1 anytime algorithm
алгоритм с отсечением по времени (итерационный вычислительный алгоритм, который способен выдать наилучшее на данный момент решение в любое время, если процесс вычислений не доводится до естественного останова)Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > anytime algorithm
2 anytime algorithm
алгоритм с отсечением по времени (итерационный вычислительный алгоритм, который способен выдать наилучшее на данный момент решение в любое время, если процесс вычислений не доводится до естественного останова)English-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > anytime algorithm
3 anytime algorithm
Программирование алгоритм с отсечением по времени Итерационный вычислительный алгоритм, который способен выдать наилучшее на данный момент решение в любое время, если процесс вычислений не доводится до естественного останова.English-Russian dictionary of computer abbreviations and terms > anytime algorithm
1) Общая лексика: (Aaa) высшая степень надёжности, Объединённые художники Америки (организация профессиональных художников — живописцев, скульпторов и графиков) (сокр. от Allied Artists of America), Американо-австралийская ассоциация культурных связей (сокр. от American-Australian Association), Управление регулирования сельского хозяйства2) Компьютерная техника: Adequation Algorithm Architecture, Advanced Accelerator Applications, Algorithm Architecture Adequation, Automatic Artwork Alignment3) Авиация: Anti-Aicraft-Artillery, консультативный район аэропорта, консультативная зона аэропорта (сокр. от), Ассоциация антикварных аэропланов (США) (сокр. от Antique Airplane Association)4) Медицина: abdominal aortic aneurysm5) Американизм: прослушавший двухлетний курс по прикладному искусству (сокр. от Associate in Applied Arts)6) Спорт: Anglers Of All Abilities, Australian Anglers Association, Average Amateur Attempt, Атлетическая любительская ассоциация Англии и Уэльса (сокр. от Amateur Athletic Association of England and Wales)7) Военный термин: Access All Areas, Allied Airborne Army, Anarchy Armageddon Annihilation, Antiaircraft Association, Army Appropriation Account, Army Audit Agency, Authority Authorization Auditing, Authorization Accounting Activity, adviser on aircraft accidents, all American aviation, antiaircraft armament, antiaircraft artillery, approved as amended, awaiting aircraft availability9) Сельское хозяйство: Agricultural Adjustment Act, Animal Analysis Associates, aminoacetic acid, Американская ассоциация специалистов по разведению ангусской породы крупного рогатого скота (сокр. от American Angus Association)10) Шутливое выражение: Alcoholic Apes Anonymous, Always Add Acid, Anime Addicts Anonymous, Athlon Addicts Anonymous, Awful Agonizing And Aggravating11) Математика: Angle Angle Angle12) Юридический термин: Against All Authority, Ассоциация слушателей и бывших слушателей Гаагской академии международного права (сокр. от Association of Auditors and Former Auditors of the Hague Academy of International Law)13) Экономика: аналитическая и консультативная помощь (analytical and advisory assistance (World Bank terminology)), Ассоциация сельскохозяйственной авиации (США) (сокр. от Agricultural Aircraft Association)14) Бухгалтерия: Accumulated Adjustments Account, Association of Accounting Administrators, Американская ассоциация бухгалтеров (American Accounting Association), Бюджетно-контрольное управление (сокр. от Office of Accounting and Audit)15) Страхование: American Academy of Actuaries, American Agents Association, Association of Average Adjusters of the United States16) Ветеринария: Animal Agriculture Alliance17) Грубое выражение: Anal Ass Americans18) Испанский язык: Ассоциация артистов-любителей, Ассоциация художников-любителей (Asociación de Artistas Aficionados (Amateur Artists’ Association) (Перу))19) Музыка: Acoustic And A-capella, Adult Alternative Acoustic, Adult Alternative Album, Adult Alternative Albums, Американская ассоциация аккордеонистов (сокр. от American Accordionists Association)20) Сокращение: Actors and Artistes of America, Adaptive Antenna Array, Amateur Athletic Association, Amelioration de l'Autodefense Anti-missile (Ship self-defence programme (France)), American Academy of Advertising, American Airship Association, American Anthropological Association, American Association of Anatomists, American Automobile Association, Anti-Air Armament, Anti-Aircraft Artillery, Australian Army Aviation, Automated Airline Assignment, Agricultural Adjustment Administration, Army Aviation Association (Ассоциация армейской авиации (США)), Archives of American Art (наименование американского периодического издания по истории искусства), ACTH-Resistant Adrenal Insufficiency, Achalasia and Alacrima, AEGIS Acquisition Agent, ANSI Artists of America, AOES (Advanced Orbital Ephemeris System) Accuracy Assessment, ASP Application Aggregator, Academia de Automovilismo Andrade (Guatemala), Access All Areas (Sony music project), Access Approval Authority, Accountability and Assessment, Accumulated Adjustments Account (US Federal Income Tax), Accuview anti Aliasing, Aces of ANSI Art, Achalasia-Addisonianism-Alacrima (Syndrome), Acquisition Approval Authority, Action Awareness Alert, Action on Alcohol Abuse, Active Antenna Array, Acute Anxiety Attack, Adaptive Array Antenna, Addisonian-Achalasia Syndrome, Adjust for ASCII Addition (X86), Administration, Authorization, and Authentication (Software Security), Advanced Account Access, Advanced Acoustic Analysis, Advanced Acoustic Array, Advanced Adaptive Autopilot, Advanced Aircraft Analysis, Advanced Assault Amphibians, Aeiou's Alien Archeology (NASA explores), Aerospace Engineering, Applied Mechanics, and Aviation, African Action on AIDS, African Awareness Association, Against All Authority (gaming clan), Age Anaesthesia Association, Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1933, Agro-Action Allemande, Aiesec Alumni Association (CIS), Air Avenue of Approach, Airborne Array Aperture, Airborne Assault Area, Aircraft Alert Area, Airport Airspace Analysis, Alacrima-Achalasia-Addisonianism, Alacrima-Achalasia-Adrenal Insufficiency (neurologic disorder), Alaska Activities Adventures Plus Tours, Album Adult Alternative (radio format), Alianza Anticomunista Argentina (Argentinian paramilitary organization, 1970s), Alien Adoption Agency, Allgrove Syndrome, Alliance Against AIDS, Allocations, Assessments, and Analysis, Alpha Associates Alliance (Knoxville, Tennessee), Alstyle Apparel & Activewear (clothing), Alternate Assembly Area, Amateur Astronomers Association (New York City, NY), American Abstract Artists, American Academy of Addictionology, American Academy of Audiology, American Accordionists' Association, American Airlines Arena (Miami Florida), American Allergy Association, American Ambulance Association, American Andalusian Association, American Angus Association, American Armwrestling Association, American Association of Advertising Agencies, American Audit Associates, American Avalanche Association, Amino Acid Analysis, Amyloid of Aging and Alzheimer Disease, Analog/Analog/Analog (audio CD format, recording/mixing/mastering), Ancylostomiasis (endemic anaemia of ancient Egypt), Anesthesia Administration Assembly, Angels and Airwaves (band), Angle Angle Angle (geometric proof), Animal Acupuncture Academy, Animal Agriculture Alliance (veterinary), Animal-Assisted Activity, Annals of Archaeology and Anthropology, Anti-Acronym Abuse, Anti-Air Assist (gaming), Anti-Attack Aura (Star Ocean: Till the End of Time, game), Antiaircraft Antiarmor (Weapon), Anticipative Adaptive Array (frequency-hopping communications), Antique Airplane Association, Antique Automobile Association, Anygame Anytime Anyplace (gaming clan), Anything, Anytime, Anywhere, Aperture Antenna Analysis, Appraisers Association of America, Archaiologika Analekta Ex Athenon (Athens Annals of Archaeology), Area Advisory Authority, Area Agency on Aging, Ariana Afghan Airlines, Arkansas Activities Association (North Little Rock, Arkansas), Arkansas Aluminum Alloys, Inc (Hot Springs, Arkansas), Arkansas Ambulance Association, Armenian Assembly of America, Army Ammunition Activity, Aromatic Amino Acid, Ascii Adjust after Addition, Asian American Action (fund), Asian American Alliance, Asian American Association, Asian Awareness Association, Asistencia Asesoria y Administracion (Mexico wrestling), Asociacio'n Asperger Andaluci'a, Asociacio'n de Amigos en Accio'n (Guatemala), Asociacion Anticomunista Argentina, Asociacion Argentina de Actores, Aspen Achievement Academy, Assessment of Aircraft Attrition, Assign Alternate Area, Associac,a\AAAo dos Alcoo'licos Ano^nimos (Portuguese Alcoholics Anonymous Society), Associate of Applied Arts, Association Against Acronyms (Facebook group), Association Algerriene d'Alphabetisation, Association of Active Shareholders (France), Association of Avatar Artists, Astronaut-Actuated Abort, Athiest and Agnostic Association, Atlas of Ancient Archaeology, Attitude, Awareness and Accountability (ski safety program), Auburn Adventist Academy (Auburn, Washington, USA), Australian Archaeological Association Inc., Australian Association of Accountants, Australian Automobile Association, Austrian Automotive Association, Authentication, Authorization and Access, Authorized Accounting Activity, Automated Airlift Analysis, Automatic Anti-Aircraft (DOD), Autoridad de Acueductos y Alcantarillados (Aqueduct and Sewer Authority, Puerto Rico), Battery Size, Highest Level of League (minor league baseball), Triple antibiotic ointment (bacitracin, neomycin, polymixin), arrival and assembly area, Alive, Alert, Aggressive21) Университет: Academic Achievement And Advising, Academics, Athletics, and Arts, Arts Academics And Athletics, Atlantean Academic Archaeologist22) Физика: Advanced Applications Of Accelerators23) Хирургия: аминоуксусная кислота24) Иммунология: American Academy of Allergy25) Связь: Authentication, Authorization and Accounting26) Банковское дело: Американская арбитражная ассоциация (American Arbitration Association), Американская ассоциация ревизоров (American Accounting Association)27) Транспорт: Arrival Arrangements Agreements, Auckland Automobile Association28) Фирменный знак: Anthony's Adoption Agency, The Automobile Association Of America29) Экология: alternating aerobic-anaerobic30) СМИ: Adult Album Alternative31) Деловая лексика: Advanced Available And Affordable, Alter, Avoid, or Accept, Американская ассоциация ( страховых) оценщиков недвижимого имущества (сокр. от Appraisers Association of America), Австралийская ассоциация бухгалтеров (сокр. от Association of Accountants of Australia)32) Образование: Active Accelerated Academy, Awareness Action And Accountability33) Инвестиции: American Accounting Association, American Arbitration Association34) Сетевые технологии: опознавание пользователя, санкционирование доступа и бухгалтерский35) Полимеры: acetoacetanilide, amalgam, amino-acid-amide36) Безопасность: Accounting Authentication And Authorization, Authentication, Authorization, and Accountability37) Интернет: Authentication, Authorization, Accounting38) Расширение файла: App Cam Automation file, Xtal Backup file39) Общественная организация: Anti Aircraft Association, Arrowhead Accountability Association40) Должность: Asian Art Appreciation41) Чат: Awesome Awesome Awesome42) Аэропорты: Anaa, Tuamotu Islands43) Программное обеспечение: Automated Atlantis Assistants44) Федеральное бюро расследований: Army Security Agency -
1) Общая лексика: hum. сокр. Deoxyribonucleic Acid2) Компьютерная техника: Digital Network Architecture, Distributed interNet Applications3) Американизм: Do Not Assume4) Военный термин: Defense Nuclear Agency, Deputy for Nuclear Affairs, Desire And Needs Assessment, did not attend, does not apply, Управление ядерного оружия5) Техника: does not answer, ДНК, дезоксирибонуклеиновая кислота6) Сельское хозяйство: (deoxyribonucleic acid) ДНК7) Шутливое выражение: Deadly Nuclear Ale, Disciple N Anarchy8) Математика: Differential Numerical Algorithm9) Автомобильный термин: Dynamic, Normal, All weather (режимы езды: спортивный, городской и безопасный (всепогодный))10) Грубое выражение: Damn Near Attractive11) Телекоммуникации: Daytime Nighttime Anytime, Do Not Answer12) Сокращение: Defense Nuclear Agency (USA) Later, Defense Special Weapons Agency, Directorate of Naval Architecture (UK), deoxyribonucleic acid, desoxyribonucleic acid13) Электроника: Digital Nonlinear Accelerator, Do Not Adjust14) Вычислительная техника: Distributed interNet.Architecture, Digital Network Architecture (DEC), Distributed Network Architecture (NCR), Direct Network Attach (Xyratex, RAID), Distributed Network Attack15) Иммунология: Data And Numeric Analysis16) Онкология: Did Not Attend (clinic)17) Космонавтика: Defence Nuclear Agency (USA)18) Пищевая промышленность: Dry Norwegian Almonds19) Парфюмерия: дезоксинуклеиновая кислота20) Фирменный знак: Deutsche Nickel America, Inc.21) Деловая лексика: Do Not Accept, Don't Need Advice22) Образование: Dynamic Notable And Amazing23) Сетевые технологии: DEC Network Architecture, Digital Network Alert, Distributed Net Applications, Domain Neutral Abstraction, Dynamic Network Analysis, архитектура цифровой сети, сетевая архитектура фирмы DEC24) Полимеры: dinonyl adipate25) Имена и фамилии: Douglas Noel Adams26) Общественная организация: National Dyslexic Association27) Должность: Departmental Network Administrator, The Divine Nature And Attributes28) Чат: Do Not Ask29) NYSE. Genentech, Inc.30) Программное обеспечение: Distributed Network Application, Domino Network Analysis31) Базы данных: Data Not Available
См. также в других словарях:
Anytime algorithm — Introduction Most algorithms run to completion: they provide a single answer after performing some fixed amount of computation. In some cases, however, the user may wish to terminate the algorithm prior to completion. The amount of the… … Wikipedia
Anytime — may refer to:* Anytime (Brian McKnight album), and the title song * Anytime (1921 song), a popular song by Herbert Happy Lawson * Anytime (Kumi Koda song), a 2008 single by J Pop singer Kumi Koda * Anytime (Cheap Trick song) * A song by My… … Wikipedia
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Decomposition method (constraint satisfaction) — In constraint satisfaction, a decomposition method translates a constraint satisfaction problem into another constraint satisfaction problem that is binary and acyclic. Decomposition methods work by grouping variables into sets, and solving a… … Wikipedia
Beam stack search — is a search algorithm which integrates backtracking with beam search.It was recently proposed by Rong Zhou and Eric A. Hansen, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Mississippi State University during the 15th International Conference… … Wikipedia
Action selection — is a way of characterizing the most basic problem of intelligent systems: what to do next. In artificial intelligence and computational cognitive science, the action selection problem is typically associated with intelligent agents and animats… … Wikipedia
Partitionsproblem — Das Partitionsproblem (auch Zahlenaufteilungsproblem, oft mit PARTITION notiert) ist ein Optimierungs bzw. Entscheidungsproblem der Kombinatorik. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Formulierung des Partitionsproblems 2 Phasenübergang im Partitionsproblem … Deutsch Wikipedia
Defeasible reasoning — is a kind of reasoning that is based on reasons that are defeasible, as opposed to the indefeasible reasons of deductive logic. Defeasible reasoning is a particular kind of non demonstrative reasoning, where the reasoning does not produce a full … Wikipedia
PARTITION — Das Partitionsproblem (auch Zahlenaufteilungsproblem, oft mit PARTITION notiert) ist ein Optimierungs bzw. Entscheidungsproblem der Kombinatorik. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Formulierung des Partitionsproblems 2 Phasenübergang im Partitionsproblem 3… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Zahlenaufteilungsproblem — Das Partitionsproblem (auch Zahlenaufteilungsproblem, oft mit PARTITION notiert) ist ein Optimierungs bzw. Entscheidungsproblem der Kombinatorik. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Formulierung des Partitionsproblems 2 Phasenübergang im Partitionsproblem 3… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Artificial intelligence — AI redirects here. For other uses, see Ai. For other uses, see Artificial intelligence (disambiguation). TOPIO, a humanoid robot, played table tennis at Tokyo International Robot Exhibition (IREX) 2009.[1] Artificial intelligence ( … Wikipedia