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См. также в других словарях:

  • Arthrodia — Ar*thro di*a, n. [NL., fr. Gr. ?, fr. ? well articulated; a rqron a joint + ? shape.] (Anat.) A form of diarthrodial articulation in which the articular surfaces are nearly flat, so that they form only an imperfect ball and socket. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • arthrodia — arthrodial, arthrodic /ahr throd ik/, adj. /ahr throh dee euh/, n., pl. arthrodiae / dee ee /. Anat. a joint, as in the carpal articulations, in which the surfaces glide over each other in movement. Also called gliding joint. [1625 35; < Gk… …   Universalium

  • arthrodia — SYN: plane joint. [G. a., a gliding joint, fr. arthron, joint, + eidos, form] * * * ar·thro·dia är thrōd ē ə n, pl di·ae ē .ē GLIDING JOINT ar·thro·di·al ē əl adj ar·throd·ic …   Medical dictionary

  • Arthrodia — Ar|thro̱dia* [zu gr. ἀρϑρωδης = mit Gliedern versehen] w; , ...iae: anatom. Bez. für: frei bewegliches, in mehreren Ebenen drehbares Gelenk, Kugelgelenk …   Das Wörterbuch medizinischer Fachausdrücke

  • arthrodia — ar·thro·dia …   English syllables

  • arthrodia — …   Useful english dictionary

  • артродия — (arthrodia, BNA; греч. arthrodia скользящий сустав; артро + греч. eidos вид, форма) см. Сустав шаровидный …   Большой медицинский словарь

  • Артро́дия — (arthrodia, BNA; греч. arthrōdia скользящий сустав; Артро + греч. eidos вид, форма) см. Сустав шаровидный …   Медицинская энциклопедия

  • arthrodie — [ artrɔdi ] n. f. • XVIe, A. Paré; gr. arthrôdia « sorte d articulation » ♦ Anat. Type d articulation à surfaces articulaires planes ou peu arrondies. L articulation de l omoplate avec la clavicule est une arthrodie. ● arthrodie nom féminin… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • arthrodial — Relating to arthrodia. * * * ar·thro·di·al (ahr throґde əl) of the nature of an arthrodia …   Medical dictionary

  • amphidiarthrosis — am·phi·di·ar·thro·sis (am″fĭ di″ahr throґsis) [amphi + diarthrosis] a joint having the nature of both a ginglymus and articulatio plana (arthrodia), as the articulation of the mandible. Amphidiarthrosis, exemplified by the… …   Medical dictionary

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