointure des os dans le corps de l animal, & principalement des os des pieds, & des mains de l homme. Les fluxions tombent sur les articles. il estoit blessé à un des articles du petit doigt. les doigts sont divisez en plusieurs… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • Article — Ar ti*cle, n. [F., fr. L. articulus, dim. of artus joint, akin to Gr. ?, fr. a root ar to join, fit. See {Art}, n.] 1. A distinct portion of an instrument, discourse, literary work, or any other writing, consisting of two or more particulars, or… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • ARTICLE 19 — is a London based human rights organisation with a specific mandate and focus on the defence and promotion of freedom of expression and freedom of information worldwide. The organisation takes its name from Article 19 of the Universal Declaration …   Wikipedia

  • Article 9 — de la constitution japonaise L article 9 de la constitution japonaise a fait couler beaucoup d encre parmi les hommes politiques japonais, les journalistes, et toute la société. Cet article dispose en effet que le Japon renonce à jamais à la… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • article — ar·ti·cle n 1 a: a separate and usu. numbered or otherwise marked section (as of a statute, indictment, will, or other writing) b: a separate point, charge, count, or clause c: a condition or stipulation in a document (as a contract) 2: a… …   Law dictionary

  • article — ar‧ti‧cle [ˈɑːtɪkl ǁ ˈɑːr ] noun LAW [countable] 1. one part of a law or legal agreement, especially a numbered part: • Articles 2 and 3 of the Constitution 2. articles [plural] in Britain, a period of training with a firm of solicitor …   Financial and business terms

  • article — Article, Il vient de Articulus. Un article d une loy ou autre chose, Caput legis. Article concernant la recepte du blé, et des revenuz et domaine de la ville, Caput frumenti, vectigalium, etc. Les articles et item d un conte et autres papiers,… …   Thresor de la langue françoyse

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