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См. также в других словарях:

  • Antithetic — An ti*thet ic, Antithetical An ti*thet ic*al, a. [Gr. ?.] Pertaining to antithesis, or opposition of words and sentiments; containing, or of the nature of, antithesis; contrasted. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • antithetic — index antipathetic (oppositional), contrary, different, hostile, opposite Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • antithetic — (adj.) containing an antithesis, c.1600, from Gk. antithetikos setting in opposition, from antithetos placed in opposition, from antithesis (see ANTITHESIS (Cf. antithesis)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • antithetic — adjective sharply contrasted in character or purpose practices entirely antithetical to her professed beliefs hope is antithetic to despair • Syn: ↑antithetical • Similar to: ↑different • Derivationally related forms: ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • antithetic — adjective see antithetical …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • antithetic — antithetically, adv. /an teuh thet ik/, adj. 1. of the nature of or involving antithesis. 2. directly opposed or contrasted; opposite. Also, antithetical. [1575 85; < Gk antithetikós, equiv. to anti(ti)thé(nai) to set in opposition + tikos TIC] * …   Universalium

  • antithetic — adjective a) diametrically opposed b) antithetical …   Wiktionary

  • antithetic — an·ti·thet·ic· || ‚æntɪ θetɪk(l) adj. contrasted, opposed, involving antithesis …   English contemporary dictionary

  • antithetic — a.; (also antithetical) Contrasted, placed in contrast, strongly or extremely opposed …   New dictionary of synonyms

  • antithetic — adj opposed, contrasted, opposite, antithetical, antipodian; counter, contrary, reverse, converse, inverse; diametrically opposed, polar, poles apart …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • antithetic — anti·thet·ic …   English syllables

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