Перевод: с испанского на английский

с английского на испанский


  • 1 accesorio

    1 accessory, additional, accidental, accompanying.
    2 supernumerary.
    3 collateral.
    1 accessory, fitting, appliance, appendant.
    2 add-on.
    3 prop, prop property.
    4 accessory nerve, eleventh cranial nerve pair, eleventh cranial nerve, accessorius.
    * * *
    1 accessory (gasto) incidental
    1 accessory, extra
    1 accessory, extra
    * * *
    noun m.
    * * *
    ADJ accessory; [gastos] incidental
    2. SM
    1) [gen] accessory, attachment, extra
    pl accesorios (Téc) accessories, spare parts; (Aut) spare parts; (Teat) props
    2) [de vestir] accessory
    * * *
    - ria adjetivo incidental
    masculino accessory
    * * *
    = side, accessory, attachment, fitting, fixture, ancillary.
    Ex. The course had concentrated on executive decision making, with a side excursion into the study and findings of Henry Mintzberg as reported in his book, 'The Nature of Managerial Work'.
    Ex. If static is a problem, it can usually be cured by the use of an anti-static mat and regular applications of anti-static sprays, both available from accessory suppliers.
    Ex. Film-strip projectors are usually equipped with an attachment for showing half-frame strips.
    Ex. The author presents conclusions and recommendations about the planning process; exterior design and construction; interior design and fittings.
    Ex. Finally partition walls and fixtures are added to customise each module to meet the needs of a particular library area.
    Ex. Costs of the Xerox equipment and ancillaries are reported and marketing strategies for the system outlined.
    * accesorio decorativo = ornamental fitting.
    * accesorios = fixtures and fittings, peripheral equipment, props, bathroom accessories, bathroom fittings.
    * accesorios de baño = bathroom accessories, bathroom fittings.
    * accesorios extras = bells and whistles.
    * accesorios militares = militaria.
    * accesorios ópticos = eyewear.
    * caja de accesorios = kit.
    * caja de accesorios de limpieza = cleaning kit.
    * juego de accesorios = kit, toolkit.
    * todos los accesorios extras = all the bells and whistles.
    * * *
    - ria adjetivo incidental
    masculino accessory
    * * *
    = side, accessory, attachment, fitting, fixture, ancillary.

    Ex: The course had concentrated on executive decision making, with a side excursion into the study and findings of Henry Mintzberg as reported in his book, 'The Nature of Managerial Work'.

    Ex: If static is a problem, it can usually be cured by the use of an anti-static mat and regular applications of anti-static sprays, both available from accessory suppliers.
    Ex: Film-strip projectors are usually equipped with an attachment for showing half-frame strips.
    Ex: The author presents conclusions and recommendations about the planning process; exterior design and construction; interior design and fittings.
    Ex: Finally partition walls and fixtures are added to customise each module to meet the needs of a particular library area.
    Ex: Costs of the Xerox equipment and ancillaries are reported and marketing strategies for the system outlined.
    * accesorio decorativo = ornamental fitting.
    * accesorios = fixtures and fittings, peripheral equipment, props, bathroom accessories, bathroom fittings.
    * accesorios de baño = bathroom accessories, bathroom fittings.
    * accesorios extras = bells and whistles.
    * accesorios militares = militaria.
    * accesorios ópticos = eyewear.
    * caja de accesorios = kit.
    * caja de accesorios de limpieza = cleaning kit.
    * juego de accesorios = kit, toolkit.
    * todos los accesorios extras = all the bells and whistles.

    * * *
    accesorios del automóvil car o automobile accessories
    accesorios de baño bathroom fittings
    * * *

    accesorio sustantivo masculino
    (Cin, Teatr) prop;

    accesorios de baño bathroom fittings
    I sustantivo masculino accessory
    II adjetivo
    1 (añadido, extra) supplementary, incidental
    2 (secundario, no esencial) secondary, incidental

    ' accesorio' also found in these entries:
    - incidental
    - prop
    - accessory
    - fitting
    * * *
    accesorio, -a
    incidental, of secondary importance
    [utensilio] accessory
    accesorios nmpl
    [de moda, automóvil] accessories
    * * *
    I adj incidental
    II m accessory
    * * *
    accesorio, - ria adj
    1) : accessory
    2) : incidental
    1) : accessory
    2) : prop (in the theater)
    * * *
    accesorio n accessory [pl. accessories]

    Spanish-English dictionary > accesorio

  • 2 accesorio

    • accessary
    • accessorial
    • accessory
    • accompanying
    • add on
    • additional
    • adscititious
    • ancillary
    • appendant
    • appliance
    • attachment
    • secondary
    • supervenient
    • supplementary
    • unessential

    Diccionario Técnico Español-Inglés > accesorio

  • 3 cosas accesorias

    • thingamy
    • things
    • things appendant
    • things are about the same all over

    Diccionario Técnico Español-Inglés > cosas accesorias

  • 4 las cosas llegan a un punto crítico

    • things appendant
    • things are pretty hot

    Diccionario Técnico Español-Inglés > las cosas llegan a un punto crítico

  • 5 poder con interés del apoderado

    • appurtenant power
    • power appendant

    Diccionario Técnico Español-Inglés > poder con interés del apoderado

  • 6 cosas accesorias

    things accessory, things appendant.

    Spanish-English dictionary > cosas accesorias

См. также в других словарях:

  • Appendant — Ap*pend ant, a. [F. appendant, p. pr. of appendre. See {Append}, v. t.] 1. Hanging; annexed; adjunct; concomitant; as, a seal appendant to a paper. [1913 Webster] As they have transmitted the benefit to us, it is but reasonable we should suffer… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Appendant — Ap*pend ant, n. 1. Anything attached to another as incidental or subordinate to it. [1913 Webster] 2. (Law) A inheritance annexed by prescription to a superior inheritance. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • appendant — index appurtenance, attached (annexed), rider Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • appendant — appendant, ante (a ppan dan, dan t ) adj. Terme didactique. Qui est suspendu à. ÉTYMOLOGIE    Appendre …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • appendant — or appendent [ə pen′dənt] adj. [Fr, prp. of appendre, APPEND] 1. attached or added as an appendage 2. associated with as a consequence 3. Law belonging to as a subsidiary right n. 1. an appendage …   English World dictionary

  • appendant — adjective Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo French apendaunt, present participle of apendre to belong, be subject, from Medieval Latin appendēre to be attached, belong to, from Latin, to be pending, from ad + pendēre to hang (intransitive… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • appendant — appendance, appendancy, appendence, appendency, n. /euh pen deuhnt/, adj. 1. attached or suspended; annexed. 2. associated as an accompaniment or consequence: the salary appendant to a position. 3. Law. pertaining to a legal appendant. n. 4. a… …   Universalium

  • appendant — /əˈpɛndənt/ (say uh penduhnt) adjective 1. hanging to; annexed; attached. 2. associated as an accompaniment or consequence: the salary appendant to a position. 3. Law relating to a legal appendant. –noun 4. a person or thing attached or added. 5 …  

  • appendant — A thing annexed to or belonging to another thing and passing with it. Something added or attached. At common law, a thing of inheritance belonging to another inheritance which is more worthy; as an advowson, common, etc., which may be appendant… …   Black's law dictionary

  • appendant — A thing annexed to or belonging to another thing and passing with it. Something added or attached. At common law, a thing of inheritance belonging to another inheritance which is more worthy; as an advowson, common, etc., which may be appendant… …   Black's law dictionary

  • appendant — affixed affixed adj. 1. attached physically. Opposite of {unaffixed}. Note: Various more specific adjectives meaning affixed are: {appendant , {basifixed}, {fastened, secured}, {glued, pasted, stuck to(predicate) , {pegged down , {pinned, stapled …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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