1 around the clock
24 часа, суткиMost of the supermarkets in big American cities work around the clock.English-Russian small dictionary of idioms > around the clock
2 around-the-clock
3 around the clock
4 around-the-clock
əˈraundðəˈklɔk = round-the-clockкругосуточный - steel-making requires * work, seven days a week выплавка стали требует круглосуточной работы без выходных днейaround-the-clock = round-the-clockaround-the-clock = round-the-clock round-the-clock: round-the-clock круглосуточныйБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > around-the-clock
5 around-the-clock
[əˈraundðəˈklɔk]around-the-clock = round-the-clock around-the-clock = round-the-clock round-the-clock: round-the-clock круглосуточный -
6 around the clock
(тж. the clock around или round)кpуглocутoчнo, днём и нoчьюI slept three hours today and I'm tired as if I'd been up around the clock (D. Carter). I feel as if I could sleep the clock round and probably I shan't sleep a wink (J. Galsworthy) -
7 around-the-clock
steel-making requires around-the-clock work, seven days a week — выплавка стали требует круглосуточной работы без выходных дней
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > around-the-clock
8 around the clock
эта известная по самому первому рок-н-роллу Билли Хэйли ""Rock Around The Clock"" (1954 г.) фраза переводится не как ""Рок вокруг часов"", как иногда можно встретить, но как ""Рок круглые сутки"", ибо ""around the clock"" и значит ""все 24 часа в сутки"".English-Russian slang from the book M. Goldenkova "Caution, hot dog" > around the clock
9 around the clock
[ http://slovarionline.ru/anglo_russkiy_slovar_neftegazovoy_promyishlennosti/]Тематики
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > around the clock
10 around-the-clock
[ http://slovarionline.ru/anglo_russkiy_slovar_neftegazovoy_promyishlennosti/]Тематики
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > around-the-clock
11 around-the-clock
[əˌraundðə'klɔk]прил.; = round-the-clockHer daughter Janine, who is bedridden, needs around-the-clock care. — Её дочь Жанин прикована к постели и нуждается в постоянном уходе.
Syn: -
12 around-the-clock
Кругосветное часы имя прилагательное: -
13 around the clock
14 around the clock
круглые суткиDoctors and nurses worked around the clock to help the people injured in the train crash.
Англо-русский словарь идиом и фразовых глаголов > around the clock
15 around-the-clock
[ə͵raʋndðəʹklɒk] aкруглосуточныйsteel-making requires around-the-clock work, seven days a week - выплавка стали требует круглосуточной работы без выходных дней
16 around-the-clock
a круглосуточныйsteel-making requires around-the-clock work, seven days a week — выплавка стали требует круглосуточной работы без выходных дней
Синонимический ряд:ceaseless (adj.) ceaseless; constant; continual; continuous; incessant; persistent; steady; unceasing; uninterrupted -
17 around the clock
The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > around the clock
18 around the clock
круглые суткикруглосуточноOnly when candles gave way to gaslight, and gas to electricity, when man became able to convert night into day, and double his output by working shifts round the clock, did people seriously start wondering if sleep could possibly be a waste of time. — Только тогда, когда свечи уступили место газовому освещению, а газ — электричеству, когда человек стал способен превращать ночь в день и удваивать свою продукцию, работая сменами круглые сутки, люди серьезно стали задаваться вопросом, а не является ли сон, возможно, пустой тратой времени.
Англо-русский универсальный дополнительный практический переводческий словарь И. Мостицкого > around the clock
19 around the clock
1) Общая лексика: по двадцать четыре часа в сутки (англ. цитата заимствована из репортажа агентства Associated Press), круглые сутки (англ. цитата заимствована из репортажа Associated Press)2) Медицина: круглосуточно3) Химия: круглосуточный4) Фразеологизм: всё время (All the time; constantly.), постоянно -
20 around the clock
круглосуточнокруглосуточноБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > around the clock
См. также в других словарях:
around-the-clock — adj. 1. 1 proceeding without interruption for twenty four hours every day. around the clock nursing care Syn: day and night, nonstop, round the clock, twenty four hours a day. [WordNet 1.5] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
around the clock — also[the clock around] {adv. phr.} For 24 hours a day continuously all day and all night. * /The factory operated around the clock until the order was filled./ * /He studied around the clock for his history exam./ [round the clock] {adj.} * /That … Dictionary of American idioms
around the clock — also[the clock around] {adv. phr.} For 24 hours a day continuously all day and all night. * /The factory operated around the clock until the order was filled./ * /He studied around the clock for his history exam./ [round the clock] {adj.} * /That … Dictionary of American idioms
around-the-clock — /euh rownd dheuh klok /, adj. continuing without pause or interruption: an around the clock guard on the prisoner. Also, round the clock. [1940 45] * * * … Universalium
around the clock — adverb All the time or seemingly all the time; constantly. They worked around the clock to finish the project on time … Wiktionary
around-the-clock — adjective Date: 1853 being in effect, continuing, or lasting 24 hours a day ; constant < around the clock surveillance > … New Collegiate Dictionary
around the clock — also round the clock phrasal 1. continuously for 24 hours ; day and night without cessation 2. without relaxation and heedless of time … New Collegiate Dictionary
around-the-clock — adjective All day and night; all of the time … Wiktionary
Rock Around the Clock — For the movie named after the song, see Rock Around the Clock (film). For the 1955 record album by Haley, see Rock Around the Clock (album). Infobox Single| Name = Rock Around the Clock Artist = Bill Haley His Comets Nofrom Album = yes B side =… … Wikipedia
Rock Around the Clock — ist der Titel eines 1954 durch die US amerikanische Rock ’n’ Roll Band Bill Haley His Comets bekannt gewordenen Rock Songs, der zu den umsatzstärksten Plattenerfolgen aller Zeiten gehört. Dieser Song wurde nicht nur zur Marseillaise einer… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Rock Around the Clock (film) — Rock Around the Clock is the title of a 1956 musical motion picture that featured Bill Haley and His Comets along with Alan Freed, The Platters, and Freddie Bell and the Bellboys. It was produced by b movie king Sam Katzman (who would produce… … Wikipedia