1 aptitude index
A/I, aptitude indexиндекс [оценка] личных способностейEnglish-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > aptitude index
2 aptitude index
1) Военный термин: индекс личных способностей2) Авиационная медицина: коэффициент пригодности, коэффициент способности -
3 aptitude index
Англо-русский словарь по авиационной медицине > aptitude index
4 A/I
1) Военный термин: Air Inspector, accident/incident, aptitude index2) Сокращение: Anti-Icing -
5 A/I
A/I, accident/incident————————A/I, aptitude indexиндекс [оценка] личных способностей————————AI; A/I, Air InspectorEnglish-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > A/I
6 AE
1) Общая лексика: ответственный исполнитель, контактор ((сокр. от) account executive, advertising executive), американский английский (American English), appliance electronics (сокр.) (бытовая электроника; электроника бытовых электроприборов), НЯ (нежелательные явления (Adverse Events/Effects)), adult education (сокр.) (обучение взрослых), assistant engineer (сокр.) (помощник инженера, младший инженер)2) Компьютерная техника: Active Entity3) Биология: aminoethyl4) Морской термин: ( &\#198;) third class (сокр.) (третий класс (по классификации Английского Ллойда))5) Медицина: неблагоприятная реакция на применение лекарства, нежелательное явление (adverse event), aspergillus endophthalmitis6) Американизм: Architect And Engineering7) Военный термин: Aerial Exploitation, Army Europe, Army education, Army in Europe, Attack Electronic, acoustic emission, acquisition executive, added entry, aeromedical evacuation, aerospace education, air engineer, airborne equipment, angle of elevation, armor, artillery, and engineers aptitude area, assistant engineer, atomic energy, auxiliary equipment, aviation engineer, air engineering( сокр.) (1. авиаинженерный 2. авиационно-технической службы ( специализация офицера) (Великобритания)), air electrical (сокр.) (авиационно-электротехнический (НАТО)), auxiliary engineering (сокр.) (инженерно-вспомогательный), availability of equipment (сокр.) (наличие оборудования)8) Техника: abort electronics, activation energy, actual efficiency, air ejector, air-electrical, airborne electronics, aircraft equipment, alkyl polyethoxylate, appliance electronics, atmospheric emission, aviation electrician9) Сельское хозяйство: avian encephalomyelitis, agricultural engineer10) Шутливое выражение: Awesome Entertainment, Awful Entertainment11) Химия: Auger Electron12) Математика: Auxiliary Equation, абсолютная ошибка (absolute error), абсолютный экстенсор (absolute extensor), арифметическое выражение (arithmetic expression), асимптотическая эффективность (asymptotic efficiency), почти всюду (almost everywhere)13) Экономика: All England( сокр.) (всеанглийский), American Express Company (сокр.) (компания «Америкен Экспресс»), Alaska Economic Report (сокр.) (наименование американского периодического издания по экономическим вопросам), accrued expenditure (сокр.) (нарастающие расходы, затраты нарастающим итогом)14) Бухгалтерия: Actual Expense, annual exemption15) Телевидение: audio erase16) Сокращение: (type abbreviation) Ammunition ship (small; L), Aeronautical Engineer, Aircraft Establishment, American English, American Eskimo, Ammunition ship (USA), Application Execution, Armada Espanola (Spanish Navy), Assault Echelon, air escape, armament and electronics, (USN Rating) Aviation Electrician's Mate, ASCII Express, Above Elbow (amputation), Academic Edition (Microsoft), Acceptance Equipment, Access Enforcer (SAP GRC Access Control Product), Accident & Emergency, Acclaim Entertainment, Inc., Account Engineer, Accuracy of Estimation, Acela Express (Amtrak train service), Acoustic Engineer, Acquisition Economics, Acquisition Engineer/Executive, Acrodermatitis Enteropathica (zinc deficiency), Action Entry, Action Express (pistol cartridge), Active Emission, Active Enhancement, Activity End Invocation (ITU-T), Adaptive Enterprise (HP), Adaptive Equalizer, Additional Entry (USPS), Address Extension (Sprint), Adult Entertainment, Advanced Exchange, Adverse Effect, Adverse Event, Aero Postale (clothing manufacturer), Aerobic Exercise, Aeronautical Engineering, Aerosol, Aerospace Engineers/Aerospace Engineering, After Earth (Titan A.e.), Age Equivalent, Aggregate Expenditures (economics), Agricultural Engineer/Agricultural Engineering, Ahorristas Estafados (Paraguay), Air Efficiency Award (RAF), Air Entry, Air Europa, Air Evacuation, Akademia Economiczna (Polish), Albert Einstein, Algorithm Enable, Allegheny & Eastern (railroad), Allegheny Energy, Inc., Almost Everywhere (mathematics), Alpha Elites (gaming), Also Eligible (horse racing), Alveolar Echinococcosis, Alzheimer Europe, American Eagle, American Eagle Outfitters, American Express, Ammunition & Explosives, Ammunition Ship, Amplifier Extender (FS-1037c), Amtrak Express (railroad), Analog Equipment, Analytical Equipment, Anchor Site East, Angled End, Angstro"meinheit, Anion Exchange Protein, Ansaldo Energia, Antenna Electronics, Anything Else?, AppleEvent (inter-application communications for Macintosh OS), Applicant Entity, Application Engineer, Application Engineering, Application Engineers, Application Environment, Applications Environment, Applied Entomology, Apportioned Effort, Approved Equal, Aptitude Area, Arbeitseinheit, Arcane Explosion (gaming, World of Warcraft), Arch Enemy (band), Architect Evangelist (Microsoft), Architect and Engineering Firm, Architect-Engineer (also abbreviated A-E), Architectural Engineer, Architectural Engineering, Architecture Engineering, Area of Effect (gaming), Argument from Evil (philosophy), Armed Forces Africa (used with APO/FPO), Armed Forces Canada (used with APO/FPO), Armed Forces Middle East (used with APO/FPO), Armies In Europe (used with APO/FPO), Army Experiment, Articles Editor (law review), Ascent/Entry, Assigned Evaluator, Associate Editor, Associated Electrics, Inc (radio controlled cars), Associated Equipment (EMC testing), Atmospheric Explorer, Atomic Emission, Attenuation Equalizer, Attitude Ephemeris, Auroral Electrojet index, Australian Encephalitis, Australian English, Autechre (band), Auto Estrada (Motorway), Auto Exposure, Automation Equipment, Automotive Extrication (emergency & rescue services), Auxiliary Explosive (US Navy ammunition ship designation), Avian Encephalomalacia (Vitamin E Deficiency), Avian Encephalomyelitis (poultry viral disease), Mandarin Airlines (IATA airline code), United Arab Emirates (Internet TLD), above or equal17) Университет: Academic Enrichment, Agricultural Engineering18) Физика: actual envelope (сокр.) (фактическая огибающая), activation energy (сокр.) (энергия активации)19) Физиология: Above the elbow, Active And Equal, Aryepiglottic Fold20) Вычислительная техника: arithmetic element, arithmetic expression, Application Entity / Environment / Execution / Engineering (APE), Apple Events (Apple)21) Нефть: anode effect22) Иммунология: Adult Equivalent23) Банковское дело: зарегистрированный представитель брокерской фирмы (account executive)24) Фирменный знак: Acoustic Electric, Action Express, Associated Electrics25) СМИ: Abstract Expressionism, After The End26) Почта: Armed Forces Europe, Canada, Middle East (Префикс военной почты для Европы, Канады и Ближнего Востока)27) Образование: Additional Exercise, Alternative Education28) Инвестиции: account executive29) Сетевые технологии: application entity30) Полимеры: absolute error31) Контроль качества: asymptotic efficiency32) Телефония: прикладной объект33) Химическое оружие: Architect engineer, Area engineer, acid ester of methyl-phosphonic acid, methyl-phosphonic acid ester34) Военно-морской флот: Aviation Electrician's Mate (сокр.) (старшина—авиационный электрик)35) Судостроение: площадь спрямлённой поверхности лопастей гребного винта (expanded blade area of a screw propeller)36) Электротехника: accidental error, admissible error37) Майкрософт: асимметричное шифрование38) AMEX. Adams Resources & Energy, Inc.39) Клинические исследования: нежелательное явление -
7 ae
1) Общая лексика: ответственный исполнитель, контактор ((сокр. от) account executive, advertising executive), американский английский (American English), appliance electronics (сокр.) (бытовая электроника; электроника бытовых электроприборов), НЯ (нежелательные явления (Adverse Events/Effects)), adult education (сокр.) (обучение взрослых), assistant engineer (сокр.) (помощник инженера, младший инженер)2) Компьютерная техника: Active Entity3) Биология: aminoethyl4) Морской термин: ( &\#198;) third class (сокр.) (третий класс (по классификации Английского Ллойда))5) Медицина: неблагоприятная реакция на применение лекарства, нежелательное явление (adverse event), aspergillus endophthalmitis6) Американизм: Architect And Engineering7) Военный термин: Aerial Exploitation, Army Europe, Army education, Army in Europe, Attack Electronic, acoustic emission, acquisition executive, added entry, aeromedical evacuation, aerospace education, air engineer, airborne equipment, angle of elevation, armor, artillery, and engineers aptitude area, assistant engineer, atomic energy, auxiliary equipment, aviation engineer, air engineering( сокр.) (1. авиаинженерный 2. авиационно-технической службы ( специализация офицера) (Великобритания)), air electrical (сокр.) (авиационно-электротехнический (НАТО)), auxiliary engineering (сокр.) (инженерно-вспомогательный), availability of equipment (сокр.) (наличие оборудования)8) Техника: abort electronics, activation energy, actual efficiency, air ejector, air-electrical, airborne electronics, aircraft equipment, alkyl polyethoxylate, appliance electronics, atmospheric emission, aviation electrician9) Сельское хозяйство: avian encephalomyelitis, agricultural engineer10) Шутливое выражение: Awesome Entertainment, Awful Entertainment11) Химия: Auger Electron12) Математика: Auxiliary Equation, абсолютная ошибка (absolute error), абсолютный экстенсор (absolute extensor), арифметическое выражение (arithmetic expression), асимптотическая эффективность (asymptotic efficiency), почти всюду (almost everywhere)13) Экономика: All England( сокр.) (всеанглийский), American Express Company (сокр.) (компания «Америкен Экспресс»), Alaska Economic Report (сокр.) (наименование американского периодического издания по экономическим вопросам), accrued expenditure (сокр.) (нарастающие расходы, затраты нарастающим итогом)14) Бухгалтерия: Actual Expense, annual exemption15) Телевидение: audio erase16) Сокращение: (type abbreviation) Ammunition ship (small; L), Aeronautical Engineer, Aircraft Establishment, American English, American Eskimo, Ammunition ship (USA), Application Execution, Armada Espanola (Spanish Navy), Assault Echelon, air escape, armament and electronics, (USN Rating) Aviation Electrician's Mate, ASCII Express, Above Elbow (amputation), Academic Edition (Microsoft), Acceptance Equipment, Access Enforcer (SAP GRC Access Control Product), Accident & Emergency, Acclaim Entertainment, Inc., Account Engineer, Accuracy of Estimation, Acela Express (Amtrak train service), Acoustic Engineer, Acquisition Economics, Acquisition Engineer/Executive, Acrodermatitis Enteropathica (zinc deficiency), Action Entry, Action Express (pistol cartridge), Active Emission, Active Enhancement, Activity End Invocation (ITU-T), Adaptive Enterprise (HP), Adaptive Equalizer, Additional Entry (USPS), Address Extension (Sprint), Adult Entertainment, Advanced Exchange, Adverse Effect, Adverse Event, Aero Postale (clothing manufacturer), Aerobic Exercise, Aeronautical Engineering, Aerosol, Aerospace Engineers/Aerospace Engineering, After Earth (Titan A.e.), Age Equivalent, Aggregate Expenditures (economics), Agricultural Engineer/Agricultural Engineering, Ahorristas Estafados (Paraguay), Air Efficiency Award (RAF), Air Entry, Air Europa, Air Evacuation, Akademia Economiczna (Polish), Albert Einstein, Algorithm Enable, Allegheny & Eastern (railroad), Allegheny Energy, Inc., Almost Everywhere (mathematics), Alpha Elites (gaming), Also Eligible (horse racing), Alveolar Echinococcosis, Alzheimer Europe, American Eagle, American Eagle Outfitters, American Express, Ammunition & Explosives, Ammunition Ship, Amplifier Extender (FS-1037c), Amtrak Express (railroad), Analog Equipment, Analytical Equipment, Anchor Site East, Angled End, Angstro"meinheit, Anion Exchange Protein, Ansaldo Energia, Antenna Electronics, Anything Else?, AppleEvent (inter-application communications for Macintosh OS), Applicant Entity, Application Engineer, Application Engineering, Application Engineers, Application Environment, Applications Environment, Applied Entomology, Apportioned Effort, Approved Equal, Aptitude Area, Arbeitseinheit, Arcane Explosion (gaming, World of Warcraft), Arch Enemy (band), Architect Evangelist (Microsoft), Architect and Engineering Firm, Architect-Engineer (also abbreviated A-E), Architectural Engineer, Architectural Engineering, Architecture Engineering, Area of Effect (gaming), Argument from Evil (philosophy), Armed Forces Africa (used with APO/FPO), Armed Forces Canada (used with APO/FPO), Armed Forces Middle East (used with APO/FPO), Armies In Europe (used with APO/FPO), Army Experiment, Articles Editor (law review), Ascent/Entry, Assigned Evaluator, Associate Editor, Associated Electrics, Inc (radio controlled cars), Associated Equipment (EMC testing), Atmospheric Explorer, Atomic Emission, Attenuation Equalizer, Attitude Ephemeris, Auroral Electrojet index, Australian Encephalitis, Australian English, Autechre (band), Auto Estrada (Motorway), Auto Exposure, Automation Equipment, Automotive Extrication (emergency & rescue services), Auxiliary Explosive (US Navy ammunition ship designation), Avian Encephalomalacia (Vitamin E Deficiency), Avian Encephalomyelitis (poultry viral disease), Mandarin Airlines (IATA airline code), United Arab Emirates (Internet TLD), above or equal17) Университет: Academic Enrichment, Agricultural Engineering18) Физика: actual envelope (сокр.) (фактическая огибающая), activation energy (сокр.) (энергия активации)19) Физиология: Above the elbow, Active And Equal, Aryepiglottic Fold20) Вычислительная техника: arithmetic element, arithmetic expression, Application Entity / Environment / Execution / Engineering (APE), Apple Events (Apple)21) Нефть: anode effect22) Иммунология: Adult Equivalent23) Банковское дело: зарегистрированный представитель брокерской фирмы (account executive)24) Фирменный знак: Acoustic Electric, Action Express, Associated Electrics25) СМИ: Abstract Expressionism, After The End26) Почта: Armed Forces Europe, Canada, Middle East (Префикс военной почты для Европы, Канады и Ближнего Востока)27) Образование: Additional Exercise, Alternative Education28) Инвестиции: account executive29) Сетевые технологии: application entity30) Полимеры: absolute error31) Контроль качества: asymptotic efficiency32) Телефония: прикладной объект33) Химическое оружие: Architect engineer, Area engineer, acid ester of methyl-phosphonic acid, methyl-phosphonic acid ester34) Военно-морской флот: Aviation Electrician's Mate (сокр.) (старшина—авиационный электрик)35) Судостроение: площадь спрямлённой поверхности лопастей гребного винта (expanded blade area of a screw propeller)36) Электротехника: accidental error, admissible error37) Майкрософт: асимметричное шифрование38) AMEX. Adams Resources & Energy, Inc.39) Клинические исследования: нежелательное явление -
8 portable
переносный 1)
[IEV number 151-16-47]EN
portable, adj
capable to be carried by one person
NOTE – The term "portable" implies often the additional ability to operate when carried.
[IEV number 151-16-47]FR
portable, adj
capable d'être porté par une personne seule
NOTE – Le terme "portable" implique souvent l’aptitude additionnelle à fonctionner en étant porté.
[IEV number 151-16-47]1) термин переносный вероятно устарел. В настоящее время широко употребляется термин переносной.
[ http://www.iks-media.ru/glossary/index.html?glossid=2400324]Тематики
- электросвязь, основные понятия
3.14.3 переносное электрооборудование (portable): Оборудование, предназначенное для переноса персоналом.
Источник: ГОСТ Р МЭК 60079-14-2008: Взрывоопасные среды. Часть 14. Проектирование, выбор и монтаж электроустановок оригинал документа
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > portable
См. также в других словарях:
aptitude — I noun ability, applicability, bent, endowment, faculty, fitness, flair, gift, inclination, innate ability, intelligence, learning, propensity, propriety, suitability, talent, tendency II index ability, caliber (mental capacity), chance ( … Law dictionary
Aptitude — An aptitude is an innate, acquired or learned or developed component of a competency ( being the others: knowledge, understanding and attitude ) to do a certain kind of work at a certain level. Aptitudes may be physical or mental. The innate… … Wikipedia
inborn aptitude — index gift (flair), specialty (special aptitude) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
particular aptitude — index penchant Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
Second language acquisition — is the process by which people learn a second language in addition to their native language(s). The term second language is used to describe the acquisition of any language after the acquisition of the mother tongue. The language to be learned is … Wikipedia
Debian — GNU/Linux 6.0 ( Squeeze ) with GNOME Company / developer … Wikipedia
Indian Institutes of Technology — … Wikipedia
pouvoir — 1. pouvoir [ puvwar ] v. tr. <conjug. : 33; p. p. inv. pu> (REM. je puis est vieilli, sauf dans l interrogation directe où il est obligatoire : puis je ?) • 1440; poeir, pooir, povoir, en a. fr.; pod(e)ir 842; lat. pop. °potere, réfect. du… … Encyclopédie Universelle
psychological testing — Use of tests to measure skill, knowledge, intelligence, capacities, or aptitudes and to make predictions about performance. Best known is the IQ test; other tests include achievement tests designed to evaluate a student s grade or performance… … Universalium
Birla Institute of Technology and Science — Infobox University name = Birla Institute of Technology and Science (BITS), Pilani िबरला प्रौद्योिगकी एवं विज्ञान संस्थान िपलानी established = 1929. Became Deemed University in 1964 type = Private city = Pilani (1929), India Goa (2004), India… … Wikipedia
Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales — The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England Wales (ICAEW) was established by a Royal Charter in 1880.Perks, R.W.(1993): Accounting and Society . Chapman Hall (London); ISBN 0412473305. p.16] It has over 130,000 members. Over 15,000 of these … Wikipedia