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См. также в других словарях:

  • Fire hydrant — in Charlottesville, Virginia, USA A fire hydrant (also known colloquially as a fire plug in the United States or as a johnny pump in New York City, because the firemen of the late 19th century were called Johnnies[ …   Wikipedia

  • fire fighting —  activity directed at limiting the spread of fire and extinguishing it, particularly as performed by members of organizations (fire services or fire departments) trained for the purpose. When it is possible, fire fighters rescue persons… …   Universalium

  • fire zone — An area in the aircraft designated by the manufacturer as requiring fire detectors and/or fire extinguishers. Each engine and nacelle area usually is divided into three fire zones. Fire detectors also may be provided in other areas. Fire zones of …   Aviation dictionary

  • Fire fighting in Finland — is regulated by the Ministry of the Interior . Municipalities in Finland can choose whether the fire and rescue services are provided by a professional fire brigade, a half ordinary fire brigade or a voluntary fire brigade. Half ordinary and… …   Wikipedia

  • Fire Police — are Volunteer Fire Brigade/Company members who may also have sworn police powers. They receive special police training and are responsible for traffic control, crowd control, fire and incident scene security, apparatus security, and station… …   Wikipedia

  • Fire of Heaven — is a fantasy trilogy by Russell Kirkpatrick. Its three volumes are Across the Face of the World , In the Earth abides the Flame (both published in 2004) and The Right Hand of God (published 2005). Synopsis Across the Face of the World A prologue… …   Wikipedia

  • Fire safety — refers to precautions that are taken to prevent or reduce the likelihood of a fire that may result in death, injury, or property damage, alert those in a structure to the presence of a fire in the event one occurs, better enable those threatened… …   Wikipedia

  • Fire dancing — (also known as, fire twirling, fire spinning, fire performance, or fire manipulation ) is a group of performance arts or disciplines that involve manipulation of objects on fire. Typically these objects have one or more bundles of wicking, which… …   Wikipedia

  • Fire services in Scotland — are provided by local brigades, and since the establishment of a devolved Scottish government in 1999, are the responsibility of the Cabinet Secretary for Justice in the Scottish Government. [ [http://www.scotland.gov.uk/Topics/Justice/Fire… …   Wikipedia

  • Fire safe councils — are grassroots community based organizations which share the objective of making California s communities less vulnerable to catastrophic wildfire. Fire safe councils accomplish this objective through education programs and projects such as… …   Wikipedia

  • Fire and Rescue NSW — Motto:  Orta Recens Quam Pura Nites , (Newly Risen, How Brightly We Shine) Established 1884 …   Wikipedia

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