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  • Aridity — A*rid i*ty, n.; pl. {Aridities}. [L. ariditas, fr. aridus.] 1. The state or quality of being arid or without moisture; dryness. [1913 Webster] 2. Fig.: Want of interest of feeling; insensibility; dryness of style or feeling; spiritual drought.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • aridity — (n.) 1590s, from M.Fr. aridité or directly from L. ariditatem (nom. ariditas) dryness, from aridus (see ARID (Cf. arid)). The Latin word was used figuratively of unadorned styles as well as stingy men …   Etymology dictionary

  • aridity — arid ► ADJECTIVE 1) very dry; having little or no rain. 2) uninteresting; unsatisfying. DERIVATIVES aridity noun aridly adverb aridness noun. ORIGIN Latin aridus, from arere be dry or parched …   English terms dictionary

  • Aridity index — An aridity index (AI) is a numerical indicator of the degree of dryness of the climate at a given location. A number of aridity indices have been proposed (see below); these indicators serve to identify, locate or delimit regions that suffer from …   Wikipedia

  • aridity — noun see arid …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • aridity — See arid. * * * …   Universalium

  • aridity — noun A long term lack of rainfall or moisture …   Wiktionary

  • aridity — a·rid·i·ty || æ rɪdÉ™tɪ n. dryness; barrenness …   English contemporary dictionary

  • aridity — n. 1. Dryness, aridness, parchedness, siccity, want of moisture, sterility, barrenness, unfertility. 2. Dryness, want of interest, dulness, pointlessness, jejuneness, unsuggestiveness, barrenness, infecundity, sterility. 3. Dulness, insensibility …   New dictionary of synonyms

  • aridity — n 1. aridness, parchedness, extreme dryness, dehydration, evaporation, desiccation; torridity, torridness. 2. barrenness, unproductivity, unproductiveness, sterility, sterileness; infertility, infertileness, unfertili ty, unfruitfulness,… …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • aridity — arid·i·ty …   English syllables

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