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  • 1 article

    1) (a thing or an object: This shop sells articles of all kinds; articles of clothing.) vara, vörutegund, hlutur
    2) (a piece of writing in a newspaper or magazine: He has written an article on the new sports centre for a local magazine.) grein
    3) (the (the definite article) or a/an (the indefinite article).) greinir

    English-Icelandic dictionary > article

  • 2 definite article

    English-Icelandic dictionary > definite article

  • 3 indefinite article

    English-Icelandic dictionary > indefinite article

  • 4 pawn

    [po:n] 1. verb
    (to give (an article of value) to a pawnbroker in exchange for money (which may be repaid at a later time to get the article back): I had to pawn my watch to pay the bill.) veðsetja, pantsetja
    2. noun
    1) (in chess, one of the small pieces of lowest rank.) peð
    2) (a person who is used by another person for his own gain, advantage etc: She was a pawn in his ambitious plans.) peð, leiksoppur
    - pawnshop
    - in pawn

    English-Icelandic dictionary > pawn

  • 5 a

    indef. article
    (a is used before words beginning with a consonant eg a boy, or consonant sound eg a union; an is used before words beginning with a vowel eg an owl, or vowel sound eg an honour.)
    1) (one: There is a boy in the garden.) óákveðinn greinir, án samsvörunar í ísl.; notað sem fylgiorð á undan no. er táknar hlut af teljanlegu tagi
    2) (any; every: An owl can see in the dark.) hver, allir
    3) (for each; per: We earn $6 an hour.) á, fyrir

    English-Icelandic dictionary > a

  • 6 abstract

    ['æbstrækt] 1. adjective
    1) ((of a noun) referring to something which exists as an idea and which is not physically real: Truth, poverty and bravery are abstract nouns.) óhlutbundinn, óhlutstæður
    2) ((of painting, sculpture etc) concerned with colour, shape, texture etc rather than showing things as they really appear: an abstract sketch of a vase of flowers.) afstrakt, óhlutbundinn
    2. noun
    (a summary (of a book, article etc).) útdráttur, ágrip

    English-Icelandic dictionary > abstract

  • 7 an

    indef. article
    (a is used before words beginning with a consonant eg a boy, or consonant sound eg a union; an is used before words beginning with a vowel eg an owl, or vowel sound eg an honour.)
    1) (one: There is a boy in the garden.) óákveðinn greinir, án samsvörunar í ísl.; notað sem fylgiorð á undan no. er táknar hlut af teljanlegu tagi
    2) (any; every: An owl can see in the dark.) hver, allir
    3) (for each; per: We earn $6 an hour.) á, fyrir

    English-Icelandic dictionary > an

  • 8 appreciation

    1) (gratefulness: I wish to show my appreciation for what you have done.) þakklæti
    2) (the state of valuing or understanding something: a deep appreciation of poetry.) mætur, að hafa sans fyrir
    3) (the state of being aware of something: He has no appreciation of our difficulties.) hugmynd; skilningur
    4) (an increase in value.) verðgildishækkun
    5) (a written article etc which describes the qualities of something: an appreciation of the new book.) mat; gagnrÿni

    English-Icelandic dictionary > appreciation

  • 9 author

    feminine sometimes - authoress; noun
    (the writer of a book, article, play etc: He used to be a well-known author but his books are out of print now.) (rit)höfundur

    English-Icelandic dictionary > author

  • 10 commodity

    plural - commodities; noun
    (an article which is bought or sold: soap, toothpaste and other household commodities.) (sölu)vara

    English-Icelandic dictionary > commodity

  • 11 countable

    1) (capable of being numbered: Millionths of a second are countable only on very complicated instruments.) teljanlegur
    2) ((negative uncountable: also count) (of a noun) capable of forming a plural and using the definite or indefinite article: Table is a count(able) noun, but milk is an uncountable noun.) teljanlegur

    English-Icelandic dictionary > countable

  • 12 curio

    plural - curios; noun
    (an article valued for its oddness or its rareness.) fágæti

    English-Icelandic dictionary > curio

  • 13 cutting

    1) (a piece of plant cut off and replanted to form another plant.) afleggjari, græðlingur
    2) (an article cut out from a newspaper etc: She collects cuttings about the Royal Family.) úrklippur
    3) (a trench dug through a hillside etc, in which a railway, road etc is built.) gröftur eða skurður

    English-Icelandic dictionary > cutting

  • 14 definite

    (clear; fixed or certain: I'll give you a definite answer later.) ákveðinn, skÿr
    - definite article

    English-Icelandic dictionary > definite

  • 15 edit

    ['edit] 1. verb
    (to prepare (a book, manuscript, newspaper, programme, film etc) for publication, or for broadcasting etc, especially by correcting, altering, shortening etc.) búa til útgáfu; klippa; ritstÿra
    - editor
    - editorial
    2. noun
    (the leading article in a newspaper.) leiðari

    English-Icelandic dictionary > edit

  • 16 feature

    ['fi: ə] 1. noun
    1) (a mark by which anything is known; a quality: The use of bright colours is one of the features of her painting.) sérkenni
    2) (one of the parts of one's face (eyes, nose etc): She has very regular features.) andlitsfall
    3) (a special article in a newspaper: `The Times' is doing a feature on holidays.) uppsláttargrein; greinaflokkur
    4) (the main film in a cinema programme etc: The feature begins at 7.30; ( also adjective) a feature film.) aðalkvikmyndin
    2. verb
    (to give or have a part (especially an important one): That film features the best of the British actresses.) sÿna, hafa (til að bera), flagga

    English-Icelandic dictionary > feature

  • 17 garment

    (an article of clothing: This shop sells ladies' garments.) flík

    English-Icelandic dictionary > garment

  • 18 gloss

    [ɡlos] 1. noun
    (brightness or shininess on the surface: Her hair has a lovely gloss; ( also adjective) gloss paint.) gljái
    2. verb
    (to make a glossary: The student glossed the difficult terms in order to understand the article.)
    - glossy
    - glossiness
    - gloss over

    English-Icelandic dictionary > gloss

  • 19 gossip column

    (an article in a newspaper etc containing gossip about famous people.) kjaftasögudálkur, slúðurdálkur

    English-Icelandic dictionary > gossip column

  • 20 hire-purchase

    noun ((also abbreviated to HP [ei 'pi:]) a way of buying an article by paying the price in several weekly or monthly parts: I got this television on hire-purchase; ( also adjective) a hire-purchase agreement.) kaup með afborgunarkjörum

    English-Icelandic dictionary > hire-purchase

См. также в других словарях:

  • Article 49 — de la Constitution de la Cinquième République française Constitution de 1958 (texte) Préambule · Article 1er I. De la souveraineté …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Article 49-3 — Article 49 de la Constitution de la Cinquième République française Constitution de 1958 (texte) Préambule · Article 1er I. De la souveraineté …   Wikipédia en Français

  • article — [ artikl ] n. m. • 1130; lat. articulus « articulation », de artus; cf. orteil I ♦ 1 ♦ Vx Articulation (I). 2 ♦ (1846) Mod. Zool. Pièce articulée des arthropodes. ⇒ articulé. ♢ Bot …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • article — ARTICLE. s. mas. Jointure des os dans le corps de l animal. Il se dit principalement de la jointure des os des pieds et des mains de l homme. Les fluxions tombent sur les articles. Il étoit blessé à un des articles du petit doigt. Les doigts sont …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie Française 1798

  • article — Article. s. m. Jointure des os dans le corps de l animal, & principalement des os des pieds, & des mains de l homme. Les fluxions tombent sur les articles. il estoit blessé à un des articles du petit doigt. les doigts sont divisez en plusieurs… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • Article — Ar ti*cle, n. [F., fr. L. articulus, dim. of artus joint, akin to Gr. ?, fr. a root ar to join, fit. See {Art}, n.] 1. A distinct portion of an instrument, discourse, literary work, or any other writing, consisting of two or more particulars, or… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • ARTICLE 19 — is a London based human rights organisation with a specific mandate and focus on the defence and promotion of freedom of expression and freedom of information worldwide. The organisation takes its name from Article 19 of the Universal Declaration …   Wikipedia

  • Article 9 — de la constitution japonaise L article 9 de la constitution japonaise a fait couler beaucoup d encre parmi les hommes politiques japonais, les journalistes, et toute la société. Cet article dispose en effet que le Japon renonce à jamais à la… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • article — ar·ti·cle n 1 a: a separate and usu. numbered or otherwise marked section (as of a statute, indictment, will, or other writing) b: a separate point, charge, count, or clause c: a condition or stipulation in a document (as a contract) 2: a… …   Law dictionary

  • article — ar‧ti‧cle [ˈɑːtɪkl ǁ ˈɑːr ] noun LAW [countable] 1. one part of a law or legal agreement, especially a numbered part: • Articles 2 and 3 of the Constitution 2. articles [plural] in Britain, a period of training with a firm of solicitor …   Financial and business terms

  • article — Article, Il vient de Articulus. Un article d une loy ou autre chose, Caput legis. Article concernant la recepte du blé, et des revenuz et domaine de la ville, Caput frumenti, vectigalium, etc. Les articles et item d un conte et autres papiers,… …   Thresor de la langue françoyse

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