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adjgener. (àíãë.: solar collecting panel; solar collector; solar energy collecting panel; sun wall; suntrap; apparatus for collecting solar beams; apparatus for collecting sunlight; solar absorber assembly; solar energy tr päikesekollektorРусско-эстонский универсальный словарь > солнечный коллектор
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Apparatus — Apparatus, (Latin, apparātus ) is a mass noun used to describe equipment designed or assembled for a particular purpose. Examples include:* Fire apparatus * Equipment used in gymnastics * Kipp s apparatus * Golgi apparatus (also called a Golgi… … Wikipedia
apparatus — [krit′i kəsap΄ə rat′əs, ap΄ərāt′əs] n. pl. apparatus or apparatuses [L, a making ready, preparation < apparare < ad , to + parare, PREPARE] 1. the instruments, materials, tools, etc. needed for a specific use 2. any complex device or… … English World dictionary
Apparatus — Ap pa*ratus, n.; pl. {Apparatus}, also rarely {Apparatuses}. [L., from apparare, apparatum, to prepare; ad + prepare to make ready.] 1. Things provided as means to some end. [1913 Webster] 2. Hence: A full collection or set of implements, or… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Apparatus — Ap pa*ratus, n.; pl. {Apparatus}, also rarely {Apparatuses}. [L., from apparare, apparatum, to prepare; ad + prepare to make ready.] 1. Things provided as means to some end. [1913 Webster] 2. Hence: A full collection or set of implements, or… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
apparatus — index appliance, device (mechanism), equipment, expedient, facility (instrumentality), instrument ( … Law dictionary
apparatus — (n.) 1620s, from L. apparatus tools, implements, equipment; preparation, a preparing, noun of state from pp. stem of apparare prepare, from ad to (see AD (Cf. ad )) + parare make ready (see PARE (Cf. pare)) … Etymology dictionary
apparatus — [n1] equipment with a purpose accoutrement, appliance, black box*, contraption, device, dingbat, doodad*, doohickey*, furnishings, gaff*, gear, gimcrack*, gimmick, gizmo*, grabber*, habiliments, idiot box*, implement, jigger*, job*, machine,… … New thesaurus
apparatus — ► NOUN (pl. apparatuses) 1) the equipment needed for a particular activity or purpose. 2) a complex structure within an organization: the apparatus of government. ORIGIN Latin, from apparare make ready for … English terms dictionary
apparatus — 1 *equipment, gear, tackle, outfit, paraphernalia, machinery, materiel Analogous words: tool, *implement, utensil, instrument: network, *system, scheme 2 *machine, mechanism, machinery, engine, motor Analogous words: * … New Dictionary of Synonyms
apparatus — is normally pronounced with rat as in rate (not as in part). The plural is apparatuses … Modern English usage
apparatus — /ap euh rat euhs, ray teuhs/, n., pl. apparatus, apparatuses. 1. a group or combination of instruments, machinery, tools, materials, etc., having a particular function or intended for a specific use: Our town has excellent fire fighting apparatus … Universalium