1 aperiodic motion
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > aperiodic motion
2 aperiodic motion
1) Морской термин: апериодическое движение2) Метрология: апериодические колебания -
3 aperiodic motion
4 aperiodic motion
5 aperiodic motion
6 aperiodic motion
апериодическое движениеEnglish-Russian dictionary of technical terms > aperiodic motion
7 aperiodic motion
8 aperiodic motion
9 aperiodic
The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > aperiodic
10 motion
движение; перемещениеmotion due to turbulencemotion of the atmosphere1/rev motionaft motionair motionaircraft motionaircraft rigid-body motionairplane motionangular motionaperiodic motionattitude motionbending motionchordwise motionconstrained motioncontrol-surface motioncoupled motiondamper motiondecoupled motiondirect lift motiondirect sideforce motiondirectional decoupled motiondisturbance motiondisturbed motiondual-frequency motionfeather motionfeathering motionflap motionflapping motionflutter motiongyroscopically coupled motionharmonic motionheave motionheaving motionhigh-acceleration motionin-plane motioninertial motioninterface motionirrotational motionjet motionjoint motionlag motionlarge-amplitude motionlateral motionlateral-directional motionlead-lag motionlimit cycle motionlinear motionlong-period motionlongitudinal motionlongitudinal decoupled motionlow-amplitude motionnatural motionnozzle motionorganized motionoscillatory motionout-of-plane motionpeak-to-peak motionperiodic motionperturbational motionperturbed motionphugoid motionpilot-generated motionpitch motionpitching motionplanar motionplatform motionplunge motionplunging motionpointing motionprogram motionramp motionreference motionrigid body motionroll motionrotational motionrunway-induced motionsaw-tooth motionself-excited motionself-induced motionshock motionshort-period motionsideslipping motionsimulator motionsingle-frequency motionsinusoidal motionsix-axis motionsliding motionsmall-angle motionsmall-perturbation motionsnap-through motionspatial motionspiral motionstabilator motionsteady motionsteady-state motionstick motionstructural motionsubharmonic motionteetering motiontorsion motiontorsional motiontranslation motiontranslational motionuncommanded motionunperturbed motionunsteady motionvertical decoupled motionvisually induced motionvortex motionwing rock motionyaw motionyawing motion -
11 motion
движение, перемещение@motion of perihelion{ (point)движение перигелия@absolute proper motionабсолютное собственное движение@annual motionгодичное движение@annual proper motionгодичное собственное движение@aperiodic motionапериодическое движение@apparent motionвидимое движение@apsidal motionдвижение линии апсид@celestial motionдвижение небесных тел@centennial proper motionстолетнее собственное движение@common proper motionобщее собственное движение (звезд в скоплении)@conical motionпрецессия@daily motionсуточное движение@declination motionдвижение (телескопа) по склонению@direct motionпрямое движение@diurnal motionсуточное движение@diverging motion in spot groupрасходящееся движение (солнечных) пятен в группе@Earth's motionдвижение Земли@eastward motionпрямое (с запада на восток по небесной сфере) движение@elliptical motionэллиптическое движение@fast motionбыстрое [грубое] движение (телескопа)@fundamental proper motionsзва. фундаментальные собственные движения (звезд)@guiding motionsгидировочные движения@hour-angle motionдвижение по часовому углу@image motion1.перемещение изображения 2.дрожание изображения@internal motions of sun spotsвнутренние движения в солнечных пятнах@inward motionнисходящее движение@large-scale motionsкрупномасштабные движения@large-scale galactic motionsкрупномасштабные движения в Галактике@line-of-sight motionдвижение по лучу зрения@longitudinal motion of sun spotsдвижение солнечных пятен по долготе@mean motion relative to the Sunсреднее движение относительно Солнца@mean angular motionсреднее (суточное) угловое движение@Moon's motionдвижение Луны@neutral hydrogen motionдвижение нейтрального водорода@observed motionнаблюдаемое движение@orbital motionнмх. орбитальное движение@outward motionвосходящее движение@parallactic motionпараллактическое движение@pecular motionпекулярное (неправильное, особенное) движение@periodic motionпериодическое движение@photographic proper motionзва. собственное движение, определенное фотографическим методом@planetary motionдвижение планет@polar motionдвижение полюсов (Земли), см. Chandler wobble@prograde motionпрямое движение (планет)@proper motionсобственное движение (звезд)@radial motionрадиальное движение@random motionsбеспорядочные движения@relative proper motionsотносительные собственные движения@retrograde motion @satellite's motionдвижение спутника@scanning motionсканирующее движение@short-period erratic motionsбыстропериодические дрожания@sidereal mean daily motionсидерическое среднее суточное движение@slewing motionбыстрое [грубое] движение (телескопа)@slow motionмедленное [тонкое] движение (телескопа)@small-scale motionsмелкомасштабные движения@solar motionдвижение Солнца@stellar motionsдвижения звезд@systematic motionсистематическое движение@total angular proper motionобщее собственное движение@tracking motionследящее движение@true motionистинное движение (звезды)@uniform motionравномерное движение@variable motionпеременное движение (телескопа)@westward motionобратное движение@ -
12 motion
13 апериодическое движение
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > апериодическое движение
14 mode
1. режим <полета, работы>2. форма <напр. движения>; тип; вид3. мода, тип колебаний, форма колебаний; тон (колебаний); колебания, колебательное движение; тип волны4. способ, методmode of motionmode of vibration4-D modeadaptive modeadvisory modeaeroelastic modeair resonance modeaircraft modeairframe modeairplane modeairspeed hold modeall-out jamming modealtitude hold modealtitude hold control modeaperiodic modeapproach modeapproach control modeassumed modesattitude command modeattitude hold modeauto-flap modeauto-trim modeautoflight modeautopilot modeautopilot-coupled modeautothrottle modebalance modebeacon bombing modebeam modebeating modebending modebeyond-the-horizon modeblade modebody freedom modeboresight acquisition modebuckling modecamber control modeCAS modechord modeclimb modeclosed-loop modeclosely spaced modesclosely spaced frequency modescommand augmentation modecompensatory modecomponent modesconstant airspeed modeconstraint modescontrol modecontrolled modescoupled modecrack opening modecruise modecruise camber control modecrushing modeCTOL modedecoupled modedeformation modedegraded modedemand modedigital modedirect force modesdirect force control modesdirectional modedivergence modedivergent modedogfight modedutch roll modeedgewise modeelastic modeelectronic modefailure modefine pointing modefinite frequency modesfire-and-forget modefirst bending modefirst flap modefirst flexible modefirst lag modefixed-free modefixed-gain modefixed-wing modeflap modeflapping modeflatwise modeflexible modeflexural modeflight control modeflight director modeflight operation modeflight path rate modeflutter modeflutter-critical modefly-up modeFMS-controlled modefree modefundamental modefuselage modeground contact modehard-ride modehead-down modeheading modeheave modehelicopter modehelmet modehigh-frequency modehigher modehigher order modehighly damped modehybrid tandem fan modein-plane modeinflow modeinstability modeinteracting modesintercept modeland modelateral modelateral modeslateral-directional modelateral-directional mode slateral-sway modelead-lag modelift modelightly damped modeloading modelock-before-launch modelong-term holding modelongitudinal modelongitudinal modeslongitudinal-sway modelongitudinal-lateral modeslook-down modelook-up modelow-frequency modelow-probability-of-intercept modelow-speed modelow-yaw-rate spin modelower order modesMach-hold modemaneuver modemaneuver camber control modemanual modemanual sweep modemapping modemechanical modemonitored modesmotion modemultitracking modenatural modenonreversing modenormal modenuisance modeopen-loop modeoperational modeorbit modeoscillatory modeout-of-control modependulum modephugoid modephugoidal modepitch modepitching modeplunge modeplunging modepoorly damped modeposition modepower approach modepowered-lift modepulse modepusher moderamjet modereconfiguration moderecovery moderesidual modesresponse modereturn-to-base modereverse modereversing modereversion moderigid body moderoll moderoll rate command moderolling moderotary-wing moderotational moderotor-pylon modeshort-period modeslender wing modesliding modespin modespiral modestand-off modestealthy modesteering modestroke modestructural modestructure modesupercruise modesupersearch modesupersonic cruise modetakeoff modetask-tailored modeterminal tracking modeterrain-avoidance modeterrain-clearance modeterrain-following modethird flap modethreat-avoidance modethrust-vectoring modetorsion modetrack-on-jam modetranslational modeturbojet modetwisting modeuncontrolled modeunmodeled modesunstable modeunstick modevector modevectoring modevertical flight-control modevibration modeweakly damped oscillatory modewindowing modewing bending modewing sweep modewingborne modewing-pylon modeswing's open modeyaw modeyawing mode -
15 control
1) управление; регулирование; регулировка || управлять; регулировать; задавать2) контроль; проверка || контролировать; проверять3) орган управления; орган регулировки, регулятор; орган настройки4) устройство управления; блок управления6) рукоятка или рычаг управления7) профилактические мероприятия, надзор•"operation is under control" — всё предусмотрено для нормальной работы;to gain control — вчт. получать управление:to go out of control — становиться неуправляемым;to operate ( to handle) the flight controls — оперировать органами управления полётом;to pass control — вчт. передавать управление;to return control — вчт. возвращать управление;to take over control — брать управление на себя;to transfer control — вчт. передавать управление-
cascaded control-
cathode control-
CO/O2 combustion control-
communications control-
computer control-
contactor-type control-
continuous-path control-
course gage control-
current-mode control-
dispatcher control-
focusing control-
holding control-
horizontal-frequency control-
hue range control-
long-distance control-
managerial control-
microprogramming control-
numerical program control-
on-off action control-
position-based control-
slide control-
step-by-step control-
time-pattern control -
16 instrument
1) метр. средство измерений3) инструмент; инструментальное средство•instrument calibrated in logarithmic steps — прибор с логарифмической шкалой;instrument labeled with... — прибор, отградуированный в...;to check an instrument — 1. проверять исправность прибора 2. поверять прибор;to read an instrument — снимать показания прибора-
absolute instrument
ac instrument
accepted instrument
accessory instrument
ac-dc instrument
active-measuring instrument
active instrument
airborne instrument
airspeed instrument
all-solid state instrument
analog instrument
angular instrument
aperiodic instrument
astatic instrument
aviation instruments
batch-type instrument
battery-operated instrument
bench-top instrument
bench instrument
bore measuring instrument
Bragg instrument
calibrating instrument
center-zero instrument
certified instrument
chart-recording instrument
colorimetric instrument
commercially produced instrument
commercial instrument
comparative instrument
contactless instrument
contact-type instrument
continuously reading instrument
crossed-field instrument
cross-field instrument
cross-coil instrument
D'Arsonval instrument
dc instrument
dead-beat instrument
deflection instrument
diagnostic test instrument
dial instrument
digital instrument
direct-acting instrument
direct-reading instrument
distant-indicating instrument
downhole instrument
draught instrument
drawing instrument
dropwindsonde instrument
echo-sounding instrument
edgewise instrument
electric staff instrument
electrically measuring instrument
electrical measuring instrument
electrical-type instrument
electrodynamic instrument
electromagnetic instrument
electronic instrument
electrostatic instrument
end instrument
extended-range instrument
ferrodynamic instrument
ferromagnetic instrument
fluidic instrument
flush-type instrument
go-devil instrument
grading instrument
graphic instrument
grating instrument
hardness measuring instrument
health-monitoring instrument
hook-on instrument
hot-wire instrument
humidity control instrument
indicating instrument
induction-type instrument
induction instrument
integrating instrument
iron-cored type instrument
iron-cored instrument
laboratory instrument
leveling instrument
light-beam instrument
lighting instrument
light-spot instrument
linear-measuring instrument
line-powered instrument
loop-forming instruments
mains-operated instrument
manual-balance instrument
measuring instrument
mine-surveying instrument
monitoring instrument
moored instrument
motion picture instrument
moving-coil instrument
moving-iron instrument
moving-magnet instrument
multimeter instrument
multiple-range instrument
noncontact instrument
null-indicating instrument
numerical-reading instrument
optical instrument
passive-measuring instrument
passive instrument
permanent-magnet moving-iron instrument
pH instrument
photoelectrical instrument
photoelectric instrument
plunger-type instrument
pointer-and-scale instrument
polarized-vane instrument
portable instrument
presetting instrument
primary instrument
printing instrument
production control instrument
programmable instrument
projected-moving-pointer instrument
projection instrument
rack-mounted instrument
rack-mount instrument
recording instrument
rectifier-type instrument
rectifier instrument
reference instrument
registering instrument
remote-reading instrument
remote-sensing instrument
robust instrument
sampling instrument
schlieren instrument
Schopper-Rieger instrument
self-calibrating instrument
self-contained instrument
sensing instrument
service measuring instrument
shadow column instrument
shop floor measuring instrument
shop measuring instrument
signal-tracing instrument
solar radiation instrument
solid-state instrument
sonic depth-finding instrument
sound editing instrument
spaceborne instrument
speed measuring instrument
standard instrument
standardizing instrument
stylus instrument
summation instrument
suppressed-zero instrument
surveying instrument
survey instrument
switchboard instrument
tabletop instrument
test instrument
thermal instrument
thermistor instrument
thermocouple-type instrument
thermocouple instrument
token instrument
tower instrument
track instrument
transfer instrument
transfer quality instrument
transient instrument
troubleshooting instrument
ultrasonic instrument
verifiable instrument
verifying instrument
vibrating-reed instrument
viewing instrument
visual instrument
warning instrument
well surveying instrument
wireline instrument
working measuring instrument
zero instrument
zero-center instrument -
17 link
1) связь; соединение || связывать; соединять3) звено (цепи, механизма, линии связи, системы связи)4) кулиса; передаточный рычаг; серьга; шатун; шарнир6) трак ( траковой цепи)7) ответвление (реки, канала)8) эл. плавкая вставка ( предохранителя)9) линия связи; линия передачи ( данных или сигналов); канал связи; канал передачи ( данных или сигналов)13) трик. петля14) плашка, кнопка ( распределительной цепи трикотажной машины)16) трик. кеттлевать•-
aperiodic link
arm link
articulated link
astatic link
axlebox link
backbone link
bandwidth-limited link
bar link
bidirectional link
centershift link
chain link
common link
communications link
communication link
connecting link
counterweight link
coupling link
cutter link
data link
dedicated link
deep heat treated track link
degraded link
disconnecting link
domestic link
double kingbolt link
drag link
drop link
earth-satellite link
elevator link
end link
enlarged link
expansion link
extension link
fiber-optic link
fiber link
forked link
four-wire link
frequency-division data link
fuse link
fusible link
group link
guide link
high body hardness link
hoist link
information link
intercontinental link
internodal link
intersatellite link
intranodal link
ion link
isolating link
joining link
keyed split master link
kinematic link
line-of-sight link
lock differential link
logical link
long-haul link
magnetic link
manipulator link
mastergroup link
meteor-burst link
microwave link
molecular link
motion link
multihop link
nonpolar link
one-way link
open link
optical fiber link
optical link
over-the-horizon link
phasing link
physical link
pipeline link
power link
power-limited link
proportional link
radar link
radio link
radio-relay link
railway link
rail link
rebuildable link
remote control link
repeaterless link
retransmission link
safety link
satellite link
satellite-to-satellite link
screw link
shackle link
shared link
short-haul link
shortwave link
side brace link
signaling link
skywave-radio link
slotted link
sonobuoy communication link
space link
split link
spool connecting link
spur link
stabilizer tag link
static link
steering link
stud link
studio-to-transmitter link
studless link
subscriber link
supergroup link
suspension link
swing link
swivel link
tandem link
telemetering link
telephone link
terminal link
terrestrial link
time-division data link
torque link
towing link
track link
transhorizon link
transmission link
tubing link
two-piece link
two-way link
user access link
valve gear link
virtual link -
18 oscillatory
1) колебательный
2) качательный
3) осциллирующий
4) осцилляционный
– oscillatory character
– oscillatory circuit
– oscillatory discharge
– oscillatory electric
– oscillatory element
– oscillatory impedance
– oscillatory motion
– oscillatory spin
– oscillatory surge
– parallel oscillatory
– periodic oscillatory
– rotationally oscillatory
aperiodic oscillatory circuit — колебательный апериодический
См. также в других словарях:
aperiodic motion — aperiodinis judėjimas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. aperiodic motion vok. aperiodische Bewegung, f rus. апериодическое движение, n pranc. mouvement apériodique, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
aperiodinis judėjimas — statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. aperiodic motion vok. aperiodische Bewegung, f rus. апериодическое движение, n pranc. mouvement apériodique, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
aperiodische Bewegung — aperiodinis judėjimas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. aperiodic motion vok. aperiodische Bewegung, f rus. апериодическое движение, n pranc. mouvement apériodique, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
mouvement apériodique — aperiodinis judėjimas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. aperiodic motion vok. aperiodische Bewegung, f rus. апериодическое движение, n pranc. mouvement apériodique, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
апериодическое движение — aperiodinis judėjimas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. aperiodic motion vok. aperiodische Bewegung, f rus. апериодическое движение, n pranc. mouvement apériodique, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
Handling qualities — Handling qualities, sometimes also referred to as flying qualities is one of the two principle regimes in the science of flight test (the other being performance). Handling qualities involves the study and evaluation of the stability and control… … Wikipedia
mathematics — /math euh mat iks/, n. 1. (used with a sing. v.) the systematic treatment of magnitude, relationships between figures and forms, and relations between quantities expressed symbolically. 2. (used with a sing. or pl. v.) mathematical procedures,… … Universalium
Markov chain — A simple two state Markov chain. A Markov chain, named for Andrey Markov, is a mathematical system that undergoes transitions from one state to another, between a finite or countable number of possible states. It is a random process characterized … Wikipedia
Loudspeaker enclosure — A loudspeaker enclosure is a cabinet designed to transmit sound to the listener via mounted loudspeaker drive units. The major role of the enclosure is to prevent the out of phase sound waves from the rear of the speaker from combining with the… … Wikipedia
Periodic function — Not to be confused with periodic mapping, a mapping whose nth iterate is the identity (see periodic point). In mathematics, a periodic function is a function that repeats its values in regular intervals or periods. The most important examples are … Wikipedia
What Is Life? — Infobox Book name = What is Life? Mind and Matter title orig = image caption = author = Erwin Schrödinger illustrator = cover artist = country = language = English series = subject = genre = Popular science publisher = Cambridge University Press… … Wikipedia