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  • 61 Article 2

    Man, his rights and freedoms are the supreme value. The recognition, observance and protection of the rights and freedoms of man and citizen shall be the obligation of the State.
    __________ <На русском языке см. [ref dict="The Constitution of Russia (Russian)"]Статья 2[/ref]> <На немецком языке см. [ref dict="The Constitution of Russia (German)"]Artikel 2[/ref]> <На французском языке см. [ref dict="The Constitution of Russia (French)"]Article 2[/ref]>

    The Constitution of Russia. English-Russian dictionary > Article 2

  • 62 Article 20

    1. Everyone shall have the right to life.
    2. Capital punishment until its complete elimination may be envisaged by a federal law as an exclusive penalty for especially grave crimes against life, and the accused shall be granted the right to have his case examined by jurytrial. __________ <На русском языке см. [ref dict="The Constitution of Russia (Russian)"]Статья 20[/ref]> <На немецком языке см. [ref dict="The Constitution of Russia (German)"]Artikel 20[/ref]> <На французском языке см. [ref dict="The Constitution of Russia (French)"]Article 20[/ref]>

    The Constitution of Russia. English-Russian dictionary > Article 20

  • 63 Article 21

    1. Human dignity shall be protected by the State. Nothing may serve as a basis for its derogation.
    2. No one shall be subject to torture, violence or other severe or humiliating treatment or punishment. No one may be subject to medical, scientific and other experiments without voluntary consent. __________ <На русском языке см. [ref dict="The Constitution of Russia (Russian)"]Статья 21[/ref]> <На немецком языке см. [ref dict="The Constitution of Russia (German)"]Artikel 21[/ref]> <На французском языке см. [ref dict="The Constitution of Russia (French)"]Article 21[/ref]>

    The Constitution of Russia. English-Russian dictionary > Article 21

  • 64 Article 22

    1. Everyone shall have the right to freedom and personal immunity.
    2. Arrest, detention and remanding in custody shall be allowed only by court decision. Without the court's decision a person may be detained for a term more than 48 hours. __________ <На русском языке см. [ref dict="The Constitution of Russia (Russian)"]Статья 22[/ref]> <На немецком языке см. [ref dict="The Constitution of Russia (German)"]Artikel 22[/ref]> <На французском языке см. [ref dict="The Constitution of Russia (French)"]Article 22[/ref]>

    The Constitution of Russia. English-Russian dictionary > Article 22

  • 65 Article 23

    1. Everyone shall have the right to the inviolability of private life, personal and family secrets, the protection of honour and good name.
    2. Everyone shall have the right to privacy of correspondence, of telephone conversations, postal, telegraph and other messages. Limitations of this right shall be allowed only by court decision. __________ <На русском языке см. [ref dict="The Constitution of Russia (Russian)"]Статья 23[/ref]> <На немецком языке см. [ref dict="The Constitution of Russia (German)"]Artikel 23[/ref]> <На французском языке см. [ref dict="The Constitution of Russia (French)"]Article 23[/ref]>

    The Constitution of Russia. English-Russian dictionary > Article 23

  • 66 Article 24

    1. The collection, keeping, use and dissemination of information about the private life of a person shall not be allowed without his or her consent.
    2. The bodies of state authority and local self-government, their officials shall ensure for everyone the possibility of acquainting with the documents and materials directly affecting his or her rights and freedoms, unless otherwise provided for by law. __________ <На русском языке см. [ref dict="The Constitution of Russia (Russian)"]Статья 24[/ref]> <На немецком языке см. [ref dict="The Constitution of Russia (German)"]Artikel 24[/ref]> <На французском языке см. [ref dict="The Constitution of Russia (French)"]Article 24[/ref]>

    The Constitution of Russia. English-Russian dictionary > Article 24

  • 67 Article 25

    The home shall be inviolable. No one shall have the right to get into a house against the will of those living there, except for the cases established by a federal law or by court decision.
    __________ <На русском языке см. [ref dict="The Constitution of Russia (Russian)"]Статья 25[/ref]> <На немецком языке см. [ref dict="The Constitution of Russia (German)"]Artikel 25[/ref]> <На французском языке см. [ref dict="The Constitution of Russia (French)"]Article 25[/ref]>

    The Constitution of Russia. English-Russian dictionary > Article 25

  • 68 Article 26

    1. Everyone shall have the right to determine and indicate his nationality. No one may be forced to determine and indicate his or her nationality.
    2. Everyone shall have the right to use his or her native language, to a free choice of the language of communication, upbringing, education and creative work. __________ <На русском языке см. [ref dict="The Constitution of Russia (Russian)"]Статья 26[/ref]> <На немецком языке см. [ref dict="The Constitution of Russia (German)"]Artikel 26[/ref]> <На французском языке см. [ref dict="The Constitution of Russia (French)"]Article 26[/ref]>

    The Constitution of Russia. English-Russian dictionary > Article 26

  • 69 Article 27

    1. Every who legally stays in the territory of the Russian Federation shall have the right to free travel, choice of place of stay or residence.
    2. Everyone may freely leave the Russian Federation. Citizens of the Russian Federation shall have the right to freely return to the Russian Federation. __________ <На русском языке см. [ref dict="The Constitution of Russia (Russian)"]Статья 27[/ref]> <На немецком языке см. [ref dict="The Constitution of Russia (German)"]Artikel 27[/ref]> <На французском языке см. [ref dict="The Constitution of Russia (French)"]Article 27[/ref]>

    The Constitution of Russia. English-Russian dictionary > Article 27

  • 70 Article 28

    Everyone shall be guaranteed the freedom of conscience, the freedom of religion, including the right to profess individually or together with other any religion or to profess no religion at all, to freely choose, possess and disseminate religious and other views and act according to them.
    __________ <На русском языке см. [ref dict="The Constitution of Russia (Russian)"]Статья 28[/ref]> <На немецком языке см. [ref dict="The Constitution of Russia (German)"]Artikel 28[/ref]> <На французском языке см. [ref dict="The Constitution of Russia (French)"]Article 28[/ref]>

    The Constitution of Russia. English-Russian dictionary > Article 28

  • 71 Article 29

    1. Everyone shall be guaranteed the freedom of ideas and speech.
    2. The propaganda or agitation instigating social, racial, national or religious hatred and strife shall not be allowed. The propaganda of social, racial, national, religious or linguistic supremacy shall be banned. 3. No one may be forced to express his views and convictions or to reject them. 4. Everyone shall have the right to freely look for, receive, transmit, produce and distribute information by any legal way. The list of data comprising state secrets shall be determined by a federal law. 5. The freedom of mass communication shall be guaranteed. Censorship shall be banned. __________ <На русском языке см. [ref dict="The Constitution of Russia (Russian)"]Статья 29[/ref]> <На немецком языке см. [ref dict="The Constitution of Russia (German)"]Artikel 29[/ref]> <На французском языке см. [ref dict="The Constitution of Russia (French)"]Article 29[/ref]>

    The Constitution of Russia. English-Russian dictionary > Article 29

  • 72 Article 3

    1. The bearer of sovereignty and the only source of power in the Russian Federation shall be its multinational people.
    2. The people shall exercise their power directly, and also through the bodies of state power and local self-government. 3. The supreme direct expression of the power of the people shall be referenda and free elections. 4. No one may usurp power in the Russian Federation. Seizure of power or usurping state authority shall be prosecuted by federal law. __________ <На русском языке см. [ref dict="The Constitution of Russia (Russian)"]Статья 3[/ref]> <На немецком языке см. [ref dict="The Constitution of Russia (German)"]Artikel 3[/ref]> <На французском языке см. [ref dict="The Constitution of Russia (French)"]Article 3[/ref]>

    The Constitution of Russia. English-Russian dictionary > Article 3

  • 73 Article 30

    1. Everyone shall have the right to association, including the right to create trade unions for the protection of his or her interests. The freedom of activity of public association shall be guaranteed.
    2. No one may be compelled to join any association and remain in it. __________ <На русском языке см. [ref dict="The Constitution of Russia (Russian)"]Статья 30[/ref]> <На немецком языке см. [ref dict="The Constitution of Russia (German)"]Artikel 30[/ref]> <На французском языке см. [ref dict="The Constitution of Russia (French)"]Article 30[/ref]>

    The Constitution of Russia. English-Russian dictionary > Article 30

  • 74 Article 31

    Citizens of the Russian Federation shall have the right to assemble peacefully, without weapons, hold rallies, meetings and demonstrations, marches and pickets.
    __________ <На русском языке см. [ref dict="The Constitution of Russia (Russian)"]Статья 31[/ref]> <На немецком языке см. [ref dict="The Constitution of Russia (German)"]Artikel 31[/ref]> <На французском языке см. [ref dict="The Constitution of Russia (French)"]Article 31[/ref]>

    The Constitution of Russia. English-Russian dictionary > Article 31

  • 75 Article 32

    1. Citizens of the Russian Federation shall have the right to participate in managing state affairs both directly and through their representatives.
    2. Citizens of the Russian Federation shall have the right to elect and be elected to state bodies of power and local self-government bodies, and also to participate in referenda. 3. Deprived of the right to elect and be elected shall be citizens recognized by court as legally unfit, as well as citizens kept in places of confinement by a court sentence. 4. Citizens of the Russian Federation shall enjoy equal access to the state service. 5. Citizens of the expenditures shall have the right to participate in administering justice. __________ <На русском языке см. [ref dict="The Constitution of Russia (Russian)"]Статья 32[/ref]> <На немецком языке см. [ref dict="The Constitution of Russia (German)"]Artikel 32[/ref]> <На французском языке см. [ref dict="The Constitution of Russia (French)"]Article 32[/ref]>

    The Constitution of Russia. English-Russian dictionary > Article 32

  • 76 Article 33

    Citizens of the Russian Federation shall have the right to address personally, as well as to submit individual and collective appeals to state organs and local self-government bodies.
    __________ <На русском языке см. [ref dict="The Constitution of Russia (Russian)"]Статья 33[/ref]> <На немецком языке см. [ref dict="The Constitution of Russia (German)"]Artikel 33[/ref]> <На французском языке см. [ref dict="The Constitution of Russia (French)"]Article 33[/ref]>

    The Constitution of Russia. English-Russian dictionary > Article 33

  • 77 Article 34

    1. Everyone shall have the right to a free use of his abilities and property for entrepreneurial and economic activities not prohibited by law.
    2. The economic activity aimed at monopolization and unfair competition shall not be allowed. __________ <На русском языке см. [ref dict="The Constitution of Russia (Russian)"]Статья 34[/ref]> <На немецком языке см. [ref dict="The Constitution of Russia (German)"]Artikel 34[/ref]> <На французском языке см. [ref dict="The Constitution of Russia (French)"]Article 34[/ref]>

    The Constitution of Russia. English-Russian dictionary > Article 34

  • 78 Article 35

    1. The right of private property shall be protected by law.
    2. Everyone shall have the right to have property, possess, use and dispose of it both personally and jointly with other people. 3. No one may be deprived of property otherwise than by a court decision. Forced confiscation of property for state needs may be carried out only on the proviso of preliminary and complete compensation. 4. The right of inheritance shall be guaranteed. __________ <На русском языке см. [ref dict="The Constitution of Russia (Russian)"]Статья 35[/ref]> <На немецком языке см. [ref dict="The Constitution of Russia (German)"]Artikel 35[/ref]> <На французском языке см. [ref dict="The Constitution of Russia (French)"]Article 35[/ref]>

    The Constitution of Russia. English-Russian dictionary > Article 35

  • 79 Article 36

    1. Citizens and their associations shall have the right to possess land as private property.
    2. Possession, utilization and disposal of land and other natural resources shall be exercised by the owners freely, if it is not detrimental to the environment and does not violate the rights and lawful interests of other people. 3. The terms and rules for the use of land shall be fixed by a federal law. __________ <На русском языке см. [ref dict="The Constitution of Russia (Russian)"]Статья 36[/ref]> <На немецком языке см. [ref dict="The Constitution of Russia (German)"]Artikel 36[/ref]> <На французском языке см. [ref dict="The Constitution of Russia (French)"]Article 36[/ref]>

    The Constitution of Russia. English-Russian dictionary > Article 36

  • 80 Article 37

    1. Labour is free. Everyone shall have the right to freely use his labour capabilities, to choose the type of activity and profession.
    2. Forced labour shall be banned. 3. Everyone shall have the right to labour conditions meeting the safety and hygienic requirements, for labour remuneration without any discrimination whatsoever and not lower than minimum wages and salaries established by the federal law, as well as the right to protection against unemployment. 4. Recognition shall be given to the right to individual and collective labour disputes with the use of methods of their adjustment fixed by the federal law, including the right to strike. 5. Everyone shall have the right to rest and license. Those working by labour contracts shall be guaranteed the fixed duration of the working time, days off and holidays, and the annual paid leave established by the federal law. __________ <На русском языке см. [ref dict="The Constitution of Russia (Russian)"]Статья 37[/ref]> <На немецком языке см. [ref dict="The Constitution of Russia (German)"]Artikel 37[/ref]> <На французском языке см. [ref dict="The Constitution of Russia (French)"]Article 37[/ref]>

    The Constitution of Russia. English-Russian dictionary > Article 37

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  • article — Article. s. m. Jointure des os dans le corps de l animal, & principalement des os des pieds, & des mains de l homme. Les fluxions tombent sur les articles. il estoit blessé à un des articles du petit doigt. les doigts sont divisez en plusieurs… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

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