1 art type
Реклама: рисованный шрифт -
2 art type
3 prior art-type lathe
English-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > prior art-type lathe
4 prior art-type machine
English-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > prior art-type machine
5 chinso (In Japanese art, type of Buddhist portraiture developed especially by the Zen sect about 1200)
Религия: чинзоУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > chinso (In Japanese art, type of Buddhist portraiture developed especially by the Zen sect about 1200)
6 prior art-type lathe
Автоматика: устаревший токарный станок -
7 prior art-type machine
Автоматика: станок устаревшей конструкцииУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > prior art-type machine
8 prior-art-type
Автоматика: более низкого технического уровня, устаревшей конструкции -
9 state-of-the-art-type
1) Строительство: современный2) Метрология: новейший, совершенный -
10 state-of-the-art-type apparatus
Метрология: новейшая аппаратура, современная аппаратураУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > state-of-the-art-type apparatus
11 prior-art-type
устаревшей конструкции; более низкого технического уровняEnglish-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > prior-art-type
12 state-of-the-art-type
English-Russian big medical dictionary > state-of-the-art-type
13 type
1) тип, вид; группа2) шрифт; литера3) символ4) модель, образец5) штамп, оттиск•- type of license
- arabic type
- art type
- body type
- bold type
- bold type face
- capital type
- condensed type
- display type
- fat type
- gothic serif type
- greek type
- grotesque type
- hebrew type
- italic type
- outline type
- reverse type
- sans-serif type
- serif type
- skeleton type
- square-serif type
- stencil type -
14 prior art lathe
= prior art-type lathe устаревший токарный станокEnglish-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > prior art lathe
15 prior art machine
= prior art-type machine станок устаревшей конструкцииEnglish-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > prior art machine
16 true to type
I. adj phrтипичный, xapaктepныйHe was superficially so true to type he might have stood as the perfect pattern of smug suburbia (A. J. Cronin)II. adv phrтипичнo, xapaктepнoCriminals always act true to type, Mr. Lomax (A. Christie). His people were the same sort as my people. And in many ways Crale ran true to type - it was only where art came in that he didn't conform to the usual standards (A. Christie) -
17 Galaktotrophousa (In Christian art, a prescribed type for depiction of the Blessed Virgin in which she nurses the Child)
Религия: "Богоматерь Млекопитательница"Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Galaktotrophousa (In Christian art, a prescribed type for depiction of the Blessed Virgin in which she nurses the Child)
18 Glykophilousa (In early Christian and Byzantine art, a prescribed type for depiction of the Blessed Virgin in which the Child caresses Her cheek while She seems sadly to contemplate His coming Passion)
Религия: "Богоматерь Гликофилуса"Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Glykophilousa (In early Christian and Byzantine art, a prescribed type for depiction of the Blessed Virgin in which the Child caresses Her cheek while She seems sadly to contemplate His coming Passion)
19 Hagiosoritissa (In early Christian and Byzantine art, a prescribed type for depiction of the Blessed Virgin, standing alone, with arms raised as an orant to Christ half-length)
Религия: "Богоматерь Агиосоритисса"Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Hagiosoritissa (In early Christian and Byzantine art, a prescribed type for depiction of the Blessed Virgin, standing alone, with arms raised as an orant to Christ half-length)
20 primitive type of art
Макаров: примитивистское искусство
См. также в других словарях:
-type — type, typie ♦ Éléments, du gr. tupos « empreinte; modèle » (⇒ type) : archétype, contretype, linotype, prototype, sténotypie. type, typie, typo . éléments, du gr. tupos, empreinte, modèle . ⇒ TYPE, élém. formant I. Élém. représentant le subst.… … Encyclopédie Universelle
…Art — Infobox Album | Name = ...Art Type = Album Artist = Regurgitator Released = September 1999 Genre = Alternative rock Length = 47:53 Label = Warner Music Australia Producer = Quan Yeomans Ben Ely Lachlan Gould Last album = Unit (1998) This album … Wikipedia
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