1 aperture grill
апертурная решетка
Проволочная решетка внутри Электронно-Лучевой Трубки (ЭЛТ), необходимая для сведения вместе красного, зеленого и синего лучей.
[ http://www.morepc.ru/dict/]Тематики
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > aperture grill
2 aperture grill
3 aperture grill
The New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > aperture grill
4 aperture grill(e)
English-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > aperture grill(e)
5 aperture grill(e)
English-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > aperture grill(e)
6 aperture grill
= AGодин из двух основных видов технологий изготовления масок из тонких проволок; используется в ЭЛТ Trinitron. Непосредственно за внутренней поверхностью экрана ЭЛТ находится большое число вертикальных проволок, расположенных с малым шагом; они обеспечивают попадание электронных лучей на нужные точки люминофора. Чтобы уменьшить вероятность смещения проволок решётки, в неё вплетаются две демпфирующие проволоки, которые видны как две тонкие серые горизонтальные линии в верхней и нижней третях экрана. Технология разработана корпорацией SonyАнгло-русский толковый словарь терминов и сокращений по ВТ, Интернету и программированию. > aperture grill
7 Aperture Grill
Монитор; Оборудование Апертурная решетка теневая решетка Тип маски для мониторов, состоящей из металлической решетки из вертикальных линий. Апертурная решетка содержит серию нитей, состоящих из люминофорных элементов, выстроенных в виде вертикальных полос трех основных цветов. Достоинством данной маски является высокая контрастность и насыщенность изображения, а также менее выпуклый экран монитора. К недостаткам же можно отнести видимую пользователем на мониторе одну или несколько горизонтальных нитей, поддерживающих решетку и подавляющих ее колебание. Эти нити называются damper wire. Также к недостаткам данной маски можно отнести ступенчатость диагональных линий.English-Russian dictionary of computer abbreviations and terms > Aperture Grill
8 aperture-grill cathode ray tube
= aperture-grille cathode ray tube кинескоп с проволочной апертурной решёткойEnglish-Russian electronics dictionary > aperture-grill cathode ray tube
9 aperture-grill kinescope
= aperture-grille kinescope кинескоп с проволочной апертурной решёткойEnglish-Russian electronics dictionary > aperture-grill kinescope
10 aperture-grill kinescope
= aperture-grille kinescope кинескоп с проволочной апертурной решёткойThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > aperture-grill kinescope
11 aperture-grille cathode ray tube
English-Russian electronics dictionary > aperture-grille cathode ray tube
12 aperture-grille kinescope
English-Russian electronics dictionary > aperture-grille kinescope
13 aperture-grille kinescope
The New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > aperture-grille kinescope
14 grill
= grille2) перфорированный экран (напр. громкоговорителя)3) проволочная апертурная решётка (напр. кинескопа)• -
15 grill
= grille2) перфорированный экран (напр. громкоговорителя)3) проволочная апертурная решётка (напр. кинескопа)•The New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > grill
16 AG
Англо-русский толковый словарь терминов и сокращений по ВТ, Интернету и программированию. > AG
17 kinescope
1) кинескоп•- aperture-grille kinescope
- aperture-mask kinescope
- black-and-white kinescope
- color kinescope
- control kinescope
- dot-matrix kinescope
- dot-phosphor kinescope
- focus-grid kinescope
- focusing-grid kinescope
- focus-mask kinescope
- focusing-mask kinescope
- grid-controlled color kinescope
- monitor kinescope
- monochrome kinescope
- one-gun kinescope
- shadow-mask kinescope
- slot-matrix kinescope
- three-gun kinescope -
18 kinescope
1) кинескоп•- aperture-grille kinescope
- aperture-mask kinescope
- black-and-white kinescope
- color kinescope
- control kinescope
- dot-matrix kinescope
- dot-phosphor kinescope
- focus-grid kinescope
- focusing-grid kinescope
- focusing-mask kinescope
- focus-mask kinescope
- grid-controlled color kinescope
- monitor kinescope
- monochrome kinescope
- one-gun kinescope
- shadow-mask kinescope
- slot-matrix kinescope
- three-gun kinescopeThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > kinescope
19 tube
1) (электронная) лампа; (электронный) прибор2) трубка, труба || придавать трубчатую форму3) заключать в трубу или трубку•- tube of magnetic flux
- acorn tube
- acoustical tube
- air-cooled tube
- aligned-grid tube
- aluminized-screen picture tube
- amplifier tube
- anode-potential-stabilized camera tube
- anode-voltage-stabilized camera tube
- anti-TR tube
- anti-transmit-receive tube
- aperture-grill cathode ray tube
- aperture-grille cathode ray tube
- apple tube
- arc-discharge tube
- ATR tube
- attenuator tube
- backward-wave tube
- traveling-wave tube
- ballast tube
- banana tube
- banana-color tube
- band-ignitor tube
- bantam tube
- Barkhausen tube
- barrier-grid storage tube
- beam-deflection mixer tube
- beam-indexing tube
- beam-power tube
- beam-shaping cathode-ray tube
- beam-storage tube
- beam-switching tube
- bistable-phosphor storage tube
- bogey tube
- boob tube
- boron counter tube
- Braun tube
- Brewster angle tube
- camera tube
- camera storage tube
- cathode-potential-stabilized camera tube
- cathode-ray tube
- cathode-ray charge-storage tube
- cathode-ray storage tube
- cathode-voltage-stabilized camera tube
- cathodochromic dark-trace tube
- catkin tube
- cell-type tube
- character-generation cathode-ray tube
- character-indicator tube
- Charactron tube
- charge-storage tube
- chromatron tube
- coding tube
- coiltube
- cold-cathode tube
- cold-cathode counter tube
- cold-cathode glow-discharge tube
- cold-cathode stepping tube
- color cathode-ray tube
- color-picture tube
- control tube
- converter tube
- cooled-anode tube
- cooled-anode transmitting tube
- Coolidge tube
- corona tube
- counter tube
- coupled-cavity traveling-wave tube
- Crookes tube
- crossed-field tube
- cyclotron-wave tube
- damper tube
- dark-trace tube
- dc-powered tube
- decade counter tube
- deflection-type storage tube
- demountable tube
- density-modulated tube
- detector tube
- diffusion tube
- diffusion-furnace tube
- direct-display storage tube
- directly heated tube
- direct-viewing image tube
- direct-view storage tube
- discharge tube
- disk-seal tube
- display storage tube
- dissector tube
- doorknob tube
- dot matrix tube
- double-beam cathode-ray tube
- double-gun cathode-ray tube
- double-stream backward-wave tube
- draw tube
- drift tube
- driver tube
- dual-deflection tube
- duplex tube
- electrical-signal storage tube
- electric-flux tube
- electromagnetically deflected tube
- electromagnetically focused tube
- electromagnetically focused image tube
- electromagnetic cathode-ray tube
- electromagnetic-deflection cathode-ray tube
- electrometer tube
- electron tube
- electron-beam tube
- electron-beam switch tube with cross fields
- electron-beam switch tube with trochoid beam
- electron-dispersion tube
- electronic flash tube
- electron image tube
- electron-indicator tube
- electron-multiplier tube
- electron-ray tube
- electrostatically deflected tube
- electrostatically focused tube
- electrostatically focused traveling-wave tube
- electrostatic cathode-ray tube
- electrostatic memory tube
- electrostatic printing tube
- electrostatic storage tube
- end-window counter tube
- Eustachian tube
- extended-cutoff tube
- extended-interaction tube
- externally quenched counter tube
- Farnsworth image-dissector tube
- fast-wave tube
- fiber-optics image tube
- flash tube
- flat tube
- flux tube
- fuse tube
- gas tube
- gas-discharge tube
- gas-filled radiation-counter tube
- gas-flow counter tube
- gas rectifier tube
- gassy tube
- gated-beam tube
- Geiger counter tube
- Geiger-Mueller counter tube
- glass tube
- glow tube
- glow-discharge cold-cathode tube
- glow indicator tube
- grid-control tube
- gridded tube
- grid-glow tube
- grid-pool tube
- halogen-quenched counter tube
- hard tube
- heater-type tube
- heat-eye tube
- Heil tube
- helix traveling-wave tube
- high-electron-velocity camera tube
- high-mu tube
- high-power tube
- high-vacuum tube
- high-velocity camera tube
- Hittorf tube
- hodoscope tube
- hollow-cathode tube
- hot-cathode tube
- hot-cathode gas-filled tube
- image tube
- image camera tube
- image-converter tube
- image-dissector tube
- image-intensifier tube
- image orthicon tube
- image storage tube
- indicator tube
- indirectly heated tube
- inductance tube
- induction-output tube
- interference tube
- ionic-heated-cathode tube
- ionization-gage tube
- key tube
- klystron tube
- laser tube
- Lawrence tube
- lighthouse tube
- light-sensitive tube
- linear-beam tube
- line-focus tube
- liquid-flow counter tube
- local-oscillator tube
- low-electron-velocity camera tube
- luminescent-screen tube
- magnetic tube of force
- magnetically beamed tube
- master tube
- McNally tube
- mechanically controlled tube
- memory cathode-ray tube
- mercury tube
- mercury-arc tube
- mercury-pool tube
- mercury-vapor tube
- metal tube
- metal-ceramic disk tube
- microwave tube
- miniature tube
- mixer tube
- monochromatic cathode-ray tube
- monoscope cathode-ray tube
- M-type tube
- multianode tube
- multicolor cathode-ray tube
- multielectrode tube
- multigun tube
- multigun cathode-ray tube
- multiple-collector traveling-wave tube
- multiple-unit tube
- multiplier tube
- multistage tube
- multiunit tube
- negative tube
- Nixie tube
- noise tube
- noise-generator tube
- nonstorage camera tube
- numerical indicator tube
- numerical-readout tube
- optical-relay tube
- organic-quenched counter tube
- oscillating tube
- oscillograph tube
- oscilloscope tube
- O-type tube
- output tube
- overdriven tube
- PDA tube
- peanut tube
- pencil tube
- penetration-control color tube
- pentagrid tube
- phase-tuned tube
- photoconductive storage tube
- photoelectric tube
- photoelectric electron-multiplier tube
- photo erasable dark trace storage tube
- photo erasable dark trace cathode-ray storage tube
- photoflash tube
- photoglow tube
- photomixer image tube
- photomultiplier tube
- photosensitive tube
- pickup tube
- picture tube
- planar ceramic tube
- plasma-cathode traveling-wave tube
- plumbicon tube
- Pockels tube
- pool tube
- pool-cathode tube
- positive tube
- positive-grid oscillator tube
- postdeflection acceleration tube
- power tube
- power-amplifier tube
- pressure-equalizing tube
- pre-TR tube
- projected tube
- projection cathode-ray tube
- proportional counter tube
- protector tube
- pumped tube
- pyroelectric thermal image tube
- radar tube
- radial-beam tube
- radiation counter tube
- radiation-indexing color tube
- radio tube
- range-azimuth tube
- reactance tube
- reaction tube
- recording storage tube
- regulator tube
- remote-cutoff tube
- repeating flash tube
- ring-sealed tube
- rotation-anode tube
- rotation-anode X-ray tube
- scan-converter storage tube
- screen-grid tube
- sealed-off discharge tube
- SEC camera tube
- secondary-electron conduction camera tube
- secondary-emission tube
- self-focused picture tube
- self-pumping traveling-wave tube
- self-quenched counter tube
- self-rectifying X-ray tube
- shadow-mask cathode ray tube
- shadow-mask color-picture tube
- shaped-beam tube
- sharp-cutoff tube
- shielded tube
- shrinkable plastic tube
- signal-generating tube
- silicon camera tube
- silicon diode-array camera tube
- silicon-dioxide storage tube
- silicon intensifier target tube
- single-collector traveling-wave tube
- single-gun color-picture tube
- SIT tube
- situation-display tube
- slave tube
- slot-mask cathode ray tube
- slot-matrix tube
- soft tube
- space-charge tube
- space-charge-wave tube
- split-beam cathode-ray tube
- squelch tube
- stacked-ceramic tube
- storage tube
- storage cathode-ray tube
- storage-type camera tube
- stroboscopic tube
- subminiature tube
- switching tube
- Tamman tube
- television picture tube
- thermionic tube
- thin cathode-ray tube
- thin-wall counter tube
- three-dimensional cathode-ray tube
- three-gap TR tube
- three-gun color-picture tube
- three-neck picture tube
- TR tube
- transmit-receive tube
- transverse-beam traveling-wave tube
- transverse-field traveling-wave tube
- traveling-wave tube
- TR bandpass tube
- tricolor tube
- tricolor-picture tube
- trigger tube
- tungar tube
- vacuum tube
- vacuum fluorescent tube
- vacuum-gage tube
- valve tube
- variable-mu tube
- velocity-modulated tube
- video camera tube
- voltage-amplifier tube
- voltage-reference tube
- voltage-regulator tube
- voltage-stabilizing tube
- voltage-tunable tube
- wall tube
- water-cooled tube
- Williams tube
- window counter tube
- windowless photomultiplier tube
- xenon flash tube
- X-ray tube -
20 ChromaClear
технология ChromaClearтехнология изготовления эллиптических узкополосных масок кинескопов корпорации NEC, применяемая в производимых ею дисплеях MultiSync. Шаг точек 0,25 ммАнгло-русский толковый словарь терминов и сокращений по ВТ, Интернету и программированию. > ChromaClear
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
Cromaclear — slot style. Notice the brick design as opposed to the normal dot trio design Mask close up Cromaclear is a CRT … Wikipedia
Cathode ray tube — Cutaway rendering of a color CRT: 1. Three Electron guns (for red, green, and blue phosphor dots) 2. Electron beams 3. Focusing coils 4. Deflection coils 5. Anode connection 6. Mask for separating beams for red,… … Wikipedia
Pas de perçage — Pitch (informatique) Pour les articles homonymes, voir Pitch. En informatique, le pitch (ou pas de perçage) est une caractéristique des écrans d ordinateur. Il s agit de la distance entre les trois éléments de phosphore rouge, vert et bleu… … Wikipédia en Français
Pitch (informatique) — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Pitch. En informatique, le pitch (ou pas de perçage) est une caractéristique des écrans d ordinateur. Il s agit de la plus proche distance entre deux groupes distincts de luminophores rouge, vert et bleu pris… … Wikipédia en Français
апертурная решетка — Проволочная решетка внутри Электронно Лучевой Трубки (ЭЛТ), необходимая для сведения вместе красного, зеленого и синего лучей. [http://www.morepc.ru/dict/] Тематики информационные технологии в целом EN aperture grill … Справочник технического переводчика
Parabolic antenna — A parabolic satellite communications antenna at Erdfunkstelle Raisting, the biggest facility for satellite communication in the world, in Raisting, Bavaria, Germany. It has a Cassegrain type feed. A parabolic antenna is an antenna that uses a… … Wikipedia
Art, Antiques, and Collections — ▪ 2003 Introduction In 2002 major exhibitions such as Documenta 11 reflected the diverse nature of contemporary art: artists from a variety of cultures received widespread recognition for work ranging from installation to video to painting … Universalium
Cryptanalysis of the Enigma — enabled the western Allies in World War II to read substantial amounts of secret Morse coded radio communications of the Axis powers that had been enciphered using Enigma machines. This yielded military intelligence which, along with that from… … Wikipedia
List of fictional companies — This is a list of notable fictional companies. Entries in this list must have received significant coverage in reliable sources that are independent of the subject.These are nonexistent companies created for dramatic or literary purposes in a… … Wikipedia
Composition (visual arts) — The Art of Painting by Jan Vermeer, noted for his subtle compositions In the visual arts – in particular painting, graphic design, photography and sculpture – composition is the placement or arrangement of visual elements or ingredients in a work … Wikipedia
Nissan Presea — Not to be confused with Nissan Presage. Nissan Presea Manufacturer Nissan … Wikipedia