Перевод: с английского на турецкий

с турецкого на английский


  • 1 blocked

    adj. tıkalı, bloke edilmiş
    * * *
    1. engelle (v.) 2. engellenmiş (adj.)
    * * *
    adjective (obstructed: I have a bad cold - my nose is blocked.) kapalı, tıkanık

    English-Turkish dictionary > blocked

  • 2 blocked

    bloke; bloklanmis, öbeklenmis

    English to Turkish dictionary > blocked

  • 3 blocked account

    bloke hesap, dondurulmus mevduat

    English to Turkish dictionary > blocked account

  • 4 blocked check

    bloke çek

    English to Turkish dictionary > blocked check

  • 5 blocked credit

    bloke kredi

    English to Turkish dictionary > blocked credit

  • 6 blocked currency

    bloke para

    English to Turkish dictionary > blocked currency

  • 7 blocked exchange

    bloke yabanci para

    English to Turkish dictionary > blocked exchange

  • 8 blocked


    English-Turkish new dictionary > blocked

  • 9 fixed blocked records

    degismez öbekli kayitlar

    English to Turkish dictionary > fixed blocked records

  • 10 block

    n. blok, kütük, iki cadde arasındaki binalar [amer.], apartman [brit.]; engel, tutukluk, makara, palanga, kütle; sıkışıklık
    v. bloke etmek, engellemek, tıkamak, kapamak, kalıplamak, durdurmak
    * * *
    1. blok 2. engelle (v.) 3. tıka (v.) 4. blok (n.)
    * * *
    [blok] 1. noun
    1) (a flat-sided mass of wood or stone etc: blocks of stone.) parça, kütle, blok
    2) (a piece of wood used for certain purposes: a chopping-block.) kütük
    3) (a connected group of houses, offices etc: a block of flats; an office block.) blok apartman, iş hanı
    4) (a barrier: a road block.) engel, mania
    5) ((especially American) a group of buildings bounded by four streets: a walk round the block.) blok
    2. verb
    (to make (progress) difficult or impossible: The crashed cars blocked the road.) tıkamak, kapamak, engel olmak
    3. verb
    The ships blockaded the town.) ablukaya almak, kuşatmak
    - blocked
    - block capital/letter
    - blockhead

    English-Turkish dictionary > block

  • 11 approach

    n. yaklaşma, yanaşma, yaklaşım, benzerlik, ilk adım, teşebbüs, girişim, başlangıç, yol
    v. yaklaşmak, yanaşmak; benzemek, andırmak; ulaşmak, varmak, ele almak, koyulmak; girişmek, başvurmak, görüşmek, temasta bulunmak
    * * *
    1. yaklaş (v.) 2. yaklaşım (n.)
    * * *
    [ə'prəu ] 1. verb
    (to come near (to): The car approached (the traffic lights) at top speed; Christmas is approaching.) yaklaşmak, yanaşmak
    2. noun
    1) (the act of coming near: The boys ran off at the approach of a policeman.) yaklaşma, yakına gelme
    2) (a road, path etc leading to a place: All the approaches to the village were blocked by fallen rock.) giriş, giriş yolu
    3) (an attempt to obtain or attract a person's help, interest etc: They have made an approach to the government for help; That fellow makes approaches to (= he tries to become friendly with) every woman he meets.) başvuru
    - approaching

    English-Turkish dictionary > approach

  • 12 blockage

    n. tıkanıklık
    * * *
    1. tıkanma 2. tıkanıklık
    * * *
    noun (something causing a pipe etc to be blocked: a blockage in the pipe.) tıkanma, tıkanıklık

    English-Turkish dictionary > blockage

  • 13 carriageway

    n. anayol
    * * *
    noun (especially in Britain, the part of a road used by cars etc: The overturned bus blocked the whole carriageway.) gidiş ve geliş yönü

    English-Turkish dictionary > carriageway

  • 14 clog

    n. terlik, nalın; kütük, takunya, engel, köstek, ket
    v. doldurmak, tıkamak, tıkanmak, dolmak, pıhtılaşmak; engellemek; kösteklemek; sıkıntı vermek,
    * * *
    1. engel ol (v.) 2. takunya (n.)
    * * *
    I [kloɡ] noun
    1) (a shoe made entirely of wood: Dutch clogs.) tahta ayakkabı
    2) (a shoe with a wooden sole.) sabo
    II [kloɡ] past tense, past participle clogged - (often with up)
    (to make or become blocked: The drain is clogged (up) with hair.) tıka(n)mak

    English-Turkish dictionary > clog

  • 15 intake

    n. giriş, girme, içeri alma, alınan miktar, tarıma elverişli toprak
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    * * *
    1) (the thing or quantity taken in: This year's intake of students is smaller than last year's.) alınan sayı
    2) (a place at which eg water is taken into a channel etc: The ventilation system broke down when something blocked the main air intake.) ağız
    3) (the act of taking in: an intake of breath.) alma

    English-Turkish dictionary > intake

  • 16 jet

    adj. simsiyah, kapkara
    n. oltu taşı, karakehribar, fışkırma, fıskıye, jet, jet uçağı, jet motoru
    v. fışkırtmak, jet ile uçmak
    * * *
    1. jet 2. fışkırt (v.) 3. jet (n.)
    * * *
    I [‹et] noun, adjective
    ((of) a hard black mineral substance, used for ornaments etc: The beads are made of jet; a jet brooch.) kara kehribar, siyah amber
    II [‹et]
    1) (a sudden, strong stream or flow (of liquid, gas, flame or steam), forced through a narrow opening: Firemen have to be trained to direct the jets from their hoses accurately.) fışkırma
    2) (a narrow opening in an apparatus through which a jet comes: This gas jet is blocked.) püskürtme memesi
    3) (an aeroplane driven by jet propulsion: We flew by jet to America.) jet
    - jet-propelled
    - jet propulsion

    English-Turkish dictionary > jet

  • 17 plunger

    n. dalgıç, dalma pistonu, tulumba pistonu, büyük oyuncu, kumarbaz, spekülatör
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    1. dalgıç 2. dalıcı
    * * *
    noun (an instrument for clearing blocked pipes etc by suction.) pompa, piston

    English-Turkish dictionary > plunger

  • 18 silt up

    alüvyon ile dolmak, alüvyonla tıkanmak
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    çamurla doldur
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    (to (cause to) become blocked by mud etc: The harbour had gradually silted up, so that large boats could no longer use it.) mille/balçıkla doldurmak

    English-Turkish dictionary > silt up

  • 19 sinus

    n. oyuk, kovuk, boşluk, sinüs, burun boşluğu, beyindeki kirli kan kanalı, arkarca
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    * * *
    ((usually in plural) an air-filled hollow in the bones of the skull, connected with the nose: His sinuses frequently become blocked in the winter; ( also adjective) He suffers from sinus trouble.) sinüs, kemik içi boşluğu

    English-Turkish dictionary > sinus

  • 20 uninterrupted

    adj. kesintisiz, aralıksız, kesilmemiş
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    1) (continuing without pause: four hours of uninterrupted rain.) kesintisiz
    2) ((of a view) not blocked by anything: We have an uninterrupted view of the sea.) engelsiz, önü açık

    English-Turkish dictionary > uninterrupted

См. также в других словарях:

  • blocked — [blɒkt ǁ blɑːkt] adjective money that is blocked cannot be taken out of the country or changed into another currency: • The company managed to find a loophole to unblock its blocked money. • The funds are in blocked deposits at the Bank of New… …   Financial and business terms

  • blocked — locked adj. 1. closed to traffic. Traffic was blocked by an overturned tractor trailor Syn: out of use(predicate). [WordNet 1.5] 2. at a complete standstill because of opposition of two unrelenting forces or factions. Syn: deadlocked, stalemated …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • blocked account — ➔ account1 …   Financial and business terms

  • blocked — blocked; un·blocked; …   English syllables

  • blocked account — An account where monies cannot be withdrawn without the lender s specific consent. This may be achieved by the account being in the borrower s name with the lender as sole signatory for withdrawals. Practical Law Dictionary. Glossary of UK, US… …   Law dictionary

  • blocked — index arrested (checked), blind (impassable), impervious Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • blocked shoe — noun A ballet dancer s dancing pump with a stiffened toe piece, enabling dancing on points • • • Main Entry: ↑block …   Useful english dictionary

  • blocked style — noun (typing) The display style, with all text beginning at the left margin without centring, indenting or underscoring • • • Main Entry: ↑block …   Useful english dictionary

  • Blocked Rand — Financial Rand und Commercial Rand, Afrikaans Finansiële Rand und Kommersiële Rand, waren die Bezeichnungen für ein zweigeteiltes Währungs und Wechselkurssystem für den südafrikanischen Rand, die Landeswährung Südafrikas, das von 1979 bis 1983… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Blocked currency — A currency that is not freely convertible to other currencies due to exchange controls. The New York Times Financial Glossary * * * blocked currency blocked currency ➔ currency * * * blocked currency UK US noun [C] ECONOMICS, FINANCE ► a currency …   Financial and business terms

  • blocked currency — A currency that is not freely convertible to other currencies due to exchange controls. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * blocked currency blocked currency ➔ currency * * * blocked currency UK US noun [C] ECONOMICS, FINANCE ► a currency that… …   Financial and business terms

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